2021-08-17 09:01:04 +05:00

451 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.PowerShell
/// <summary>
/// A Helper class for printing notification on PowerShell startup when there is a new update.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For the detailed design, please take a look at the corresponding RFC.
/// </remarks>
internal static class UpdatesNotification
private const string UpdateCheckEnvVar = "POWERSHELL_UPDATECHECK";
private const string LTSBuildInfoURL = "https://aka.ms/pwsh-buildinfo-lts";
private const string StableBuildInfoURL = "https://aka.ms/pwsh-buildinfo-stable";
private const string PreviewBuildInfoURL = "https://aka.ms/pwsh-buildinfo-preview";
/// <summary>
/// The version of new update is persisted using a file, not as the file content, but instead baked in the file name in the following template:
/// `update{notification-type}_{version}_{publish-date}` -- held by 's_updateFileNameTemplate',
/// while 's_updateFileNamePattern' holds the pattern of this file name.
/// </summary>
private static readonly string s_updateFileNameTemplate, s_updateFileNamePattern;
/// <summary>
/// For each notification type, we need two files to achieve the synchronization for the update check:
/// `_sentinel{notification-type}_` -- held by 's_sentinelFileName';
/// `sentinel{notification-type}-{year}-{month}-{day}.done`
/// -- held by 's_doneFileNameTemplate', while 's_doneFileNamePattern' holds the pattern of this file name.
/// The {notification-type} part will be the integer value of the corresponding `NotificationType` member.
/// The {year}-{month}-{day} part will be filled with the date of current day when the update check runs.
/// </summary>
private static readonly string s_sentinelFileName, s_doneFileNameTemplate, s_doneFileNamePattern;
private static readonly string s_cacheDirectory;
private static readonly EnumerationOptions s_enumOptions;
private static readonly NotificationType s_notificationType;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether update notification should be done.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly bool CanNotifyUpdates;
static UpdatesNotification()
s_notificationType = GetNotificationType();
CanNotifyUpdates = s_notificationType != NotificationType.Off;
if (CanNotifyUpdates)
s_enumOptions = new EnumerationOptions();
s_cacheDirectory = Path.Combine(Platform.CacheDirectory, PSVersionInfo.GitCommitId);
// Build the template/pattern strings for the configured notification type.
string typeNum = ((int)s_notificationType).ToString();
s_sentinelFileName = $"_sentinel{typeNum}_";
s_doneFileNameTemplate = $"sentinel{typeNum}-{{0}}-{{1}}-{{2}}.done";
s_doneFileNamePattern = $"sentinel{typeNum}-*.done";
s_updateFileNameTemplate = $"update{typeNum}_{{0}}_{{1}}";
s_updateFileNamePattern = $"update{typeNum}_v*.*.*_????-??-??";
// Maybe we shouldn't do update check and show notification when it's from a mini-shell, meaning when
// 'ConsoleShell.Start' is not called by 'ManagedEntrance.Start'.
// But it seems so unusual that it's probably not worth bothering. Also, a mini-shell probably should
// just disable the update notification feature by setting the opt-out environment variable.
internal static void ShowUpdateNotification(PSHostUserInterface hostUI)
if (!Directory.Exists(s_cacheDirectory))
if (TryParseUpdateFile(
updateFilePath: out _,
out SemanticVersion lastUpdateVersion,
lastUpdateDate: out _)
&& lastUpdateVersion != null)
string releaseTag = lastUpdateVersion.ToString();
string notificationMsgTemplate = s_notificationType == NotificationType.LTS
? ManagedEntranceStrings.LTSUpdateNotificationMessage
: string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastUpdateVersion.PreReleaseLabel)
? ManagedEntranceStrings.StableUpdateNotificationMessage
: ManagedEntranceStrings.PreviewUpdateNotificationMessage;
string notificationColor = string.Empty;
string resetColor = string.Empty;
string line2Padding = string.Empty;
string line3Padding = string.Empty;
// We calculate how much whitespace we need to make it look nice
if (hostUI.SupportsVirtualTerminal)
// Use Warning Color
notificationColor = "\x1B[7m";
resetColor = "\x1B[0m";
// The first line is longest, if the message changes, this needs to be updated
int line1Length = notificationMsgTemplate.IndexOf('\n');
int line2Length = notificationMsgTemplate.IndexOf('\n', line1Length + 1);
int line3Length = notificationMsgTemplate.IndexOf('\n', line2Length + 1);
line3Length -= line2Length + 1;
line2Length -= line1Length + 1;
line2Padding = line2Padding.PadRight(line1Length - line2Length + releaseTag.Length);
// 3 represents the extra placeholder in the template
line3Padding = line3Padding.PadRight(line1Length - line3Length + 3);
string notificationMsg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, notificationMsgTemplate, releaseTag, notificationColor, resetColor, line2Padding, line3Padding);
internal static async Task CheckForUpdates()
// Delay the update check for 3 seconds so that it has the minimal impact on startup.
