
560 lines
25 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "UntrustedDataMode tests for variable assignments" -Tags 'CI' {
BeforeAll {
$testModule = Join-Path $TestDrive "UntrustedDataModeTest.psm1"
Set-Content -Path $testModule -Value @'
$scriptVar = 15
$Global:globalVar = "Hello"
## A script cmdlet, it goes through CmdletParameterBinderController
function Test-Untrusted
Write-Output $Argument
## A simple function, it goes through ScriptParameterBinderController
function Test-SimpleUntrusted
Write-Output $Argument
## A script cmdlet that tests other parameter types
function Test-OtherParameterType
[string[]] $Name,
[DateTime] $Date,
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File,
[System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo] $StartInfo
throw "No Validation Exception!"
function Test-WithScriptVar { Test-Untrusted -Argument $scriptVar }
function Test-WithGlobalVar { Test-Untrusted -Argument $Global:globalVar }
function Test-SplatScriptVar { Test-Untrusted @scriptVar }
function Test-SplatGlobalVar { Test-Untrusted @Global:globalVar }
function Get-ScriptVar { $scriptVar }
function Get-GlobalVar { $Global:globalVar }
function Set-ScriptVar { $Script:scriptVar = "Trusted-Script" }
function Set-GlobalVar { $Global:globalVar = "Trusted-Global" }
## ValidateTrustedData attribute is applied to some powershell cmdlets
## and the functions below are for testing them in FullLanguage
function Test-AddType { Add-Type -TypeDefinition $args[0] }
function Test-InvokeExpression { Invoke-Expression -Command $args[0] }
function Test-NewObject { New-Object -TypeName $args[0] }
function Test-ForeachObject { Get-Date | Foreach-Object -MemberName $args[0] }
function Test-ImportModule { Import-Module -Name $args[0] }
function Test-StartJob { Start-Job -ScriptBlock $args[0] }
## Use a different runspace
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
## Helper function to execute script
function Execute-Script
## Import the module and verify the original behavior of functions
## exposed from UntrustedDataModeTest in FullLanguage
Execute-Script -Script "Import-Module $testModule"
## Set the LanguageMode to be 'ConstrainedLanguage'
Execute-Script -Script '$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage"'
## Assign the ModuleInfo object to $mo
Execute-Script -Script '$mo = Get-Module UntrustedDataModeTest'
AfterAll {
## Clean up the powershell object
## Set the LanguageMode to force rebuilding the type conversion cache.
## This is needed because type conversions that happen in the new powershell runspace with 'ConstrainedLanguage' mode
## will be put in the type conversion cache, and that may affect the default session.
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "FullLanguage"
It "verify the initial state of the test module 'UntrustedDataModeTest'" {
$result = Execute-Script -Script "Test-WithScriptVar"
$result | Should -Be 15
$result = Execute-Script -Script "Test-WithGlobalVar"
$result | Should -Be "Hello"
$result = Execute-Script -Script "Get-ScriptVar"
$result | Should -Be 15
$result = Execute-Script -Script "Get-GlobalVar"
$result | Should -Be "Hello"
$result = Execute-Script -Script '$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode'
$result | Should -Be "ConstrainedLanguage"
Context "Set global variable value in top-level session state" {
BeforeAll {
$testScript = @'
try { Test-WithGlobalVar } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId }
$testCases = @(
## Assignment in language
Name = 'language in global scope'
SetupScript = '$globalVar = "language in global scope"'
ExpectedOutput = "language in global scope;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'language in sub scope'
SetupScript = '& { $Global:globalVar = "language in sub scope" }'
ExpectedOutput = "language in sub scope;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
## New-Variable
Name = 'New-Variable in global scope'
SetupScript = 'New-Variable globalVar -Value "New-Variable in global scope" -Force'
ExpectedOutput = "New-Variable in global scope;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = "New-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope Global]"
SetupScript = '& { New-Variable globalVar -Value "New-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope Global]" -Force -Scope Global }'
ExpectedOutput = "New-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope Global];ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = "New-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope 1]"
SetupScript = '& { New-Variable globalVar -Value "New-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope 1]" -Force -Scope 1 }'
ExpectedOutput = "New-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope 1];ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
## Set-Variable
Name = 'Set-Variable in global scope'
SetupScript = 'Set-Variable globalVar -Value "Set-Variable in global scope" -Force'
ExpectedOutput = "Set-Variable in global scope;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'Set-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope Global]'
SetupScript = '& { Set-Variable globalVar -Value "Set-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope Global]" -Scope Global }'
ExpectedOutput = "Set-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope Global];ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'Set-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope 1]'
