Kirk Munro 02c4d34380 Add support for converting enums as strings in JSON (#4318)
* converting enums as strings support

* removed !CORECLR code per @SteveL-MSFT's request
2017-08-16 09:57:30 -07:00

1495 lines
44 KiB
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2015
# This is a Pester test suite which validate the Json cmdlets.
# This 'Describe' is for tests that were converted from utscripts (SDXROOT/admin/monad/tests/monad/DRT/utscripts)
# and C# tests (SDXROOT/admin/monad/tests/monad/DRT/commands/utility/UnitTests) to Pester.
Describe "Json Tests" -Tags "Feature" {
BeforeAll {
function ValidateSampleObject
param ($result, [switch]$hasEmbeddedSampleObject )
Write-Verbose "validating deserialized SampleObject" -Verbose
$result.SampleInt | Should Be 98765
$result.SampleString | Should Match "stringVal"
$result.SampleArray.Count | Should Be 2
$result.SampleTrue | Should Be $true
$result.SampleFalse | Should Be $false
$result.SampleNull | Should Be $null
$result.SampleFloat | Should Be 9.8765E+43
if ($hasEmbeddedSampleObject)
Write-Verbose "validating deserialized Embedded SampleObject" -Verbose
ValidateSampleObject -result $result.SampleObject
Context "ConvertTo-Json Bug Fixes" {
It "ConvertTo-JSON should not have hard coded english error message" {
# Test follow-up for bug WinBlue: 163372 - ConvertTo-JSON has hard coded english error message.
$process = Get-Process -Id $PID
$hash = @{ $process = "def" }
$expectedFullyQualifiedErrorId = "NonStringKeyInDictionary,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ConvertToJsonCommand"
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hash
throw "CodeExecuted"
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be $expectedFullyQualifiedErrorId
It "ConvertTo-Json should handle terms with double quotes" {
# Test follow-up for bug WinBlue: 11484 - ConvertTo-Json can't handle terms with double quotes.
$notcompressed = ConvertTo-JSON @{ FirstName = 'Hello " World' }
$compressed = ConvertTo-Json @{ FirstName = 'Hello " World' } -Compress
$valueFromNotCompressedResult = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $notcompressed
$valueFromCompressedResult = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $compressed
$valueFromNotCompressedResult.FirstName | Should Match $valueFromCompressedResult.FirstName
It "Convertto-Json should handle Enum based on Int64" {
# Test follow-up for bug Win8: 378368 Convertto-Json problems with Enum based on Int64.
if ( $null -eq ("JsonEnumTest" -as "Type")) {
$enum1 = "TestEnum" + (get-random)
$enum2 = "TestEnum" + (get-random)
$enum3 = "TestEnum" + (get-random)
$jsontype = add-type -pass -TypeDef "
public enum $enum1 : ulong { One = 1, Two = 2 };
public enum $enum2 : long { One = 1, Two = 2 };
public enum $enum3 : int { One = 1, Two = 2 };
public class JsonEnumTest {
public $enum1 TestEnum1 = ${enum1}.One;
public $enum2 TestEnum2 = ${enum2}.Two;
public $enum3 TestEnum3 = ${enum3}.One;
$op = [JsonEnumTest]::New() | convertto-json | convertfrom-json
$op.TestEnum1 | Should Be "One"
$op.TestEnum2 | Should Be "Two"
$op.TestEnum3 | Should Be 1
It "Test followup for Windows 8 bug 121627" {
$JsonString = Get-Command Get-help |Select-Object Name, Noun, Verb| ConvertTo-Json
$actual = ConvertFrom-Json $JsonString
$actual.Name | Should Be "Get-Help"
$actual.Noun | Should Be "Help"
$actual.Verb | Should Be "Get"
Context "ConvertFrom and ConvertTo on JsonObject Tests" {
It "Convert dictionary to PSObject" {
$response = ConvertFrom-Json '{"d":{"__type":"SimpleJsonObject","Name":{"First":"Joel","Last":"Wood"},"Greeting":"Hello"}}'
$response.d.Name.First | Should Match "Joel"
It "Convert to Json using PSObject" -pending:($IsCoreCLR) {
$response = ConvertFrom-Json '{"d":{"__type":"SimpleJsonObject","Name":{"First":"Joel","Last":"Wood"},"Greeting":"Hello"}}'
