xtqqczze 1f252f8bba
Wrap tests in pester blocks (#12700)
# PR Summary

Wrap tests in pester blocks to prepare for pesterv5

## PR Context

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    - If the PR is work in progress, please add the prefix `WIP:` or `[ WIP ]` to the beginning of the title (the `WIP` bot will keep its status check at `Pending` while the prefix is present) and remove the prefix when the PR is ready.
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    - [x] None
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    - [ ] [Experimental feature(s) needed](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/blob/staging/reference/6/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Experimental_Features.md)
        - [ ] Experimental feature name(s): <!-- Experimental feature name(s) here -->
- **User-facing changes**
    - [x] Not Applicable
    - **OR**
    - [ ] [Documentation needed](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#pull-request---submission)
        - [ ] Issue filed: <!-- Number/link of that issue here -->
- **Testing - New and feature**
    - [x] N/A or can only be tested interactively
    - **OR**
    - [ ] [Make sure you've added a new test if existing tests do not effectively test the code changed](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#before-submitting)
- **Tooling**
    - [x] I have considered the user experience from a tooling perspective and don't believe tooling will be impacted.
    - **OR**
    - [ ] I have considered the user experience from a tooling perspective and enumerated concerns in the summary. This may include:
        - Impact on [PowerShell Editor Services](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices) which is used in the [PowerShell extension](https://github.com/PowerShell/vscode-powershell) for VSCode (which runs in a different PS Host).
        - Impact on Completions (both in the console and in editors) - one of PowerShell's most powerful features.
        - Impact on [PSScriptAnalyzer](https://github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer) (which provides linting & formatting in the editor extensions).
        - Impact on [EditorSyntax](https://github.com/PowerShell/EditorSyntax) (which provides syntax highlighting with in VSCode, GitHub, and many other editors).
2020-05-23 13:24:53 +00:00

127 lines
4.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'NestedModules' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
function New-TestModule {
New-Item -type directory -Force "TestDrive:\$Name" > $null
$manifestParams = @{
Path = "TestDrive:\$Name\$Name.psd1"
if ($Content) {
Set-Content -Path "${TestDrive}\$Name\$Name.psm1" -Value $Content
$manifestParams['RootModule'] = "$Name.psm1"
if ($NestedContents) {
$manifestParams['NestedModules'] = 1..$NestedContents.Count | ForEach-Object {
$null = New-Item -type directory TestDrive:\$Name\Nested$_
$null = Set-Content -Path "${TestDrive}\$Name\Nested$_\Nested$_.psm1" -Value $NestedContents[$_ - 1]
New-ModuleManifest @manifestParams
$resolvedTestDrivePath = Split-Path ((Get-ChildItem TestDrive:\)[0].FullName)
if (-not ($env:PSModulePath -like "*$resolvedTestDrivePath*")) {
$env:PSModulePath += "$([System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator)$resolvedTestDrivePath"
$originalPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath
# Create modules in TestDrive:\
New-TestModule -Name NoRoot -NestedContents @(
'class A { [string] foo() { return "A1"} }',
'class A { [string] foo() { return "A2"} }'
New-TestModule -Name WithRoot -NestedContents @(
'class A { [string] foo() { return "A1"} }',
'class A { [string] foo() { return "A2"} }'
) -Content 'class A { [string] foo() { return "A0"} }'
New-TestModule -Name ABC -NestedContents @(
'class A { [string] foo() { return "A"} }',
'class B { [string] foo() { return "B"} }'
) -Content 'class C { [string] foo() { return "C"} }'
AfterAll {
$env:PSModulePath = $originalPSModulePath
Get-Module @('ABC', 'NoRoot', 'WithRoot') | Remove-Module
It 'Get-Module is able to find types' {
$module = Get-Module NoRoot -ListAvailable
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 1
$module = Get-Module WithRoot -ListAvailable
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 1
$module = Get-Module ABC -ListAvailable
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 3
It 'Import-Module pick the right type' {
$module = Import-Module ABC -PassThru
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 3
$module = Import-Module ABC -PassThru -Force
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 3
$module = Import-Module NoRoot -PassThru
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 1
$module = Import-Module NoRoot -PassThru -Force
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 1
using module NoRoot
).Invoke() | Should -Be A2
$module = Import-Module WithRoot -PassThru
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 1
$module = Import-Module WithRoot -PassThru -Force
$module.GetExportedTypeDefinitions().Count | Should -Be 1
using module WithRoot
).Invoke() | Should -Be A0
Context 'execute type creation in the module context' {
# let's define types to make it more fun
class A { [string] foo() { return "local"} }
class B { [string] foo() { return "local"} }
class C { [string] foo() { return "local"} }
# We need to think about it: should it work or not.
# Currently, types are resolved in compile-time to the 'local' versions
# So at runtime we don't call the module versions.
It 'Can execute type creation in the module context with new()' -Pending {
& (Get-Module ABC) { [C]::new().foo() } | Should -Be C
& (Get-Module NoRoot) { [A]::new().foo() } | Should -Be A2
& (Get-Module WithRoot) { [A]::new().foo() } | Should -Be A0
& (Get-Module ABC) { [A]::new().foo() } | Should -Be A
It 'Can execute type creation in the module context with New-Object' {
& (Get-Module ABC) { (New-Object C).foo() } | Should -Be C
& (Get-Module NoRoot) { (New-Object A).foo() } | Should -Be A2
& (Get-Module WithRoot) { (New-Object A).foo() } | Should -Be A0
& (Get-Module ABC) { (New-Object A).foo() } | Should -Be A