2021-11-02 16:53:36 -07:00

3650 lines
172 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# This is a Pester test suite which validate the Web cmdlets.
# Note: These tests use data from WebListener
# Invokes the given command via script block invocation.
function ExecuteWebCommand {
param (
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null}
try {
$scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($command)
$result.Output = & $scriptBlock
} catch {
$result.Error = $_
return $result
# This function calls either Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod using the OutFile parameter
# Then, the file content is read and return in a $result object.
function ExecuteRequestWithOutFile {
param (
[ValidateSet("Invoke-RestMethod", "Invoke-WebRequest" )]
$uri = (Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get')
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null}
# We use '[outfile1]' in the file name to check that OutFile parameter is literal path
$filePath = Join-Path $TestDrive ((Get-Random).ToString() + "[outfile1].txt")
try {
if ($cmdletName -eq "Invoke-WebRequest") {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $filePath
} else {
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -OutFile $filePath
$result.Output = Get-Content -LiteralPath $filePath -Raw -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} catch {
$result.Error = $_
} finally {
if (Test-Path $filePath) {
Remove-Item $filePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
return $result
# This function calls either Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod with the given uri
# using the Headers parameter to disable keep-alive.
function ExecuteRequestWithHeaders {
param (
[ValidateSet("Invoke-RestMethod", "Invoke-WebRequest" )]
$uri = (Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get')
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null}
try {
$headers = @{ Connection = 'close'}
if ($cmdletName -eq "Invoke-WebRequest") {
$result.Output = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers $headers
} else {
$result.Output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers
} catch {
$result.Error = $_
return $result
# Returns test data for the given content type.
function GetTestData {
param (
[ValidateSet("text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json")]
$testData = @{ItemID = 987123; Name = 'TestData'}
if ($contentType -eq "text/plain") {
$body = $testData | Out-String
} elseif ($contentType -eq "application/xml") {
$body = '
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
} else {
# "application/json"
$body = $testData | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
return $body
function ExecuteRedirectRequest {
param (
[ValidateSet('Invoke-WebRequest', 'Invoke-RestMethod')]
$Cmdlet = 'Invoke-WebRequest',
[ValidateSet('POST', 'GET')]
$Method = 'GET',
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null; Content = $null}
try {
$headers = @{"Authorization" = "test"}
if ($Cmdlet -eq 'Invoke-WebRequest') {
$result.Output = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect:$PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect.IsPresent -Method $Method
$result.Content = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$result.Output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect:$PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect.IsPresent -Method $Method
# NOTE: $result.Output should already be a PSObject (Invoke-RestMethod converts the returned json automatically)
# so simply reference $result.Output
$result.Content = $result.Output
} catch {
$result.Error = $_
return $result
# This function calls either Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod with the given uri
# using the custum headers and the optional SkipHeaderValidation switch.
function ExecuteRequestWithCustomHeaders {
param (
[ValidateSet('Invoke-WebRequest', 'Invoke-RestMethod')]
$Cmdlet = 'Invoke-WebRequest',
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null; Content = $null}
try {
if ($Cmdlet -eq 'Invoke-WebRequest') {
$result.Output = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipHeaderValidation:$SkipHeaderValidation.IsPresent
$result.Content = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$result.Output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -SkipHeaderValidation:$SkipHeaderValidation.IsPresent
# NOTE: $result.Output should already be a PSObject (Invoke-RestMethod converts the returned json automatically)
# so simply reference $result.Output
$result.Content = $result.Output
} catch {
$result.Error = $_
return $result
# This function calls either Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod with the given uri
# using the custom UserAgent and the optional SkipHeaderValidation switch.
function ExecuteRequestWithCustomUserAgent {
param (
[ValidateSet('Invoke-WebRequest', 'Invoke-RestMethod')]
$Cmdlet = 'Invoke-WebRequest',
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null; Content = $null}
try {
$Params = @{
Uri = $Uri
TimeoutSec = 5
UserAgent = $UserAgent
SkipHeaderValidation = $SkipHeaderValidation.IsPresent
if ($Cmdlet -eq 'Invoke-WebRequest') {
$result.Output = Invoke-WebRequest @Params
$result.Content = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
} else {
$result.Output = Invoke-RestMethod @Params
# NOTE: $result.Output should already be a PSObject (Invoke-RestMethod converts the returned json automatically)
# so simply reference $result.Output
$result.Content = $result.Output
} catch {
$result.Error = $_
return $result
# This function calls Invoke-WebRequest with the given uri
function ExecuteWebRequest {
param (
$result = [PSObject]@{Output = $null; Error = $null; Content = $null}
try {
$result.Output = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -UseBasicParsing:$UseBasicParsing.IsPresent
$result.Content = $result.Output.Content
} catch {
$result.Error = $_
return $result
[string] $verboseEncodingPrefix = 'Content encoding: '
# This function calls Invoke-WebRequest with the given uri and
# parses the verbose output to determine the encoding used for the content.
function ExecuteRestMethod {
param (
$result = @{Output = $null; Error = $null; Encoding = $null; Content = $null}
$verbosePreferenceSave = $VerbosePreference
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
try {
$verboseFile = Join-Path $TestDrive -ChildPath ExecuteRestMethod.verbose.txt
$result.Output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -UseBasicParsing:$UseBasicParsing.IsPresent -Verbose 4>$verboseFile
$result.Content = $result.Output
if (Test-Path -Path $verboseFile) {
$result.Verbose = Get-Content -Path $verboseFile
foreach ($item in $result.Verbose) {
$line = $item.Trim()
if ($line.StartsWith($verboseEncodingPrefix)) {
$encodingName = $item.SubString($verboseEncodingPrefix.Length).Trim()
$result.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($encodingName)
if ($result.Encoding -eq $null) {
throw "Encoding not found in verbose output. Lines: $($result.Verbose.Count) Content:$($result.Verbose)"
if ($result.Verbose -eq $null) {
throw "No verbose output was found"
} catch {
$result.Error = $_ | Select-Object * | Out-String
} finally {
$VerbosePreference = $verbosePreferenceSave
if (Test-Path -Path $verboseFile) {
Remove-Item -Path $verboseFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
return $result
function GetMultipartBody {
param (
$multipartContent = [System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent]::new()
if ($String.IsPresent) {
$stringHeader = [System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue]::new("form-data")
$stringHeader.Name = "TestString"
$StringContent = [System.Net.Http.StringContent]::new("TestValue")
$StringContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = $stringHeader
if ($File.IsPresent) {
$multipartFile = Join-Path $TestDrive 'multipart.txt'
"TestContent" | Set-Content $multipartFile
$FileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($multipartFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
$fileHeader = [System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue]::new("form-data")
$fileHeader.Name = "TestFile"
$fileHeader.FileName = 'multipart.txt'
$fileContent = [System.Net.Http.StreamContent]::new($FileStream)
$fileContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = $fileHeader
$fileContent.Headers.ContentType = [System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue]::Parse("text/plain")
# unary comma required to prevent $multipartContent from being unwrapped/enumerated
return , $multipartContent
Defines the list of redirect codes to test as well as the
expected Method when the redirection is handled.
See https://docs.microsoft.com/previous-versions/windows/apps/f92ssyy1(v=vs.105)
for additonal details.
$redirectTests = @(
@{redirectType = 'MultipleChoices'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'}
@{redirectType = 'Ambiguous'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'} # Synonym for MultipleChoices
@{redirectType = 'Moved'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'}
@{redirectType = 'MovedPermanently'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'} # Synonym for Moved
@{redirectType = 'Found'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'}
@{redirectType = 'Redirect'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'} # Synonym for Found
@{redirectType = 'redirectMethod'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'}
@{redirectType = 'SeeOther'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'} # Synonym for RedirectMethod
@{redirectType = 'TemporaryRedirect'; redirectedMethod = 'POST'}
@{redirectType = 'RedirectKeepVerb'; redirectedMethod = 'POST'} # Synonym for TemporaryRedirect
@{redirectType = 'relative'; redirectedMethod = 'GET'}
Describe "Invoke-WebRequest tests" -Tags "Feature", "RequireAdminOnWindows" {
BeforeAll {
$WebListener = Start-WebListener
$NotFoundQuery = @{
statuscode = 404
responsephrase = 'Not Found'
contenttype = 'text/plain'
body = 'oops'
headers = "{}"
# Validate the output of Invoke-WebRequest
function ValidateResponse {
param ($response)
$response.Error | Should -Be $null
# A successful call returns: Status = 200, and StatusDescription = "OK"
$response.Output.StatusDescription | Should -Match "OK"
$response.Output.StatusCode | Should -Be 200
# Make sure the response contains the following properties:
$response.Output.RawContent | Should -Not -Be $null
$response.Output.Headers | Should -Not -Be $null
$response.Output.RawContent | Should -Not -Be $null
$response.Output.RawContentLength | Should -Not -Be $null
$response.Output.Content | Should -Not -Be $null
#User-Agent changes on different platforms, so tests should only be run if on the correct platform
It "Invoke-WebRequest returns Correct User-Agent on MacOSX" -Skip:(!$IsMacOS) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -MatchExactly '.*\(Macintosh;.*\) PowerShell\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'
It "Invoke-WebRequest returns Correct User-Agent on Linux" -Skip:(!$IsLinux) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -MatchExactly '.*\(Linux;.*\) PowerShell\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'
It "Invoke-WebRequest returns Correct User-Agent on Windows" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -MatchExactly '.*\(Windows NT \d+\.\d*;.*\) PowerShell\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'
It "Invoke-WebRequest returns headers dictionary" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should -Be $Uri.Authority
It "Invoke-WebRequest with blank ContentType succeeds" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -ContentType ''"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
ValidateResponse -response $result
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -DisableKeepAlive" {
# Operation options
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -DisableKeepAlive"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
$result.Output.Headers.Connection | Should -Be "Close"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -HttpVersion '<httpVersion>'" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) -TestCases @(
@{ httpVersion = '1.1'},
@{ httpVersion = '2'}
) {
# Operation options
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -HttpVersion $httpVersion -SkipCertificateCheck"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.protocol | Should -Be "HTTP/$httpVersion"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -MaximumRedirection" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -TestValue '3'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRedirection 4"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should -Match $uri.Authority
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest error for -MaximumRedirection" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -TestValue '3'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRedirection 2"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Invoke-WebRequest supports request that returns page containing UTF-8 data." {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Encoding' -TestValue 'Utf8'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
$Result.Output.Encoding.BodyName | Should -Be 'utf-8'
$Result.Output.Content | Should -Match '⡌⠁⠧⠑ ⠼⠁⠒ ⡍⠜⠇⠑⠹⠰⠎ ⡣⠕⠌'
It "Invoke-WebRequest supports sending request as UTF-8." {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'POST'
# Body must contain non-ASCII characters
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -Body 'проверка' -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' -Method 'POST'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
$Result.Output.Encoding.BodyName | Should -BeExactly 'utf-8'
$object = $Result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$object.Data | Should -BeExactly 'проверка'
It "Invoke-WebRequest supports request that returns page containing CodPage 936 data." {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Encoding' -TestValue 'CP936'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
$Result.Output.Encoding.CodePage | Should -Be 936
$Result.Output.Content | Should -Match '测试123'
It "Invoke-WebRequest validate timeout option" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Delay' -TestValue '5'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -TimeoutSec 2"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest error with -Proxy and -NoProxy option" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Delay' -TestValue '10'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -Proxy '' -NoProxy -TimeoutSec 2"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
$testCase = @(
@{ proxy_address = (Get-WebListenerUrl).Authority; name = 'HTTP proxy'; protocol = 'http' }
@{ proxy_address = (Get-WebListenerUrl -https).Authority; name = 'HTTPS proxy'; protocol = 'https' }
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest with -Proxy option set - '<name>'" -TestCases $testCase {
param($proxy_address, $name, $protocol)
# use external url, but with proxy the external url should not actually be called
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ${protocol}://httpbin.org -Proxy '${protocol}://${proxy_address}' -SkipCertificateCheck"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '${protocol}://${proxy_address}' -NoProxy"
$expectedResult = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.Content | Should -BeExactly $expectedResult.Output.Content
