
88 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'OutputRendering tests' {
BeforeAll {
$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('It:Skip', (-not $EnabledExperimentalFeatures.Contains('PSAnsiRendering')))
$th = New-TestHost
$rs = [runspacefactory]::Createrunspace($th)
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
$ps.Runspace = $rs
AfterAll {
BeforeEach {
if ($null -ne $PSStyle) {
$oldOutputRendering = $PSStyle.OutputRendering
AfterEach {
if ($null -ne $PSStyle) {
$PSStyle.OutputRendering = $oldOutputRendering
It 'OutputRendering works for "<outputRendering>" to the host' -TestCases @(
@{ outputRendering = 'automatic'; ansi = $true }
@{ outputRendering = 'host' ; ansi = $true }
@{ outputRendering = 'ansi' ; ansi = $true }
@{ outputRendering = 'plaintext'; ansi = $false }
) {
param($outputRendering, $ansi)
$out = pwsh -noprofile -command "[System.Management.Automation.Internal.InternalTestHooks]::SetTestHook('BypassOutputRedirectionCheck', `$true); `$PSStyle.OutputRendering = '$outputRendering'; write-host '$($PSStyle.Foreground.Green)hello'"
if ($ansi) {
$out | Should -BeLike "*`e*" -Because ($out | Format-Hex | Out-String)
else {
$out | Should -Not -BeLike "*`e*" -Because ($out | Format-Hex | Out-String)
It 'OutputRendering works for "<outputRendering>" to the pipeline' -TestCases @(
@{ outputRendering = 'automatic'; ansi = $true }
@{ outputRendering = 'host' ; ansi = $false }
@{ outputRendering = 'ansi' ; ansi = $true }
@{ outputRendering = 'plaintext'; ansi = $false }
) {
param($outputRendering, $ansi)
$PSStyle.OutputRendering = $outputRendering
$out = "$($PSStyle.Foreground.Green)hello" | Out-String
if ($ansi) {
$out | Should -BeLike "*`e*" -Because ($out | Format-Hex | Out-String)
else {
$out | Should -Not -BeLike "*`e*" -Because ($out | Format-Hex | Out-String)
# Error isn't covered here because it has custom formatting
It 'OutputRendering is correct for <stream>' -TestCases @(
@{ stream = 'Verbose' }
@{ stream = 'Debug' }
@{ stream = 'Warning' }
) {
if ($stream -ne 'Warning')
$switch = "-$stream"
$out = pwsh -noprofile -command "[System.Management.Automation.Internal.InternalTestHooks]::SetTestHook('BypassOutputRedirectionCheck', `$true); write-$stream $switch 'hello';'bye'"
$out.Count | Should -Be 2
$out[0] | Should -BeExactly "$($PSStyle.Formatting.$stream)$($stream.ToUpper()): hello$($PSStyle.Reset)" -Because ($out[0] | Out-String | Format-hex)
$out[1] | Should -BeExactly "bye"