2018-08-30 16:33:14 -07:00

149 lines
8.2 KiB

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
Author="PowerShell Performance"
Comments="PowerShell Performance"
Company="Microsoft Corporation"
Copyright="Microsoft Corporation"
Team="PowerShell Performance"
<SystemCollector Id="SystemCollector">
<!-- 1MB * 100 buffers = 100 MB -->
<BufferSize Value="1024"/>
<Buffers Value="100"/>
<EventCollector Id="EventCollector" Name="EventCollector">
<BufferSize Value="1024" />
<Buffers Value="100" />
<SystemProvider Id="SystemProviderVerbose">
<!-- CPU -->
<Keyword Value="ProcessThread"/>
<Keyword Value="Loader"/>
<Keyword Value="Power"/>
<Keyword Value="CSwitch"/>
<Keyword Value="ReadyThread"/>
<Keyword Value="SampledProfile"/>
<Keyword Value="DPC"/>
<Keyword Value="Interrupt"/>
<Keyword Value="IdleStates"/>
<Keyword Value="DiskIO"/>
<Keyword Value="FileIO"/>
<Stack Value="CSwitch"/>
<Stack Value="ReadyThread"/>
<Stack Value="SampledProfile"/>
<EventProvider Id="Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" Name="Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell"/>
<EventProvider Id="Microsoft-PowerShell-Parser" Name="*Microsoft-PowerShell-Parser"/>
<EventProvider Id="Microsoft-PowerShell-Runspaces" Name="*Microsoft-PowerShell-Runspaces"/>
<EventProvider Id="Microsoft-PowerShell-CommandDiscovery" Name="*Microsoft-PowerShell-CommandDiscovery"/>
<EventProvider Id="Microsoft-PowerShell-Telemetry" Name="*Microsoft-PowerShell-Telemetry"/>
<EventProvider Id="Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime" Name="e13c0d23-ccbc-4e12-931b-d9cc2eee27e4">
### Enabled ###
GC = 0x000000001 # Logging when garbage collections and finalization happen.
Binder = 0x000000004
Loader = 0x000000008 # Logging when modules actually get loaded and unloaded.
Jit = 0x000000010 # Logging when Just in time (JIT) compilation occurs.
NGen = 0x000000020 # Logging when precompiled native (NGEN) images are loaded.
StopEnumeration = 0x000000080 # Indicates that on detach or process shutdown, a rundown of all existing methods should be done
Security = 0x000000400 # Events associated with validating security restrictions.
AppDomainResourceManagement = 0x000000800 # Events for logging resource consumption on an app-domain level granularity
Contention = 0x000004000 # Log when lock contention occurs. (Monitor.Enters actually blocks)
Exception = 0x000008000 # Log exception processing.
Threading = 0x000010000 # Log events associated with the threadpool, and other threading events.
JittedMethodILToNativeMap = 0x000020000 # Dump the native to IL mapping of any method that is JIT compiled. (V4.5 runtimes and above).
OverrideAndSuppressNGenEvents = 0x000040000 # If enabled will suppress the rundown of NGEN events on V4.0 runtime (has no effect on Pre-V4.0 runtimes).
Type = 0x000080000 # Enables the 'BulkType' event
GCHeapSurvivalAndMovement = 0x000400000 # Enables events associate with object movement or survival with each GC.
GCHeapAndTypeNames = 0x001000000 # Indicates that you want type names looked up and put into the events (not just meta-data tokens).
Stack = 0x040000000 # Also log the stack trace of events for which this is valuable.
ThreadTransfer = 0x080000000 # This allows tracing work item transfer events (thread pool enqueue/dequeue/ioenqueue/iodequeue/a.o.)
Codesymbols = 0x400000000 # Events that will dump PDBs of dynamically generated assemblies to the ETW stream.
### Not enabled ###
GCHandle = 0x000000002 # Events when GC handles are set or destroyed.
StartEnumeration = 0x000000040 # Indicates that on attach or module load , a rundown of all existing methods should be done
JitTracing = 0x000001000 # Logging of the internal workings of the Just In Time compiler. This is fairly verbose.
Interop = 0x000002000 # Log information about code thunks that transition between managed and unmanaged code.
GCHeapDump = 0x000100000 # Enables the events associated with dumping the GC heap
/// Enables allocation sampling with the 'fast'. Sample to limit to 100 allocations per second per type.
/// This is good for most detailed performance investigations. Note that this DOES update the allocation
/// path to be slower and only works if the process start with this on.
GCSampledObjectAllocationHigh = 0x000200000
GCHeapCollect = 0x000800000 # Triggers a GC. Can pass a 64 bit value that will be logged with the GC Start event so you know which GC you actually triggered.
PerfTrack = 0x020000000
Debugger = 0x100000000 # .NET Debugger events
Monitoring = 0x200000000 # Events intended for monitoring on an ongoing basis.
/// Enables allocation sampling with the 'slow' rate, Sample to limit to 5 allocations per second per type.
/// This is reasonable for monitoring. Note that this DOES update the allocation path to be slower
/// and only works if the process start with this on.
GCSampledObjectAllocationLow = 0x002000000
/// Turns on capturing the stack and type of object allocation made by the .NET Runtime. This is only
/// supported after V4.5.3 (Late 2014) This can be very verbose and you should seriously using GCSampledObjectAllocationHigh
/// instead (and GCSampledObjectAllocationLow for production scenarios).
GCAllObjectAllocation = GCSampledObjectAllocationHigh | GCSampledObjectAllocationLow,
<Keyword Value="4C14FCCBD"/>
Description="PowerShell Performance Trace"
<ProblemCategory Value="Computation"/>
<SystemCollectorId Value="SystemCollector">
<SystemProviderId Value="SystemProviderVerbose"/>
<EventCollectorId Value="EventCollector">
<EventProviderId Value="Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" />
<EventProviderId Value="Microsoft-PowerShell-Parser" />
<EventProviderId Value="Microsoft-PowerShell-Runspaces" />
<EventProviderId Value="Microsoft-PowerShell-CommandDiscovery" />
<EventProviderId Value="Microsoft-PowerShell-Telemetry" />
<EventProviderId Value="Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime" />
<CustomEvent Value="ImageId"/>
<CustomEvent Value="BuildInfo"/>
<CustomEvent Value="VolumeMapping"/>
<CustomEvent Value="EventMetadata"/>
<CustomEvent Value="PerfTrackMetadata"/>
<CustomEvent Value="WinSAT"/>