Dongbo Wang c17a975683
Automate the generation of release change log draft (#5712)
Create the module 'releaseTools.psm1' under 'tools' folder, which expose the function 'Get-ChangeLog' to generate a release change log based on the local commit history.
2017-12-19 13:39:36 -08:00

192 lines
8.1 KiB

class CommitNode {
[string] $Hash
[string[]] $Parents
[string] $AuthorName
[string] $AuthorGitHubLogin
[string] $AuthorEmail
[string] $Subject
[string] $Body
[string] $PullRequest
[string] $ChangeLogMessage
[bool] $IsBreakingChange
CommitNode($hash, $parents, $name, $email, $subject, $body) {
$this.Hash = $hash
$this.Parents = $parents
$this.AuthorName = $name
$this.AuthorEmail = $email
$this.Subject = $subject
$this.Body = $body
$this.IsBreakingChange = $body -match "\[breaking change\]"
if ($subject -match "\(#(\d+)\)") {
$this.PullRequest = $Matches[1]
} else {
throw "PR number is missing from the commit subject. (commit: $hash)"
#In the release workflow, the release branch will be merged back to master after the release is done,
#and a merge commit will be created as the child of the release tag commit.
#This cmdlet takes a release tag or the corresponding commit hash, find its child merge commit, and
#return its metadata in this format: <merge-commit-hash>|<parent-commit-hashes>
#.PARAMETER LastReleaseTag
#The last release tag
#.PARAMETER CommitHash
#The commit hash of the last release tag
#Return the metadata of the child merge commit, in this format: <merge-commit-hash>|<parent-commit-hashes>
function Get-ChildMergeCommit
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="TagName")]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="CommitHash")]
$tag_hash = $CommitHash
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TagName") { git rev-parse "$LastReleaseTag^0" }
## Get the merge commits that are reachable from 'HEAD' but not from the release tag
$merge_commits_not_in_release_branch = git --no-pager log --merges "$tag_hash..HEAD" --format='%H|%P'
## Find the child merge commit, whose parent-commit-hashes contains the release tag hash
$child_merge_commit = $merge_commits_not_in_release_branch | Select-String -SimpleMatch $tag_hash
return $child_merge_commit.Line
#Create a CommitNode instance to represent a commit.
#.PARAMETER CommitMetadata
#The commit metadata. It's in this format:
#.PARAMETER CommitMetadata
#The commit metadata, in this format:
#Return the 'CommitNode' object
function New-CommitNode
Process {
$hash, $parents, $name, $email, $subject = $CommitMetadata.Split("|")
$body = (git --no-pager show $hash -s --format=%b) -join "`n"
return [CommitNode]::new($hash, $parents, $name, $email, $subject, $body)
#Generate the draft change log.
#.PARAMETER LastReleaseTag
#The last release tag
#.PARAMETER HasCherryPick
#Indicate whether there are any commits in the last release branch that were cherry-picked from the master branch
#The authentication token to use for retrieving the GitHub user log-in names for external contributors
#The generated change log draft.
function Get-ChangeLog
$tag_hash = git rev-parse "$LastReleaseTag^0"
$format = '%H|%P|%aN|%aE|%s'
$header = @{"Authorization"="token $Token"}
if ($HasCherryPick) {
## Sometimes we need to cherry-pick some commits from the master branch to the release branch during the release,
## and eventually merge the release branch back to the master branch. This will result in different commit nodes
## in master branch that actually represent same set of changes.
## In this case, we cannot simply use the revision range "$tag_hash..HEAD" becuase it will include the original
## commits in the master branch that were cherry-picked to the release branch -- they are reachable from 'HEAD'
## but not reachable from the last release tag. Instead, we need to exclude the commits that were cherry-picked,
## and only include the commits that are not in the last release into the change log.
# Find the merge commit that merged the release branch to master.
$child_merge_commit = Get-ChildMergeCommit -CommitHash $tag_hash
$commit_hash, $parent_hashes = $child_merge_commit.Split("|")
# Find the other parent of the merge commit, which represents the original head of master right before merging.
$other_parent_hash = ($parent_hashes -replace $tag_hash).Trim()
# Find the commits that were only in the orginal master, excluding those that were cherry-picked to release branch.
$new_commits_from_other_parent = git --no-pager log --no-merges --cherry-pick --right-only "$tag_hash...$other_parent_hash" --format=$format | New-CommitNode
# Find the commits that were only in the release branch, excluding those that were cherry-picked from master branch.
$new_commits_from_last_release = git --no-pager log --no-merges --cherry-pick --left-only "$tag_hash...$other_parent_hash" --format=$format | New-CommitNode
# Find the commits that are actually duplicate but having different patch-ids due to resolving conflicts during the cherry-pick.
$duplicate_commits = Compare-Object $new_commits_from_last_release $new_commits_from_other_parent -Property PullRequest -ExcludeDifferent -IncludeEqual -PassThru
if ($duplicate_commits) {
$duplicate_pr_numbers = @($duplicate_commits | ForEach-Object -MemberName PullRequest)
$new_commits_from_other_parent = $new_commits_from_other_parent | Where-Object PullRequest -NotIn $duplicate_pr_numbers
# Find the commits that were made after the merge commit.
$new_commits_after_merge_commit = git --no-pager log --no-merges "$commit_hash..HEAD" --format=$format | New-CommitNode
$new_commits = $new_commits_after_merge_commit + $new_commits_from_other_parent
} else {
## No cherry-pick was involved in the last release branch.
## We can get all new commits using the revision range "$tag_hash..HEAD", meaning the commits that are
## reachable from 'HEAD' but not reachable from the last release tag.
$new_commits = git --no-pager log --no-merges "$tag_hash..HEAD" --format=$format | New-CommitNode
$community_login_map = @{}
foreach ($commit in $new_commits) {
if ($commit.AuthorEmail.EndsWith("@microsoft.com")) {
$commit.ChangeLogMessage = "- {0}" -f $commit.Subject
} else {
if ($community_login_map.ContainsKey($commit.AuthorEmail)) {
$commit.AuthorGitHubLogin = $community_login_map[$commit.AuthorEmail]
} else {
$uri = "https://api.github.com/repos/PowerShell/PowerShell/commits/$($commit.Hash)"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $header
$content = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $response.Content
$commit.AuthorGitHubLogin = $content.author.login
$community_login_map[$commit.AuthorEmail] = $commit.AuthorGitHubLogin
$commit.ChangeLogMessage = "- {0} (Thanks @{1}!)" -f $commit.Subject, $commit.AuthorGitHubLogin
if ($commit.IsBreakingChange) {
$commit.ChangeLogMessage = "{0} [Breaking Change]" -f $commit.ChangeLogMessage
$new_commits | Sort-Object -Descending -Property IsBreakingChange | ForEach-Object -MemberName ChangeLogMessage
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ChangeLog