bergmeister ffd39b2853 PSScriptAnalyzer fixes by category (#4261)
- Fix PSScriptAnalyzer warnings of type PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases for 'ForEach-Object' (alias is '%' or 'foreach')
- Fix PSScriptAnalyzer warnings of type PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases for 'Where-Object' (alias is '?' or 'where')
- Fix PSScriptAnalyzer warnings of type PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases for 'Select-Object' (alias is 'select')
- Fix PSScriptAnalyzer warnings of type PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull. Essentially, $null has to be on the left-hand side when using it for comparison.
- A Test in ParameterBinding.Tests.ps1 needed adapting as this test used to rely on the wrong null comparison
- Replace a subset of tests of kind '($object -eq $null) | Should Be $true' with '$object | Should Be $null'
2017-07-21 21:03:49 -07:00

30 lines
1.1 KiB

Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/Apache/Apache.psm1
#list Apache Modules
Write-Host -Foreground Blue "Get installed Apache Modules like *proxy* and Sort by name"
Get-ApacheModule | Where-Object {$_.ModuleName -like "*proxy*"} | Sort-Object ModuleName | Out-Host
#Graceful restart of Apache
Write-host -Foreground Blue "Restart Apache Server gracefully"
Restart-ApacheHTTPServer -Graceful | Out-Host
#Enumerate current virtual hosts (web sites)
Write-Host -Foreground Blue "Enumerate configured Apache Virtual Hosts"
Get-ApacheVHost |out-host
#Add a new virtual host
Write-Host -Foreground Yellow "Create a new Apache Virtual Host"
New-ApacheVHost -ServerName "mytestserver" -DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mytestserver -VirtualHostIPAddress * -VirtualHostPort 8090 | Out-Host
#Enumerate new set of virtual hosts
Write-Host -Foreground Blue "Enumerate Apache Virtual Hosts Again"
Get-ApacheVHost |out-host
Write-Host -Foreground Blue "Remove demo virtual host"
if (Test-Path "/etc/httpd/conf.d"){
& sudo rm "/etc/httpd/conf.d/mytestserver.conf"
if (Test-Path "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled"){
& sudo rm "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mytestserver.conf"