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-WebRequest
# gzip Returns gzip-encoded data.
# deflate Returns deflate-encoded data.
# $dataEncodings = @("Chunked", "Compress", "Deflate", "GZip", "Identity")
# Note: These are the supported options, but we do not have a web service to test them all.
It "Invoke-WebRequest supports request that returns <DataEncoding>-encoded data." -TestCases @(
@{ DataEncoding = "gzip"}
@{ DataEncoding = "deflate"}
) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Compression' -TestValue $dataEncoding
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$result.Output.Headers.'Content-Encoding'[0] | Should -BeExactly $dataEncoding
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.Headers.Host | Should -BeExactly $uri.Authority
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-WebRequest using the following content types: "text/plain", "application/xml", "application/xml"
# post Returns POST data.
# patch Returns PATCH data.
# put Returns PUT data.
# delete Returns DELETE data
$testMethods = @("POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE")
$contentTypes = @("text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json")
foreach ($contentType in $contentTypes) {
foreach ($method in $testMethods) {
# Operation options
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test $method
$body = GetTestData -contentType $contentType
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Body '$body' -Method $method -ContentType $contentType"
It "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method $method -ContentType $contentType -Body [body data]" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.url | Should -Match $uri
$jsonContent.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match $contentType
# Validate that the response Content.data field is the same as what we sent.
$jsonContent.data | Should -Be $body
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -Headers --> Set KeepAlive to false via headers" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = ExecuteRequestWithHeaders -cmdletName Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri
ValidateResponse -response $result
$result.Output.Headers.Connection | Should -Be "Close"
# Validate all available user agents for Invoke-WebRequest
$agents = @{
InternetExplorer = "MSIE 9.0"
Chrome = "Chrome"
Opera = "Opera"
Safari = "Safari"
FireFox = "Firefox"
foreach ($agentName in $agents.Keys) {
$expectedAgent = $agents[$agentName]
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$userAgent = "[Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::$agentName"
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -UserAgent ($userAgent) "
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest UserAgent. Execute--> $command" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse -response $result
# Validate response content
$jsonContent = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should -Be $uri.Authority
$jsonContent.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -Match $expectedAgent
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = ExecuteRequestWithOutFile -cmdletName "Invoke-WebRequest" -uri $uri
$jsonContent = $result.Output | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should -Be $uri.Authority
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest handles missing Content-Type in response header" {
#Validate that exception is not thrown when response headers are missing Content-Type.
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'ResponseHeaders' -Query @{'Content-Type' = ''}
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest StandardMethod and CustomMethod parameter sets" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
#Validate that parameter sets are functioning correctly
$errorId = "AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET -CustomMethod TEST } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $errorId
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest CustomMethod method is used" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod TEST"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
($result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).method | Should -Be "TEST"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest default ContentType for CustomMethod POST" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod POST -Body 'testparam=testvalue'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$jsonResult = $result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonResult.form.testparam | Should -Be "testvalue"
$jsonResult.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest body is converted to query params for CustomMethod GET" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod GET -Body @{'testparam'='testvalue'}"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
($result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).args.testparam | Should -Be "testvalue"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest body is converted to query params for CustomMethod GET and -NoProxy" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod GET -Body @{'testparam'='testvalue'} -NoProxy"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
($result.Output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).query | Should -Be "?testparam=testvalue"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest returns HTTP errors in exception" {
$query = @{
body = "I am a teapot!!!"
statuscode = 418
responsephrase = "I am a teapot"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.ErrorDetails.Message | Should -Be $query.body
$result.Error.Exception | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException
$result.Error.Exception.Response.StatusCode | Should -Be 418
$result.Error.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase | Should -Be $query.responsephrase
$result.Error.Exception.Message | Should -Match ": 418 \($($query.responsephrase)\)\."
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest returns empty RelationLink property if there is no Link Header" {
$uri = $uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.RelationLink.Count | Should -Be 0
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest returns valid RelationLink property with absolute uris if Link Header is present" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{maxlinks = 5; linknumber = 2}
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.RelationLink.Count | Should -BeExactly 5
$baseUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link'
$result.Output.RelationLink["next"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=3&type=default"
$result.Output.RelationLink["last"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=5&type=default"
$result.Output.RelationLink["prev"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=1&type=default"
$result.Output.RelationLink["first"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=1&type=default"
$result.Output.RelationLink["self"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=2&type=default"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest returns valid RelationLink property with absolute uris if Multiple Link Headers are present" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{maxlinks = 5; linknumber = 2; type = 'multiple'}
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.RelationLink.Count | Should -BeExactly 5
$baseUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link'
$result.Output.RelationLink["next"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=3&type=multiple"
$result.Output.RelationLink["last"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=5&type=multiple"
$result.Output.RelationLink["prev"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=1&type=multiple"
$result.Output.RelationLink["first"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=1&type=multiple"
$result.Output.RelationLink["self"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=5&linknumber=2&type=multiple"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest RelationLink keys are treated case-insensitively" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{maxlinks = 5; linknumber = 2; type = 'multiple'}
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.RelationLink["next"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Output.RelationLink["next"] | Should -BeExactly $result.Output.RelationLink["Next"]
$result.Output.RelationLink["last"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Output.RelationLink["last"] | Should -BeExactly $result.Output.RelationLink["LAST"]
$result.Output.RelationLink["prev"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Output.RelationLink["prev"] | Should -BeExactly $result.Output.RelationLink["preV"]
$result.Output.RelationLink["first"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Output.RelationLink["first"] | Should -BeExactly $result.Output.RelationLink["FiRsT"]
$result.Output.RelationLink["self"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Output.RelationLink["self"] | Should -BeExactly $result.Output.RelationLink["self"]
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest quietly ignores invalid Link Headers in RelationLink property: <type>" -TestCases @(
@{ type = "noUrl" }
@{ type = "malformed" }
@{ type = "noRel" }
) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{type = $type}
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.RelationLink.Count | Should -BeExactly 3
$baseUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link'
$result.Output.RelationLink["last"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=3&linknumber=3&type=${type}"
$result.Output.RelationLink["first"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=3&linknumber=1&type=${type}"
$result.Output.RelationLink["self"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=3&linknumber=1&type=${type}"
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest handles different whitespace for Link Headers: <type>" -TestCases @(
@{ type = "noWhitespace" }
@{ type = "extraWhitespace" }
) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{type = $type}
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.RelationLink.Count | Should -BeExactly 4
$baseUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link'
$result.Output.RelationLink["last"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=3&linknumber=3&type=${type}"
$result.Output.RelationLink["first"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=3&linknumber=1&type=${type}"
$result.Output.RelationLink["self"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=3&linknumber=1&type=${type}"
$result.Output.RelationLink["next"] | Should -BeExactly "${baseUri}?maxlinks=3&linknumber=2&type=${type}"
It "Verify Invoke-WebRequest supresses terminating errors with -SkipHttpErrorCheck" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $NotFoundQuery
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -SkipHttpErrorCheck -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -Command $command
$result.output.StatusCode | Should -Be 404
$result.output.Content | Should -BeExactly "oops"
$result.error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Verify Invoke-WebRequest terminates without -SkipHttpErrorCheck" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $NotFoundQuery
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -Command $command
$result.output | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.error | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Redirect" {
It "Validates Invoke-WebRequest with -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect preserves the authorization header on redirect: <redirectType> <redirectedMethod>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Uri $uri -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeExactly "test"
It "Validates Invoke-WebRequest preserves the authorization header on multiple redirects: <redirectType>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -TestValue 3 -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Uri $uri -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeExactly "test"
It "Validates Invoke-WebRequest strips the authorization header on various redirects: <redirectType>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Uri $uri
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure user-agent is present (i.e., no false positives )
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header has been removed.
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# NOTE: Only testing redirection of POST -> GET for unique underlying values of HttpStatusCode.
# Some names overlap in underlying value.
It "Validates Invoke-WebRequest strips the authorization header redirects and switches from POST to GET when it handles the redirect: <redirectType> <redirectedMethod>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'POST'
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure user-agent is present (i.e., no false positives )
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header has been removed.
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure POST was changed to GET for selected redirections and remains as POST for others.
