Travis Plunk 5ce5936d78
Create compliance build (#16286)
Co-authored-by: Robert Holt <rjmholt@gmail.com>
2021-10-28 11:07:09 -07:00

136 lines
3.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Class CgData {
CgData ([pscredential]$Pat, [string]$Organization, [string]$Project) {
$this.Pat = $Pat
$this.Organization = $Organization
$this.Project = $Project
# Get the Component Governance data needed to connect to the API
function Get-CgData {
if($Script:cgData){return $Script:cgData}
throw "First call Set-CgCredentials"
# Get a Component Governance API URI
function Get-Uri {
$cgData = Get-CgData
$baseUri = "https://governance.dev.azure.com/$($cgData.Organization)/$($cgData.Project)/_apis/componentgovernance/$PathPortion"
Write-Verbose "uri: $baseUri" -Verbose
return $baseUri
# A class representing a Component Governance repository
class CgRepository {
#Json formatted summary information about this repository. Currently contains number of active nuget.config alerts.
[Object] $additionalInformation
#The associations for this governed repository. For example, all service tree related entries.
[Object] $associations
#Creator of the governed repository.
[Object] $createdBy
[string] $createdDate
[int] $id
[string] $modifiedBy
[string] $modifiedDate
[string] $name
#The policies that are configured in the governed repository.
[object[]] $policies
[object] $projectReference
[string] $repositoryMoniker
[object] $repositoryOptions
[object] $type
[string] $url
[object] $userRole
# Gets a list of all repositories governed in the current project
function Get-CgRepositories {
$uri = Get-Uri -PathPortion "governedrepositories?api-version=6.1-preview.1"
$cgData = Get-CgData
[CgRepository[]] (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Authentication Basic -Credential $cgData.Pat).value
# Gets this PowerShell master repository
Function Get-CgPsRepository {
Get-CgRepositories | Where-Object {$_.name -eq 'PowerShell' -and $_.repositoryMoniker -notlike '*/*'}
# Gets the Component Governance Snapshot Type (unique to each Pipeline and Job) in the repository
function Get-CgSnapshotType {
$id = $CgRepository.Id
$uri = Get-Uri -PathPortion "GovernedRepositories/$id/snapshottypes?api-version=6.1-preview.1"
$cgData = Get-CgData
(Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Basic -Credential $cgData.Pat -Uri $uri).Value
# Gets a Component Governance Notice for a given snapshot type
function Get-CgNotice {
$id = $CgRepository.Id
$uri = Get-Uri -PathPortion "GovernedRepositories/${id}/notice?snapshotTypeId=${SnapshotTypeId}&api-version=6.1-preview.1"
$cgData = Get-CgData
(Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Basic -Credential $cgData.Pat -Uri $uri).content
# Sets the Component Governance credentials used by other functions to connect to the API
function Set-CgCredentials {
[securestring] $Pat,
[string] $Organization,
[string] $Project
$pscred = [PSCredential]::new("PAT",$Pat)
$script:cgData = [CgData]::new($pscred, $Organization, $Project)
Export-ModuleMember -Function @(