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -ErrorAction Continue
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -ErrorAction Inquire
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -Depth 2 -Compress
$response2 | Should Be '{"d":{"Name":{"First":"Joel","Last":"Wood"},"Greeting":"Hello"}}'
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -Depth 1 -Compress
$nameString = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($response.d.Name, [string])
$response2 | Should Be "{`"d`":{`"Name`":`"$nameString`",`"Greeting`":`"Hello`"}}"
$result1 = @"
"d": {
"Name": {
"First": "Joel",
"Last": "Wood"
"Greeting": "Hello"
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -Depth 2
$response2 | Should Match $result1
$result2 = @"
"d": {
"Name": "$nameString",
"Greeting": "Hello"
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -Depth 1
$response2 | Should Match $result2
$arraylist = new-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $arraylist -Compress
$response2 | Should Be '["one","two","three"]'
$result3 = @"
$response2 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $arraylist
$response2 | Should Be $result3
$response2 = $arraylist | ConvertTo-Json
$response2 | Should Be $result3
It "Convert to Json using hashtable" -pending:($IsCoreCLR) {
$nameHash = @{First="Joe1";Last="Wood"}
$dHash = @{Name=$nameHash; Greeting="Hello"}
$rootHash = @{d=$dHash}
$response3 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $rootHash -Depth 2 -Compress
$response3 | Should Be '{"d":{"Greeting":"Hello","Name":{"Last":"Wood","First":"Joe1"}}}'
$response3 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $rootHash -Depth 1 -Compress
$response3 | Should Be '{"d":{"Greeting":"Hello","Name":"System.Collections.Hashtable"}}'
$result4 = @"
"d": {
"Greeting": "Hello",
"Name": {
"Last": "Wood",
"First": "Joe1"
$response3 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $rootHash -Depth 2
$response3 | Should Be $result4
$result5 = @"
"d": {
"Greeting": "Hello",
"Name": "System.Collections.Hashtable"
$response3 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $rootHash -Depth 1
$response3 | Should Be $result5
It "Convert from Json allows an empty string" {
$emptyStringResult = ConvertFrom-Json ""
$emptyStringResult | Should Be $null
It "Convert enumerated values to Json" {
$sampleObject = [pscustomobject]@{
PSTypeName = 'Test.EnumSample'
SampleSimpleEnum = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Ignore
SampleBitwiseEnum = [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]'Alias,Function,Cmdlet'
$response4 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $sampleObject -Compress
$response4 | Should Be '{"SampleSimpleEnum":4,"SampleBitwiseEnum":11}'
$response4 = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $sampleObject -Compress -EnumsAsStrings
$response4 | Should Be '{"SampleSimpleEnum":"Ignore","SampleBitwiseEnum":"Alias, Function, Cmdlet"}'
Context "JsonObject Tests" {
It "AddMember on JsonObject" {
# create a Version object
$versionObject = New-Object System.Version 2, 3, 4, 14
# add a NoteProperty member called Note with a text note
$versionObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Note -Value "a version object"
# add an AliasProperty called Rev as an alias to the Revision property
$versionObject | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name Rev -Value Revision
# add a ScriptProperty called IsOld which returns whether the version is an older version
$versionObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name IsOld -Value { ($this.Major -le 3) }
$jstr = ConvertTo-Json $versionObject
# convert the JSON string to a JSON object
$json = ConvertFrom-Json $jstr
