2020-08-31 10:38:05 -07:00

2198 lines
79 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using Dbg = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
#if !UNIX
using ConsoleHandle = Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle;
namespace Microsoft.PowerShell
using PowerShell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell;
/// <summary>
/// ConsoleHostUserInterface implements console-mode user interface for powershell.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1506:AvoidExcessiveClassCoupling")]
internal partial class ConsoleHostUserInterface : System.Management.Automation.Host.PSHostUserInterface
/// <summary>
/// This is the char that is echoed to the console when the input is masked. This not localizable.
/// </summary>
private const char PrintToken = '*';
/// <summary>
/// Command completion implementation object.
/// </summary>
private PowerShell _commandCompletionPowerShell;
/// <summary>
/// This is a test hook for programmatically reading and writing ConsoleHost I/O.
/// </summary>
private static PSHostUserInterface s_h = null;
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the console supports a VT100 like virtual terminal.
/// </summary>
public override bool SupportsVirtualTerminal { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Constructs an instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent"></param>
/// <exception/>
internal ConsoleHostUserInterface(ConsoleHost parent)
Dbg.Assert(parent != null, "parent may not be null");
_parent = parent;
_rawui = new ConsoleHostRawUserInterface(this);
#if UNIX
SupportsVirtualTerminal = true;
// Turn on virtual terminal if possible.
// This might throw - not sure how exactly (no console), but if it does, we shouldn't fail to start.
var handle = ConsoleControl.GetActiveScreenBufferHandle();
var m = ConsoleControl.GetMode(handle);
if (ConsoleControl.NativeMethods.SetConsoleMode(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), (uint)(m | ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.VirtualTerminal)))
// We only know if vt100 is supported if the previous call actually set the new flag, older
// systems ignore the setting.
m = ConsoleControl.GetMode(handle);
this.SupportsVirtualTerminal = (m & ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.VirtualTerminal) != 0;
_isInteractiveTestToolListening = false;
/// <summary>
/// Supplies an implementation of PSHostRawUserInterface that provides low-level console mode UI facilities.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
/// <exception/>
public override PSHostRawUserInterface RawUI
Dbg.Assert(_rawui != null, "rawui should have been created by ctor");
// no locking because this is read-only, and allocated in the ctor.
return _rawui;
// deadcode; but could be needed in the future.
///// <summary>
///// gets the PSHost instance that uses this ConsoleHostUserInterface instance
///// </summary>
///// <value></value>
///// <exception/>
// internal
// PSHost
// Parent
// {
// get
// {
// using (tracer.TraceProperty())
// {
// // no locking because this is read-only and set in the ctor.
// return parent;
// }
// }
// }
/// <summary>
/// True if command completion is currently running.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsCommandCompletionRunning
return _commandCompletionPowerShell != null &&
_commandCompletionPowerShell.InvocationStateInfo.State == PSInvocationState.Running;
/// <summary>
/// True if the Read* functions should read from the stdin stream instead of from the win32 console.
/// </summary>
internal bool ReadFromStdin { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// True if the host shouldn't write out prompts.
/// </summary>
internal bool NoPrompt { get; set; }
#region Line-oriented interaction
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's ReadConsole fails
/// OR
/// obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleCursorPosition failed
/// </exception>
public override string ReadLine()
// call our internal version such that it does not end input on a tab
ReadLineResult unused;
return ReadLine(false, string.Empty, out unused, true, true);
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining a handle to the active screen buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's setting input buffer mode to disregard window and mouse input failed
/// OR
/// Win32's ReadConsole failed
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="PipelineStoppedException">
/// If Ctrl-C is entered by user
/// </exception>
public override SecureString ReadLineAsSecureString()
// we lock here so that multiple threads won't interleave the various reads and writes here.
object result = null;
lock (_instanceLock)
result = ReadLineSafe(true, PrintToken);
SecureString secureResult = result as SecureString;
System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics.Assert(secureResult != null, "ReadLineSafe did not return a SecureString");
return secureResult;
/// <summary>
/// Implementation based on NT CredUI's GetPasswdStr.
/// Use Win32.ReadConsole to construct a SecureString. The advantage of ReadConsole over ReadKey is
/// Alt-ddd where d is {0-9} is allowed.
/// It also manages the cursor as keys are entered and "backspaced". However, it is possible that
/// while this method is running, the console buffer contents could change. Then, its cursor mgmt
/// will likely be messed up.
/// Secondary implementation for Unix based on Console.ReadKey(), where
/// the advantage is portability through abstraction. Does not support
/// arrow key movement, but supports backspace.
/// </summary>
///<param name="isSecureString">
/// True to specify reading a SecureString; false reading a string
/// </param>
/// <param name="printToken">
/// string for output echo
/// </param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining a handle to the active screen buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's setting input buffer mode to disregard window and mouse input failed
/// OR
/// Win32's ReadConsole failed
/// OR
/// obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleCursorPosition failed
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="PipelineStoppedException">
/// If Ctrl-C is entered by user
/// </exception>
private object ReadLineSafe(bool isSecureString, char? printToken)
// Don't lock (instanceLock) in here -- the caller needs to do that...
string printTokenString = printToken.HasValue ?
printToken.ToString() :
SecureString secureResult = new SecureString();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
#if UNIX
bool treatControlCAsInput = Console.TreatControlCAsInput;
ConsoleHandle handle = ConsoleControl.GetConioDeviceHandle();
ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes originalMode = ConsoleControl.GetMode(handle);
bool isModeChanged = true; // assume ConsoleMode is changed so that if ReadLineSetMode
// fails to return the value correctly, the original mode is
// restored.