$response.Content.Method | Should -Be $redirectedMethod
It "Validates Invoke-WebRequest -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect keeps the authorization header redirects and switches from POST to GET when it handles the redirect: <redirectType> <redirectedMethod>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect -Uri $uri -Method 'POST'
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure user-agent is present (i.e., no false positives )
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header has been removed.
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeExactly 'test'
# ensure POST was changed to GET for selected redirections and remains as POST for others.
$response.Content.Method | Should -Be $redirectedMethod
It "Validates Invoke-WebRequest handles responses without Location header for requests with Authorization header and redirect: <redirectType>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
# Skip relative test as it is not a valid response type.
if ($redirectType -eq 'relative') { return }
# When an Authorization request header is present,
# and -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect is not present,
# PowerShell should throw an HTTP Response Exception
# for a redirect response which does not contain a Location response header.
# The correct redirect status code should be included in the exception.
$StatusCode = [int][System.Net.HttpStatusCode]$redirectType
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test Response -Query @{statuscode = $StatusCode}
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -Headers @{Authorization = 'foo'}"
$response = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$response.Error.Exception | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException
$response.Error.Exception.Response.StatusCode | Should -Be $StatusCode
$response.Error.Exception.Response.Headers.Location | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Invoke-WebRequest SkipHeaderVerification Tests" {
BeforeAll {
$Testfile = Join-Path $testdrive 'SkipHeaderVerification.txt'
'bar' | Set-Content $Testfile
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default header handling with no errors" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$headers = @{"If-Match" = "*"}
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomHeaders -Uri $uri -headers $headers
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Content.Headers."If-Match" | Should -BeExactly "*"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default header handling reports an error is returned for an invalid If-Match header value" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$headers = @{"If-Match" = "12345"}
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomHeaders -Uri $uri -headers $headers
$response.Error | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "System.FormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
$response.Error.Exception.Message | Should -Be "The format of value '12345' is invalid."
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest header handling does not report an error when using -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$headers = @{"If-Match" = "12345"}
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomHeaders -Uri $uri -headers $headers -SkipHeaderValidation
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Content.Headers."If-Match" | Should -BeExactly "12345"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default UserAgent handling with no errors" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$UserAgent = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::InternetExplorer
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomUserAgent -Uri $uri -UserAgent $UserAgent -Cmdlet "Invoke-WebRequest"
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$Pattern = [regex]::Escape($UserAgent)
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Match $Pattern
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default UserAgent handling reports an error is returned for an invalid UserAgent value" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$UserAgent = 'Invalid:Agent'
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomUserAgent -Uri $uri -UserAgent $UserAgent -Cmdlet "Invoke-WebRequest"
$response.Error | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "System.FormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
$response.Error.Exception.Message | Should -Be "The format of value 'Invalid:Agent' is invalid."
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest UserAgent handling does not report an error when using -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$UserAgent = 'Invalid:Agent'
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomUserAgent -Uri $uri -UserAgent $UserAgent -SkipHeaderValidation -Cmdlet "Invoke-WebRequest"
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$Pattern = [regex]::Escape($UserAgent)
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Match $Pattern
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default ContentType handling reports no error is returned for a valid Content-Type header value and -Body" {
$contentType = 'text/plain'
$body = "bar"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -Body $body
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.data | Should -BeExactly $body
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default ContentType handling reports an error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value and -Body" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$body = "bar"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -Body $body -ErrorAction 'Stop' } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletContentTypeException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest ContentType handling reports no error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value, -Body, and -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$body = "bar"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -Body $body -SkipHeaderValidation
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.data | Should -BeExactly 'bar'
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default ContentType handling reports no error is returned for a valid Content-Type header value and -InFile" {
$contentType = 'text/plain'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -InFile $Testfile
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
# Match used due to inconsistent newline rendering
$result.data | Should -Match 'bar'
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default ContentType handling reports an error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value and -InFile" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -InFile $Testfile -ErrorAction 'Stop' } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletContentTypeException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest default ContentType handling reports no error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value, -Infile, and -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -InFile $Testfile -SkipHeaderValidation
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
# Match used due to inconsistent newline rendering
$result.data | Should -Match 'bar'
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest applies -ContentType when no -Body is present" {
$contentType = 'application/json'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'GET' -ContentType $contentType
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.data | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest applies an invalid -ContentType when no -Body is present and -SkipHeaderValidation is present" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method 'GET' -ContentType $contentType -SkipHeaderValidation
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.data | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
#region charset encoding tests
Context "BasicHtmlWebResponseObject Encoding tests" {
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest detects charset meta value when the ContentType header does not define it." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="Unicode"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest detects charset meta value when newlines are encountered in the element." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html>`n <head>`n <meta`n charset=`"Unicode`"`n >`n </head>`n</html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest detects charset meta value when the attribute value is unquoted." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = '<html><head><meta charset = Unicode></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest detects http-equiv charset meta value when the ContentType header does not define it." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html><head>`n<meta http-equiv=`"content-type`" content=`"text/html; charset=Unicode`">`n</head>`n</html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest detects http-equiv charset meta value newlines are encountered in the element." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html><head>`n<meta`n http-equiv=`"content-type`"`n content=`"text/html; charset=Unicode`">`n</head>`n</html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest ignores meta charset value when Content-Type header defines it." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="utf-32"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
# NOTE: meta charset should be ignored
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest honors non-utf8 charsets in the Content-Type header" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html; charset=utf-16'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="utf-32"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
# NOTE: meta charset should be ignored
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-16')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest defaults to iso-8859-1 when an unsupported/invalid charset is declared" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="invalid"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest defaults to iso-8859-1 when an unsupported/invalid charset is declared using http-equiv" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html><head>`n<meta http-equiv=`"content-type`" content=`"text/html; charset=Invalid`">`n</head>`n</html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest defaults to UTF8 on application/json when no charset is present" {
# when contenttype is set, WebListener suppresses charset unless it is included in the query
$query = @{
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = '{"Test": "Test"}'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$response = ExecuteWebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Output.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.Output | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.BasicHtmlWebResponseObject
$response.Output.Content | Should -BeExactly $query.body
#endregion charset encoding tests
#region Content Header Inclusion
Context "Content Header" {
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest includes Content headers in Headers property" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/plain'
body = 'OK'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse $result
$result.Output.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Be 'text/plain'
$result.Output.Headers.'Content-Length' | Should -Be 2
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest includes Content headers in RawContent property" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/plain'
body = 'OK'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse $result
$result.Output.RawContent | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape('Content-Type: text/plain'))
$result.Output.RawContent | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape('Content-Length: 2'))
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Supports Multiple response headers with same name" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/plain'
body = 'OK'
headers = @{
'X-Fake-Header' = @('testvalue01', 'testvalue02')
} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
ValidateResponse $result
$result.Output.Headers.'X-Fake-Header'.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Output.Headers.'X-Fake-Header'.Contains('testvalue01') | Should -BeTrue
$result.Output.Headers.'X-Fake-Header'.Contains('testvalue02') | Should -BeTrue
$result.Output.RawContent | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape('X-Fake-Header: testvalue01'))
$result.Output.RawContent | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape('X-Fake-Header: testvalue02'))
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest does not sent expect 100-continue headers by default" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.headers.Expect | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.method | Should -BeExactly "GET"
$result.url | Should -BeExactly $uri.ToString()
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest sends expect 100-continue header when defined in -Headers" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{Expect = '100-continue'}
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.headers.Expect | Should -BeExactly '100-continue'
$result.method | Should -BeExactly "GET"
$result.url | Should -BeExactly $uri.ToString()
#endregion Content Header Inclusion
Context "HTTPS Tests" {
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest -SkipCertificateCheck" {
# validate that exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate
$Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$Uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
# validate that no exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate when using -SkipCertificateCheck option
$Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$Uri' -SkipCertificateCheck"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Validate Invoke-WebRequest returns native HTTPS error message in exception" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# need to check against inner exception since Linux and Windows uses different HTTP client libraries so errors aren't the same
$result.Error.ErrorDetails.Message | Should -Match $result.Error.Exception.InnerException.Message
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Certificate Authentication Fails without -Certificate" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https -Test 'Cert'
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -SkipCertificateCheck |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content |
$result.Status | Should -Be 'FAILED'
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Certificate Authentication Successful with -Certificate" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https -Test 'Cert'
$certificate = Get-WebListenerClientCertificate
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Certificate $certificate -SkipCertificateCheck |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content |
$result.Status | Should -Be 'OK'
$result.Thumbprint | Should -Be $certificate.Thumbprint
Context "Multipart/form-data Tests" {
Content-Type request headers for multipart/form-data appear as:
multipart/form-data; boundary="0ab0cb90-f01b-4c15-bd4d-53d073efcc1d"
MultipartFormDataContent sets a random GUID for the boundary before submitting the request
to the remote endpoint. Tests in this context for Content-Type match 'multipart/form-data'
as we do not have access to the random GUID.
Kestrel/ASP.NET inconsistently renders the new line for uploaded text files.
File content tests in this context use match as a workaround.
