
92 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Write-Host with default Console Host" -Tags "Slow","Feature" {
BeforeAll {
$powershell = Join-Path -Path $PSHOME -ChildPath "pwsh"
$testData = @(
@{ Name = '-Separator'; Command = "Write-Host a,b,c -Separator '+'"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("a+b+c") }
@{ Name = '-NoNewline=true'; Command = "Write-Host a,b -NoNewline:`$true;Write-Host a,b"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("a ba b") }
@{ Name = '-NoNewline=false'; Command = "Write-Host a1,b1;Write-Host a2,b2"; returnCount = 2; returnValue = @("a1 b1","a2 b2") }
It "write-Host works with '<Name>' switch" -TestCases:$testData -Pending:$IsMacOS {
param($Command, $returnCount, $returnValue)
[array]$result = & $powershell -noprofile -c $Command
$result.Count | Should -Be $returnCount
foreach ($i in 0..($returnCount - 1))
$result[$i] | Should -Be $returnValue[$i]
Describe "Write-Host with wrong colors" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$testWrongColor = @(
@{ ForegroundColor = -1; BackgroundColor = 'Red' }
@{ ForegroundColor = 16; BackgroundColor = 'Red' }
@{ ForegroundColor = 'Red'; BackgroundColor = -1 }
@{ ForegroundColor = 'Red'; BackgroundColor = 16 }
It 'Should throw if color is invalid: ForegroundColor = <ForegroundColor>; BackgroundColor = <BackgroundColor>' -TestCases:$testWrongColor {
param($ForegroundColor, $BackgroundColor)
{ Write-Host "No output from Write-Host" -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand'
Describe "Write-Host with TestHostCS" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$th = New-TestHost
$rs = [runspacefactory]::Createrunspace($th)
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
$ps.Runspace = $rs
$testHostCSData = @(
@{ Name = 'defaults'; Command = "Write-Host a,b,c"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("White:Black:a b c:NewLine"); returnInfo = @("a b c") }
@{ Name = '-Object'; Command = "Write-Host -Object a,b,c"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("White:Black:a b c:NewLine"); returnInfo = @("a b c") }
@{ Name = '-Message'; Command = "Write-Host -Message a,b,c"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("White:Black:a b c:NewLine"); returnInfo = @("a b c") }
@{ Name = '-Msg'; Command = "Write-Host -Msg a,b,c"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("White:Black:a b c:NewLine"); returnInfo = @("a b c") }
@{ Name = '-Separator'; Command = "Write-Host a,b,c -Separator '+'"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("White:Black:a+b+c:NewLine"); returnInfo = @("a+b+c") }
@{ Name = '-Separator, colors and -NoNewLine'; Command = "Write-Host a,b,c -Separator ',' -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkBlue -NoNewline"; returnCount = 1; returnValue = @("Yellow:DarkBlue:a,b,c:NoNewLine"); returnInfo = @("a,b,c") }
@{ Name = '-NoNewline:$true and colors'; Command = "Write-Host a,b -NoNewline:`$true -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Green;Write-Host a,b"; returnCount = 2; returnValue = @("Red:Green:a b:NoNewLine", "White:Black:a b:NewLine"); returnInfo = @("a b", "a b") }
@{ Name = '-NoNewline:$false and colors'; Command = "Write-Host a,b -NoNewline:`$false -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Green;Write-Host a,b"; returnCount = 2; returnValue = @("Red:Green:a b:NewLine","White:Black:a b:NewLine"); returnInfo = @("a b", "a b") }
AfterAll {
AfterEach {
It "Write-Host works with <Name>" -TestCases:$testHostCSData {
param($Command, $returnCount, $returnValue, $returnInfo)
$result = $th.ui.Streams.ConsoleOutput
$result.Count | Should -Be $returnCount
(Compare-Object $result $returnValue -SyncWindow 0).length | Should -Be 0
$result = $th.ui.Streams.Information
$result.Count | Should -Be $returnCount
(Compare-Object $result $returnInfo -SyncWindow 0).length | Should -Be 0