#if UNIX
Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true;
// Ensure that we're in the proper line-input mode.
const ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes DesiredMode =
ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.Extended |
ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes m = originalMode;
bool shouldUnsetEchoInput = shouldUnsetMode(ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.EchoInput, ref m);
bool shouldUnsetLineInput = shouldUnsetMode(ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.LineInput, ref m);
bool shouldUnsetMouseInput = shouldUnsetMode(ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.MouseInput, ref m);
bool shouldUnsetProcessInput = shouldUnsetMode(ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.ProcessedInput, ref m);
if ((m & DesiredMode) != DesiredMode ||
shouldUnsetMouseInput ||
shouldUnsetEchoInput ||
shouldUnsetLineInput ||
m |= DesiredMode;
ConsoleControl.SetMode(handle, m);
isModeChanged = false;
Coordinates originalCursorPos = _rawui.CursorPosition;
while (true)
// read one char at a time so that we don't
// end up having a immutable string holding the
// secret in memory.
#if UNIX
ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(true);
const int CharactersToRead = 1;
#pragma warning disable CA2014
Span<char> inputBuffer = stackalloc char[CharactersToRead + 1];
#pragma warning restore CA2014
string key = ConsoleControl.ReadConsole(handle, initialContentLength: 0, inputBuffer, charactersToRead: CharactersToRead, endOnTab: false, out _);
#if UNIX
// Handle Ctrl-C ending input
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C && keyInfo.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || (char)3 == key[0])
PipelineStoppedException e = new PipelineStoppedException();
throw e;
#if UNIX
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
if ((char)13 == key[0])
// we are done if user presses ENTER key
#if UNIX
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace)
if ((char)8 == key[0])
// for backspace, remove last char appended
if (isSecureString && secureResult.Length > 0)
secureResult.RemoveAt(secureResult.Length - 1);
else if (result.Length > 0)
result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);
#if UNIX
else if (char.IsControl(keyInfo.KeyChar))
// deny list control characters
// append the char to our string
if (isSecureString)
#if UNIX
#if UNIX
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(printTokenString))
WritePrintToken(printTokenString, ref originalCursorPos);
#if UNIX
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// ReadKey() failed so we stop
throw new PipelineStoppedException();
#if UNIX
Console.TreatControlCAsInput = treatControlCAsInput;
if (isModeChanged)
ConsoleControl.SetMode(handle, originalMode);
if (isSecureString)
return secureResult;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Handle writing print token with proper cursor adjustment for ReadLineSafe.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="printToken">
/// token output for each char input. It must be a one-char string
/// </param>
/// <param name="originalCursorPosition">
/// it is the cursor position where ReadLineSafe begins
/// </param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleCursorPosition failed
/// </exception>
private void WritePrintToken(
string printToken,
ref Coordinates originalCursorPosition)
"Calling WritePrintToken with printToken being null or empty");
Dbg.Assert(printToken.Length == 1,
"Calling WritePrintToken with printToken's Length being " + printToken.Length);
Size consoleBufferSize = _rawui.BufferSize;
Coordinates currentCursorPosition = _rawui.CursorPosition;
// if the cursor is currently at the lower right corner, this write will cause the screen buffer to
// scroll up. So, it is necessary to adjust the original cursor position one row up.
if (currentCursorPosition.Y >= consoleBufferSize.Height - 1 && // last row
currentCursorPosition.X >= consoleBufferSize.Width - 1) // last column
if (originalCursorPosition.Y > 0)
WriteToConsole(printToken, false);
/// <summary>
/// Handle backspace with proper cursor adjustment for ReadLineSafe.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalCursorPosition">
/// it is the cursor position where ReadLineSafe begins
/// </param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleCursorPosition failed
/// </exception>
private void WriteBackSpace(Coordinates originalCursorPosition)
Coordinates cursorPosition = _rawui.CursorPosition;
if (cursorPosition == originalCursorPosition)
// at originalCursorPosition, don't move
if (cursorPosition.X == 0)
if (cursorPosition.Y <= originalCursorPosition.Y)
// BufferSize.Width is 1 larger than cursor position
cursorPosition.X = _rawui.BufferSize.Width - 1;
else if (cursorPosition.X > 0)
// do nothing if cursorPosition.X is left of screen
/// <summary>
/// Blank out at and move rawui.CursorPosition to <paramref name="cursorPosition"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cursorPosition">Position to blank out.</param>
private void BlankAtCursor(Coordinates cursorPosition)
_rawui.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;
WriteToConsole(" ", true);
_rawui.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;
#if !UNIX
/// <summary>
/// If <paramref name="m"/> is set on <paramref name="flagToUnset"/>, unset it and return true;
/// otherwise return false.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flagToUnset">
/// a flag in ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes to be unset in <paramref name="m"/>
/// </param>
/// <param name="m">
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// true if <paramref name="m"/> is set on <paramref name="flagToUnset"/>
/// false otherwise
/// </returns>
private static bool shouldUnsetMode(
ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes flagToUnset,
ref ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes m)
if ((m & flagToUnset) > 0)
m &= ~flagToUnset;
return true;
return false;
#region WriteToConsole
internal void WriteToConsole(char c, bool transcribeResult)
ReadOnlySpan<char> value = stackalloc char[1] { c };
WriteToConsole(value, transcribeResult);
internal void WriteToConsole(ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool transcribeResult)
WriteToConsole(value, transcribeResult, newLine: false);
private void WriteToConsole(ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool transcribeResult, bool newLine)
#if !UNIX
ConsoleHandle handle = ConsoleControl.GetActiveScreenBufferHandle();
// Ensure that we're in the proper line-output mode. We don't lock here as it does not matter if we
// attempt to set the mode from multiple threads at once.
ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes m = ConsoleControl.GetMode(handle);
const ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes DesiredMode =
| ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.WrapEndOfLine;
if ((m & DesiredMode) != DesiredMode)
m |= DesiredMode;
ConsoleControl.SetMode(handle, m);
// This is atomic, so we don't lock here...
#if !UNIX
ConsoleControl.WriteConsole(handle, value, newLine);
ConsoleOutWriteHelper(value, newLine);
if (_isInteractiveTestToolListening && Console.IsOutputRedirected)
ConsoleOutWriteHelper(value, newLine);
if (transcribeResult)
PostWrite(value, newLine);
private void WriteToConsole(ConsoleColor foregroundColor, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, string text, bool newLine = false)
// Sync access so that we don't conflict on color settings if called from multiple threads.
lock (_instanceLock)
ConsoleColor fg = RawUI.ForegroundColor;
ConsoleColor bg = RawUI.BackgroundColor;
RawUI.ForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
RawUI.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
WriteToConsole(text, transcribeResult: true, newLine);
RawUI.ForegroundColor = fg;
RawUI.BackgroundColor = bg;
private void ConsoleOutWriteHelper(ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool newLine)
if (newLine)
internal void WriteLineToConsole(ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool transcribeResult)
WriteToConsole(value, transcribeResult, newLine: true);
private void WriteLineToConsole(ConsoleColor foregroundColor, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, string text)
WriteToConsole(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, text, newLine: true);
private void WriteLineToConsole(string text)
WriteLineToConsole(text, transcribeResult: true);
private void WriteLineToConsole()
WriteToConsole(Environment.NewLine, transcribeResult: true, newLine: false);
#endregion WriteToConsole
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void Write(string value)
WriteImpl(value, newLine: false);
private void WriteImpl(string value, bool newLine)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && !newLine)
// If the test hook is set, write to it and continue.
if (s_h != null)
if (newLine)
TextWriter writer = Console.IsOutputRedirected ? Console.Out : _parent.ConsoleTextWriter;
if (_parent.IsRunningAsync)
Dbg.Assert(writer == _parent.OutputSerializer.textWriter, "writers should be the same");
if (newLine)
if (newLine)
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="foregroundColor"></param>
/// <param name="backgroundColor"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleTextAttribute
/// OR
/// Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void Write(ConsoleColor foregroundColor, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, string value)
Write(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, value, newLine: false);
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="foregroundColor"></param>
/// <param name="backgroundColor"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleTextAttribute
/// OR
/// Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void WriteLine(ConsoleColor foregroundColor, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, string value)
Write(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, value, newLine: true);
private void Write(ConsoleColor foregroundColor, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, string value, bool newLine)
// Sync access so that we don't conflict on color settings if called from multiple threads.
lock (_instanceLock)
ConsoleColor fg = RawUI.ForegroundColor;
ConsoleColor bg = RawUI.BackgroundColor;
RawUI.ForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
RawUI.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
this.WriteImpl(value, newLine);
RawUI.ForegroundColor = fg;
RawUI.BackgroundColor = bg;
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void WriteLine(string value)
this.WriteImpl(value, newLine: true);
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void WriteLine()
this.WriteImpl(Environment.NewLine, newLine: false);
#region Word Wrapping
/// <summary>
/// This is a poor-man's word-wrapping routine. It breaks a single string into segments small enough to fit within a
/// given number of cells. A break is determined by the last occurrence of whitespace that allows all prior characters
/// on a line to be written within a given number of cells. If there is no whitespace found within that span, then the
/// largest span that will fit in the bounds is used.
/// The problem is complicated by the fact that a single character may consume more than one cell. Conceptually, this
/// is the same case as placing an upper bound on the length of a line while also having a strlen function that
/// arbitrarily considers the length of any single character to be 1 or greater.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">
/// Text to be emitted.
/// Each tab character in the text is replaced with a space in the results.
/// </param>
/// <param name="maxWidthInBufferCells">
/// Max width, in buffer cells, of a single line. Note that a single character may consume more than one cell. The
/// number of cells consumed is determined by calling ConsoleHostRawUserInterface.LengthInBufferCells.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A list of strings representing the text broken into "lines" each of which are guaranteed not to exceed
/// maxWidthInBufferCells.
/// </returns>
internal List<string> WrapText(string text, int maxWidthInBufferCells)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
List<Word> words = ChopTextIntoWords(text, maxWidthInBufferCells);
if (words.Count < 1)
return result;
IEnumerator<Word> e = words.GetEnumerator();
bool valid = false;
int cellCounter = 0;
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
string l = null;
valid = e.MoveNext();
if (!valid)
if (line.Length > 0)
l = line.ToString();
Dbg.Assert(RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(l) <= maxWidthInBufferCells, "line is too long");
if ((e.Current.Flags & WordFlags.IsNewline) > 0)
l = line.ToString();
Dbg.Assert(RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(l) <= maxWidthInBufferCells, "line is too long");
// skip the newline "words"
line = new StringBuilder();
cellCounter = 0;
// will the word fit?
if (cellCounter + e.Current.CellCount <= maxWidthInBufferCells)
// yes, add it to the line.
cellCounter += e.Current.CellCount;
// no: too long. Either start a new line, or pick off as much whitespace as we need.
if ((e.Current.Flags & WordFlags.IsWhitespace) == 0)
l = line.ToString();
Dbg.Assert(RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(l) <= maxWidthInBufferCells, "line is too long");
line = new StringBuilder(e.Current.Text);
cellCounter = e.Current.CellCount;
// chop the whitespace into bits.
int w = maxWidthInBufferCells - cellCounter;
Dbg.Assert(w < e.Current.CellCount, "width remaining should be less than size of word");
line.Append(e.Current.Text.Substring(0, w));
l = line.ToString();
Dbg.Assert(RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(l) == maxWidthInBufferCells, "line should exactly fit");
string remaining = e.Current.Text.Substring(w);
line = new StringBuilder(remaining);
cellCounter = RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(remaining);
} while (valid);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Struct used by WrapText.