SetupScript = '& { Set-Variable globalVar -Value "Set-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope 1]" -Scope 1 }'
ExpectedOutput = "Set-Variable in sub scope with [-Scope 1];ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
## New-Item
Name = 'New-Item in global scope'
SetupScript = 'New-Item variable:\globalVar -Value "New-Item in global scope" -Force'
ExpectedOutput = "New-Item in global scope;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'New-Item in sub scope'
## New-Item in sub scope won't affect global variable
SetupScript = 'Set-GlobalVar; & { New-Item variable:\globalVar -Value "New-Item in sub scope" -Force }'
ExpectedOutput = "Trusted-Global;Trusted-Global"
## Set-Item
Name = 'Set-Item in global scope'
SetupScript = 'Set-Item variable:\globalVar -Value "Set-Item in global scope" -Force'
ExpectedOutput = "Set-Item in global scope;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'Set-Item in sub scope'
## Set-Item in sub scope won't affect global variable
SetupScript = 'Set-GlobalVar; & { Set-Item variable:\globalVar -Value "Set-Item in sub scope" -Force }'
ExpectedOutput = "Trusted-Global;Trusted-Global"
## Error Variable
Name = 'ErrorVariable in global scope'
SetupScript = 'Write-Error "Error" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable globalVar'
ExpectedOutput = "Error;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'ErrorVariable in sub scope'
SetupScript = '& { Write-Error "Error-in-Sub" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable global:globalVar }'
ExpectedOutput = "Error-in-Sub;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
## Out Variable
Name = 'OutVariable in global scope'
SetupScript = 'Write-Output "Out" -OutVariable globalVar'
ExpectedOutput = "Out;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'OutVariable in sub scope'
SetupScript = '& { Write-Output "Out-in-Sub" -OutVariable global:globalVar }'
ExpectedOutput = "Out-in-Sub;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
## Warning Variable
Name = 'WarningVariable in global scope'
SetupScript = 'Write-Warning "Warning" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable globalVar'
ExpectedOutput = "Warning;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'WarningVariable in sub scope'
SetupScript = '& { Write-Warning "Warning-in-Sub" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable global:globalVar }'
ExpectedOutput = "Warning-in-Sub;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
## Information Variable
Name = 'InformationVariable in global scope'
SetupScript = 'Write-Information "Information" -InformationAction SilentlyContinue -InformationVariable globalVar'
ExpectedOutput = "Information;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Name = 'InformationVariable in sub scope'
SetupScript = '& { Write-Information "Information-in-Sub" -InformationAction SilentlyContinue -InformationVariable global:globalVar }'
ExpectedOutput = "Information-in-Sub;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
## Data Section
<# @{
Name = 'Data Section - "data global:var"'
## 'data global:var { }' syntax is not supported today. If it's added someday, this test should be enabled
SetupScript = '& { data global:globalVar { "data section - [global:]" } }'
ExpectedOutput = "data section - [global:];ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
}, #>
Name = 'Data Section'
SetupScript = 'data globalVar { "data section" }'
ExpectedOutput = "data section;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
It "<Name>" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($SetupScript, $ExpectedOutput)
Execute-Script -Script $SetupScript > $null
$result = Execute-Script -Script $testScript
$result -join ";" | Should -Be $ExpectedOutput
It "Enable 'data global:var' test if the syntax is supported" {
try {
[scriptblock]::Create('data global:var { "data section" }')
throw "No Exception!"
} catch {
## Syntax 'data global:var { }' is not supported at the time writting the tests here
## If this test fail, then maybe this syntax is supported now, and in that case, please
## enable the test 'Data Section - "data global:var"' in $testCases above
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "ParseException"
Context "Set variable in Import-LocalizedData" {
BeforeAll {
$localData = Join-Path $TestDrive "local.psd1"
Set-Content $localData -Value '"Localized-Data"'
It "test global variable set by Import-LocalizedData" {
$testScript = @'
try { Test-WithGlobalVar } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId }
Execute-Script -Script "Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable globalVar -BaseDirectory $TestDrive -FileName local.psd1"
$result = Execute-Script -Script $testScript
$result -join ";" | Should -Be "Localized-Data;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Context "Exported variables by module loading" {
BeforeAll {
## Create a module that exposes two variables
$VarModule = Join-Path $TestDrive "Var.psm1"
Set-Content $VarModule -Value @'
$globalVar = "global-from-module"
$scriptVar = "script-from-module"
Export-ModuleMember -Variable globalVar, scriptVar
$testScript = @'
try { Test-WithGlobalVar } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId }
try { Test-WithScriptVar } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId }
BeforeEach {
## Set both the global and script vars to default value
Execute-Script -Script "Set-ScriptVar; Set-GlobalVar"