await Task.Delay(3000);
// A self-built pwsh for development purpose has the SHA1 commit hash baked in 'GitCommitId',
// which is 40 characters long. So we can quickly check the length of 'GitCommitId' to tell
// if this is a self-built pwsh, and skip the update check if so.
if (PSVersionInfo.GitCommitId.Length > 40)
// Daily builds do not support update notifications
string preReleaseLabel = PSVersionInfo.PSCurrentVersion.PreReleaseLabel;
if (preReleaseLabel != null && preReleaseLabel.StartsWith("daily", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// If the host is not connect to a network, skip the rest of the check.
if (!NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
// Create the update cache directory if it doesn't exists
if (!Directory.Exists(s_cacheDirectory))
bool parseSuccess = TryParseUpdateFile(
out string updateFilePath,
out SemanticVersion lastUpdateVersion,
out DateTime lastUpdateDate);
DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (parseSuccess && updateFilePath != null && (today - lastUpdateDate).TotalDays < 7)
// There is an existing update file, and the last update was less than 1 week ago.
// It's unlikely a new version is released within 1 week, so we can skip this check.
// Construct the sentinel file paths for today's check.
string todayDoneFileName = string.Format(
string todayDoneFilePath = Path.Combine(s_cacheDirectory, todayDoneFileName);
if (File.Exists(todayDoneFilePath))
// A successful update check has been done today.
// We can skip this update check.
// Use 's_sentinelFileName' as the file lock.
// The update-check tasks started by every 'pwsh' process of the same version will compete on holding this file.
string sentinelFilePath = Path.Combine(s_cacheDirectory, s_sentinelFileName);
using (new FileStream(sentinelFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, bufferSize: 1, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose))
if (File.Exists(todayDoneFilePath))
// After acquiring the file lock, it turns out a successful check has already been done for today.
// Then let's skip this update check.
// Now it's guaranteed that this is the only process that reaches here.
// Clean up the old '.done' file, there should be only one of it.
foreach (string oldFile in Directory.EnumerateFiles(s_cacheDirectory, s_doneFileNamePattern, s_enumOptions))
if (!parseSuccess)
// The update file is corrupted, either because more than one update files were found unexpectedly,
// or because the update file name failed to be parsed into a release version and a publish date.
// This is **very unlikely** to happen unless the file is accidentally altered manually.
// We try to recover here by cleaning up all update files for the configured notification type.
foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(s_cacheDirectory, s_updateFileNamePattern, s_enumOptions))
// Do the real update check:
// - Send HTTP request to query for the new release/pre-release;
// - If there is a valid new release that should be reported to the user,
// create the file `update<NotificationType>_<tag>_<publish-date>` when no `update` file exists,
// or rename the existing file to `update<NotificationType>_<new-version>_<new-publish-date>`.
SemanticVersion baselineVersion = lastUpdateVersion ?? PSVersionInfo.PSCurrentVersion;
Release release = await QueryNewReleaseAsync(baselineVersion);
if (release != null)
// The date part of the string is 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
const int dateLength = 10;
string newUpdateFileName = string.Format(
release.PublishAt.Substring(0, dateLength));
string newUpdateFilePath = Path.Combine(s_cacheDirectory, newUpdateFileName);
if (updateFilePath == null)
new FileStream(newUpdateFilePath, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None).Close();
File.Move(updateFilePath, newUpdateFilePath);
// Finally, create the `todayDoneFilePath` file as an indicator that a successful update check has finished today.
new FileStream(todayDoneFilePath, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None).Close();
catch (Exception)
// There are 2 possible reason for the exception:
// 1. An update check initiated from another `pwsh` process is in progress.
// It's OK to just return and let that update check to finish the work.
// 2. The update check failed (ex. internet connectivity issue, GitHub service failure).
