
108 lines
3.4 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'Test for conversion b/w script block and delegate' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
function lineno
function Generate-ArgumentTypesAndParameters
param([int] $num, [ref] $parameters, [ref]$argumentTypes, [bool]$hasReturn = $false)
For($j = 1; $j -le $num; $j++)
$ran = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 3
$type = [Int32]
switch ($ran)
1 { $type = [Int32]; break}
2 { $type = [string]; break}
3 { $type = [Hashtable]; break}
$argumentTypes.Value += $type;
if((-not $hasReturn) -or ($j -lt $num ) ) {
$parameters.Value += Get-Value($type)
function Get-Value
param([type] $t)
if ($t -eq [Int32]) { 100 }
elseif($t -eq [string]) { 'abc' }
elseif ($t -eq [Hashtable]) {@{a = 'foo'} }
#0 arg, no return
It 'System.Action' {
([System.Action]{ $script:gl=lineno; $args.Length | Should -Be 0 }).Invoke()
($gl + 1) | Should -BeExactly (lineno)
# multiple args, no return
For($i = 1; $i -le 8; $i++)
$str = 'System.Action`{0}' -f $i
Context $str {
$gt = [object].Assembly.GetType($str)
$parameters = @()
Generate-ArgumentTypesAndParameters $i ([ref] $parameters) ([ref] $argumentTypes)
$ct = $gt.MakeGenericType($argumentTypes)
$func = { $script:gl=lineno; $args.Length | Should -BeExactly $i } -as $ct
It '$gl + 2' { ($gl + 2) | Should -BeExactly (lineno) }
#0 arg with return value
It 'System.Func[Int32]' {
([System.Func[Int32]]{ $script:gl=lineno; $args.Length }).Invoke() | Should -Be 0
($gl + 1) | Should -BeExactly (lineno)
It 'System.Func[string]' {
([System.Func[string]]{ $script:gl=lineno; 'hello' }).Invoke() | Should -BeExactly 'hello'
($gl + 1) | Should -BeExactly (lineno)
It 'System.Func[hashtable]' {
(([System.Func[hashtable]]{ $script:gl=lineno; @{a = 'foo' }}).Invoke()).a | Should -BeExactly 'foo'
($gl + 1) | Should -BeExactly (lineno)
#multiple args, differnt return type
For($i = 2; $i -le 9; $i++)
$str = 'System.Func`{0}' -f $i
Context $str {
$gt = [object].Assembly.GetType($str)
$parameters = @()
Generate-ArgumentTypesAndParameters $i ([ref] $parameters) ([ref] $argumentTypes) $true
$v= Get-Value($argumentTypes[$i-1])
$ct = $gt.MakeGenericType($argumentTypes)
$func = { $script:gl=lineno; $null = ($args.Length | Should -BeExactly ($i-1)); $v } -as $ct
$t = $func.DynamicInvoke($parameters)
It '$gl + 2' { ($gl + 2) | Should -BeExactly (lineno) }
if ($argumentTypes[$i-1] -eq [Hashtable] )
It '$t.a' { $t.a | Should -BeExactly $v.a }
It '$t' { $t | Should -BeExactly $v }