/// </summary>
internal enum WordFlags
IsWhitespace = 0x01,
IsNewline = 0x02
internal struct Word
internal int CellCount;
internal string Text;
internal WordFlags Flags;
/// <summary>
/// Chops text into "words," where a word is defined to be a sequence of whitespace characters, or a sequence of
/// non-whitespace characters, each sequence being no longer than a given maximum. Therefore, in the text "this is a
/// string" there are 7 words: 4 sequences of non-whitespace characters and 3 sequences of whitespace characters.
/// Whitespace is considered to be spaces or tabs. Each tab character is replaced with a single space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">
/// The text to be chopped up.
/// </param>
/// <param name="maxWidthInBufferCells">
/// The maximum number of buffer cells that each word may consume.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A list of words, in the same order they appear in the source text.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This can be made faster by, instead of creating little strings for each word, creating indices of the start and end
/// range of a word. That would reduce the string allocations.
/// </remarks>
internal List<Word> ChopTextIntoWords(string text, int maxWidthInBufferCells)
List<Word> result = new List<Word>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
return result;
if (maxWidthInBufferCells < 1)
return result;
text = text.Replace('\t', ' ');
result = new List<Word>();
// a "word" is a span of characters delimited by whitespace. Contiguous whitespace, too, is a word.
int startIndex = 0;
int wordEnd = 0;
bool inWs = false;
while (wordEnd < text.Length)
if (text[wordEnd] == '\n')
if (startIndex < wordEnd)
// the span up to this point needs to be saved off
AddWord(text, startIndex, wordEnd, maxWidthInBufferCells, inWs, ref result);
// add a nl word
Word w = new Word();
w.Flags = WordFlags.IsNewline;
// skip the nl
startIndex = wordEnd;
inWs = false;
else if (text[wordEnd] == ' ')
if (!inWs)
// span from startIndex..(wordEnd - 1) is a word
AddWord(text, startIndex, wordEnd, maxWidthInBufferCells, inWs, ref result);
startIndex = wordEnd;
inWs = true;
// not whitespace
if (inWs)
AddWord(text, startIndex, wordEnd, maxWidthInBufferCells, inWs, ref result);
startIndex = wordEnd;
inWs = false;
if (startIndex != wordEnd)
AddWord(text, startIndex, text.Length, maxWidthInBufferCells, inWs, ref result);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Helper for ChopTextIntoWords. Takes a span of characters in a string and adds it to the word list, further
/// subdividing the span as needed so that each subdivision fits within the limit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">
/// The string of characters in which the span is to be extracted.
/// </param>
/// <param name="startIndex">
/// index into text of the start of the word to be added.
/// </param>
/// <param name="endIndex">
/// index of the char after the last char to be included in the word.
/// </param>
/// <param name="maxWidthInBufferCells">
/// The maximum number of buffer cells that each word may consume.
/// </param>
/// <param name="isWhitespace">
/// true if the span is whitespace, false if not.
/// </param>
/// <param name="result">
/// The list into which the words will be added.
/// </param>
internal void AddWord(string text, int startIndex, int endIndex,
int maxWidthInBufferCells, bool isWhitespace, ref List<Word> result)
Dbg.Assert(endIndex >= startIndex, "startIndex must be before endIndex");
Dbg.Assert(endIndex >= 0, "endIndex must be positive");
Dbg.Assert(startIndex >= 0, "startIndex must be positive");
Dbg.Assert(startIndex < text.Length, "startIndex must be within the string");
Dbg.Assert(endIndex <= text.Length, "endIndex must be within the string");
while (startIndex < endIndex)
int i = Math.Min(endIndex, startIndex + maxWidthInBufferCells);
Word w = new Word();
if (isWhitespace)
w.Flags = WordFlags.IsWhitespace;
while (true)
w.Text = text.Substring(startIndex, i - startIndex);
w.CellCount = RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(w.Text);
if (w.CellCount <= maxWidthInBufferCells)
// the segment from start..i fits
// The segment does not fit, back off a tad until it does
Dbg.Assert(RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(w.Text) <= maxWidthInBufferCells, "word should not exceed max");
startIndex = i;
internal string WrapToCurrentWindowWidth(string text)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// we leave a 1-cell margin on the end because if the very last character butts up against the
// edge of the screen buffer, then the console will wrap the line.
List<string> lines = WrapText(text, RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 1);
int count = 0;
foreach (string s in lines)
if (++count != lines.Count)
return sb.ToString();
#endregion Word Wrapping
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"></param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleTextAttribute
/// OR
/// Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void WriteDebugLine(string message)
// don't lock here as WriteLine is already protected.
bool unused;
message = HostUtilities.RemoveGuidFromMessage(message, out unused);
// We should write debug to error stream only if debug is redirected.)
if (_parent.ErrorFormat == Serialization.DataFormat.XML)
_parent.ErrorSerializer.Serialize(message, "debug");
// NTRAID#Windows OS Bugs-1061752-2004/12/15-sburns should read a skin setting here...