BeforeAll {
$file1Name = "testfile1.txt"
$file1Path = Join-Path $testdrive $file1Name
$file1Contents = "Test123"
$file1Contents | Set-Content $file1Path -Force
$file2Name = "testfile2.txt"
$file2Path = Join-Path $testdrive $file2Name
$file2Contents = "Test456"
$file2Contents | Set-Content $file2Path -Force
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Supports Multipart String Values" {
$body = GetMultipartBody -String
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Body $body -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestString[0] | Should -Be 'TestValue'
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Supports Multipart File Values" {
$body = GetMultipartBody -File
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Body $body -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -Be 'multipart.txt'
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -Be 'text/plain'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match 'TestContent'
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Supports Mixed Multipart String and File Values" {
$body = GetMultipartBody -String -File
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Body $body -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestString[0] | Should -Be 'TestValue'
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -Be 'multipart.txt'
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -Be 'text/plain'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match 'TestContent'
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Form supports string values" {
$form = @{TestString = "TestValue"}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestString.Count | Should -Be 1
$result.Items.TestString[0] | Should -BeExactly 'TestValue'
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Form supports a collection of string values" {
$form = @{TestStrings = "TestValue", "TestValue2"}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestStrings.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Items.TestStrings[0] | Should -BeExactly 'TestValue'
$result.Items.TestStrings[1] | Should -BeExactly 'TestValue2'
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Form supports file values" {
$form = @{TestFile = [System.IO.FileInfo]$file1Path}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Files.Count | Should -Be 1
$result.Files[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "TestFile"
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -BeExactly $file1Name
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -BeExactly 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match $file1Contents
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Form supports a collection of file values" {
$form = @{TestFiles = [System.IO.FileInfo]$file1Path, [System.IO.FileInfo]$file2Path}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Files.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Files[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "TestFiles"
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -BeExactly $file1Name
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -BeExactly 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match $file1Contents
$result.Files[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "TestFiles"
$result.Files[1].FileName | Should -BeExactly $file2Name
$result.Files[1].ContentType | Should -BeExactly 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[1].Content | Should -Match $file2Contents
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Form supports combinations of strings and files" {
$form = @{
TestStrings = "TestValue", "TestValue2"
TestFiles = [System.IO.FileInfo]$file1Path, [System.IO.FileInfo]$file2Path
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestStrings.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Files.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Items.TestStrings[0] | Should -BeExactly 'TestValue'
$result.Items.TestStrings[1] | Should -BeExactly 'TestValue2'
$result.Files[0].Name | Should -Be "TestFiles"
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -BeExactly $file1Name
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -BeExactly 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match $file1Contents
$result.Files[1].Name | Should -BeExactly "TestFiles"
$result.Files[1].FileName | Should -BeExactly $file2Name
$result.Files[1].ContentType | Should -BeExactly 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[1].Content | Should -Match $file2Contents
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Form is mutually exclusive with -Body" {
$form = @{TestString = "TestValue"}
$body = "test"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
{Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Form $form -Body $Body -ErrorAction 'Stop'} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletBodyFormConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Form is mutually exclusive with -InFile" {
$form = @{TestString = "TestValue"}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
{Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Form $form -InFile $file1Path -ErrorAction 'Stop'} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletFormInFileConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
Context "Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication tests" {
BeforeAll {
#[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CS002:SecretInNextLine", Justification="Demo/doc/test secret.")]
$token = "testpassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = [pscredential]::new("testuser", $token)
$httpUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$httpsUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https
$httpBasicUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue 'Basic'
$httpsBasicUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue 'Basic' -Https
$testCases = @(
@{Authentication = "bearer"}
@{Authentication = "OAuth"}
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication Basic" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = "Basic"
Credential = $credential
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHBhc3N3b3Jk"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication Basic with null username" {
$credential = [pscredential]::new([PSCustomObject]@{UserName = $null;Password=$token.psobject.BaseObject})
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = "Basic"
Credential = $credential
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic OnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication <Authentication>" -TestCases $testCases {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = $Authentication
Token = $token
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Bearer testpassword"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication does not support -UseDefaultCredentials" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Token = $token
Authentication = "OAuth"
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication does not support Both -Credential and -Token" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Token = $token
Credential = $credential
Authentication = "OAuth"
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationTokenConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication <Authentication> requires -Token" -TestCases $testCases {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = $Authentication
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationTokenNotSuppliedException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication Basic requires -Credential" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = "Basic"
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationCredentialNotSuppliedException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication Requires HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpUri
Token = $token
Authentication = "OAuth"
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAllowUnencryptedAuthenticationRequiredException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -Authentication Can use HTTP with -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpUri
Token = $token
Authentication = "OAuth"
AllowUnencryptedAuthentication = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Bearer testpassword"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Negotiated -Credential over HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsBasicUri
Credential = $credential
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHBhc3N3b3Jk"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Negotiated -Credential Requires HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpBasicUri
Credential = $credential
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAllowUnencryptedAuthenticationRequiredException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Negotiated -Credential Can use HTTP with -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpBasicUri
Credential = $credential
AllowUnencryptedAuthentication = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHBhc3N3b3Jk"
# UseDefaultCredentials is only reliably testable on Windows
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Negotiated -UseDefaultCredentials with '<AuthType>' over HTTPS" -Skip:$(!$IsWindows) -TestCases @(
@{AuthType = 'NTLM'}
@{AuthType = 'Negotiate'}
) {
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue $AuthType -Https
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -Match "^$AuthType "
# The error condition can at least be tested on all platforms.
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Negotiated -UseDefaultCredentials Requires HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpUri
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAllowUnencryptedAuthenticationRequiredException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand"
# UseDefaultCredentials is only reliably testable on Windows
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest Negotiated -UseDefaultCredentials with '<AuthType>' Can use HTTP with -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication" -Skip:$(!$IsWindows) -TestCases @(
@{AuthType = 'NTLM'}
@{AuthType = 'Negotiate'}
) {
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue $AuthType
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
AllowUnencryptedAuthentication = $true
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -Match "^$AuthType "
Context "Invoke-WebRequest -SslProtocol Test" {
BeforeAll {
# We put Tls13 tests at pending due to modern OS limitations.
# Tracking issue https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/13439
$skipForTls1OnLinux = $IsLinux -and $env:TF_BUILD
## Test cases for the 1st 'It'
$testCases1 = @(
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Default'; ActualProtocol = 'Default'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
# Skipping intermediary protocols is not supported on all platforms
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = -not $IsWindows }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = -not $IsWindows }
$testCases2 = @(
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
foreach ($entry in $testCases1) {
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -SslProtocol <SslProtocol> works on <ActualProtocol>" -TestCases ($entry.Test) -Pending:($entry.Pending) {
param($SslProtocol, $ActualProtocol)
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https -SslProtocol $ActualProtocol
SslProtocol = $SslProtocol
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
$result = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$result.headers.Host | Should -Be $params.Uri.Authority
foreach ($entry in $testCases2) {
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest -SslProtocol -SslProtocol <IntendedProtocol> fails on a <ActualProtocol> only connection" -TestCases ($entry.Test) -Pending:($entry.Pending) {
param( $IntendedProtocol, $ActualProtocol)
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https -SslProtocol $ActualProtocol
SslProtocol = $IntendedProtocol
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-WebRequest @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
Context "Invoke-WebRequest File Resume Feature" {
BeforeAll {
$outFile = Join-Path $TestDrive "resume.txt"
# Download the entire file to reference in tests
$referenceFile = Join-Path $TestDrive "reference.txt"
$resumeUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $referenceFile -ErrorAction Stop
$referenceFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $referenceFile
$referenceFileSize = Get-Item $referenceFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Path $outFile
It "Invoke-WebRequest -Resume requires -OutFile" {
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Resume -Uri $resumeUri -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletOutFileMissingException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
It "Invoke-WebRequest -Resume Downloads the whole file when the file does not exist" {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -Resume -PassThru
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'bytes=0-'
$response.StatusCode | Should -Be 206
$response.Headers.'Content-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes 0-$($referenceFileSize-1)/$referenceFileSize"
It "Invoke-WebRequest -Resume overwrites an existing file that is larger than the remote file" {
# Create a file larger than the download file
$largerFileSize = $referenceFileSize + 20
1..$largerFileSize | ForEach-Object { [Byte]$_ } | Set-Content -AsByteStream $outFile
$largerFileSize = Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -Resume -PassThru
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -BeLessThan $largerFileSize
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'false'
$response.StatusCode | Should -Be 200
$response.Headers.ContainsKey('Content-Range') | Should -BeFalse
It "Invoke-WebRequest -Resume overwrites existing file when remote server does not support resume" {
# Create a file larger than the download file
$largerFileSize = $referenceFileSize + 20
1..$largerFileSize | ForEach-Object { [Byte]$_ } | Set-Content -AsByteStream $outFile
$largerFileSize = Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume' -TestValue 'NoResume'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $outFile -Resume -PassThru
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes=$largerFileSize-"
$response.StatusCode | Should -Be 200
$response.Headers.ContainsKey('Content-Range') | Should -BeFalse
It "Invoke-WebRequest -Resume resumes downloading from <bytes> bytes" -TestCases @(
@{bytes = 4}
@{bytes = 8}
@{bytes = 12}
@{bytes = 16}
) {
param($bytes, $statuscode)
# Simulate partial download
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume' -TestValue "Bytes/$bytes"
$null = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $outFile
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $bytes
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -Resume -PassThru
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes=$bytes-"
$response.StatusCode | Should -Be 206
$response.Headers.'Content-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes $bytes-$($referenceFileSize-1)/$referenceFileSize"
It "Invoke-WebRequest -Resume assumes the file was successfully completed when the local and remote file are the same size." {
# Download the entire file
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume' -TestValue 'NoResume'
$null = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $outFile
$fileSize = Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -Resume -PassThru
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$response.Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes=$fileSize-"
# The web cmdlets special case 416 as a success code when the local file and remote file are the same size
$response.StatusCode | Should -Be 416
$response.Headers.'Content-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes */$referenceFileSize"
Context "Invoke-WebRequest retry tests" {
It "Invoke-WebRequest can retry - <Name>" -TestCases @(
@{Name = "specified number of times - error 304"; failureCount = 2; failureCode = 304; retryCount = 2}
@{Name = "specified number of times - error 400"; failureCount = 3; failureCode = 400; retryCount = 3}
@{Name = "specified number of times - error 599"; failureCount = 1; failureCode = 599; retryCount = 2}
@{Name = "specified number of times - error 404"; failureCount = 2; failureCode = 404; retryCount = 2}
@{Name = "when retry count is higher than failure count"; failureCount = 2; failureCode = 404; retryCount = 4}
) {
param($failureCount, $retryCount, $failureCode)
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Retry' -Query @{ sessionid = (New-Guid).Guid; failureCode = $failureCode; failureCount = $failureCount }
$commandStr = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRetryCount $retryCount -RetryIntervalSec 1"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $commandStr
$result.output.StatusCode | Should -Be "200"
$jsonResult = $result.output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonResult.failureResponsesSent | Should -Be $failureCount
It "Invoke-WebRequest should fail when failureCount is greater than MaximumRetryCount" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Retry' -Query @{ sessionid = (New-Guid).Guid; failureCode = 400; failureCount = 4 }
$command = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRetryCount 1 -RetryIntervalSec 1"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$jsonError = $result.error | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonError.error | Should -BeExactly 'Error: HTTP - 400 occurred.'
