2017-09-07 10:34:40 -07:00

206 lines
6.4 KiB

# Run the new parser, return either errors or the ast
function Get-ParseResults
$errors = $null
$result = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($src, [ref]$null, [ref]$errors)
if ($Ast) { $result } else { ,$errors }
# Run script and return errors
function Get-RuntimeError
$errors = $null
[scriptblock]::Create($src).Invoke() > $null
return $_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord
function position_message
if ($position.Line.Length -lt $position.ColumnNumber)
$position.Line + " <<<<"
$position.Line.Insert($position.ColumnNumber, " <<<<")
# Pester friendly version of Test-Error
function ShouldBeParseError
# This is a temporary solution after moving type creation from parse time to runtime
# for test coverarage purpose, tests validate columnNumber or offset
# Skip this test in Travis CI nightly build
# CrossGen'ed assemblies cause a hang to happen when running tests with this helper function in Linux and macOS.
# The issue has been reported to CoreCLR team. We need to work around it for now with the following approach:
# 1. For pull request and push commit, build without '-CrossGen' and run the parsing tests
# 2. For nightly build, build with '-CrossGen' but don't run the parsing tests
# In this way, we will continue to exercise these parsing tests for each CI build, and skip them for nightly
# build to avoid a hang.
# Note: this change should be reverted once the 'CrossGen' issue is fixed by CoreCLR. The issue is tracked by
# https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/9745
if ($SkipInTravisFullBuild) {
## Report that we skipped the tests and return
## be sure to report the same number of tests
## it should have the same appearance as if the tests were run
Context "Parse error expected: <<$src>>" {
if ($SkipAndCheckRuntimeError)
It "error should happen at parse time, not at runtime" -Skip {}
It "Error count" -Skip { }
foreach($expectedError in $expectedErrors)
It "Error Id" -Skip { }
It "Error position" -Skip { }
Context "Parse error expected: <<$src>>" {
# Test case error if this fails
$expectedErrors.Count | Should Be $expectedOffsets.Count
if ($SkipAndCheckRuntimeError)
It "error should happen at parse time, not at runtime" -Skip {}
$errors = Get-RuntimeError -Src $src
# for runtime errors we will only get the first one
$expectedErrors = ,$expectedErrors[0]
$expectedOffsets = ,$expectedOffsets[0]
$errors = Get-ParseResults -Src $src
It "Error count" { $errors.Count | Should Be $expectedErrors.Count }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $errors.Count; ++$i)
$err = $errors[$i]
if ($SkipAndCheckRuntimeError)
$errorId = $err.FullyQualifiedErrorId
$errorId = $err.ErrorId
It "Error Id" { $errorId | Should Be $expectedErrors[$i] }
$acutalPostion = $err.Extent.StartScriptPosition.Offset
if ( $CheckColumnNumber ) { $acutalPostion = $err.Extent.StartScriptPosition.ColumnNumber }
It "Error position" -Pending:$SkipAndCheckRuntimeError { $acutalPostion | Should Be $expectedOffsets[$i] }
function Flatten-Ast
param([System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $ast)
$ast | gm -type property | Where-Object { ($prop = $_.Name) -ne 'Parent' } | ForEach-Object {
$ast.$prop | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] } | ForEach-Object { Flatten-Ast $_ }
function Test-ErrorStmt
param([string]$src, [string]$errorStmtExtent)
$a = $args
Context "Error Statement expected: <<$src>>" {
$ast = Get-ParseResults $src -Ast
$asts = @(Flatten-Ast $ast.EndBlock.Statements[0])
It 'Type is ErrorStatementAst' { $asts[0] | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.Language.ErrorStatementAst }
It "`$asts.count" { $asts.Count | Should Be ($a.Count + 1) }
It "`$asts[0].Extent.Text" { $asts[0].Extent.Text | Should Be $errorStmtExtent }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $a.Count; ++$i)
It "`$asts[$($i + 1)].Extent.Text" { $asts[$i + 1].Extent.Text | Should Be $a[$i] }
function Test-Ast
$a = $args
$ast = Get-ParseResults $src -Ast
$asts = @(Flatten-Ast $ast)
Context "Ast Validation: <<$src>>" {
It "`$asts.count" { $asts.Count | Should Be $a.Count }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $a.Count; ++$i)
It "`$asts[$i].Extent.Text" { $asts[$i].Extent.Text | Should Be $a[$i] }
## ErrorStatement is special for SwitchStatement
function Test-ErrorStmtForSwitchFlag
param([string]$src, [string]$flagName)
$a = $args
$ast = Get-ParseResults $src -Ast
$ast = $ast.EndBlock.Statements[0]
Context "Ast Validation: <<$src>>" {
$ast | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.Language.ErrorStatementAst
$ast.Flags.ContainsKey($flagName) | Should be $true
$asts = @(Flatten-Ast $ast.Flags[$flagName].Item2)
$asts.Count | Should Be $a.Count
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $a.Count; ++$i)
$asts[$i].Extent.Text | Should Be $a[$i]
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-ErrorStmt, Test-Ast, ShouldBeParseError, Get-ParseResults, Get-RuntimeError, Test-ErrorStmtForSwitchFlag