StringUtil.Format(ConsoleHostUserInterfaceStrings.DebugFormatString, message));
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="record"></param>
public override void WriteInformation(InformationRecord record)
// We should write information to error stream only if redirected.)
if (_parent.ErrorFormat == Serialization.DataFormat.XML)
_parent.ErrorSerializer.Serialize(record, "information");
// Do nothing. The information stream is not visible by default
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"></param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleTextAttribute
/// OR
/// Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void WriteVerboseLine(string message)
// don't lock here as WriteLine is already protected.
bool unused;
message = HostUtilities.RemoveGuidFromMessage(message, out unused);
// NTRAID#Windows OS Bugs-1061752-2004/12/15-sburns should read a skin setting here...)
if (_parent.ErrorFormat == Serialization.DataFormat.XML)
_parent.ErrorSerializer.Serialize(message, "verbose");
StringUtil.Format(ConsoleHostUserInterfaceStrings.VerboseFormatString, message));
/// <summary>
/// See base class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"></param>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleTextAttribute
/// OR
/// Win32's CreateFile fails
/// OR
/// Win32's GetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's WriteConsole fails
/// </exception>
public override void WriteWarningLine(string message)
// don't lock here as WriteLine is already protected.
bool unused;
message = HostUtilities.RemoveGuidFromMessage(message, out unused);
// NTRAID#Windows OS Bugs-1061752-2004/12/15-sburns should read a skin setting here...)
if (_parent.ErrorFormat == Serialization.DataFormat.XML)
_parent.ErrorSerializer.Serialize(message, "warning");
StringUtil.Format(ConsoleHostUserInterfaceStrings.WarningFormatString, message));
/// <summary>
/// Invoked by CommandBase.WriteProgress to display a progress record.
/// </summary>
public override void WriteProgress(Int64 sourceId, ProgressRecord record)
if (record == null)
Dbg.Assert(false, "WriteProgress called with null ProgressRecord");
bool matchPattern;
string currentOperation = HostUtilities.RemoveIdentifierInfoFromMessage(record.CurrentOperation, out matchPattern);
if (matchPattern)
record = new ProgressRecord(record) { CurrentOperation = currentOperation };
// We allow only one thread at a time to update the progress state.)
if (_parent.ErrorFormat == Serialization.DataFormat.XML)
PSObject obj = new PSObject();
obj.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("SourceId", sourceId));
obj.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("Record", record));
_parent.ErrorSerializer.Serialize(obj, "progress");
lock (_instanceLock)
HandleIncomingProgressRecord(sourceId, record);
public override void WriteErrorLine(string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
TextWriter writer = (!Console.IsErrorRedirected || _parent.IsInteractive)
? _parent.ConsoleTextWriter
: Console.Error;
if (_parent.ErrorFormat == Serialization.DataFormat.XML)
Dbg.Assert(writer == _parent.ErrorSerializer.textWriter, "writers should be the same");
_parent.ErrorSerializer.Serialize(value + Environment.NewLine);
if (writer == _parent.ConsoleTextWriter)
WriteLine(ErrorForegroundColor, ErrorBackgroundColor, value);
// Format colors
public ConsoleColor FormatAccentColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Green;
// Error colors
public ConsoleColor ErrorAccentColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
public ConsoleColor ErrorForegroundColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Red;
public ConsoleColor ErrorBackgroundColor { get; set; } = Console.BackgroundColor;
// Warning colors
public ConsoleColor WarningForegroundColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
public ConsoleColor WarningBackgroundColor { get; set; } = Console.BackgroundColor;
// Debug colors
public ConsoleColor DebugForegroundColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
public ConsoleColor DebugBackgroundColor { get; set; } = Console.BackgroundColor;
// Verbose colors
public ConsoleColor VerboseForegroundColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
public ConsoleColor VerboseBackgroundColor { get; set; } = Console.BackgroundColor;
// Progress colors
public ConsoleColor ProgressForegroundColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Black;
public ConsoleColor ProgressBackgroundColor { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
#endregion Line-oriented interaction
#region implementation
// We use System.Environment.NewLine because we are platform-agnostic
internal static readonly string Crlf = System.Environment.NewLine;
private const string Tab = "\x0009";
internal enum ReadLineResult
endedOnEnter = 0,
endedOnTab = 1,
endedOnShiftTab = 2,
endedOnBreak = 3
private const int MaxInputLineLength = 1024;
/// <summary>
/// Reads a line of input from the console. Returns when the user hits enter, a break key, a break event occurs. In
/// the case that stdin has been redirected, reads from the stdin stream instead of the console.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="endOnTab">
/// true to end input when the user hits the tab or shift-tab keys, false to only end on the enter key (or a break
/// event). Ignored if not reading from the console device.
/// </param>
/// <param name="initialContent">
/// The initial contents of the input buffer. Nice if you want to have a default result. Ignored if not reading from the
/// console device.
/// </param>
/// <param name="result">
/// Receives an enum value indicating how input was ended.
/// </param>
/// <param name="calledFromPipeline">
/// TBD
/// </param>
/// <param name="transcribeResult">
/// true to include the results in any transcription that might be happening.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The string read from either the console or the stdin stream. null if:
/// - stdin was read and EOF was reached on the stream, or
/// - the console was read, and input was terminated with Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, or Close.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="HostException">
/// If Win32's SetConsoleMode fails
/// OR
/// Win32's ReadConsole fails
/// OR
/// obtaining information about the buffer failed
/// OR
/// Win32's SetConsoleCursorPosition failed
/// </exception>
internal string ReadLine(bool endOnTab, string initialContent, out ReadLineResult result, bool calledFromPipeline, bool transcribeResult)
result = ReadLineResult.endedOnEnter;
// If the test hook is set, read from it.
