2016-11-18 16:35:16 -08:00

207 lines
7.5 KiB

# Registers the WinRM endpoint for this instance of PowerShell.
# Assumptions:
# 1. This script is run from within the PowerShell that it will register as a WinRM endpoint.
# 2. The CoreCLR and the the PowerShell assemblies are side-by-side in $PSHOME
# 3. Plugins are registered by version number. Only one plugin can be automatically registered
# per PowerShell version. However, multiple endpoints may be manually registered for a given
# plugin.
[parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPath")]
[parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPath")]
$PowerShellVersion = "6.0.0-alpha.8"
function Register-WinRmPlugin
# Expected Example:
# %windir%\\system32\\PowerShell\\6.0.0\\pwrshplugin.dll
# Expected Example: microsoft.powershell-core.6.0
$header = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00`n`n"
$regKeyFormatString = "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN\Plugin\{0}]`n"
$regKeyName = '"ConfigXML"="{0}"'
# Example Values:
# Filename = %windir%\\system32\\PowerShell\\6.0.0\\pwrshplugin.dll
# Name = PowerShell.6.0.0
$pluginArchitecture = "64"
if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -match "x86")
$pluginArchitecture = "32"
$regKeyValueFormatString = '<PlugInConfiguration xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/config/PluginConfiguration\" Name=\"{0}\" Filename=\"{1}\" SDKVersion=\"2\" XmlRenderingType=\"text\" Enabled=\"True\" OutputBufferingMode=\"Block\" ProcessIdleTimeoutSec=\"0\" Architecture=\"{2}\" UseSharedProcess=\"false\" RunAsUser=\"\" RunAsPassword=\"\" AutoRestart=\"false\"><InitializationParameters><Param Name=\"PSVersion\" Value=\"5.0\"/></InitializationParameters><Resources><Resource ResourceUri=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/{0}\" SupportsOptions=\"true\" ExactMatch=\"true\"><Security Uri=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/{0}\" ExactMatch=\"true\" Sddl=\"O:NSG:BAD:P(A;;GA;;;BA)S:P(AU;FA;GA;;;WD)(AU;SA;GXGW;;;WD)\"/><Capability Type=\"Shell\"/></Resource></Resources><Quotas IdleTimeoutms=\"7200000\" MaxConcurrentUsers=\"5\" MaxProcessesPerShell=\"15\" MaxMemoryPerShellMB=\"1024\" MaxShellsPerUser=\"25\" MaxConcurrentCommandsPerShell=\"1000\" MaxShells=\"25\" MaxIdleTimeoutms=\"43200000\"/></PlugInConfiguration>'
$valueString = $regKeyValueFormatString -f $pluginEndpointName, $pluginAbsolutePath, $pluginArchitecture
$keyValuePair = $regKeyName -f $valueString
$regKey = $regKeyFormatString -f $pluginEndpointName
$fileName = "$pluginEndpointName.reg"
Set-Content -path .\$fileName "$header$regKey$keyValuePair`n"
Write-Verbose "Performing WinRM registration with: $fileName"
reg.exe import .\$fileName
# Clean up
# Remove-Item .\$fileName
function Generate-PluginConfigFile
# This always overwrites the file with a new version of it if the
# script is invoked multiple times.
Set-Content -Path $pluginFile -Value "PSHOMEDIR=$targetPsHomeDir"
Add-Content -Path $pluginFile -Value "CORECLRDIR=$targetPsHomeDir"
Write-Verbose "Created Plugin Config File: $pluginFile"
# #
# Install the plugin #
# #
if (! ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
Write-Error "WinRM registration requires Administrator rights. To run this cmdlet, start PowerShell with the `"Run as administrator`" option."
# If the parameters were specified, it means that the script will be registering
# an instance of PowerShell from another instance of PowerShell.
# If no parameters are specified, it means that this instance of PowerShell is
# registering itself.
if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByPath")
$targetPsHome = $PowerShellHome
$targetPsVersion = $PowershellVersion
$targetPsHome = $PSHOME
# Parse the version string from the version file so that users do not have
# to enter it manually.
$targetPsVersionFilePath = Join-Path $targetPsHome "Powershell.Version"
$versionString = (Get-Content $targetPsVersionFilePath).Trim()
$versionString = $versionString.substring(1)
$index = $versionString.LastIndexOf(".")
$version = $versionString.Substring(0,$index)
$revision = $versionString.Substring($index).split("-")
$version= $version + $revision[0]
$targetPsVersion = $version
Write-Verbose "Using PowerShell Version: $targetPsVersion" -Verbose
$pluginBasePath = Join-Path "$env:WINDIR\System32\PowerShell" $targetPsVersion
$resolvedPluginAbsolutePath = ""
if (! (Test-Path $pluginBasePath))
Write-Verbose "Creating $pluginBasePath"
$resolvedPluginAbsolutePath = New-Item -Type Directory -Path $pluginBasePath
$resolvedPluginAbsolutePath = Resolve-Path $pluginBasePath
# The registration reg file requires "\\" instead of "\" in its path so it is properly escaped in the XML
$pluginRawPath = Join-Path $resolvedPluginAbsolutePath "pwrshplugin.dll"
$fixedPluginPath = $pluginRawPath -replace '\\','\\'
# This is forced to ensure the the file is placed correctly
Copy-Item $targetPsHome\pwrshplugin.dll $resolvedPluginAbsolutePath -Force -Verbose
$pluginFile = Join-Path $resolvedPluginAbsolutePath "RemotePowerShellConfig.txt"
Generate-PluginConfigFile $pluginFile $targetPsHome
$pluginEndpointName = "powershell.$targetPsVersion"
# Register the plugin
Register-WinRmPlugin $fixedPluginPath $pluginEndpointName
# #
# Validations to confirm that everything was registered correctly. #
# #
if (! (Test-Path $pluginFile))
throw "WinRM Plugin configuration file not created. Expected = $pluginFile"
if (! (Test-Path $resolvedPluginAbsolutePath\pwrshplugin.dll))
throw "WinRM Plugin DLL missing. Expected = $resolvedPluginAbsolutePath\pwrshplugin.dll"
Write-Host "`nGet-PSSessionConfiguration $pluginEndpointName" -foregroundcolor "green"
Get-PSSessionConfiguration $pluginEndpointName
catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException]
Write-Error "No remoting session configuration matches the name $pluginEndpointName."
Write-Host "Restarting WinRM to ensure that the plugin configuration change takes effect.`nThis is required for WinRM running on Windows SKUs prior to Windows 10." -foregroundcolor "green"
Restart-Service winrm