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#pragma once
#include <string>
namespace CoreCLRUtil
// This code is mostly copied and modified from original CoreCLR project's
// code on github: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr
// these function signatures are the entry point API for CoreCLR
// Prototype of the coreclr_initialize function from the libcoreclr.so
typedef int (*InitializeCoreCLRFunction)(
const char* exePath,
const char* appDomainFriendlyName,
int propertyCount,
const char** propertyKeys,
const char** propertyValues,
void** hostHandle,
unsigned int* domainId);
// Prototype of the coreclr_shutdown function from the libcoreclr.so
typedef int (*ShutdownCoreCLRFunction)(
void* hostHandle,
unsigned int domainId);
// Prototype of the coreclr_execute_assembly function from the libcoreclr.so
typedef int (*ExecuteAssemblyFunction)(
void* hostHandle,
unsigned int domainId,
int argc,
const char** argv,
const char* managedAssemblyPath,
unsigned int* exitCode);
// Prototype of coreclr_create_delegate function from the libcoreclr.so
typedef int (*CreateDelegateFunction)(
void* hostHandle,
unsigned int domainId,
const char* entryPointAssemblyName,
const char* entryPointTypeName,
const char* entryPointMethodName,
void** delegate);
// The name of the CoreCLR native runtime DLL
#if defined(__APPLE__)
constexpr char coreClrDll[] = "libcoreclr.dylib";
constexpr char coreClrDll[] = "libcoreclr.so";
bool GetAbsolutePath(const char* path, std::string& absolutePath);
bool GetDirectory(const char* absolutePath, std::string& directory);
bool GetClrFilesAbsolutePath(const char* currentExePath, const char* clrFilesPath, std::string& clrFilesAbsolutePath);
void AddFilesFromDirectoryToTpaList(const char* directory, std::string& tpaList);
} // namespace CoreCLRUtil