if (s_h != null) return s_h.ReadLine();
string restOfLine = null;
string s = ReadFromStdin
? ReadLineFromFile(initialContent)
: ReadLineFromConsole(endOnTab, initialContent, calledFromPipeline, ref restOfLine, ref result);
if (transcribeResult)
if (restOfLine != null)
s += restOfLine;
return s;
private string ReadLineFromFile(string initialContent)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(initialContent))
var consoleIn = _parent.ConsoleIn.Value;
while (true)
var inC = consoleIn.Read();
if (inC == -1)
// EOF - we return null which tells our caller to exit
// but only if we don't have any input, we could have
// input and then stdin was closed, but never saw a newline.
return sb.Length == 0 ? null : sb.ToString();
var c = unchecked((char)inC);
if (!NoPrompt) Console.Out.Write(c);
if (c == '\r')
// Treat as newline, but consume \n if there is one.
if (consoleIn.Peek() == '\n')
if (!NoPrompt) Console.Out.Write('\n');
if (c == '\n')
// If NoPrompt is true, we are in a sort of server mode where we shouldn't
// do anything like edit the command line - every character is part of the input.
if (c == '\b' && !NoPrompt)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
return sb.ToString();
private string ReadLineFromConsole(bool endOnTab, string initialContent, bool calledFromPipeline, ref string restOfLine, ref ReadLineResult result)
// Ensure that we're in the proper line-input mode.
#if !UNIX
ConsoleHandle handle = ConsoleControl.GetConioDeviceHandle();
ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes m = ConsoleControl.GetMode(handle);
const ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes DesiredMode =
| ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.EchoInput
| ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.ProcessedInput;
if ((m & DesiredMode) != DesiredMode || (m & ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.MouseInput) > 0)
m &= ~ConsoleControl.ConsoleModes.MouseInput;
m |= DesiredMode;
ConsoleControl.SetMode(handle, m);
// If more characters are typed than you asked, then the next call to ReadConsole will return the
// additional characters beyond those you requested.
// If input is terminated with a tab key, then the buffer returned will have a tab (ascii 0x9) at the
// position where the tab key was hit. If the user has arrowed backward over existing input in the line
// buffer, the tab will overwrite whatever character was in that position. That character will be lost in
// the input buffer, but since we echo each character the user types, it's still in the active screen buffer
// and we can read the console output to get that character.
// If input is terminated with an enter key, then the buffer returned will have ascii 0x0D and 0x0A
// (Carriage Return and Line Feed) as the last two characters of the buffer.
// If input is terminated with a break key (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, Close, etc.), then the buffer will be
// the empty string.
#if UNIX
// For Unix systems, we implement a basic readline loop around Console.ReadKey(), that
// supports backspace, arrow keys, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-D. This readline is only used for
// interactive prompts (like Read-Host), otherwise it is assumed that PSReadLine is
// available. Therefore this explicitly does not support history or tab completion.
bool treatControlCAsInput = Console.TreatControlCAsInput;
ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo;
string s = string.Empty;
int index = 0;
int cursorLeft = Console.CursorLeft;
int cursorCurrent = cursorLeft;
bool insertMode = true;
Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true;
uint keyState = 0;
string s = string.Empty;
Span<char> inputBuffer = stackalloc char[MaxInputLineLength + 1];
if (initialContent.Length > 0)
while (true)
#if UNIX
keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(true);
s += ConsoleControl.ReadConsole(handle, initialContent.Length, inputBuffer, MaxInputLineLength, endOnTab, out keyState);
Dbg.Assert(s != null, "s should never be null");
#if UNIX
// Handle Ctrl-C ending input
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C && keyInfo.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control))
if (s.Length == 0)
result = ReadLineResult.endedOnBreak;
s = null;
if (calledFromPipeline)
// make sure that the pipeline that called us is stopped
throw new PipelineStoppedException();
#if UNIX
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
if (s.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal))
result = ReadLineResult.endedOnEnter;
#if UNIX
// We're intercepting characters, so we need to echo the newline
s = s.Remove(s.Length - Environment.NewLine.Length);
#if UNIX
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Tab)
// This is unsupported
int i = s.IndexOf(Tab, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (endOnTab && i != -1)
// then the tab we found is the completion character. bit 0x10 is set if the shift key was down
// when the key was hit.
if ((keyState & 0x10) == 0)
result = ReadLineResult.endedOnTab;
else if ((keyState & 0x10) > 0)
result = ReadLineResult.endedOnShiftTab;
// do nothing: leave the result state as it was. This is the circumstance when we've have to
// do more than one iteration and the input ended on a tab or shift-tab, or the user hit
// enter, or the user hit ctrl-c
// also clean up the screen -- if the cursor was positioned somewhere before the last character
// in the input buffer, then the characters from the tab to the end of the buffer need to be
// erased.
