James Truher [MSFT] f69b760f2b Be sure to change psdefaultparametervalue in the global scope (#4977)
* Be sure that you change psdefaultparametervalue in the global scope

* [Feature]
2017-10-02 16:58:47 -07:00

167 lines
6.9 KiB

# The import and table creation work on non-windows, but are currently not needed
Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot 'certificateCommon.psm1') -Force
$currentUserMyLocations = @(
@{path = 'Cert:\CurrentUser\my'}
@{path = 'cert:\currentuser\my'}
@{path = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::CurrentUser\My'}
@{path = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\certificate::currentuser\my'}
$testLocations = @(
@{path = 'cert:\'}
@{path = 'CERT:\'}
@{path = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::'}
# Add CurrentUserMyLocations to TestLocations
foreach($location in $currentUserMyLocations)
$testLocations += $location
Describe "Certificate Provider tests" -Tags "CI" {
# Skip for non-Windows platforms
$defaultParamValues = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ "it:skip" = $true }
AfterAll {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $defaultParamValues
Context "Get-Item tests" {
it "Should be able to get a certificate store, path: <path>" -TestCases $testLocations {
param([string] $path)
$expectedResolvedPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $path
$result = Get-Item -LiteralPath $path
$result | should not be null
$result | ForEach-Object {
$resolvedPath = Resolve-Path $_.PSPath
$resolvedPath.Provider | should be $expectedResolvedPath.Provider
$resolvedPath.ProviderPath.TrimStart('\') | should be $expectedResolvedPath.ProviderPath.TrimStart('\')
it "Should return two items at the root of the provider" {
(Get-Item -Path cert:\*).Count | should be 2
it "Should be able to get multiple items explictly" {
(get-item cert:\LocalMachine , cert:\CurrentUser).Count | should be 2
it "Should return PathNotFound when getting a non-existant certificate store" {
{Get-Item cert:\IDONTEXIST -ErrorAction Stop} | ShouldBeErrorId "PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand"
it "Should return PathNotFound when getting a non-existant certificate" {
{Get-Item cert:\currentuser\my\IDONTEXIST -ErrorAction Stop} | ShouldBeErrorId "PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand"
Context "Get-ChildItem tests"{
it "should be able to get a container using a wildcard" {
(Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\M?).PSPath | should be 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::CurrentUser\My'
it "Should return two items at the root of the provider" {
(Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\).Count | should be 2
Describe "Certificate Provider tests" -Tags "Feature" {
Push-Location Cert:\
# Skip for non-Windows platforms
$defaultParamValues = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ "it:skip" = $true }
AfterAll {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $defaultParamValues
Context "Get-Item tests" {
it "Should be able to get certifate by path: <path>" -TestCases $currentUserMyLocations {
param([string] $path)
$expectedThumbprint = (Get-GoodCertificateObject).Thumbprint
$leafPath = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $expectedThumbprint
$cert = (Get-item -LiteralPath $leafPath)
$cert | should not be null
$cert.Thumbprint | should be $expectedThumbprint
it "Should be able to get DnsNameList of certifate by path: <path>" -TestCases $currentUserMyLocations {
param([string] $path)
$expectedThumbprint = (Get-GoodCertificateObject).Thumbprint
$expectedName = (Get-GoodCertificateObject).DnsNameList[0].Unicode
$expectedEncodedName = (Get-GoodCertificateObject).DnsNameList[0].Punycode
$leafPath = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $expectedThumbprint
$cert = (Get-item -LiteralPath $leafPath)
$cert | should not be null
$cert.DnsNameList | should not be null
$cert.DnsNameList.Count | should be 1
$cert.DnsNameList[0].Unicode | should be $expectedName
$cert.DnsNameList[0].Punycode | should be $expectedEncodedName
it "Should be able to get DNSNameList of certifate by path: <path>" -TestCases $currentUserMyLocations {
param([string] $path)
$expectedThumbprint = (Get-GoodCertificateObject).Thumbprint
$expectedOid = (Get-GoodCertificateObject).EnhancedKeyUsageList[0].ObjectId
$leafPath = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $expectedThumbprint
$cert = (Get-item -LiteralPath $leafPath)
$cert | should not be null
$cert.EnhancedKeyUsageList | should not be null
$cert.EnhancedKeyUsageList.Count | should be 1
$cert.EnhancedKeyUsageList[0].ObjectId.Length | should not be 0
$cert.EnhancedKeyUsageList[0].ObjectId | should be $expectedOid
it "Should filter to codesign certificates" {
$allCerts = get-item cert:\CurrentUser\My\*
$codeSignCerts = get-item cert:\CurrentUser\My\* -CodeSigningCert
$codeSignCerts | should not be null
$allCerts | should not be null
$nonCodeSignCertCount = $allCerts.Count - $codeSignCerts.Count
$nonCodeSignCertCount | should not be 0
it "Should be able to exclude by thumbprint" {
$allCerts = get-item cert:\CurrentUser\My\*
$testThumbprint = (Get-GoodCertificateObject).Thumbprint
$allCertsExceptOne = (Get-Item "cert:\currentuser\my\*" -Exclude $testThumbprint)
$allCerts | should not be null
$allCertsExceptOne | should not be null
$countDifference = $allCerts.Count - $allCertsExceptOne.Count
$countDifference | should be 1
Context "Get-ChildItem tests"{
it "Should filter to codesign certificates" {
$allCerts = get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My
$codeSignCerts = get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My -CodeSigningCert
$codeSignCerts | should not be null
$allCerts | should not be null
$nonCodeSignCertCount = $allCerts.Count - $codeSignCerts.Count
$nonCodeSignCertCount | should not be 0