It "test global variable set by exported variable" {
try {
## Import the module in the global scope of the runspace, so only the
## global variable is affected, the module script variable is not.
Execute-Script -Script "Import-Module $VarModule"
$result = Execute-Script -Script $testScript
$result -join ";" | Should -Be "global-from-module;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted;Trusted-Script;Trusted-Script"
} finally {
Execute-Script -Script "Remove-Module Var -Force"
Context "Splatting of untrusted value" {
It "test splatting global variable" {
$testScript = @'
try { Test-SplatGlobalVar } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId }
Execute-Script -Script '$globalVar = @{ Argument = "global-splatting" }'
$result = Execute-Script -Script $testScript
$result -join ";" | Should -Be "System.Collections.Hashtable;ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
Context "ValidateTrustedDataAttribute takes NO effect in non-FullLanguage" {
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' NOT take effect in non-FullLanguage [Add-Type]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
$globalVar = "C# Code"
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $globalVar
throw "Expected 'CannotDefineNewType' error was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "CannotDefineNewType,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddTypeCommand"
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' NOT take effect in non-FullLanguage [Invoke-Expression]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
$globalVar = "Get-Process -id $PID"
Invoke-Expression -Command $globalVar | ForEach-Object Id
$result | Should -Be $PID
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' NOT take effect in non-FullLanguage [New-Object]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
$globalVar = "uri"
New-Object -TypeName $globalVar -ArgumentList 'https://www.bing.com'
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' NOT take effect in non-FullLanguage [Foreach-Object]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
$globalVar = "Year"
Get-Date | Foreach-Object -MemberName $globalVar
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' NOT take effect in non-FullLanguage [Import-Module]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
$globalVar = "NonExistModule"
Import-Module -Name $globalVar -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ev; $ev
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "Modules_ModuleNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand"
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' NOT take effect in non-FullLanguage [Start-Job]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
$globalVar = {1+1}
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $globalVar
throw "Expected 'CannotStartJob' error was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "CannotStartJobInconsistentLanguageMode,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartJobCommand"
Context "ValidateTrustedDataAttribute takes effect in FullLanguage" {
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' take effect when calling from 'Constrained' to 'Full' [Script Cmdlet]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
$globalVar = "C# Code"
Test-Untrusted -Argument $globalVar
throw "Expected 'ParameterArgumentValidationError' was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-Untrusted"
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' take effect when calling from 'Constrained' to 'Full' [Simple function]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
$globalVar = "C# Code"
Test-SimpleUntrusted -Argument $globalVar
throw "Expected 'ParameterArgumentValidationError' was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-SimpleUntrusted"
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' with param type conversion [string -> string[]]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
$globalVar = "John"
Test-OtherParameterType -Name $globalVar
throw "Expected 'ParameterArgumentValidationError' was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-OtherParameterType"
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' with value type param [DateTime]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
$globalVar = Get-Date
Test-OtherParameterType -Date $globalVar
throw "Expected 'ParameterArgumentValidationError' was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-OtherParameterType"
It "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' with param type conversion [string -> FileInfo]" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
$globalVar = "FakeFile"
Test-OtherParameterType -File $globalVar
throw "Expected 'ParameterArgumentValidationError' was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Test-OtherParameterType"
It "test type property conversion to [ProcessStartInfo] should fail during Lang-Mode transition" {
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$result = Execute-Script -Script @'
try {
Test-OtherParameterType -StartInfo @{ FileName = "File" }
throw "Expected conversion error was not thrown"
} catch {
$result | Should -Be "ParameterArgumentTransformationError,Test-OtherParameterType"
Context "Validate trusted data for parameters of some built-in powershell cmdlets" {
BeforeAll {
$ScriptTemplate = @'
try {{
throw "Expected 'ParameterArgumentValidationError' was not thrown"
}} catch {{
$testCases = @(
@{ Name = "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' on [Add-Type]"; Argument = '$globalVar = "Global-Value"; Test-AddType $globalVar'; ExpectedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddTypeCommand" }
@{ Name = "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' on [Invoke-Expression]"; Argument = '$globalVar = "Global-Value"; Test-InvokeExpression $globalVar'; ExpectedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeExpressionCommand" }
@{ Name = "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' on [New-Object]"; Argument = '$globalVar = "Global-Value"; Test-NewObject $globalVar'; ExpectedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand" }
@{ Name = "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' on [Foreach-Object]"; Argument = '$globalVar = "Global-Value"; Test-ForeachObject $globalVar'; ExpectedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ForeachObjectCommand" }
@{ Name = "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' on [Import-Module]"; Argument = '$globalVar = "Global-Value"; Test-ImportModule $globalVar'; ExpectedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" }
@{ Name = "test 'ValidateTrustedDataAttribute' on [Start-Job]"; Argument = '$globalVar = {1+1}; Test-StartJob $globalVar'; ExpectedErrorId = "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartJobCommand" }
It "<Name>" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($Argument, $ExpectedErrorId)
## Run this in the global scope, so value of $globalVar will be marked as untrusted
$testScript = $ScriptTemplate -f $Argument
$result = Execute-Script -Script $testScript
$result | Should -Be $ExpectedErrorId