
135 lines
5.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
Describe "StaticParameterBinder tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases = @(
Source = 'Get-Alias abc'
Description = 'string constant value'
BoundParametersCount = 1
ExceptionCount = 0
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.ConstantValue | Should -Be 'abc'
Source = 'Get-Alias {abc}'
Description = 'script block value'
BoundParametersCount = 1
ExceptionCount = 0
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.Value | Should -BeOfType ([ScriptBlockExpressionAst].FullName)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.Value.Extent.Text | Should -Be '{abc}'
Source = 'Get-Alias -Path abc'
Description = 'parameter -path not found'
BoundParametersCount = 0
ExceptionCount = 1
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BindingExceptions.Path.CommandElement.Extent.Text | Should -Be '-Path'
$result.BindingExceptions.Path.BindingException.ErrorId | Should -Be 'NamedParameterNotFound'
Source = 'Get-Alias -Path -Name:abc'
Description = 'parameter -name found while -path not found'
BoundParametersCount = 1
ExceptionCount = 1
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.ConstantValue | Should -Be 'abc'
$result.BindingExceptions.Path.CommandElement.Extent.Text | Should -Be '-Path'
$result.BindingExceptions.Path.BindingException.ErrorId | Should -Be 'NamedParameterNotFound'
Source = 'Get-Alias -Name -abc'
Description = 'parameter -abc should be used as value'
BoundParametersCount = 1
ExceptionCount = 0
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.Value | Should -BeOfType ([CommandParameterAst].FullName)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.Value.Extent.Text | Should -Be '-abc'
Source = 'Get-Alias aa bb'
Description = 'unbound positional parameter bb'
BoundParametersCount = 1
ExceptionCount = 1
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.ConstantValue | Should -Be 'aa'
$result.BindingExceptions.bb.BindingException.ErrorId | Should -Be 'PositionalParameterNotFound'
Source = 'Get-Alias aa,bb,cc'
Description = 'array argument'
BoundParametersCount = 1
ExceptionCount = 0
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.Value | Should -BeOfType ([ArrayLiteralAst].FullName)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.Value.Extent.Text | Should -Be 'aa,bb,cc'
Source = 'Get-ChildItem -Name abc -rec'
Description = 'switch params and positional param'
BoundParametersCount = 3
ExceptionCount = 0
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.ConstantValue | Should -BeTrue
$result.BoundParameters.Recurse.ConstantValue | Should -BeTrue
$result.BoundParameters.Path.ConstantValue | Should -Be 'abc'
Source = 'Get-ChildItem -Name -f'
Description = 'switch parameter -name found while ambiguous parameter -f'
BoundParametersCount = 1
ExceptionCount = 1
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BoundParameters.Name.ConstantValue | Should -BeTrue
$result.BindingExceptions.f.CommandElement.Extent.Text | Should -Be '-f'
$result.BindingExceptions.f.BindingException.ErrorId | Should -Be 'AmbiguousParameter'
Source = 'Get-ChildItem -Path -f'
Description = 'non-switch parameter -path followed by ambiguous parameter -f'
BoundParametersCount = 0
ExceptionCount = 1
ValidateScript = {
param ($result)
$result.BindingExceptions.f.CommandElement.Extent.Text | Should -Be '-f'
$result.BindingExceptions.f.BindingException.ErrorId | Should -Be 'AmbiguousParameter'
It "<Description>: '<Source>'" -TestCases $testCases {
param ($Source, $BoundParametersCount, $ExceptionCount, $ValidateScript)
$ast = [Parser]::ParseInput($Source, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
$cmdAst = $ast.Find({$args[0] -is [CommandAst]}, $false)
$result = [StaticParameterBinder]::BindCommand($cmdAst)
$result.BoundParameters.Count | Should -Be $BoundParametersCount
$result.BindingExceptions.Count | Should -Be $ExceptionCount
. $ValidateScript $result