int leftover = RawUI.LengthInBufferCells(s.Substring(i + 1));
if (leftover > 0)
Coordinates c = RawUI.CursorPosition;
// before cleaning up the screen, read the active screen buffer to retrieve the character that
// is overridden by the tab
char charUnderCursor = GetCharacterUnderCursor(c);
RawUI.CursorPosition = c;
restOfLine = s[i] + (charUnderCursor + s.Substring(i + 1));
restOfLine += s[i];
s = s.Remove(i);
#if UNIX
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace)
if (index > 0)
int length = s.Length;
s = s.Remove(index - 1, 1);
cursorCurrent = Console.CursorLeft;
Console.CursorLeft = cursorLeft;
Console.CursorLeft = cursorCurrent - 1;
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Delete
|| (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.D && keyInfo.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control)))
if (index < s.Length)
int length = s.Length;
s = s.Remove(index, 1);
cursorCurrent = Console.CursorLeft;
Console.CursorLeft = cursorLeft;
Console.CursorLeft = cursorCurrent;
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow
|| (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.B && keyInfo.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control)))
if (Console.CursorLeft > cursorLeft)
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow
|| (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.F && keyInfo.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control)))
if (Console.CursorLeft < cursorLeft + s.Length)
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow
|| keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow
|| keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.PageUp
|| keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.PageDown)
// Arrow/Page Up/down is unimplemented, so fail gracefully
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Home
|| (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.A && keyInfo.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control)))
Console.CursorLeft = cursorLeft;
index = 0;
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.End
|| (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.E && keyInfo.Modifiers.HasFlag(ConsoleModifiers.Control)))
Console.CursorLeft = cursorLeft + s.Length;
index = s.Length;
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
Console.CursorLeft = cursorLeft;
index = s.Length;
s = string.Empty;
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Insert)
// Toggle insert/overwrite mode
insertMode = !insertMode;
if (char.IsControl(keyInfo.KeyChar))
// deny list control characters
// Handle case where terminal gets reset and the index is outside of the buffer
if (index > s.Length)
index = s.Length;
// Modify string
if (!insertMode && index < s.Length) // then overwrite mode
s = s.Remove(index, 1);
s = s.Insert(index, keyInfo.KeyChar.ToString());
// Redisplay string
cursorCurrent = Console.CursorLeft;
Console.CursorLeft = cursorLeft;
Console.CursorLeft = cursorCurrent + 1;
(s == null && result == ReadLineResult.endedOnBreak)
|| (s != null && result != ReadLineResult.endedOnBreak),
"s should only be null if input ended with a break");
return s;
#if UNIX
Console.TreatControlCAsInput = treatControlCAsInput;
#if !UNIX
/// <summary>
/// Get the character at the cursor when the user types 'tab' in the middle of line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cursorPosition">The cursor position where 'tab' is hit.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private char GetCharacterUnderCursor(Coordinates cursorPosition)
Rectangle region = new Rectangle(0, cursorPosition.Y, RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 1, cursorPosition.Y);
BufferCell[,] content = RawUI.GetBufferContents(region);
for (int index = 0, column = 0; column <= cursorPosition.X; index++)
BufferCell cell = content[0, index];
if (cell.BufferCellType == BufferCellType.Complete || cell.BufferCellType == BufferCellType.Leading)
if (column == cursorPosition.X)
return cell.Character;
column += ConsoleControl.LengthInBufferCells(cell.Character);
Dbg.Assert(false, "the character at the cursor should be retrieved, never gets to here");
return '\0';
/// <summary>
/// Strip nulls from a string...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The string to process.</param>
/// <returns>The string with any \0 characters removed...</returns>
private string RemoveNulls(string input)
if (input.Contains('\0'))
return input;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (char c in input)
if (c != '\0')
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Reads a line, and completes the input for the user if they hit tab.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exec">
/// The Executor instance on which to run any pipelines that are needed to find matches
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// null on a break event
/// the completed line otherwise
/// </returns>
internal string ReadLineWithTabCompletion(Executor exec)
string input = null;
string lastInput = string.Empty;
ReadLineResult rlResult = ReadLineResult.endedOnEnter;
#if !UNIX
ConsoleHandle handle = ConsoleControl.GetActiveScreenBufferHandle();
string lastCompletion = string.Empty;
Size screenBufferSize = RawUI.BufferSize;
// Save the cursor position at the end of the prompt string so that we can restore it later to write the
// completed input.
Coordinates endOfPromptCursorPos = RawUI.CursorPosition;
CommandCompletion commandCompletion = null;
string completionInput = null;
while (true)
if (TryInvokeUserDefinedReadLine(out input))
input = ReadLine(true, lastInput, out rlResult, false, false);
if (input == null)
if (rlResult == ReadLineResult.endedOnEnter)
#if UNIX // Portable code only ends on enter (or no input), so tab is not processed
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("This readline state is unsupported in portable code!");
Coordinates endOfInputCursorPos = RawUI.CursorPosition;
string completedInput = null;
if (rlResult == ReadLineResult.endedOnTab || rlResult == ReadLineResult.endedOnShiftTab)
int tabIndex = input.IndexOf(Tab, StringComparison.Ordinal);
Dbg.Assert(tabIndex != -1, "tab should appear in the input");
string restOfLine = string.Empty;
int leftover = input.Length - tabIndex - 1;
if (leftover > 0)
// We are reading from the console (not redirected, b/c we don't end on tab when redirected)
// If the cursor is at the end of a line, there is actually a space character at the cursor's position and when we type tab
// at the end of a line, that space character is replaced by the tab. But when we type tab at the middle of a line, the space
// character at the end is preserved, we should remove that space character because it's not provided by the user.
input = input.Remove(input.Length - 1);
restOfLine = input.Substring(tabIndex + 1);
input = input.Remove(tabIndex);
if (input != lastCompletion || commandCompletion == null)
completionInput = input;
commandCompletion = GetNewCompletionResults(input);
var completionResult = commandCompletion.GetNextResult(rlResult == ReadLineResult.endedOnTab);
if (completionResult != null)
completedInput = completionInput.Substring(0, commandCompletion.ReplacementIndex)
+ completionResult.CompletionText;
completedInput = completionInput;
if (restOfLine != string.Empty)
completedInput += restOfLine;
if (completedInput.Length > (MaxInputLineLength - 2))
completedInput = completedInput.Substring(0, MaxInputLineLength - 2);
// Remove any nulls from the string...
completedInput = RemoveNulls(completedInput);
// adjust the saved cursor position if the buffer scrolled as the user was typing (i.e. the user
// typed past the end of the buffer).
int linesOfInput = (endOfPromptCursorPos.X + input.Length) / screenBufferSize.Width;
endOfPromptCursorPos.Y = endOfInputCursorPos.Y - linesOfInput;
// replace the displayed input with the new input
RawUI.CursorPosition = endOfPromptCursorPos;
catch (PSArgumentOutOfRangeException)
// If we go a range exception, it's because
// there's no room in the buffer for the completed
// line so we'll just pretend that there was no match...