# Check the basic properties
$json.Major | Should Be 2
$json.Minor | Should Be 3
$json.Build | Should Be 4
$json.Revision | Should Be 14
$json.Note | Should Match "a version object"
# Check the AliasProperty
$json.Rev | Should Be $json.Revision
# Check the ScriptProperty
$json.IsOld | Should Be $true
It "ConvertFrom-Json with a key value pair" {
$json = "{name:1}"
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$result.name | Should Be 1
It "ConvertFrom-Json with a simple array" {
$json = "[1,2,3,4,5,6]"
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$result.Count | Should Be 6
,$result | Should BeOfType "System.Array"
It "ConvertFrom-Json with a float value" {
$json = '{"SampleFloat1":1.2345E67, "SampleFloat2":-7.6543E-12}'
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$sampleFloat1 = Invoke-Expression 1.2345E67
$result.SampleFloat1 | Should Be $sampleFloat1
$sampleFloat2 = Invoke-Expression -7.6543E-12
$result.SampleFloat2 | Should Be $sampleFloat2
It "ConvertFrom-Json hash table nested in array" {
$json = "['one', 'two', {'First':1,'Second':2,'Third':['Five','Six', 'Seven']}, 'four']"
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$result.Count | Should Be 4
$result[0] | Should Be "one"
$result[1] | Should Be "two"
$result[3] | Should Be "four"
$hash = $result[2]
$hash.First | Should Be 1
$hash.Second | Should Be 2
$hash.Third.Count | Should Be 3
$hash.Third[0] | Should Be "Five"
$hash.Third[1] | Should Be "Six"
$hash.Third[2] | Should Be "Seven"
It "ConvertFrom-Json array nested in hash table" {
$json = '{"First":["one", "two", "three"], "Second":["four", "five"], "Third": {"blah": 4}}'
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$result.First.Count | Should Be 3
$result.First[0] | Should Be "one"
$result.First[1] | Should Be "two"
$result.First[2] | Should Be "three"
$result.Second.Count | Should Be 2
$result.Second[0] | Should Be "four"
$result.Second[1] | Should Be "five"
$result.Third.blah | Should Be "4"
It "ConvertFrom-Json case insensitive test" {
$json = '{"sAMPleValUE":12345}'
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$result.SampleValue | Should Be 12345
It "ConvertFrom-Json sample values" {
$json = '{"SampleInt":98765, "SampleString":"stringVal","SampleArray":[2,"two"], "SampleTrue":true, "SampleFalse":false,"SampleNull":null, "SampleFloat":9.8765E43}'
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
# Validate the result object
ValidateSampleObject -result $result
$json = '{"SampleInt":98765, "SampleString":"stringVal","SampleArray":[2,"two"], "SampleTrue":true, ' +
'"SampleFalse":false,"SampleNull":null, "SampleFloat":9.8765E43, "SampleObject":'+
'{"SampleInt":98765, "SampleString":"stringVal","SampleArray":[2,"two"], '+
'"SampleTrue":true, "SampleFalse":false,"SampleNull":null, "SampleFloat":9.8765E43}}'
# Validate the result object
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
ValidateSampleObject -result $result -hasEmbeddedSampleObject
It "ConvertFrom-Json with special characters" {
$json = '{"SampleValue":"\"\\\b\f\n\r\t\u4321\uD7FF"}'
$result = ConvertFrom-Json $json
$result.SampleValue[0] | Should Be '"'
$result.SampleValue[1] | Should Be '\'
$result.SampleValue[2] | Should Be 0x8
$result.SampleValue[3] | Should Be 0xC
$result.SampleValue[4] | Should Be 0xA
$result.SampleValue[5] | Should Be 0xD
$result.SampleValue[6] | Should Be 0x9
$result.SampleValue[7] | Should Be 0x4321
$result.SampleValue[8] | Should Be 0xD7FF
# This Describe is for new Json tests
Describe "Validate Json serialization" -Tags "CI" {
Context "Validate Json serialization ascii values" {
$testCases = @(
TestInput = 0
ToJson = if ( $IsCoreCLR ) { '"\u0000"' } else { 'null' }
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 1
