Steve Lee 59311d03e1 Properly escape trailing backslash so that it doesn't end up escaping the quotes (#4965)
The native command receives the arg ".\test 1" as  .\test 1"  as the last  \"  is treated as escaping the quotes. Fix is to add an extra backslash to escape the last enclosing quote.
2017-10-11 18:01:09 +04:00

46 lines
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Describe "Native Command Arguments" -tags "CI" {
# When passing arguments to native commands, quoted segments that contain
# spaces need to be quoted with '"' characters when they are passed to the
# native command (or to bash or sh on Linux).
# This test checks that the proper quoting is occuring by passing arguments
# to the testexe native command and looking at how it got the arguments.
It "Should handle quoted spaces correctly" {
$a = 'a"b c"d'
$lines = testexe -echoargs $a 'a"b c"d' a"b c"d
$lines.Count | Should Be 3
$lines[0] | Should Be 'Arg 0 is <ab cd>'
$lines[1] | Should Be 'Arg 1 is <ab cd>'
$lines[2] | Should Be 'Arg 2 is <ab cd>'
# In order to pass '"' characters so they are actually part of command line
# arguments for native commands, they need to be escaped with a '\' (this
# is in addition to the '`' escaping needed inside '"' quoted strings in
# PowerShell).
# This functionality was broken in PowerShell 5.0 and 5.1, so this test
# will fail on those versions unless the fix is backported to them.
# This test checks that the proper quoting and escaping is occurring by
# passing arguments with escaped quotes to the testexe native command and
# looking at how it got the arguments.
It "Should handle spaces between escaped quotes" {
$lines = testexe -echoargs 'a\"b c\"d' "a\`"b c\`"d"
$lines.Count | Should Be 2
$lines[0] | Should Be 'Arg 0 is <a"b c"d>'
$lines[1] | Should Be 'Arg 1 is <a"b c"d>'
It "Should correctly quote paths with spaces: <arguments>" -TestCases @(
@{arguments = "'.\test 1\' `".\test 2\`"" ; expected = @(".\test 1\",".\test 2\")},
@{arguments = "'.\test 1\\\' `".\test 2\\`""; expected = @(".\test 1\\\",".\test 2\\")}
) {
param($arguments, $expected)
$lines = Invoke-Expression "testexe -echoargs $arguments"
$lines.Count | Should Be $expected.Count
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $lines.Count; $i++) {
$lines[$i] | Should Be "Arg $i is <$($expected[$i])>"