// When the string is written to the console, a space character is actually appended to the string
// and the cursor will flash at the position of that space character.
WriteToConsole(completedInput, false);
Coordinates endOfCompletionCursorPos = RawUI.CursorPosition;
// adjust the starting cursor position if the screen buffer has scrolled as a result of writing the
// completed input (i.e. writing the completed input ran past the end of the buffer).
int linesOfCompletedInput = (endOfPromptCursorPos.X + completedInput.Length) / screenBufferSize.Width;
endOfPromptCursorPos.Y = endOfCompletionCursorPos.Y - linesOfCompletedInput;
// blank out any "leftover" old input. That's everything between the cursor position at the time
// the user hit tab up to the current cursor position after writing the completed text.
int deltaInput =
(endOfInputCursorPos.Y * screenBufferSize.Width + endOfInputCursorPos.X)
- (endOfCompletionCursorPos.Y * screenBufferSize.Width + endOfCompletionCursorPos.X);
if (deltaInput > 0)
ConsoleControl.FillConsoleOutputCharacter(handle, ' ', deltaInput, endOfCompletionCursorPos);
if (restOfLine != string.Empty)
lastCompletion = completedInput.Remove(completedInput.Length - restOfLine.Length);
lastCompletion = completedInput;
lastInput = completedInput;
// Since we did not transcribe any call to ReadLine, transcribe the results here.
if (_parent.IsTranscribing)
// Reads always terminate with the enter key, so add that.
return input;
#if !UNIX
private void SendLeftArrows(int length)
var inputs = new ConsoleControl.INPUT[length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
var down = new ConsoleControl.INPUT();
down.Type = (UInt32)ConsoleControl.InputType.Keyboard;
down.Data.Keyboard = new ConsoleControl.KeyboardInput();
down.Data.Keyboard.Vk = (UInt16)ConsoleControl.VirtualKeyCode.Left;
down.Data.Keyboard.Scan = 0;
down.Data.Keyboard.Flags = 0;
down.Data.Keyboard.Time = 0;
down.Data.Keyboard.ExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
var up = new ConsoleControl.INPUT();
up.Type = (UInt32)ConsoleControl.InputType.Keyboard;
up.Data.Keyboard = new ConsoleControl.KeyboardInput();
up.Data.Keyboard.Vk = (UInt16)ConsoleControl.VirtualKeyCode.Left;
up.Data.Keyboard.Scan = 0;
up.Data.Keyboard.Flags = (UInt32)ConsoleControl.KeyboardFlag.KeyUp;
up.Data.Keyboard.Time = 0;
up.Data.Keyboard.ExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
inputs[2 * i] = down;
inputs[2 * i + 1] = up;
private CommandCompletion GetNewCompletionResults(string input)
var runspace = _parent.Runspace;
var debugger = runspace.Debugger;
if ((debugger != null) && debugger.InBreakpoint)
// If in debug stop mode do command completion though debugger process command.
return CommandCompletion.CompleteInputInDebugger(input, input.Length, null, debugger);
catch (PSInvalidOperationException)
{ }
if (runspace is LocalRunspace &&
runspace.ExecutionContext.EngineHostInterface.NestedPromptCount > 0)
_commandCompletionPowerShell = PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace);
_commandCompletionPowerShell = PowerShell.Create();
_commandCompletionPowerShell.Runspace = runspace;
return CommandCompletion.CompleteInput(input, input.Length, null, _commandCompletionPowerShell);
_commandCompletionPowerShell = null;
private const string CustomReadlineCommand = "PSConsoleHostReadLine";
private bool TryInvokeUserDefinedReadLine(out string input)
// We're using GetCommands instead of GetCommand so we don't auto-load a module should the command exist, but isn't loaded.
// The idea is that if someone hasn't defined the command (say because they started -noprofile), we shouldn't auto-load
// this function.
var runspace = _parent.LocalRunspace;
if (runspace != null &&
CommandTypes.Function | CommandTypes.Cmdlet, nameIsPattern: false).Any())
PowerShell ps;
if ((runspace.ExecutionContext.EngineHostInterface.NestedPromptCount > 0) &&
(Runspace.DefaultRunspace != null))
ps = PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace);
ps = PowerShell.Create();
ps.Runspace = runspace;
var result = ps.AddCommand(CustomReadlineCommand).Invoke();
if (result.Count == 1)
input = PSObject.Base(result[0]) as string;
return true;
catch (Exception)
input = null;
return false;
#endregion implementation
// used to serialize access to instance data
private object _instanceLock = new object();
// If this is true, class throws on read or prompt method which require
// access to console.
internal bool ThrowOnReadAndPrompt
_throwOnReadAndPrompt = value;
private bool _throwOnReadAndPrompt;
internal void HandleThrowOnReadAndPrompt()
if (_throwOnReadAndPrompt)
throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(ConsoleHostUserInterfaceStrings.ReadFailsOnNonInteractiveFlag);
// this is a test hook for the ConsoleInteractiveTestTool, which sets this field to true.
private bool _isInteractiveTestToolListening;
// This instance data is "read-only" and need not have access serialized.
private ConsoleHostRawUserInterface _rawui;
private ConsoleHost _parent;
[TraceSourceAttribute("ConsoleHostUserInterface", "Console host's subclass of S.M.A.Host.Console")]
private static
PSTraceSource s_tracer = PSTraceSource.GetTracer("ConsoleHostUserInterface", "Console host's subclass of S.M.A.Host.Console");
} // namespace