ToJson = '"\u0001"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 2
ToJson = '"\u0002"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 3
ToJson = '"\u0003"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 4
ToJson = '"\u0004"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 5
ToJson = '"\u0005"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 6
ToJson = '"\u0006"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 7
ToJson = '"\u0007"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 8
ToJson = '"\b"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 9
ToJson = '"\t"'
FromJson = ' '
TestInput = 10
ToJson = '"\n"'
FromJson = "`n"
TestInput = 11
ToJson = '"\u000b"'
FromJson = ' '
TestInput = 12
ToJson = '"\f"'
FromJson = ' '
TestInput = 13
ToJson = '"\r"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 14
ToJson = '"\u000e"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 15
ToJson = '"\u000f"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 16
ToJson = '"\u0010"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 17
ToJson = '"\u0011"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 18
ToJson = '"\u0012"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 19
ToJson = '"\u0013"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 20
ToJson = '"\u0014"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 21
ToJson = '"\u0015"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 22
ToJson = '"\u0016"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 23
ToJson = '"\u0017"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 24
ToJson = '"\u0018"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 25
ToJson = '"\u0019"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 26
ToJson = '"\u001a"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 27
ToJson = '"\u001b"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 28
ToJson = '"\u001c"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 29
ToJson = '"\u001d"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 30
ToJson = '"\u001e"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 31
ToJson = '"\u001f"'
FromJson = ''
TestInput = 32
ToJson = '" "'
FromJson = ' '
TestInput = 33
ToJson = '"!"'
FromJson = '!'
TestInput = 34
ToJson = '"\""'
FromJson = '"'
TestInput = 35
ToJson = '"#"'
FromJson = '#'
TestInput = 36
ToJson = '"$"'
FromJson = '$'
TestInput = 37
ToJson = '"%"'
FromJson = '%'
TestInput = 38
ToJson = if ( $IsCoreCLR ) { '"&"' } else { '"\u0026"' }
FromJson = '&'
TestInput = 39
ToJson = if ( $IsCoreCLR ) { '"''"' } else { '"\u0027"' }
FromJson = "'"
TestInput = 40
ToJson = '"("'
FromJson = '('
TestInput = 41
ToJson = '")"'
FromJson = ')'
TestInput = 42
ToJson = '"*"'
FromJson = '*'
TestInput = 43
ToJson = '"+"'
FromJson = '+'
TestInput = 44
ToJson = '","'
FromJson = ','
TestInput = 45
ToJson = '"-"'
FromJson = '-'
TestInput = 46
ToJson = '"."'
FromJson = '.'
TestInput = 47
ToJson = '"/"'
FromJson = '/'
TestInput = 48
ToJson = '"0"'
FromJson = '0'
TestInput = 49
ToJson = '"1"'
FromJson = '1'
TestInput = 50
ToJson = '"2"'
FromJson = '2'
TestInput = 51
ToJson = '"3"'
FromJson = '3'
TestInput = 52
ToJson = '"4"'
FromJson = '4'
TestInput = 53
ToJson = '"5"'
FromJson = '5'
TestInput = 54
ToJson = '"6"'
FromJson = '6'
TestInput = 55
ToJson = '"7"'
FromJson = '7'
TestInput = 56
ToJson = '"8"'
FromJson = '8'
TestInput = 57
ToJson = '"9"'
FromJson = '9'
TestInput = 58
ToJson = '":"'
FromJson = ':'
TestInput = 59
ToJson = '";"'
FromJson = ';'
TestInput = 60
ToJson = if ( $IsCoreCLR ) { '"<"' } else { '"\u003c"' }
FromJson = '<'
TestInput = 61
ToJson = '"="'
FromJson = '='
TestInput = 62
ToJson = if ( $IsCoreCLR ) { '">"' } else { '"\u003e"' }
FromJson = '>'
TestInput = 63
ToJson = '"?"'
