Dongbo Wang c5f3a19caf Run PowerShell class static methods in the correct Runspace/SessionState (#4209)
When the same script file gets executed in multiple Runspaces, the RuntimeType generated from the powershell class defined in the file will be shared among those Runspaces. For different Runspaces, different SessionState should be used to run the static methods.

We use the `SessionStateKeeper` to query for the correct `SessionState` to use for a static method call.
We already use `SessionStateKeeper` to track the `Runspace/SessionState` where a PowerShell class is defined, and thus we can leverage this for the static method invocation.
2017-07-14 18:05:48 -07:00

121 lines
4.9 KiB

Describe "Additional static method tests" -Tags "CI" {
Context "Basic static member methods" {
BeforeAll {
function Get-Name { "YES" }
It "test basic static constructor" {
class Foo {
static [string] $Name
static Foo() { [Foo]::Name = Get-Name }
[Foo]::Name | Should Be "Yes"
It "test basic static method" {
class Foo {
static [string] GetName() { return (Get-Name) }
[Foo]::GetName() | Should Be "Yes"
Context "Class defined in different Runspace" {
BeforeAll {
class Foo
static [string] $Name
static Foo() { [Foo]::Name = Get-Name }
static [string] GetName()
return (Get-AnotherName)
'@ | Set-Content -Path $TestDrive\class.ps1 -Force
## Define the functions that [Foo] depends on in the default Runspace.
function Get-Name { "Default Runspace - Name" }
function Get-AnotherName { "Default Runspace - AnotherName" }
## Create another Runspace PS1
$ps1 = [powershell]::Create()
## Create another Runspace PS2
$ps2 = [powershell]::Create()
function RunScriptInPS {
[powershell] $PowerShell,
[string] $Script,
[switch] $IgnoreResult
$result = $PowerShell.AddScript($Script).Invoke()
if (-not $IgnoreResult) {
return $result
## Define the functions that [Foo] depends on in PS1 Runspace.
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "function Get-Name { 'PS1 Runspace - Name' }" -IgnoreResult
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "function Get-AnotherName { 'PS1 Runspace - AnotherName' }" -IgnoreResult
# Dot source class.ps1 in the current Runspace
. $TestDrive\class.ps1
# And then dot source class.ps1 in the PS1 Runspace
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script ". $TestDrive\class.ps1" -IgnoreResult
AfterAll {
# Dispose both Runspaces
It "Static constructor should run in the triggering Runspace if the class has been defined in that Runspace" {
## The static constructor is triggered by accessing '[Foo]::Name' which happens in the current Runspace.
## The class 'Foo' has been defined in the current Runspace, so it uses the current Runspace to run the
## static constructor.
[Foo]::Name | Should Be "Default Runspace - Name"
## Static constructor runs only once, so accessing the Name property in the PS1 Runspace will just return
## the existing value.
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "[Foo]::Name" | Should Be "Default Runspace - Name"
It "Static method use the Runspace where the call happens if the class has been defined in that Runspace" {
## We call the static method in the current Runspace. The class 'Foo' has been defined
## in the current Runspace, so it will use it to run the method.
[Foo]::GetName() | Should Be "Default Runspace - AnotherName"
## We call the static method in PS1 Runspace. The class 'Foo' has been defined in the
## PS1 Runspace, so it will use it to run the method.
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "[Foo]::GetName()" | Should Be 'PS1 Runspace - AnotherName'
It "Static method use the default SessionState if it's called in a Runspace where the class is not defined" {
## Define the functions that [Foo] depends on in PS2 Runspace.
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps2 -Script "function Get-Name { 'PS2 Runspace - Name' }" -IgnoreResult
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps2 -Script "function Get-AnotherName { 'PS2 Runspace - AnotherName' }" -IgnoreResult
## Define the function to call the static method 'GetName' on the passed-in type
RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps2 -Script 'function Call-GetName([type] $type) { $type::GetName() }' -IgnoreResult
## We call the static method in PS2 Runspace. The class is not defined in this Runspace,
## so the default SessionState will be used to run the method. The default SessionState
## is always the one where the class was defined most recently. In this case, the class
## was lastly defined in PS1 Runspace, os the method will be invoked in PS1 Runspace.
$result = $ps2.AddCommand("Call-GetName").AddParameter("type", [Foo]).Invoke()
$result | Should Be 'PS1 Runspace - AnotherName'