Steve Lee 63429445f9 Relax SemanticVersion constructors to not require minor and patch (#3696)
`$psversiontable.psversion -gt "3.0"` which is used by PowerShellGet to determine if a module is compatible with the current version of PowerShell.

Change is to allow specifying only major or major+minor where the missing segments default to zero by providing overloaded constructors and allow
the string parsing method to not require major, minor, and patch segments to all be specified (only major is required).

Based on the [response](https://github.com/mojombo/semver/issues/368) from the maintainer of semver, there is no requirement to have strict
conformance for the inputs to the constructor and allowing "3.0" to result in a semver of 3.0.0 is reasonable.
2017-05-08 10:44:40 -07:00

224 lines
8.7 KiB

using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
Describe "SemanticVersion api tests" -Tags 'CI' {
Context "constructing valid versions" {
It "string argument constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("1.2.3-alpha")
$v.Major | Should Be 1
$v.Minor | Should Be 2
$v.Patch | Should Be 3
$v.Label | Should Be "alpha"
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.2.3-alpha"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("1.0.0")
$v.Major | Should Be 1
$v.Minor | Should Be 0
$v.Patch | Should Be 0
$v.Label | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.0.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("3.0")
$v.Major | Should Be 3
$v.Minor | Should Be 0
$v.Patch | Should Be 0
$v.Label | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.0.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new("2")
$v.Major | Should Be 2
$v.Minor | Should Be 0
$v.Patch | Should Be 0
$v.Label | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$v.ToString() | Should Be "2.0.0"
# After the above test, we trust the properties and rely on ToString for validation
It "int args constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0)
$v.ToString() | Should Be "1.0.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 2, 0, "beta.1")
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.2.0-beta.1"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 1)
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.1.0"
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new(3)
$v.ToString() | Should Be "3.0.0"
It "version arg constructor" {
$v = [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(1, 2, 3))
$v.ToString() | Should Be '1.2.3'
It "semantic version can round trip through version" {
$v1 = [SemanticVersion]::new(3, 2, 1, "prerelease")
$v2 = [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]$v1)
$v2.ToString() | Should Be "3.2.1-prerelease"
Context "Comparisons" {
$v1_0_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0)
$v1_1_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, 0)
$v1_1_1 = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, 1)
$v2_1_0 = [SemanticVersion]::new(2, 1, 0)
$v1_0_0_alpha = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "alpha")
$v1_0_0_beta = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "beta")
$testCases = @(
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v1_1_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v1_1_1 }
@{ lhs = $v1_1_0; rhs = $v1_1_1 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0; rhs = $v2_1_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_alpha; rhs = $v1_0_0_beta }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_alpha; rhs = $v1_0_0 }
@{ lhs = $v1_0_0_beta; rhs = $v1_0_0 }
@{ lhs = $v2_1_0; rhs = "3.0"}
@{ lhs = "1.5"; rhs = $v2_1_0}
It "less than" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -lt $rhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -lt $lhs | Should Be $false
It "less than or equal" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -le $rhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -le $lhs | Should Be $false
$lhs -le $lhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -le $rhs | Should Be $true
It "greater than" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -gt $rhs | Should Be $false
$rhs -gt $lhs | Should Be $true
It "greater than or equal" -TestCases $testCases {
param($lhs, $rhs)
$lhs -ge $rhs | Should Be $false
$rhs -ge $lhs | Should Be $true
$lhs -ge $lhs | Should Be $true
$rhs -ge $rhs | Should Be $true
$testCases = @(
@{ operand = $v1_0_0 }
@{ operand = $v1_0_0_alpha }
It "Equality" -TestCases $testCases {
$operand -eq $operand | Should Be $true
$operand -ne $operand | Should Be $false
$null -eq $operand | Should Be $false
$operand -eq $null | Should Be $false
$null -ne $operand | Should Be $true
$operand -ne $null | Should Be $true
It "comparisons with null" {
$v1_0_0 -lt $null | Should Be $false
$null -lt $v1_0_0 | Should Be $true
$v1_0_0 -le $null | Should Be $false
$null -le $v1_0_0 | Should Be $true
$v1_0_0 -gt $null | Should Be $true
$null -gt $v1_0_0 | Should Be $false
$v1_0_0 -ge $null | Should Be $true
$null -ge $v1_0_0 | Should Be $false
Context "error handling" {
# The specific errors aren't too useful here, but noted in comments
# so when we pick up a version of Pester that will let us check FullyQualifiedErrorId,
# it's easier to tweak the tests
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = $null }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = [NullString]::Value }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.0-" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "." }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-alpha" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1..0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.-alpha" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0." }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = ".0.0" }
It "parts of version missing" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "-1.0.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.-1.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.-1" }
It "range check of versions" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "aa.0.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.bb.0" }
@{ expectedResult = $false; version = "1.0.cc" }
It "format errors" -TestCases $testCases {
param($version, $expectedResult)
{ [SemanticVersion]::new($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::Parse($version) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
$semVer = $null
[SemanticVersion]::TryParse($_, [ref]$semVer) | Should Be $expectedResult
$semVer | Should Be $null
It "Negative version arguments" {
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(-1, 0) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(1, -1) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 1, -1) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
It "Incompatible version throws" {
# Revision isn't supported
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new(0, 0, 0, 4)) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
{ [SemanticVersion]::new([Version]::new("")) } | Should Throw # PSArgumentException
Context "Serialization" {
$testCases = @(
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.0"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0) }
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.1"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 1) }
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.0-alpha"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "alpha") }
@{ expectedResult = "1.0.0-beta"; semver = [SemanticVersion]::new(1, 0, 0, "beta") }
It "Can round trip" -TestCases $testCases {
param($semver, $expectedResult)
$ser = [PSSerializer]::Serialize($semver)
$des = [PSSerializer]::Deserialize($ser)
$des | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.SemanticVersion
$des.ToString() | Should Be $expectedResult