FromJson = '?'
TestInput = 64
ToJson = '"@"'
FromJson = '@'
TestInput = 65
ToJson = '"A"'
FromJson = 'A'
TestInput = 66
ToJson = '"B"'
FromJson = 'B'
TestInput = 67
ToJson = '"C"'
FromJson = 'C'
TestInput = 68
ToJson = '"D"'
FromJson = 'D'
TestInput = 69
ToJson = '"E"'
FromJson = 'E'
TestInput = 70
ToJson = '"F"'
FromJson = 'F'
TestInput = 71
ToJson = '"G"'
FromJson = 'G'
TestInput = 72
ToJson = '"H"'
FromJson = 'H'
TestInput = 73
ToJson = '"I"'
FromJson = 'I'
TestInput = 74
ToJson = '"J"'
FromJson = 'J'
TestInput = 75
ToJson = '"K"'
FromJson = 'K'
TestInput = 76
ToJson = '"L"'
FromJson = 'L'
TestInput = 77
ToJson = '"M"'
FromJson = 'M'
TestInput = 78
ToJson = '"N"'
FromJson = 'N'
TestInput = 79
ToJson = '"O"'
FromJson = 'O'
TestInput = 80
ToJson = '"P"'
FromJson = 'P'
TestInput = 81
ToJson = '"Q"'
FromJson = 'Q'
TestInput = 82
ToJson = '"R"'
FromJson = 'R'
TestInput = 83
ToJson = '"S"'
FromJson = 'S'
TestInput = 84
ToJson = '"T"'
FromJson = 'T'
TestInput = 85
ToJson = '"U"'
FromJson = 'U'
TestInput = 86
ToJson = '"V"'
FromJson = 'V'
TestInput = 87
ToJson = '"W"'
FromJson = 'W'
TestInput = 88
ToJson = '"X"'
FromJson = 'X'
TestInput = 89
ToJson = '"Y"'
FromJson = 'Y'
TestInput = 90
ToJson = '"Z"'
FromJson = 'Z'
TestInput = 91
ToJson = '"["'
FromJson = '['
TestInput = 92
ToJson = '"\\"'
FromJson = '\'
TestInput = 93
ToJson = '"]"'
FromJson = ']'
TestInput = 94
ToJson = '"^"'
FromJson = '^'
TestInput = 95
ToJson = '"_"'
FromJson = '_'
TestInput = 96
ToJson = '"`"'
FromJson = '`'
TestInput = 97
ToJson = '"a"'
FromJson = 'a'
TestInput = 98
ToJson = '"b"'
FromJson = 'b'
TestInput = 99
ToJson = '"c"'
FromJson = 'c'
TestInput = 100
ToJson = '"d"'
FromJson = 'd'
TestInput = 101
ToJson = '"e"'
FromJson = 'e'
TestInput = 102
ToJson = '"f"'
FromJson = 'f'
TestInput = 103
ToJson = '"g"'
FromJson = 'g'
TestInput = 104
ToJson = '"h"'
FromJson = 'h'
TestInput = 105
ToJson = '"i"'
FromJson = 'i'
TestInput = 106
ToJson = '"j"'
FromJson = 'j'
TestInput = 107
ToJson = '"k"'
FromJson = 'k'
TestInput = 108
ToJson = '"l"'
FromJson = 'l'
TestInput = 109
ToJson = '"m"'
FromJson = 'm'
TestInput = 110
ToJson = '"n"'
FromJson = 'n'
TestInput = 111
ToJson = '"o"'
FromJson = 'o'
TestInput = 112
ToJson = '"p"'
FromJson = 'p'
TestInput = 113
ToJson = '"q"'
FromJson = 'q'
TestInput = 114
ToJson = '"r"'
FromJson = 'r'
TestInput = 115
ToJson = '"s"'
FromJson = 's'
TestInput = 116
ToJson = '"t"'
FromJson = 't'
TestInput = 117
ToJson = '"u"'
FromJson = 'u'
TestInput = 118
ToJson = '"v"'
FromJson = 'v'
TestInput = 119
ToJson = '"w"'
FromJson = 'w'
TestInput = 120
ToJson = '"x"'
FromJson = 'x'
TestInput = 121
ToJson = '"y"'
FromJson = 'y'
TestInput = 122
ToJson = '"z"'
FromJson = 'z'
TestInput = 123
ToJson = '"{"'
FromJson = '{'
TestInput = 124
ToJson = '"|"'
