xtqqczze 743983390e Update pester syntax to v4 (#11544)
* Capitalize 'Should' command and fix whitespace

$_ -ireplace '\s?\|\s?should\b',' | Should'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Not' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should) not\b','$1 -Not'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Be' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -?be\b','$1 -Be'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'BeExactly' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -?beexactly\b','$1 -BeExactly'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'BeGreaterThan' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -?begreaterthan\b','$1 -BeGreaterThan'

* Use 'BeTrue' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -Be\s\$?true\b','$1 -BeTrue'

* Use 'BeFalse' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -Be\s\$?false\b','$1 -BeFalse'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Match' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?)\s-?match\b','$1 -Match'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Throw' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?)\s-?throw\b','$1 -Throw'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'BeNullOrEmpty' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?)\s-?benullorempty\b','$1 -BeNullOrEmpty'

* Capitalise 'Because' parameter

$_ -ireplace '\s-because\b',' -Because'

* Fix 'BeNullOrEmpty'
2020-01-11 20:41:59 +05:00

90 lines
4.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
$imageName = "remotetestimage"
Describe "Basic remoting test with docker" -tags @("Scenario","Slow"){
BeforeAll {
$Timeout = 600 # 10 minutes to run these tests
$dockerimage = docker images --format "{{ .Repository }}" $imageName
if ( $dockerimage -ne $imageName ) {
$pending = $true
write-warning "Docker image '$imageName' not found, not running tests"
else {
$pending = $false
# give the containers something to do, otherwise they will exit and be removed
Write-Verbose -verbose "setting up docker container PowerShell server"
$server = docker run -d $imageName powershell -c Start-Sleep -Seconds $timeout
Write-Verbose -verbose "setting up docker container PowerShell client"
$client = docker run -d $imageName powershell -c Start-Sleep -Seconds $timeout
# get fullpath to installed core powershell
Write-Verbose -verbose "Getting path to PowerShell"
$powershellcorepath = docker exec $server powershell -c "(get-childitem 'c:\program files\powershell\*\pwsh.exe').fullname"
if ( ! $powershellcorepath )
$pending = $true
write-warning "Cannot find powershell executable, not running tests"
$powershellcoreversion = ($powershellcorepath -split "[\\/]")[-2]
# we will need the configuration of the core powershell endpoint
$powershellcoreConfiguration = "powershell.${powershellcoreversion}"
# capture the hostnames of the containers which will be used by the tests
write-verbose -verbose "getting server hostname"
$serverhostname = docker exec $server hostname
write-verbose -verbose "getting client hostname"
$clienthostname = docker exec $client hostname
# capture the versions of full and core PowerShell
write-verbose -verbose "getting powershell full version"
$fullVersion = docker exec $client powershell -c "`$psversiontable.psversion.tostring()"
if ( ! $fullVersion )
$pending = $true
write-warning "Cannot determine PowerShell full version, not running tests"
write-verbose -verbose "getting powershell version"
$coreVersion = docker exec $client "$powershellcorepath" -c "`$psversiontable.psversion.tostring()"
if ( ! $coreVersion )
$pending = $true
write-warning "Cannot determine PowerShell version, not running tests"
AfterAll {
# to debug, comment out the following
if ( $pending -eq $false ) {
docker rm -f $server
docker rm -f $client
It "Full powershell can get correct remote powershell version" -pending:$pending {
$result = docker exec $client powershell -c "`$ss = [security.securestring]::new(); '11aa!!AA'.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object { `$ss.appendchar(`$_)}; `$c = [pscredential]::new('testuser',`$ss); `$ses=new-pssession $serverhostname -configurationname $powershellcoreConfiguration -auth basic -credential `$c; invoke-command -session `$ses { `$psversiontable.psversion.tostring() }"
$result | Should -Be $coreVersion
It "Full powershell can get correct remote powershell full version" -pending:$pending {
$result = docker exec $client powershell -c "`$ss = [security.securestring]::new(); '11aa!!AA'.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object { `$ss.appendchar(`$_)}; `$c = [pscredential]::new('testuser',`$ss); `$ses=new-pssession $serverhostname -auth basic -credential `$c; invoke-command -session `$ses { `$psversiontable.psversion.tostring() }"
$result | Should -Be $fullVersion
It "Core powershell can get correct remote powershell version" -pending:$pending {
$result = docker exec $client "$powershellcorepath" -c "`$ss = [security.securestring]::new(); '11aa!!AA'.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object { `$ss.appendchar(`$_)}; `$c = [pscredential]::new('testuser',`$ss); `$ses=new-pssession $serverhostname -configurationname $powershellcoreConfiguration -auth basic -credential `$c; invoke-command -session `$ses { `$psversiontable.psversion.tostring() }"
$result | Should -Be $coreVersion
It "Core powershell can get correct remote powershell full version" -pending:$pending {
$result = docker exec $client "$powershellcorepath" -c "`$ss = [security.securestring]::new(); '11aa!!AA'.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object { `$ss.appendchar(`$_)}; `$c = [pscredential]::new('testuser',`$ss); `$ses=new-pssession $serverhostname -auth basic -credential `$c; invoke-command -session `$ses { `$psversiontable.psversion.tostring() }"
$result | Should -Be $fullVersion