It "Invoke-WebRequest can retry with POST" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Retry'
$sessionId = (New-Guid).Guid
$body = @{ sessionid = $sessionId; failureCode = 404; failureCount = 1 }
$commandStr = "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRetryCount 2 -RetryIntervalSec 1 -Method POST -Body `$body"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $commandStr
$result.output.StatusCode | Should -Be "200"
$jsonResult = $result.output.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonResult.SessionId | Should -BeExactly $sessionId
Context "Regex Parsing" {
It 'correctly parses an image with id, class, and src attributes' {
$dosUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Dos' -query @{
dosType = 'img-attribute'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dosUri
$response.Images | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$singleInputExpected = @(
@{ Name = 'foo'; Value = 'bar' }
It 'correctly parses input tag(s) for `<markup>`' -TestCases @(
Markup = "<input name='foo' value='bar'>";
ExpectedFields = $singleInputExpected
Markup = "<input name='foo' value='bar'/>";
ExpectedFields = $singleInputExpected
Markup = "<input name='foo' value='bar'>baz</input>";
ExpectedFields = $singleInputExpected
Markup = "<input name='item1' value='bar'><input name='item2' value='foo'><input name='item3'></input><input name='item4' value='fu'><input name='item5' value='bahr'/>";
ExpectedFields = @(
@{ Name = 'item1'; Value = 'bar'},
@{ Name = 'item2'; Value = 'foo' },
@{ Name = 'item3'; Value = $null },
@{ Name = 'item4'; Value = 'fu' },
@{ Name = 'item5'; Value = 'bahr' }
) {
param($markup, $expectedFields)
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html><body>${markup}</body></html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
ForEach ($expectedField in $expectedFields) {
$actualField = $response.InputFields.FindByName($expectedField.Name)
$actualField.Value | Should -Be $expectedField.Value
Context "Denial of service" -Tag 'DOS' {
It "Image Parsing" {
Set-ItResult -Pending -Because "The pathological regex runs fast due to https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/33399. Fixed in .NET 5 preview.2"
$dosUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Dos' -query @{
$script:content = ''
[TimeSpan] $timeSpan = Measure-Command {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dosUri
$script:content = $response.content
$response.Images | Out-Null
$script:content | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# pathological regex
$regex = [RegEx]::new('<img\s+[^>]*>')
[TimeSpan] $pathologicalTimeSpan = Measure-Command {
$pathologicalRatio = $pathologicalTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds/$timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds
Write-Verbose "Pathological ratio: $pathologicalRatio" -Verbose
# dosLength 4,000 on my 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 macpro produced a ratio of 12
# dosLength 5,000 on my 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 macpro produced a ratio of 21
# dosLength 10,000 on my 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 macpro produced a ratio of 75
# in some cases we will be running in a Docker container with modest resources
$pathologicalRatio | Should -BeGreaterThan 5
It "Charset Parsing" {
$dosUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Dos' -query @{
$script:content = ''
[TimeSpan] $timeSpan = Measure-Command {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dosUri
$script:content = $response.content
# Pathological regex
$regex = [RegEx]::new('<meta\s[.\n]*[^><]*charset\s*=\s*["''\n]?(?<charset>[A-Za-z].[^\s"''\n<>]*)[\s"''\n>]')
$script:content | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
[TimeSpan] $pathologicalTimeSpan = Measure-Command {
$pathologicalRatio = $pathologicalTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds/$timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds
Write-Verbose "Pathological ratio: $pathologicalRatio" -Verbose
# dosLength 2,750 on my 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 macpro produced a ratio of 13
# dosLength 2,850 on my 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 macpro produced a ratio of 22
# dosLength 3,000 on my 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 macpro produced a ratio of 31
# in some cases we will be running in a Docker container with modest resources
$pathologicalRatio | Should -BeGreaterThan 5
Describe "Invoke-RestMethod tests" -Tags "Feature", "RequireAdminOnWindows" {
BeforeAll {
$WebListener = Start-WebListener
$NotFoundQuery = @{
statuscode = 404
responsephrase = 'Not Found'
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = '{"message": "oops"}'
headers = "{}"
#User-Agent changes on different platforms, so tests should only be run if on the correct platform
It "Invoke-RestMethod returns Correct User-Agent on MacOSX" -Skip:(!$IsMacOS) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -MatchExactly '.*\(Macintosh;.*\) PowerShell\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'
It "Invoke-RestMethod returns Correct User-Agent on Linux" -Skip:(!$IsLinux) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -MatchExactly '.*\(Linux;.*\) PowerShell\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'
It "Invoke-RestMethod returns Correct User-Agent on Windows" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -MatchExactly '.*\(Windows NT \d+\.\d*;.*\) PowerShell\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*'
It "Invoke-RestMethod with blank ContentType succeeds" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -ContentType ''"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Invoke-RestMethod returns headers dictionary" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should -Be $Uri.Authority
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -DisableKeepAlive" {
# Operation options
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -DisableKeepAlive"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should -Be $uri.Authority
$result.Output.Headers.Connection | Should -Be "Close"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -HttpVersion '<httpVersion>'" -Skip:(!$IsWindows) -TestCases @(
@{ httpVersion = '1.1'},
@{ httpVersion = '2'}
) {
# Operation options
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -HttpVersion $httpVersion -SkipCertificateCheck"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.protocol | Should -Be "HTTP/$httpVersion"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -MaximumRedirection" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -TestValue '3'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRedirection 4"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should -Match $uri.Authority
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod error for -MaximumRedirection" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -TestValue '3'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRedirection 2"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Invoke-RestMethod supports request that returns page containing UTF-8 data." {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Encoding' -TestValue 'Utf8'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$Result.Output | Should -Match '⡌⠁⠧⠑ ⠼⠁⠒ ⡍⠜⠇⠑⠹⠰⠎ ⡣⠕⠌'
It "Invoke-RestMethod supports sending requests as UTF8" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test POST
# Body must contain non-ASCII characters
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -body 'проверка' -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' -method 'POST'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$Result.Output.Data | Should -BeExactly 'проверка'
It "Invoke-RestMethod supports request that returns page containing Code Page 936 data." {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Encoding' -TestValue 'CP936'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$Result.Output | Should -Match '测试123'
It "Invoke-RestMethod validate timeout option" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Delay' -TestValue '5'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -TimeoutSec 2"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod error with -Proxy and -NoProxy option" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Delay' -TestValue '10'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -Proxy '' -NoProxy -TimeoutSec 2"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
$testCase = @(
@{ proxy_address = (Get-WebListenerUrl).Authority; name = 'HTTP proxy'; protocol = 'http' }
@{ proxy_address = (Get-WebListenerUrl -https).Authority; name = 'HTTPS proxy'; protocol = 'https' }
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod with -Proxy option - '<name>'" -TestCases $testCase {
param($proxy_address, $name, $protocol)
# use external url, but with proxy the external url should not actually be called
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ${protocol}://httpbin.org -Proxy '${protocol}://${proxy_address}'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '${protocol}://${proxy_address}' -NoProxy"
$expectedResult = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output | Should -BeExactly $expectedResult.Output
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-RestMethod
# gzip Returns gzip-encoded data.
# deflate Returns deflate-encoded data.
# $dataEncodings = @("Chunked", "Compress", "Deflate", "GZip", "Identity")
# Note: These are the supported options, but we do not have a web service to test them all.
It "Invoke-RestMethod supports request that returns <DataEncoding>-encoded data." -TestCases @(
@{ DataEncoding = "gzip"}
@{ DataEncoding = "deflate"}
) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Compression' -TestValue $dataEncoding
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -ResponseHeadersVariable 'headers'
# Validate response content
$headers.'Content-Encoding'[0] | Should -BeExactly $dataEncoding
$result.Headers.Host | Should -BeExactly $uri.Authority
# Perform the following operation for Invoke-RestMethod using the following content types: "text/plain", "application/xml", "application/xml"
# post Returns POST data.
# patch Returns PATCH data.
# put Returns PUT data.
# delete Returns DELETE data
$testMethods = @("POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE")
$contentTypes = @("text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json")
foreach ($contentType in $contentTypes) {
foreach ($method in $testMethods) {
# Operation options
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test $method
$body = GetTestData -contentType $contentType
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Body '$body' -Method $method -ContentType $contentType"
It "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $method -ContentType $contentType -Body [body data]" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.url | Should -Match $uri
$result.Output.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match $contentType
# Validate that the response Content.data field is the same as what we sent.
$result.Output.data | Should -Be $body
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -Headers --> Set KeepAlive to false via headers" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = ExecuteRequestWithHeaders -cmdletName Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri
# Validate response
$result.Output.url | Should -Match $uri
$result.Output.Headers.Connection | Should -Be "Close"
# Validate all available user agents for Invoke-RestMethod
$agents = @{
InternetExplorer = "MSIE 9.0"
Chrome = "Chrome"
Opera = "Opera"
Safari = "Safari"
FireFox = "Firefox"
foreach ($agentName in $agents.Keys) {
$expectedAgent = $agents[$agentName]
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$userAgent = "[Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::$agentName"
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -UserAgent ($userAgent) "
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod UserAgent. Execute--> $command" {
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# Validate response
$result.Output.headers.Host | Should -Be $uri.Authority
$result.Output.headers.'User-Agent' | Should -Match $expectedAgent
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -OutFile" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = ExecuteRequestWithOutFile -cmdletName "Invoke-RestMethod" -uri $uri
$jsonContent = $result.Output | ConvertFrom-Json
$jsonContent.headers.Host | Should -Be $uri.Authority
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod handles missing Content-Type in response header" {
#Validate that exception is not thrown when response headers are missing Content-Type.
