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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'Get-Error tests' -Tag CI {
It 'Get-Error resolves $error[0] and includes InnerException' {
try {
catch {
$out = Get-Error | Out-String
$out | Should -BeLikeExactly '*InnerException*'
$err = Get-Error
$err | Should -BeOfType System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Not -Contain 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord'
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Contain 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord#PSExtendedError'
# need to exercise the formatter to validate that the internal types are removed from the error object
$null = $err | Out-String
$err | Should -BeOfType System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Contain 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord'
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Not -Contain 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord#PSExtendedError'
It 'Get-Error -Newest `<count>` works: <scenario>' -TestCases @(
@{ scenario = 'less than total'; count = 1; paramname = 'Newest' }
@{ scenario = 'equal to total'; count = 2; paramname = 'Last' }
@{ scenario = 'greater than total'; count = 9999; paramname = 'Newest' }
param ($count, $paramname)
try {
catch {
try {
Get-Item (New-Guid) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch {
$params = @{ $paramname = $count }
$out = Get-Error @params
$expected = $count
if ($count -eq 9999) {
$expected = $error.Count
$out.Count | Should -Be $expected
It 'Get-Error -Newest with invalid value `<value>` should fail' -TestCases @(
@{ value = 0 }
@{ value = -2 }
{ Get-Error -Newest $value } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetErrorCommand'
It 'Get-Error will accept pipeline input' {
try {
catch {
$out = $error[0] | Get-Error | Out-String
$out | Should -BeLikeExactly '*-2146233087*'
It 'Get-Error will handle Exceptions' {
$e = [Exception]::new('myexception')
$error.Insert(0, $e)
$out = Get-Error | Out-String
$out | Should -BeLikeExactly '*myexception*'
$err = Get-Error
$err | Should -BeOfType System.Exception
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Not -Contain 'System.Exception'
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Contain 'System.Exception#PSExtendedError'
# need to exercise the formatter to validate that the internal types are removed from the error object
$null = $err | Out-String
$err | Should -BeOfType System.Exception
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Contain 'System.Exception'
$err.PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Not -Contain 'System.Exception#PSExtendedError'
It 'Get-Error will not modify the original error object' {
try {
1 / 0
catch {
$null = Get-Error
$error[0].pstypenames | Should -Be System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord, System.Object
It 'Get-Error adds ExceptionType for Exceptions' {
try {
catch {
$out = Get-Error | Out-String
$out | Should -BeLikeExactly '*Type*'
if ($IsWindows) {
$expectedExceptionType = "System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException"
else {
$expectedExceptionType = "System.Net.Internals.SocketExceptionFactory+ExtendedSocketException"
$out | Should -BeLikeExactly "*$expectedExceptionType*"