
112 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Basic Alias Provider Tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$testAliasName = "TestAlias"
$testAliasValue = "Get-Date"
BeforeEach {
New-Item -Path "Alias:\" -Name $testAliasName -Value $testAliasValue > $null
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Test number of alias not Zero" {
$aliases = @(Get-ChildItem "Alias:\")
$aliases.Count | Should -Not -Be 0
It "Test alias dir" {
$dirAlias = Get-Item "Alias:\dir"
$dirAlias.CommandType | Should -BeExactly "Alias"
$dirAlias.Name | Should -BeExactly "dir"
$dirAlias.Definition | Should -BeExactly "Get-ChildItem"
It "Test creating new alias" {
try {
$newAlias = New-Item -Path "Alias:\" -Name "NewTestAlias" -Value $testAliasValue
$newAlias.CommandType | Should -BeExactly "Alias"
$newAlias.Name | Should -BeExactly "NewTestAlias"
$newAlias.Definition | Should -BeExactly $testAliasValue
finally {
Remove-Item -Path "Alias:\NewTestAlias" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Test Get-Item on alias provider" {
$alias = Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}"
$alias.CommandType | Should -BeExactly "Alias"
$alias.Name | Should -BeExactly $testAliasName
$alias.Definition | Should -BeExactly $testAliasValue
It "Test Test-Path on alias provider" {
$aliasExists = Test-Path "Alias:\testAlias"
$aliasExists | Should -BeTrue
It "Test executing the new alias" {
$result = Invoke-Expression $testAliasName
$result | Should -BeOfType DateTime
Describe "Extended Alias Provider Tests" -Tags "Feature" {
Context "Valdiation of Set-Item parameters for the Alias Provider" {
BeforeAll {
$testAliasName = "TestAlias"
$testAliasName2 = "TestAlias2"
$testAliasValue = "Get-Date"
BeforeEach {
New-Item -Path Alias:\ -Name $testAliasName -Value $testAliasValue > $null
New-Item -Path Alias:\ -Name $testAliasName2 -Value $testAliasValue > $null
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName2}" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Verifying Whatif" {
$before = (Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}").Definition
Set-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}" -Value "Get-Location" -WhatIf
$after = (Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}").Definition
$after | Should -BeExactly $before # Definition should not have changed
It "Verifying Confirm can be bypassed" {
Set-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}" -Value "Get-Location" -Confirm:$false
$result = Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}"
$result.Definition | Should -BeExactly "Get-Location"
It "Verifying Force" {
Set-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}" -Value "Get-Location" -Force
$result = Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}"
$result.Definition | Should -BeExactly "Get-Location"
It "Verifying Include" {
Set-Item -Path "Alias:\*" -Value "Get-Location" -Include "TestAlias*"
$alias1 = Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}"
$alias2 = Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName2}"
$alias1.Definition | Should -BeExactly "Get-Location"
$alias2.Definition | Should -BeExactly "Get-Location"
It "Verifying Exclude" {
Set-Item -Path "Alias:\TestAlias*" -Value "Get-Location" -Exclude "*2"
$alias1 = Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName}"
$alias2 = Get-Item -Path "Alias:\${testAliasName2}"
$alias1.Definition | Should -BeExactly "Get-Location"
$alias2.Definition | Should -BeExactly "Get-Date"