FromJson = '|'
TestInput = 125
ToJson = '"}"'
FromJson = '}'
TestInput = 126
ToJson = '"~"'
FromJson = '~'
TestInput = 127
ToJson = '""'
FromJson = ''
function ValidateJsonSerializationForAsciiValues
param ($testCase)
It "Validate 'ConvertTo-Json ([char]$($testCase.TestInput))', and 'ConvertTo-Json ([char]$($testCase.TestInput)) | ConvertFrom-Json'" {
$result = @{
ToJson = ConvertTo-Json ([char]$testCase.TestInput)
FromJson = ConvertTo-Json ([char]$testCase.TestInput) | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($testCase.FromJson)
$result.FromJson | Should Be $testCase.FromJson
# There are two char for which the deserialized object must be compare to the serialized one via "Should Match"
# These values are [char]0 and [char]13.
$result.FromJson | Should Match $testCase.FromJson
$result.ToJson | Should Be $testCase.ToJson
foreach ($testCase in $testCases)
ValidateJsonSerializationForAsciiValues $testCase
Context "Validate Json serialization for types" {
$testCases = @(
## Decimal types - Decimals are a 128-bit data type
TestInput = '[decimal]::MinValue'
FromJson = [decimal]::MinValue
ToJson = [decimal]::MinValue
TestInput = '[decimal]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [decimal]::MaxValue
ToJson = [decimal]::MaxValue
# An sbyte is a signed 8-bit integer, and it ranges from -128 to 127.
# A byte is an unsigned 8-bit integer that ranges from 0 to 255
TestInput = '[byte]::MinValue'
FromJson = [byte]::MinValue
ToJson = [byte]::MinValue
TestInput = '[byte]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [byte]::MaxValue
ToJson = [byte]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[sbyte]::MinValue'
FromJson = [sbyte]::MinValue
ToJson = [sbyte]::MinValue
TestInput = '[sbyte]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [sbyte]::MaxValue
ToJson = [sbyte]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[char]::MinValue'
FromJson = $null
ToJson = 'null'
TestInput = '[char]::MaxValue - 1'
FromJson = [char]::MaxValue - 1
ToJson = [char]::MaxValue - 1
TestInput = '[string]::Empty'
FromJson = [string]::Empty
ToJson = '""'
TestInput = '[string]"hello"'
FromJson = [string]"hello"
ToJson = '"hello"'
# Int, int32, uint32, uint16, int16
# 32-bit signed integer
TestInput = '[int]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [int]::MaxValue
ToJson = [int]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[int]::MinValue'
FromJson = [int]::MinValue
ToJson = [int]::MinValue
TestInput = '[int32]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [int32]::MaxValue
ToJson = [int32]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[int32]::MinValue'
FromJson = [int32]::MinValue
ToJson = [int32]::MinValue
# 32-bit unsigned integer
TestInput = '[uint32]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [uint32]::MaxValue