// It's OK to just return and let another `pwsh` do the check at later time.
/// <summary>
/// Check for the existence of the update file and parse the file name if it exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="updateFilePath">Get the exact update file path.</param>
/// <param name="lastUpdateVersion">Get the version of the new release.</param>
/// <param name="lastUpdateDate">Get the publish date of the new release.</param>
/// <returns>
/// False, when
/// 1. found more than one update files that matched the pattern; OR
/// 2. found only one update file, but failed to parse its name for version and publish date.
/// True, when
/// 1. no update file was found, namely no new updates yet;
/// 2. found only one update file, and succeeded to parse its name for version and publish date.
/// </returns>
private static bool TryParseUpdateFile(
out string updateFilePath,
out SemanticVersion lastUpdateVersion,
out DateTime lastUpdateDate)
updateFilePath = null;
lastUpdateVersion = null;
lastUpdateDate = default;
var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(s_cacheDirectory, s_updateFileNamePattern, s_enumOptions);
var enumerator = files.GetEnumerator();
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
// It's OK that an update file doesn't exist. This could happen when there is no new updates yet.
return true;
updateFilePath = enumerator.Current;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
// More than 1 files were found that match the pattern. This is a corrupted state.
// Theoretically, there should be only one update file at any point of time.
updateFilePath = null;
return false;
// OK, only found one update file for the configured notification type, which is expected.
// Now let's parse the file name.
string updateFileName = Path.GetFileName(updateFilePath);
int dateStartIndex = updateFileName.LastIndexOf('_') + 1;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(
out lastUpdateDate))
updateFilePath = null;
return false;
int versionStartIndex = updateFileName.IndexOf('_') + 2;
int versionLength = dateStartIndex - versionStartIndex - 1;
string versionString = updateFileName.Substring(versionStartIndex, versionLength);
if (SemanticVersion.TryParse(versionString, out lastUpdateVersion))
return true;
updateFilePath = null;
lastUpdateDate = default;
return false;
private static async Task<Release> QueryNewReleaseAsync(SemanticVersion baselineVersion)
bool isStableRelease = string.IsNullOrEmpty(PSVersionInfo.PSCurrentVersion.PreReleaseLabel);
string[] queryUris = s_notificationType switch
NotificationType.LTS => new[] { LTSBuildInfoURL },
NotificationType.Default => isStableRelease
? new[] { StableBuildInfoURL }
: new[] { StableBuildInfoURL, PreviewBuildInfoURL },
_ => Array.Empty<string>()
using var client = new HttpClient();
string userAgent = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PowerShell {0}", PSVersionInfo.GitCommitId);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", userAgent);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
Release releaseToReturn = null;
SemanticVersion highestVersion = baselineVersion;
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None };
var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(settings);
foreach (string queryUri in queryUris)
// Query the GitHub Rest API and throw if the query fails.
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(queryUri);
using var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
using var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader);
JObject release = serializer.Deserialize<JObject>(jsonReader);
var tagName = release["ReleaseTag"].ToString();
var version = SemanticVersion.Parse(tagName.Substring(1));
if (version > highestVersion)
highestVersion = version;
var publishAt = release["ReleaseDate"].ToString();
releaseToReturn = new Release(publishAt, tagName);
return releaseToReturn;
/// <summary>
/// Get the notification type setting.
/// </summary>
private static NotificationType GetNotificationType()
string str = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(UpdateCheckEnvVar);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return NotificationType.Default;
if (Enum.TryParse(str, ignoreCase: true, out NotificationType type))
return type;
return NotificationType.Default;
/// <summary>
/// Notification type that can be configured.
/// </summary>
private enum NotificationType
/// <summary>
/// Turn off the update notification.
/// </summary>
Off = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Give you the default behaviors:
/// - the preview version 'pwsh' checks for the new preview version and the new GA version.
/// - the GA version 'pwsh' checks for the new GA version only.
/// </summary>
Default = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Both preview and GA version 'pwsh' checks for the new LTS version only.
/// </summary>
LTS = 2
private sealed class Release
internal Release(string publishAt, string tagName)
PublishAt = publishAt;
TagName = tagName;
/// <summary>
/// The datetime stamp is in UTC. For example: 2019-03-28T18:42:02Z.
/// </summary>
internal string PublishAt { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The release tag name.
/// </summary>
internal string TagName { get; }