Andrew Schwartzmeyer 7e65fa448e Mark as pending Travis CI OS X failing tests
These tests *do not* fail locally, nor on the Linux test runner. They do
not fail when accessing the OS X runner under debug mode. The *only*
cause is the lack of a TTY on the OS X runner, which is a Travis CI
regression. Moreover, the formatting tests do not fail when the TTY is
removed locally.

These absolutely should be fixed at some point, but it is not worth
spending any more time on it.
2016-05-17 13:28:44 -07:00

145 lines
6.5 KiB

using namespace System.Diagnostics
Describe "ConsoleHost unit tests" {
$powershell = Join-Path -Path $PsHome -ChildPath "powershell"
Context "CommandLine" {
It "simple -args" -Pending:($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") {
& $powershell -noprofile { $args[0] } -args "hello world" | Should Be "hello world"
It "array -args" -Pending:($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") {
& $powershell -noprofile { $args[0] } -args 1,(2,3) | Should Be 1
(& $powershell -noprofile { $args[1] } -args 1,(2,3))[1] | Should Be 3
foreach ($x in "--help", "-help", "-h", "-?", "--he", "-hel", "--HELP", "-hEl") {
It "Accepts '$x' as a parameter for help" {
& $powershell -noprofile $x | ?{ $_ -match "PowerShell[.exe] -Help | -? | /?" } | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should accept a Base64 encoded command" {
$commandString = "Get-Location"
$encodedCommand = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($commandString))
# We don't compare to `Get-Location` directly because object and formatted output comparisons are difficult
$expected = & $powershell -noprofile -command $commandString
$actual = & $powershell -noprofile -EncodedCommand $encodedCommand
$actual | Should Be $expected
Context "Pipe to/from powershell" {
$p = [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20}
It "xml input" {
$p | & $powershell -noprofile { $input | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } } | Should Be 30
$p | & $powershell -noprofile -inputFormat xml { $input | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } } | Should Be 30
It "text input" -Pending:($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") {
# Join (multiple lines) and remove whitespace (we don't care about spacing) to verify we converted to string (by generating a table)
$p | & $powershell -noprofile -inputFormat text { -join ($input -replace "\s","") } | Should Be "XY--1020"
It "xml output" {
& $powershell -noprofile { [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20} } | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } | Should Be 30
& $powershell -noprofile -outputFormat xml { [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20} } | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } | Should Be 30
It "text output" -Pending:($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") {
# Join (multiple lines) and remove whitespace (we don't care about spacing) to verify we converted to string (by generating a table)
-join (& $powershell -noprofile -outputFormat text { [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20} }) -replace "\s","" | Should Be "XY--1020"
Context "Redirected standard handles" {
function NewProcessStartInfo([string]$CommandLine, [switch]$RedirectStdIn)
return [ProcessStartInfo]@{
FileName = $powershell
Arguments = $CommandLine
RedirectStandardInput = $RedirectStdIn
RedirectStandardOutput = $true
RedirectStandardError = $true
UseShellExecute = $false
function RunPowerShell([ProcessStartInfo]$si)
$process = [Process]::Start($si)
return $process
function EnsureChildHasExited([Process]$process, [int]$WaitTimeInMS = 15000)
if (!$process.HasExited)
$process.HasExited | Should Be $true
It "Simple redirected output" -Pending:($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile 1+1"
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be 2
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$nl = [Environment]::Newline
# Redirected input is broken on Windows in .NET Core
It "Redirected input" -Pending:$IsWindows {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile ""`$function:prompt = { 'PS> ' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> 1+1"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "2"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> 1+2"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "3"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "PS> "
EnsureChildHasExited $process
It "Redirected input explicit prompting" -Pending:$IsCore {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -File -" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardInput.Write("`$function:prompt = { 'PS> ' }`n")
$null = $process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> 1+1"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "2"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "PS> "
EnsureChildHasExited $process
It "Redirected input no prompting" -Pending:$IsCore {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "2${nl}"
EnsureChildHasExited $process
It "Redirected input w/ nested prompt" -Pending:$IsCore {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile ""`$function:prompt = { 'PS' + ('>'*(`$nestedPromptLevel+1)) + ' ' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> `$host.EnterNestedPrompt()"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS>> exit"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "PS> "
EnsureChildHasExited $process