ToJson = [uint32]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[uint32]::MinValue'
FromJson = [uint32]::MinValue
ToJson = [uint32]::MinValue
# 16-bit unsigned integer
TestInput = '[int16]::MinValue'
FromJson = [int16]::MinValue
ToJson = [int16]::MinValue
TestInput = '[uint16]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [uint16]::MaxValue
ToJson = [uint16]::MaxValue
# 64-bit unsigned integer
TestInput = '[uint64]::MinValue'
FromJson = [uint64]::MinValue
ToJson = [uint64]::MinValue
TestInput = '[uint64]::MinValue'
FromJson = [uint64]::MinValue
ToJson = [uint64]::MinValue
# 64 bit signed integer
TestInput = '[int64]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [int64]::MaxValue
ToJson = [int64]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[int64]::MinValue'
FromJson = [int64]::MinValue
ToJson = [int64]::MinValue
TestInput = '[long]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [long]::MaxValue
ToJson = [long]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[long]::MinValue'
FromJson = [long]::MinValue
ToJson = [long]::MinValue
# Bool
TestInput = '[bool](1)'
FromJson = [bool](1)
ToJson = $true
TestInput = '[bool](0)'
FromJson = $false
ToJson = 'False'
# Decimal
TestInput = '[decimal]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [decimal]::MaxValue
ToJson = [decimal]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[decimal]::MinValue'
FromJson = [decimal]::MinValue
ToJson = [decimal]::MinValue
# Single
TestInput = '[single]::MaxValue'
FromJson = "3.40282347E+38"
ToJson = "3.40282347E+38"
TestInput = '[single]::MinValue'
FromJson = "-3.40282347E+38"
ToJson = "-3.40282347E+38"
# Double
TestInput = '[double]::MaxValue'
FromJson = [double]::MaxValue
ToJson = [double]::MaxValue
TestInput = '[double]::MinValue'
FromJson = [double]::MinValue
ToJson = [double]::MinValue
function ValidateJsonSerialization
param ($testCase)
if ( $TestCase.TestInput -eq "[char]::MinValue" ) { $pending = $true } else { $pending = $false }
It "Validate '$($testCase.TestInput) | ConvertTo-Json' and '$($testCase.TestInput) | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json'" -pending:$pending {
# The test case input is executed via invoke-expression. Then, we use this value as an input to ConvertTo-Json,
# and the result is saved into in the $result.ToJson variable. Lastly, this value is deserialized back using
# ConvertFrom-Json, and the value is saved to $result.FromJson for comparison.
$expression = Invoke-Expression $testCase.TestInput
$result = @{
ToJson = $expression | ConvertTo-Json
FromJson = $expression | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.ToJson | Should Be $testCase.ToJson
$result.FromJson | Should Be $testCase.FromJson
foreach ($testCase in $testCases)
