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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Tests related to TFS item 1370133 [PSUpgrade] Need -NoNewline parameter on Out-File, Add-Content and Set-Content
# Connect request https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/524739/need-nonewline-parameter-on-out-file-add-content-and-set-content
Describe "Tests for -NoNewline parameter of Out-File, Add-Content and Set-Content" -tags "Feature" {
It "NoNewline parameter works on Out-File" {
$temp = "${TESTDRIVE}/test1.txt"
1..5 | Out-File $temp -Encoding 'ASCII' -NoNewline
(Get-Content $temp -AsByteStream).Count | Should -Be 5
It "NoNewline parameter works on Set-Content" {
$temp = "${TESTDRIVE}/test2.txt"
Set-Content -Path $temp -Value 'a','b','c' -Encoding 'ASCII' -NoNewline
(Get-Content $temp -AsByteStream).Count | Should -Be 3
It "NoNewline parameter works on Add-Content" {
$temp = "${TESTDRIVE}/test3.txt"
$temp = New-TemporaryFile
1..9 | ForEach-Object {Add-Content -Path $temp -Value $_ -Encoding 'ASCII' -NoNewline}
(Get-Content $temp -AsByteStream).Count | Should -Be 9