
110 lines
3.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "CredSSP cmdlet tests" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' {
BeforeAll {
$powershell = Join-Path $PSHOME "pwsh"
$notEnglish = $false
$IsToBeSkipped = !$IsWindows;
$originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
if ( $IsToBeSkipped )
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true
if ([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture.Name -ne "en-US")
$notEnglish = $true
AfterAll {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues
BeforeEach {
if ( ! $IsToBeSkipped )
$errtxt = "$testdrive/error.txt"
Remove-Item $errtxt -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$donefile = "$testdrive/done"
Remove-Item $donefile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Error returned if invalid parameters: <description>" -TestCases @(
@{params=@{Role="Client"};Description="Client role, no DelegateComputer"},
@{params=@{Role="Server";DelegateComputer="."};Description="Server role w/ DelegateComputer"}
) {
param ($params)
{ Enable-WSManCredSSP @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "System.InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.WSMan.Management.EnableWSManCredSSPCommand"
It "Enable-WSManCredSSP works: <description>" -Skip:($NotEnglish -or $IsToBeSkipped) -TestCases @(
) {
param ($params)
$c = Enable-WSManCredSSP @params -Force
$c.CredSSP | Should -BeTrue
$c = Get-WSManCredSSP
if ($params.Role -eq "Client")
$c[0] | Should -Match "The machine is configured to allow delegating fresh credentials to the following target\(s\):wsman/\*"
$c[1] | Should -Match "This computer is configured to receive credentials from a remote client computer"
It "Disable-WSManCredSSP works: <role>" -Skip:($NotEnglish -or $IsToBeSkipped) -TestCases @(
) {
param ($role)
Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role $role | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$c = Get-WSManCredSSP
if ($role -eq "Client")
$c[0] | Should -Match "The machine is not configured to allow delegating fresh credentials."
$c[1] | Should -Match "This computer is not configured to receive credentials from a remote client computer"
It "Call cmdlet as API" {
$credssp = [Microsoft.WSMan.Management.EnableWSManCredSSPCommand]::new()
$credssp.Role = "Client"
$credssp.Role | Should -BeExactly "Client"
$credssp.DelegateComputer = "foo", "bar"
$credssp.DelegateComputer -join ',' | Should -Be "foo,bar"
$credssp.Force = $true
$credssp.Force | Should -BeTrue
$credssp = [Microsoft.WSMan.Management.DisableWSManCredSSPCommand]::new()
$credssp.Role = "Server"
$credssp.Role | Should -BeExactly "Server"
Describe "CredSSP cmdlet error cases tests" -Tags 'Feature' {
It "Error returned if runas non-admin: <cmdline>" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) -TestCases @(
@{cmdline = "Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force"; cmd = "EnableWSManCredSSPCommand"},
@{cmdline = "Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server"; cmd = "DisableWSManCredSSPCommand"},
@{cmdline = "Get-WSManCredSSP"; cmd = "GetWSmanCredSSPCommand"}
) {
param ($cmdline, $cmd)
$scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($cmdline)
$scriptBlock | Should -Throw -ErrorId "System.InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.WSMan.Management.$cmd"