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'ResponseHeaders' -Query @{'Content-Type' = ''}
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod StandardMethod and CustomMethod parameter sets" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$errorId = "AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
{ Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -CustomMethod TEST } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $errorId
It "Validate CustomMethod method is used" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod TEST"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Output.method | Should -Be "TEST"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod default ContentType for CustomMethod POST" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod POST -Body 'testparam=testvalue'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.form.testparam | Should -Be "testvalue"
$result.Output.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod body is converted to query params for CustomMethod GET" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod GET -Body @{'testparam'='testvalue'}"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.args.testparam | Should -Be "testvalue"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod body is converted to query params for CustomMethod GET and -NoProxy" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -CustomMethod GET -Body @{'testparam'='testvalue'} -NoProxy"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.Query | Should -Be "?testparam=testvalue"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod returns HTTP errors in exception" {
$query = @{
body = "I am a teapot!!!"
statuscode = 418
responsephrase = "I am a teapot"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.ErrorDetails.Message | Should -Be $query.body
$result.Error.Exception | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException
$result.Error.Exception.Response.StatusCode | Should -Be 418
$result.Error.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase | Should -Be $query.responsephrase
$result.Error.Exception.Message | Should -Match ": 418 \($($query.responsephrase)\)\."
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -FollowRelLink doesn't fail if no Link Header is present" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = '"foo"'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -FollowRelLink"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output | Should -BeExactly "foo"
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -FollowRelLink correctly follows all the available relation links" {
$maxLinks = 5
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{maxlinks = $maxLinks}
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -FollowRelLink"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.Count | Should -BeExactly $maxLinks
1..$maxLinks | ForEach-Object { $result.Output[$_ - 1].linknumber | Should -BeExactly $_ }
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -FollowRelLink correctly limits to -MaximumRelLink" {
$maxLinks = 10
$maxLinksToFollow = 6
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{maxlinks = $maxLinks}
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -FollowRelLink -MaximumFollowRelLink $maxLinksToFollow"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.Count | Should -BeExactly $maxLinksToFollow
1..$maxLinksToFollow | ForEach-Object { $result.Output[$_ - 1].linknumber | Should -BeExactly $_ }
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod quietly ignores invalid Link Headers if -FollowRelLink is specified: <type>" -TestCases @(
@{ type = "noUrl" }
@{ type = "malformed" }
@{ type = "noRel" }
) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{type = $type}
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -FollowRelLink"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Output.linknumber | Should -BeExactly 1
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod handles whitespace for Link Headers if -FollowRelLink is specified: <type>" -TestCases @(
@{ type = "noWhitespace" }
@{ type = "extraWhitespace" }
) {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Link' -Query @{type = $type}
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -FollowRelLink"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
1..3 | ForEach-Object { $result.Output[$_ - 1].linknumber | Should -BeExactly $_ }
It "Verify Invoke-RestMethod supresses terminating errors with -SkipHttpErrorCheck" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $NotFoundQuery
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -SkipHttpErrorCheck -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -Command $command
$result.output.message | Should -BeExactly "oops"
$result.output.error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Verify Invoke-RestMethod terminates without -SkipHttpErrorCheck" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $NotFoundQuery
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -Command $command
$result.output | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.error | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Verify Invoke-RestMethod assigns 200 status code with -StatusCodeVariable" {
$query = @{
statuscode = 200
responsephrase = 'OK'
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = '{"message": "works"}'
headers = "{}"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
Invoke-RestMethod -StatusCodeVariable code -Uri "$uri"
$code | Should -Be 200
It "Verify Invoke-RestMethod assigns 404 status code with -StatusCodeVariable" {
$query = @{
statuscode = 404
responsephrase = 'Not Found'
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = '{"message": "oops"}'
headers = "{}"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipHttpErrorCheck -StatusCodeVariable code -Uri "$uri"
$code | Should -Be 404
It "Verify Invoke-RestMethod assigns 500 status code with -StatusCodeVariable" {
$query = @{
statuscode = 500
responsephrase = 'Internal Server Error'
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = '{"message": "oops"}'
headers = "{}"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipHttpErrorCheck -StatusCodeVariable code -Uri "$uri"
$code | Should -Be 500
#region Redirect tests
It "Validates Invoke-RestMethod with -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect preserves the authorization header on redirect: <redirectType> <redirectedMethod>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Cmdlet 'Invoke-RestMethod' -Uri $uri -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header has been preserved.
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeExactly "test"
It "Validates Invoke-RestMethod preserves the authorization header on multiple redirects: <redirectType>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -TestValue 3 -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Cmdlet 'Invoke-RestMethod' -Uri $uri -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header was stripped
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeExactly "test"
It "Validates Invoke-RestMethod strips the authorization header on various redirects: <redirectType>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Cmdlet 'Invoke-RestMethod' -Uri $uri
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure user-agent is present (i.e., no false positives )
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header has been removed.
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# NOTE: Only testing redirection of POST -> GET for unique underlying values of HttpStatusCode.
# Some names overlap in underlying value.
It "Validates Invoke-RestMethod strips the authorization header redirects and switches from POST to GET when it handles the redirect: <redirectType> <redirectedMethod>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -Cmdlet 'Invoke-RestMethod' -Uri $uri -Method 'POST'
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure user-agent is present (i.e., no false positives )
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header has been removed.
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure POST was changed to GET for selected redirections and remains as POST for others.
$response.Content.Method | Should -Be $redirectedMethod
It "Validates Invoke-RestMethod -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect keeps the authorization header redirects and switches from POST to GET when it handles the redirect: <redirectType> <redirectedMethod>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Redirect' -Query @{type = $redirectType}
$response = ExecuteRedirectRequest -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect -Cmdlet 'Invoke-RestMethod' -Uri $uri -Method 'POST'
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure user-agent is present (i.e., no false positives )
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# ensure Authorization header has been removed.
$response.Content.Headers."Authorization" | Should -BeExactly 'test'
# ensure POST was changed to GET for selected redirections and remains as POST for others.
$response.Content.Method | Should -Be $redirectedMethod
It "Validates Invoke-RestMethod handles responses without Location header for requests with Authorization header and redirect: <redirectType>" -TestCases $redirectTests {
param($redirectType, $redirectedMethod)
# Skip relative test as it is not a valid response type.
if ($redirectType -eq 'relative') { return }
# When an Authorization request header is present,
# and -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect is not present,
# PowerShell should throw an HTTP Response Exception
# for a redirect response which does not contain a Location response header.
# The correct redirect status code should be included in the exception.
$StatusCode = [int][System.Net.HttpStatusCode]$redirectType
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test Response -Query @{statuscode = $StatusCode}
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -Headers @{Authorization = 'foo'}"
$response = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$response.Error.Exception | Should -BeOfType Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException
$response.Error.Exception.Response.StatusCode | Should -Be $StatusCode
$response.Error.Exception.Response.Headers.Location | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
#endregion Redirect tests
Context "Invoke-RestMethod SkipHeaderVerification Tests" {
BeforeAll {
$Testfile = Join-Path $testdrive 'SkipHeaderVerification.txt'
'bar' | Set-Content $Testfile
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default header handling with no errors" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$headers = @{"If-Match" = "*"}
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomHeaders -Uri $uri -headers $headers -Cmdlet "Invoke-RestMethod"
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Content.Headers."If-Match" | Should -BeExactly "*"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default header handling reports an error is returned for an invalid If-Match header value" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$headers = @{"If-Match" = "12345"}
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomHeaders -Uri $uri -headers $headers -Cmdlet "Invoke-RestMethod"
$response.Error | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "System.FormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
$response.Error.Exception.Message | Should -Be "The format of value '12345' is invalid."
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod header handling does not report an error when using -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$headers = @{"If-Match" = "12345"}
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomHeaders -Uri $uri -headers $headers -SkipHeaderValidation -Cmdlet "Invoke-RestMethod"
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Content.Headers."If-Match" | Should -BeExactly "12345"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default UserAgent handling with no errors" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$UserAgent = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::InternetExplorer
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomUserAgent -Uri $uri -UserAgent $UserAgent -Cmdlet "Invoke-RestMethod"
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$Pattern = [regex]::Escape($UserAgent)
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Match $Pattern
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default UserAgent handling reports an error is returned for an invalid UserAgent value" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$UserAgent = 'Invalid:Agent'
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomUserAgent -Uri $uri -UserAgent $UserAgent -Cmdlet "Invoke-RestMethod"
$response.Error | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "System.FormatException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
$response.Error.Exception.Message | Should -Be "The format of value 'Invalid:Agent' is invalid."
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod UserAgent handling does not report an error when using -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$UserAgent = 'Invalid:Agent'
$response = ExecuteRequestWithCustomUserAgent -Uri $uri -UserAgent $UserAgent -SkipHeaderValidation -Cmdlet "Invoke-RestMethod"
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$Pattern = [regex]::Escape($UserAgent)
$response.Content.Headers."User-Agent" | Should -Match $Pattern
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default ContentType handling reports no error is returned for a valid Content-Type header value and -Body" {
$contentType = 'text/plain'
$body = "bar"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -Body $body
$result.data | Should -BeExactly $body
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default ContentType handling reports an error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value and -Body" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$body = "bar"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
{ Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -Body $body -ErrorAction 'Stop' } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletContentTypeException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod ContentType handling reports no error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value, -Body, and -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$body = "bar"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -Body $body -SkipHeaderValidation
$result.data | Should -BeExactly $body
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default ContentType handling reports no error is returned for a valid Content-Type header value and -InFile" {
$contentType = 'text/plain'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -InFile $Testfile
# Match used due to inconsistent newline rendering
$result.data | Should -Match 'bar'
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default ContentType handling reports an error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value and -InFile" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
{ Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -InFile $Testfile -ErrorAction 'Stop' } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletContentTypeException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod default ContentType handling reports no error is returned for an invalid Content-Type header value, -Infile, and -SkipHeaderValidation" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $contentType -InFile $Testfile -SkipHeaderValidation
# Match used due to inconsistent newline rendering
$result.data | Should -Match 'bar'
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod applies -ContentType when no -Body is present" {
$contentType = 'application/json'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'GET' -ContentType $contentType
$result.data | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod applies an invalid -ContentType when no -Body is present and -SkipHeaderValidation is present" {
$contentType = 'foo'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method 'GET' -ContentType $contentType -SkipHeaderValidation
$result.data | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.headers.'Content-Type' | Should -BeExactly $contentType
Context "HTTPS Tests" {
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck" {
# HTTP method HEAD must be used to not retrieve an unparsable HTTP body
# validate that exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -Method HEAD"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
# validate that no exception is thrown for URI with expired certificate when using -SkipCertificateCheck option
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -SkipCertificateCheck -Method HEAD"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
$result.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Validate Invoke-RestMethod returns native HTTPS error message in exception" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https
$command = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri'"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $command
# need to check against inner exception since Linux and Windows uses different HTTP client libraries so errors aren't the same
$result.Error.ErrorDetails.Message | Should -Match $result.Error.Exception.InnerException.Message
$result.Error.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -Be "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Certificate Authentication Fails without -Certificate" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https -Test 'Cert'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -SkipCertificateCheck
$result.Status | Should -Be 'FAILED'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Certificate Authentication Successful with -Certificate" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Https -Test 'Cert'
$certificate = Get-WebListenerClientCertificate
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Certificate $certificate -SkipCertificateCheck
$result.Status | Should -Be 'OK'
$result.Thumbprint | Should -Be $certificate.Thumbprint
Context "Multipart/form-data Tests" {
Content-Type request headers for multipart/form-data appear as:
multipart/form-data; boundary="0ab0cb90-f01b-4c15-bd4d-53d073efcc1d"
MultipartFormDataContent sets a random GUID for the boundary before submitting the request
to the remote endpoint. Tests in this context for Content-Type match 'multipart/form-data'
as we do not have access to the random GUID.