ValidateJsonSerialization $testCase
Context "Validate Json Serialization for 'Get-CimClass' and 'Get-Command'" {
function ValidateProperties
param (
# Validate that the two collections are the same size.
$expected.Count | Should Be $serialized.Count
for ($index = 0; $index -lt $serialized.Count; $index++)
$serializedObject = $serialized[$index]
$expectedObject = $expected[$index]
foreach ($property in $properties)
# Write-Verbose "Validating $property" -Verbose
if ($property -eq "Qualifiers")
$serializedObject.$property.Count | Should Be $expectedObject.$property.Count
$serializedObject.$property | Should Be $expectedObject.$property
It "Validate that CimClass Properties for win32_bios can be serialized using ConvertTo-Json and ConvertFrom-Json" -skip {
$class = Get-CimClass win32_bios
$result = @{
Expected = $class.CimClassProperties | ForEach-Object {$_}
SerializedViaJson = $class.CimClassProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json
$propertiesToValidate = @("Name", "Flags", "Qualifiers", "ReferenceClassName")
ValidateProperties -serialized $result.SerializedViaJson -expected $result.Expected -properties $propertiesToValidate
It "Validate 'Get-Command Get-help' output with Json conversion" {
$result = @{
Expected = @(Get-Command Get-help)
SerializedViaJson = @(Get-Command Get-help | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json)
$propertiesToValidate = @("Name", "Noun", "Verb")
ValidateProperties -serialized $result.SerializedViaJson -expected $result.Expected -properties $propertiesToValidate
It "Validate 'Get-Command Get-Help, Get-command, Get-Member' output with Json conversion" {
$result = @{
Expected = @(Get-Command Get-Help, Get-Command, Get-Member)
SerializedViaJson = @(Get-Command Get-Help, Get-Command, Get-Member) | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json
$propertiesToValidate = @("Name", "Source", "HelpFile")
ValidateProperties -serialized $result.SerializedViaJson -expected $result.Expected -properties $propertiesToValidate
It "ConvertTo-JSON a dictionary of arrays" {
$a = 1..5
$b = 6..10
# remove whitespace (and newline/cr) which reduces the complexity of a
# cross-plat test
$actual = ([ordered]@{'a'=$a;'b'=$b} | ConvertTo-Json) -replace "\s"
$expected = @'
"a": [
"b": [
$expectedNoWhiteSpace = $expected -replace "\s"
$actual | Should Be $expectedNoWhiteSpace
Context "Validate Json output is either Pretty or Compressed" {
It "Should print a pretty Array" {
$array = 'one', 'two', 'three'
$response = $array | ConvertTo-Json
($response -split "\r?\n")[1] | Should Be ' "one",'
It "Should print a pretty dictionary" {
$dictionary = [Ordered]@{
'one' = 1
'two' = 2
'three' = 3
$response2 = $dictionary | ConvertTo-Json
($response2 -split "\r?\n")[1] | Should Be ' "one": 1,'
It "Should minify Json with Compress switch" {
(@{ a = 1 } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress).Length | Should Be 7
Describe "Json Bug fixes" -Tags "Feature" {
function RunJsonTest
param ($testCase)
It "$($testCase.Name)" {
# Create a nested object
$start = 1
$previous = @{
Depth = $($testCase.NumberOfElements)
Next = $null
($($testCase.NumberOfElements)-1)..$start | ForEach-Object {
$current = @{
Depth = $_
Next = $previous
$previous = $current
if ($testCase.ShouldThrow)
$previous | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $testCase.MaxDepth
throw "CodeExecuted"
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be $testCase.FullyQualifiedErrorId
$theError = $null
$previous | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $testCase.MaxDepth | ConvertFrom-Json
$theError = $_
$theError | Should Be $null
$testCases = @(
Name = "ConvertTo-Json -Depth 101 throws MaximumAllowedDepthReached when the user specifies a depth greater than 100."
NumberOfElements = 10
MaxDepth = 101
FullyQualifiedErrorId = "ReachedMaximumDepthAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ConvertToJsonCommand"
ShouldThrow = $true
Name = "ConvertTo-Json and ConvertFrom-Json work for any depth less than or equal to 100."
NumberOfElements = 100
MaxDepth = 100
ShouldThrow = $false
Name = "ConvertTo-Json and ConvertFrom-Json work for depth 100 with an object larger than 100."
NumberOfElements = 105
MaxDepth = 100
ShouldThrow = $false
foreach ($testCase in $testCases)
RunJsonTest $testCase
It "ConvertFrom-Json deserializes an array of PSObjects (in multiple lines) as a single string." {
# Create an array of PSCustomObjects, and serialize it
$array = [pscustomobject]@{ objectName = "object1Name"; objectValue = "object1Value" },
[pscustomobject]@{ objectName = "object2Name"; objectValue = "object2Value" }
# Serialize the array to a text file
$filePath = Join-Path $TESTDRIVE test.json
$array | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $filePath -Encoding utf8
# Read the object as an array of PSObjects and deserialize it.
$result = Get-Content $filePath | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Count | Should be 2
It "ConvertFrom-Json deserializes an array of strings (in multiple lines) as a single string." {
$result = "[1,","2,","3]" | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Count | Should be 3