
185 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Format-List" -Tags "CI" {
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
BeforeEach {
$in = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $in -MemberType NoteProperty -Name testName -Value testValue
It "Should call format list without error" {
{ $in | Format-List } | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should be able to call the alias" {
{ $in | fl } | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should have the same output whether choosing alias or not" {
$expected = $in | Format-List | Out-String
$actual = $in | fl | Out-String
$actual | Should -Be $expected
It "Should produce the expected output" {
$expected = "${nl}testName : testValue${nl}${nl}${nl}"
$in = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $in -MemberType NoteProperty -Name testName -Value testValue
$in | Format-List | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$in | Format-List | Out-String | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$in | Format-List | Out-String | Should -Be $expected
It "Should be able to call a property of the piped input" {
# Tested on two input commands to verify functionality.
Get-Command | Select-Object -First 1 | Format-List -Property Name | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
Get-Date | Format-List -Property DisplayName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should be able to display a list of props when separated by a comma" {
(Get-Command | Select-Object -First 5 | Format-List -Property Name,Source | Out-String) -Split "${nl}" |
Where-Object { $_.trim() -ne "" } |
ForEach-Object { $_ | Should -Match "(Name)|(Source)" }
It "Should show the requested prop in every element" {
# Testing each element of format-list, using a for-each loop since the Format-List is so opaque
(Get-Command | Select-Object -First 5 | Format-List -Property Source | Out-String) -Split "${nl}" |
Where-Object { $_.trim() -ne "" } |
ForEach-Object { $_ | Should -Match "Source :" }
It "Should not show anything other than the requested props" {
$output = Get-Command | Select-Object -First 5 | Format-List -Property Name | Out-String
$output | Should -Not -Match "CommandType :"
$output | Should -Not -Match "Source :"
$output | Should -Not -Match "Module :"
It "Should be able to take input without piping objects to it" {
$output = { Format-List -InputObject $in }
$output | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
Describe "Format-List DRT basic functionality" -Tags "CI" {
It "Format-List with array should work" {
$al = (0..255)
$info = @{}
$info.array = $al
$result = $info | Format-List | Out-String
$result | Should -Match "Name : array\s+Value : {0, 1, 2, 3`u{2026}}" # ellipsis
It "Format-List with No Objects for End-To-End should work"{
$p = @{}
$result = $p | Format-List -Force -Property "foo","bar" | Out-String
$result.Trim() | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Format-List with Null Objects for End-To-End should work"{
$p = $null
$result = $p | Format-List -Force -Property "foo","bar" | Out-String
$result.Trim() | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Format-List with single line string for End-To-End should work"{
$p = "single line string"
$result = $p | Format-List -Force -Property "foo","bar" | Out-String
$result.Trim() | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Format-List with multiple line string for End-To-End should work"{
$p = "Line1\nLine2"
$result = $p | Format-List -Force -Property "foo","bar" | Out-String
$result.Trim() | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Format-List with string sequence for End-To-End should work"{
$p = "Line1","Line2"
$result = $p | Format-List -Force -Property "foo","bar" | Out-String
$result.Trim() | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Format-List with complex object for End-To-End should work" {
Add-Type -TypeDefinition "public enum MyDayOfWeek{Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat}"
$eto = [MyDayOfWeek]::New()
$info = @{}
$info.intArray = 1,2,3,4
$info.arrayList = "string1","string2"
$info.enumerable = [MyDayOfWeek]$eto
$info.enumerableTestObject = $eto
$result = $info|Format-List|Out-String
$result | Should -Match "Name : enumerableTestObject"
$result | Should -Match "Value : Sun"
$result | Should -Match "Name : arrayList"
$result | Should -Match "Value : {string1, string2}"
$result | Should -Match "Name : enumerable"
$result | Should -Match "Value : Sun"
$result | Should -Match "Name : intArray"
$result | Should -Match "Value : {1, 2, 3, 4}"
It "Format-List with multiple same class object should work"{
Add-Type -TypeDefinition "public class TestClass{public TestClass(string name,int length){Name = name;Length = length;}public string Name;public int Length;}"
$testobjects = [TestClass]::New('name1',1),[TestClass]::New('name2',2),[TestClass]::New('name3',3)
$result = $testobjects|Format-List|Out-String
$result | Should -Match "Name : name1"
$result | Should -Match "Length : 1"
$result | Should -Match "Name : name2"
$result | Should -Match "Length : 2"
$result | Should -Match "Name : name3"
$result | Should -Match "Length : 3"
It "Format-List with multiple different class object should work"{
Add-Type -TypeDefinition "public class TestClass{public TestClass(string name,int length){Name = name;Length = length;}public string Name;public int Length;}"
Add-Type -TypeDefinition "public class TestClass2{public TestClass2(string name,string value,int length){Name = name;Value = value; Length = length;}public string Name;public string Value;public int Length;}"
$testobjects = [TestClass]::New('name1',1),[TestClass2]::New('name2',"value2",2),[TestClass]::New('name3',3)
$result = $testobjects|Format-List|Out-String
$result | Should -Match "Name : name1"
$result | Should -Match "Length : 1"
$result | Should -Match "Name : name2"
$result | Should -Match "Value : value2"
$result | Should -Match "Length : 2"
$result | Should -Match "Name : name3"
$result | Should -Match "Length : 3"
It "Format-List with FileInfo should work" {
$null = New-Item $testdrive\test.txt -ItemType File -Value "hello" -Force
$result = Get-ChildItem -File $testdrive\test.txt | Format-List | Out-String
$result | Should -Match "Name\s*:\s*test.txt"
$result | Should -Match "Length\s*:\s*5"
It "Format-List should work with double byte wide chars" {
$obj = [pscustomobject]@{
"" = "62";
"dbda" = "KM";
"消息" = ""
$expected = @"
: 62
dbda : KM
$expected = $expected -replace "`r`n", "`n"
$actual = $obj | Format-List | Out-String
$actual = $actual -replace "`r`n", "`n"
$actual | Should -BeExactly $expected