Kestrel/ASP.NET inconsistently renders the new line for uploaded text files.
File content tests in this context use match as a workaround.
BeforeAll {
$file1Name = "testfile1.txt"
$file1Path = Join-Path $testdrive $file1Name
$file1Contents = "Test123"
$file1Contents | Set-Content $file1Path -Force
$file2Name = "testfile2.txt"
$file2Path = Join-Path $testdrive $file2Name
$file2Contents = "Test456"
$file2Contents | Set-Content $file2Path -Force
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Supports Multipart String Values" {
$body = GetMultipartBody -String
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Body $body -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestString[0] | Should -Be 'TestValue'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Supports Multipart File Values" {
$body = GetMultipartBody -File
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Body $body -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -Be 'multipart.txt'
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -Be 'text/plain'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match 'TestContent'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Supports Mixed Multipart String and File Values" {
$body = GetMultipartBody -String -File
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Body $body -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestString[0] | Should -Be 'TestValue'
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -Be 'multipart.txt'
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -Be 'text/plain'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match 'TestContent'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Form supports string values" {
$form = @{TestString = "TestValue"}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestString.Count | Should -Be 1
$result.Items.TestString[0] | Should -Be 'TestValue'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Form supports a collection of string values" {
$form = @{TestStrings = "TestValue", "TestValue2"}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestStrings.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Items.TestStrings[0] | Should -Be 'TestValue'
$result.Items.TestStrings[1] | Should -Be 'TestValue2'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Form supports file values" {
$form = @{TestFile = [System.IO.FileInfo]$file1Path}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Files.Count | Should -Be 1
$result.Files[0].Name | Should -Be "TestFile"
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -Be $file1Name
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -Be 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match $file1Contents
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Form supports a collection of file values" {
$form = @{TestFiles = [System.IO.FileInfo]$file1Path, [System.IO.FileInfo]$file2Path}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Files.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Files[0].Name | Should -Be "TestFiles"
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -Be $file1Name
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -Be 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match $file1Contents
$result.Files[1].Name | Should -Be "TestFiles"
$result.Files[1].FileName | Should -Be $file2Name
$result.Files[1].ContentType | Should -Be 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[1].Content | Should -Match $file2Contents
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Form supports combinations of strings and files" {
$form = @{
TestStrings = "TestValue", "TestValue2"
TestFiles = [System.IO.FileInfo]$file1Path, [System.IO.FileInfo]$file2Path
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Form $form -Method 'POST'
$result.Headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Match 'multipart/form-data'
$result.Items.TestStrings.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Files.Count | Should -Be 2
$result.Items.TestStrings[0] | Should -Be 'TestValue'
$result.Items.TestStrings[1] | Should -Be 'TestValue2'
$result.Files[0].Name | Should -Be "TestFiles"
$result.Files[0].FileName | Should -Be $file1Name
$result.Files[0].ContentType | Should -Be 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[0].Content | Should -Match $file1Contents
$result.Files[1].Name | Should -Be "TestFiles"
$result.Files[1].FileName | Should -Be $file2Name
$result.Files[1].ContentType | Should -Be 'application/octet-stream'
$result.Files[1].Content | Should -Match $file2Contents
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Form is mutually exclusive with -Body" {
$form = @{TestString = "TestValue"}
$body = "test"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
{Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Form $form -Body $Body -ErrorAction 'Stop'} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletBodyFormConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Form is mutually exclusive with -InFile" {
$form = @{TestString = "TestValue"}
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Multipart'
{Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Form $form -InFile $file1Path -ErrorAction 'Stop'} |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletFormInFileConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod does not sent expect 100-continue headers by default" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri
$result.headers.Expect | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$result.method | Should -BeExactly "GET"
$result.url | Should -BeExactly $uri.ToString()
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod sends expect 100-continue header when defined in -Headers" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers @{Expect = '100-continue'}
$result.headers.Expect | Should -BeExactly '100-continue'
$result.method | Should -BeExactly "GET"
$result.url | Should -BeExactly $uri.ToString()
#region charset encoding tests
Context "Invoke-RestMethod Encoding tests with BasicHtmlWebResponseObject response" {
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod detects charset meta value when the ContentType header does not define it." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="Unicode"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-WebRequest detects charset meta value when newlines are encountered in the element." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html>`n <head>`n <meta`n charset=`"Unicode`"`n >`n </head>`n</html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod detects charset meta value when the attribute value is unquoted." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = '<html><head><meta charset = Unicode></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod detects http-equiv charset meta value when the ContentType header does not define it." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html><head>`n<meta http-equiv=`"content-type`" content=`"text/html; charset=Unicode`">`n</head>`n</html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod detects http-equiv charset meta value newlines are encountered in the element." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html><head>`n<meta`n http-equiv=`"content-type`"`n content=`"text/html; charset=Unicode`">`n</head>`n</html>`n"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('Unicode')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod ignores meta charset value when Content-Type header defines it." {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="utf-32"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
# NOTE: meta charset should be ignored
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod honors non-utf8 charsets in the Content-Type header" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html; charset=utf-16'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="utf-32"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
# NOTE: meta charset should be ignored
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-16')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod defaults to iso-8859-1 when an unsupported/invalid charset is declared" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = '<html><head><meta charset="invalid"></head></html>'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod defaults to iso-8859-1 when an unsupported/invalid charset is declared using http-equiv" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'text/html'
body = "<html><head>`n<meta http-equiv=`"content-type`" content=`"text/html; charset=Invalid`">`n</head>`n</html>"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod defaults to UTF8 on application/json when no charset is present" {
# when contenttype is set, WebListener suppresses charset unless it is included in the query
$query = @{
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = '{"Test": "Test"}'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$expectedEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$response = ExecuteRestMethod -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing
$response.Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$response.Encoding.EncodingName | Should -Be $expectedEncoding.EncodingName
$response.output.Test | Should -BeExactly 'Test'
#endregion charset encoding tests
Context 'Invoke-RestMethod ResponseHeadersVariable Tests' {
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod supports -ResponseHeadersVariable" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test '/'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -ResponseHeadersVariable 'headers'
$headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Be 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
$headers.Server | Should -Be 'Kestrel'
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod supports -ResponseHeadersVariable overwriting existing variable" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test '/'
$headers = 'prexisting'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -ResponseHeadersVariable 'headers'
$headers | Should -Not -Be 'prexisting'
$headers.'Content-Type' | Should -Be 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
$headers.Server | Should -Be 'Kestrel'
Context "Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication tests" {
BeforeAll {
#[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CS002:SecretInNextLine", Justification="Demo/doc/test secret.")]
$token = "testpassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = [pscredential]::new("testuser", $token)
$httpUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get'
$httpsUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https
$httpBasicUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue 'Basic'
$httpsBasicUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue 'Basic' -Https
$testCases = @(
@{Authentication = "bearer"}
@{Authentication = "OAuth"}
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Basic" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = "Basic"
Credential = $credential
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHBhc3N3b3Jk"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Basic with null username" {
$credential = [pscredential]::new([PSCustomObject]@{UserName = $null;Password=$token.psobject.BaseObject})
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = "Basic"
Credential = $credential
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$Response.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic OnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication <Authentication>" -TestCases $testCases {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = $Authentication
Token = $token
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Bearer testpassword"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication does not support -UseDefaultCredentials" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Token = $token
Authentication = "OAuth"
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication does not support Both -Credential and -Token" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Token = $token
Credential = $credential
Authentication = "OAuth"
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationTokenConflictException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication <Authentication> requires -Token" -TestCases $testCases {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = $Authentication
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationTokenNotSuppliedException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Basic requires -Credential" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsUri
Authentication = "Basic"
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAuthenticationCredentialNotSuppliedException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Requires HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpUri
Token = $token
Authentication = "OAuth"
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAllowUnencryptedAuthenticationRequiredException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Can use HTTP with -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpUri
Token = $token
Authentication = "OAuth"
AllowUnencryptedAuthentication = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Bearer testpassword"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Negotiated -Credential over HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpsBasicUri
Credential = $credential
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHBhc3N3b3Jk"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Negotiated -Credential Requires HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpBasicUri
Credential = $credential
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAllowUnencryptedAuthenticationRequiredException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Negotiated -Credential Can use HTTP with -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpBasicUri
Credential = $credential
AllowUnencryptedAuthentication = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -BeExactly "Basic dGVzdHVzZXI6dGVzdHBhc3N3b3Jk"
# UseDefaultCredentials is only reliably testable on Windows
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Negotiated -UseDefaultCredentials with '<AuthType>' over HTTPS" -Skip:$(!$IsWindows) -TestCases @(
@{AuthType = 'NTLM'}
@{AuthType = 'Negotiate'}
) {
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue $AuthType -Https
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -Match "^$AuthType "
