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Describe "Native streams behavior with PowerShell" -Tags 'CI' {
$powershell = Join-Path -Path $PsHome -ChildPath "powershell"
Context "Error stream" {
# we are using powershell itself as an example of a native program.
# we can create a behavior we want on the fly and test complex scenarios.
$command = [string]::Join('', @(
'[Console]::Error.Write(\"foo`n`nbar`n`nbaz\"); ',
'[Console]::Error.Write(\"middle\"); ',
$out = & $powershell -noprofile -command $command 2>&1
# this check should be the first one, because $error is a global shared variable
It 'should not add records to $error variable' {
# we are keeping existing Windows PS v5.1 behavior for $error variable
$error.Count | Should Be 9
It 'uses ErrorRecord object to return stderr output' {
($out | measure).Count | Should BeGreaterThan 1
$out[0] | Should BeOfType 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord'
$out[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be 'NativeCommandError'
$out | Select-Object -Skip 1 | % {
$_ | Should BeOfType 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord'
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be 'NativeCommandErrorMessage'
It 'uses correct exception messages for error stream' {
($out | measure).Count | Should Be 9
$out[0].Exception.Message | Should Be 'foo'
$out[1].Exception.Message | Should Be ''
$out[2].Exception.Message | Should Be 'bar'
$out[3].Exception.Message | Should Be ''
$out[4].Exception.Message | Should Be 'bazmiddlefoo'
$out[5].Exception.Message | Should Be ''
$out[6].Exception.Message | Should Be 'bar'
$out[7].Exception.Message | Should Be ''
$out[8].Exception.Message | Should Be 'baz'
It 'preserves error stream as is with Out-String' {
($out | Out-String).Replace("`r", '') | Should Be "foo`n`nbar`n`nbazmiddlefoo`n`nbar`n`nbaz`n"
Describe 'piping powershell objects to finished native executable' -Tags 'CI' {
# Find where test/powershell is so we can find the echoargs command relative to it
$powershellTestDir = $PSScriptRoot
while ($powershellTestDir -notmatch 'test[\\/]powershell$') {
$powershellTestDir = Split-Path $powershellTestDir
$echoArgs = Join-Path (Split-Path $powershellTestDir) tools/EchoArgs/bin/echoargs
It 'doesn''t throw any exceptions, when we are piping to the closed executable' {
1..3 | % {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# yeild some multi-line formatted object
@{'a' = 'b'}
} | & $echoArgs | Should Be $null