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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Select-Xml DRT Unit Tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$testfile = "TestDrive:\testfile.xml"
$xmlContent = @"
<?xml version ="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<book category="CHILDREN">
<title lang="english">Harry Potter</title>
<book category="WEB">
<title lang="english">Learning XML</title>
Set-Content -Path $testfile -Value $xmlContent
It "Can select text from an XML document"{
$results = Select-Xml -Path $testfile -XPath "/bookstore/book/title"
$results | Should -HaveCount 2
$results[0].Node."#text" | Should -BeExactly "Harry Potter"
$results[1].Node."#text" | Should -BeExactly "Learning XML"
Describe "Select-Xml Feature Tests" -Tags "Feature" {
BeforeAll {
$fileName = New-Item -Path "TestDrive:\testSelectXml.xml"
$xmlContent = @"
<Node Attribute='blah' />
Set-Content -Path $fileName -Value $xmlContent
$fileNameWithDots = $fileName.FullName.Replace("\", "\.\")
$driveLetter = [string]($fileName.FullName)[0]
$fileNameAsNetworkPath = "\\localhost\$driveLetter`$" + $fileName.FullName.SubString(2)
$testCases = @(
@{testName = 'Literalpath with relative paths'; testParameter = @{LiteralPath = $fileName.Name; XPath = 'Root'}},
@{testName = 'Literalpath with absolute paths'; testParameter = @{LiteralPath = $fileName.FullName; XPath = 'Root'}},
@{testName = 'Literalpath with path with dots'; testParameter = @{LiteralPath = $fileNameWithDots; XPath = 'Root'}},
@{testName = 'Path with relative paths'; testParameter = @{Path = $fileName.Name; XPath = 'Root'}},
@{testName = 'Path with absolute paths'; testParameter = @{Path = $fileName.FullName; XPath = 'Root'}},
@{testName = 'Path with path with dots'; testParameter = @{Path = $fileNameWithDots; XPath = 'Root'}}
if ( ! $IsCoreCLR ) {
$testcases += @{testName = 'Literalpath with network paths'; testParameter = @{LiteralPath = $fileNameAsNetworkPath; XPath = 'Root'}}
$testcases += @{testName = 'Path with network paths'; testParameter = @{LiteralPath = $fileNameAsNetworkPath; XPath = 'Root'}}
Push-Location -Path $fileName.Directory
AfterAll {
It "Can work with input files using <testName>" -TestCases $testCases {
$node = Select-Xml @testParameter
$node | Should -HaveCount 1
$node.Path | Should -Be $fileName.FullName
It "Can work with input streams" {
[xml]$xml = "<a xmlns='bar'><b xmlns:b='foo'>hello</b><c>world</c></a>"
$node = Select-Xml -Xml $xml -XPath "//c:b" -Namespace @{c='bar'}
$node.Path | Should -BeExactly "InputStream"
$node.Pattern | Should -BeExactly "//c:b"
$node.ToString() | Should -BeExactly "hello"
It "Can throw on non filesystem paths using <parameter>" -TestCases @(
@{parameter="LiteralPath"; expectedError='ProcessingFile,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectXmlCommand'},
@{parameter="Path"; expectedError='ProcessingFile,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectXmlCommand'}
) {
param($parameter, $expectedError)
$env:xmltestfile = $xmlContent
$file = 'env:xmltestfile'
$params = @{$parameter=$file}
{ Select-Xml @params "Root" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $expectedError
Remove-Item -Path 'env:xmltestfile'
It "Can throw for invalid XML file" {
$testfile = "TestDrive:\test.xml"
Set-Content -Path $testfile -Value "<a><b>"
{ Select-Xml -Path $testfile -XPath foo -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ProcessingFile,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectXmlCommand'
It "Can throw for invalid XML namespace" {
[xml]$xml = "<a xmlns='bar'><b xmlns:b='foo'>hello</b><c>world</c></a>"
{ Select-Xml -Xml $xml -XPath foo -Namespace @{c=$null} -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'PrefixError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectXmlCommand'
It "Can throw for invalid XML content" {
{ Select-Xml -Content "hello" -XPath foo -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'InvalidCastToXmlDocument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectXmlCommand'
It "Can use ToString() on nested XML node" {
$node = Select-Xml -Content "<a><b>one<c>hello</c></b></a>" -XPath "//b"
$node.ToString() | Should -BeExactly "one<c>hello</c>"
It "Can use ToString() with file" {
$testfile = Join-Path $TestDrive "test.xml"
Set-Content -Path $testfile -Value "<a><b>hello</b></a>"
$node = Select-Xml -Path $testfile -XPath "//b"
$node.ToString() | Should -BeExactly "hello:$testfile"