# The error condition can at least be tested on all platforms.
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Negotiated -UseDefaultCredentials Requires HTTPS" {
$params = @{
Uri = $httpUri
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletAllowUnencryptedAuthenticationRequiredException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand"
# UseDefaultCredentials is only reliably testable on Windows
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod Negotiated -UseDefaultCredentials with '<AuthType>' Can use HTTP with -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication" -Skip:$(!$IsWindows) -TestCases @(
@{AuthType = 'NTLM'}
@{AuthType = 'Negotiate'}
) {
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Auth' -TestValue $AuthType
UseDefaultCredentials = $true
AllowUnencryptedAuthentication = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.Headers.Authorization | Should -Match "^$AuthType "
Context "Invoke-RestMethod -SslProtocol Test" {
BeforeAll {
# We put Tls13 tests at pending due to modern OS limitations.
# Tracking issue https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/13439
$skipForTls1OnLinux = $IsLinux -and $env:TF_BUILD
$testCases1 = @(
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Default'; ActualProtocol = 'Default'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $skipForTls1OnLinux }
# Skipping intermediary protocols is not supported on all platforms
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = -not $IsWindows }
@{ Test = @{SslProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = -not $IsWindows }
$testCases2 = @(
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls11, Tls12, Tls13'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls13'}; Pending = $true }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls12'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls11'}; Pending = $false }
@{ Test = @{IntendedProtocol = 'Tls, Tls11'; ActualProtocol = 'Tls12'}; Pending = $false }
foreach ($entry in $testCases1) {
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -SslProtocol <SslProtocol> works on <ActualProtocol>" -TestCases ($entry.Test) -Pending:($entry.Pending) {
param($SslProtocol, $ActualProtocol)
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https -SslProtocol $ActualProtocol
SslProtocol = $SslProtocol
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$result.headers.Host | Should -Be $params.Uri.Authority
foreach ($entry in $testCases2) {
It "Verifies Invoke-RestMethod -SslProtocol <IntendedProtocol> fails on a <ActualProtocol> only connection" -TestCases ($entry.Test) -Pending:($entry.Pending) {
param( $IntendedProtocol, $ActualProtocol)
$params = @{
Uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Get' -Https -SslProtocol $ActualProtocol
SslProtocol = $IntendedProtocol
SkipCertificateCheck = $true
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
{ Invoke-RestMethod @params } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand'
Context "Invoke-RestMethod Single Value JSON null support" {
It "Invoke-RestMethod Supports a Single Value JSON null" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = 'null'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri | Should -Be $null
It "Invoke-RestMethod Supports a Single Value JSON null and ignores whitespace" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = " null "
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri | Should -Be $null
$query['body'] = " null `n"
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri | Should -Be $null
Context "Invoke-RestMethod File Resume Feature" {
BeforeAll {
$outFile = Join-Path $TestDrive "resume.txt"
# Download the entire file to reference in tests
$referenceFile = Join-Path $TestDrive "reference.txt"
$resumeUri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume'
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $referenceFile -ErrorAction Stop
$referenceFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $referenceFile
$referenceFileSize = Get-Item $referenceFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Path $outFile
It "Invoke-RestMethod -Resume requires -OutFile" {
{ Invoke-RestMethod -Resume -Uri $resumeUri -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'WebCmdletOutFileMissingException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand'
It "Invoke-RestMethod -Resume Downloads the whole file when the file does not exist" {
# ensure the file does not exist
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Path $outFile
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -ResponseHeadersVariable 'Headers' -Resume
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'bytes=0-'
$Headers.'Content-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes 0-$($referenceFileSize-1)/$referenceFileSize"
It "Invoke-RestMethod -Resume overwrites an existing file that is larger than the remote file" {
# Create a file larger than the download file
$largerFileSize = $referenceFileSize + 20
1..$largerFileSize | ForEach-Object { [Byte]$_ } | Set-Content -AsByteStream $outFile
$largerFileSize = Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -ResponseHeadersVariable 'Headers' -Resume
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -BeLessThan $largerFileSize
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'false'
$Headers.ContainsKey('Content-Range') | Should -BeFalse
It "Invoke-RestMethod -Resume overwrites existing file when remote server does not support resume" {
# Create a file larger than the download file
$largerFileSize = $referenceFileSize + 20
1..$largerFileSize | ForEach-Object { [Byte]$_ } | Set-Content -AsByteStream $outFile
$largerFileSize = Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume' -TestValue 'NoResume'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -OutFile $outFile -ResponseHeadersVariable 'Headers' -Resume
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -BeLessThan $largerFileSize
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes=$largerFileSize-"
$Headers.ContainsKey('Content-Range') | Should -BeFalse
It "Invoke-RestMethod -Resume resumes downloading from <bytes> bytes" -TestCases @(
@{bytes = 4}
@{bytes = 8}
@{bytes = 12}
@{bytes = 16}
) {
# Simulate partial download
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume' -TestValue "Bytes/$bytes"
$null = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -OutFile $outFile
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $bytes
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -ResponseHeadersVariable 'Headers' -Resume
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes=$bytes-"
$Headers.'Content-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes $bytes-$($referenceFileSize-1)/$referenceFileSize"
It "Invoke-RestMethod -Resume assumes the file was successfully completed when the local and remote file are the same size." {
# Download the entire file
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Resume' -TestValue 'NoResume'
$null = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -OutFile $outFile
$fileSize = Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $resumeUri -OutFile $outFile -ResponseHeadersVariable 'Headers' -Resume
$outFileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $outFile
$outFileHash.Hash | Should -BeExactly $referenceFileHash.Hash
Get-Item $outFile | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length | Should -Be $referenceFileSize
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Has-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly 'true'
$Headers.'X-WebListener-Request-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes=$fileSize-"
$Headers.'Content-Range'[0] | Should -BeExactly "bytes */$referenceFileSize"
Context "Invoke-RestMethod retry tests" {
It "Invoke-RestMethod can retry - specified number of times - error 304" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Retry'
$sessionId = (New-Guid).Guid
$body = @{ sessionid = $sessionId; failureCode = 304; failureCount = 2 }
$commandStr = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRetryCount 2 -RetryIntervalSec 1 -Method POST -Body `$body"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $commandStr
$result.output.failureResponsesSent | Should -Be 2
$result.output.sessionId | Should -BeExactly $sessionId
It "Invoke-RestMethod can retry with POST" {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Retry'
$sessionId = (New-Guid).Guid
$body = @{ sessionid = $sessionId; failureCode = 404; failureCount = 1 }
$commandStr = "Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$uri' -MaximumRetryCount 2 -RetryIntervalSec 1 -Method POST -Body `$body"
$result = ExecuteWebCommand -command $commandStr
$result.output.failureResponsesSent | Should -Be 1
$result.output.sessionId | Should -BeExactly $sessionId
Describe "Validate Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod -InFile" -Tags "Feature", "RequireAdminOnWindows" {
BeforeAll {
$WebListener = Start-WebListener
Context "InFile parameter negative tests" {
BeforeAll {
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
$testCases = @(
Name = 'Validate error for Invoke-WebRequest -InFile ""'
ScriptBlock = {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post -InFile ""}
ExpectedFullyQualifiedErrorId = 'WebCmdletInFileNotFilePathException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
Name = 'Validate error for Invoke-WebRequest -InFile'
ScriptBlock = {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post -InFile}
ExpectedFullyQualifiedErrorId = 'MissingArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
Name = "Validate error for Invoke-WebRequest -InFile $TestDrive\content.txt"
ScriptBlock = {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post -InFile $TestDrive\content.txt}
ExpectedFullyQualifiedErrorId = 'PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand'
Name = "Validate error for Invoke-RestMethod -InFile ''"
ScriptBlock = {Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -InFile ''}
ExpectedFullyQualifiedErrorId = 'WebCmdletInFileNotFilePathException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand'
Name = "Validate error for Invoke-RestMethod -InFile <null>"
ScriptBlock = {Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -InFile}
ExpectedFullyQualifiedErrorId = 'MissingArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand'
Name = "Validate error for Invoke-RestMethod -InFile $TestDrive\content.txt"
ScriptBlock = {Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -InFile $TestDrive\content.txt}
ExpectedFullyQualifiedErrorId = 'PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand'
It "<Name>" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($scriptblock, $expectedFullyQualifiedErrorId)
{ & $scriptblock } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $ExpectedFullyQualifiedErrorId
Context "InFile parameter positive tests" {
BeforeAll {
$filePath = Join-Path $TestDrive test.txt
New-Item -Path $filePath -Value "hello=world" -ItemType File -Force
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Post'
It "Invoke-WebRequest -InFile" {
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -InFile $filePath -Uri $uri -Method Post
$content = $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$content.form.hello.Count | Should -Be 1
$content.form.hello[0] | Should -Match "world"
It "Invoke-RestMethod -InFile" {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -InFile $filePath -Uri $uri -Method Post
$result.form.hello.Count | Should -Be 1
$result.form.hello[0] | Should -Match "world"
Describe "Web cmdlets tests using the cmdlet's aliases" -Tags "CI", "RequireAdminOnWindows" {
BeforeAll {
$WebListener = Start-WebListener
It "Execute Invoke-WebRequest" {
$query = @{
body = "hello"
contenttype = 'text/plain'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$result = Invoke-WebRequest $uri
$result.StatusCode | Should -Be "200"
$result.Content | Should -Be "hello"
It "Execute Invoke-RestMethod" {
$query = @{
contenttype = 'application/json'
body = @{Hello = "world"} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
$result = Invoke-RestMethod $uri
$result.Hello | Should -Be "world"
It "Web cmdlets ignore headers with null value" {
$query = @{
body = "hello"
contenttype = 'text/plain'
$uri = Get-WebListenerUrl -Test 'Response' -Query $query
# Core throws if a header has null value.
# We ignore such headers so no exception is expected.
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{ "Location" = $null } } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -ContentType $null } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers @{ "Location" = $null } } | Should -Not -Throw
{ Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -ContentType $null } | Should -Not -Throw