James Truher [MSFT] 63f55427ec fix sparse-checkout list (#5263)
* fix sparse-checkout list
* Run powershell.exe in OpenCover since it will be in the path.
* If there's an error in Start-CodeCoverageRun be sure to log as much as possible
* Make the directory removal code common
2017-10-31 15:40:23 -07:00

363 lines
13 KiB

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] $coverallsToken,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] $codecovToken,
[Parameter(Position = 2)] $azureLogDrive = "L:\",
[switch] $SuppressQuiet
# Read the XML and create a dictionary for FileUID -> file full path.
function GetFileTable()
$files = $script:covData | Select-Xml './/File'
foreach($file in $files)
$script:fileTable[$file.Node.uid] = $file.Node.fullPath
# Get sequence points for a particular file
function GetSequencePointsForFile([string] $fileId)
$lineCoverage = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,int]]::new()
$sequencePoints = $script:covData | Select-Xml ".//SequencePoint[@fileid = '$fileId']"
if($sequencePoints.Count -gt 0)
foreach($sp in $sequencePoints)
$visitedCount = [int]::Parse($sp.Node.vc)
$lineNumber = [int]::Parse($sp.Node.sl)
$lineCoverage[$lineNumber] += [int]::Parse($visitedCount)
return $lineCoverage
#### Convert the OpenCover XML output for CodeCov.io JSON format as it is smaller.
function ConvertTo-CodeCovJson
[string] $Path,
[string] $DestinationPath
$Script:fileTable = [ordered]@{}
$Script:covData = [xml] (Get-Content -ReadCount 0 -Raw -Path $Path)
$totalCoverage = [PSCustomObject]::new()
$totalCoverage | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "coverage" -Value ([PSCustomObject]::new())
## Populate the dictionary with file uid and file names.
$keys = $Script:fileTable.Keys
foreach($f in $keys)
Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Converting to JSON" -Status 'Converting' -PercentComplete ($progress * 100 / $keys.Count)
$fileCoverage = GetSequencePointsForFile -fileId $f
$fileName = $Script:fileTable[$f]
$previousFileCoverage = $totalCoverage.coverage.${fileName}
##Update the values for the lines in the file.
if($null -ne $previousFileCoverage)
foreach($lineNumber in $fileCoverage.Keys)
$previousFileCoverage[$lineNumber] += [int]::Parse($fileCoverage[$lineNumber])
else ## the file is new, so add the values as a new NoteProperty.
$totalCoverage.coverage | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $fileCoverage -Name $fileName
Write-Progress -Id 1 -Completed -Activity "Converting to JSON"
$totalCoverage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 -Compress | Out-File $DestinationPath -Encoding ascii
function Write-LogPassThru
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position = 0)]
[string] $Message,
$Path = "$env:Temp\CodeCoverageRunLogs.txt"
$message = "{0:d} - {0:t} : {1}" -f ([datetime]::now),$message
Add-Content -Path $Path -Value $Message -PassThru -Force
function Push-CodeCovData
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$Branch = "master"
$query = "package=bash-${VERSION}&token=${token}&branch=${Branch}&commit=${CommitID}&build=&build_url=&tag=&slug=&yaml=&service=&flags=&pr=&job="
$uri = "$url/upload/v2?${query}"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -InFile $file -Uri $uri
if ( $response.StatusCode -ne 200 )
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Upload failed for upload uri: $uploaduri"
throw "upload failed"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "***** New Run *****"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Forcing winrm quickconfig as it is required for remoting tests."
winrm quickconfig -force
$codeCoverageZip = 'https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/PowerShell/powershell-f975h/artifacts/CodeCoverage.zip'
$testContentZip = 'https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/PowerShell/powershell-f975h/artifacts/tests.zip'
$openCoverZip = 'https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/PowerShell/powershell-f975h/artifacts/OpenCover.zip'
Write-LogPassThru -Message "codeCoverageZip: $codeCoverageZip"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "testcontentZip: $testContentZip"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "openCoverZip: $openCoverZip"
$outputBaseFolder = "$env:Temp\CC"
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $outputBaseFolder -Force
$openCoverPath = "$outputBaseFolder\OpenCover"
$testRootPath = "$outputBaseFolder\tests"
$testPath = "$testRootPath\powershell"
$psBinPath = "$outputBaseFolder\PSCodeCoverage"
$openCoverTargetDirectory = "$outputBaseFolder\OpenCoverToolset"
$outputLog = "$outputBaseFolder\CodeCoverageOutput.xml"
$elevatedLogs = "$outputBaseFolder\TestResults_Elevated.xml"
$unelevatedLogs = "$outputBaseFolder\TestResults_Unelevated.xml"
$testToolsPath = "$testRootPath\tools"
$jsonFile = "$outputBaseFolder\CC.json"
# first thing to do is to be sure that no processes are running which will cause us issues
Get-Process pwsh | Stop-Process -Force -ErrorAction Stop
## This is required so we do not keep on merging coverage reports.
if(Test-Path $outputLog)
Remove-Item $outputLog -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$oldErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$oldProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Starting downloads."
$CoverageZipFilePath = "$outputBaseFolder\PSCodeCoverage.zip"
if(Test-Path $CoverageZipFilePath)
Remove-Item $CoverageZipFilePath -Force
Invoke-WebRequest -uri $codeCoverageZip -outfile "$outputBaseFolder\PSCodeCoverage.zip"
$TestsZipFilePath = "$outputBaseFolder\tests.zip"
if(Test-Path $TestsZipFilePath)
Remove-Item $TestsZipFilePath -Force
Invoke-WebRequest -uri $testContentZip -outfile $TestsZipFilePath
$OpenCoverZipFilePath = "$outputBaseFolder\OpenCover.zip"
if(Test-Path $OpenCoverZipFilePath)
Remove-Item $OpenCoverZipFilePath -Force
Invoke-WebRequest -uri $openCoverZip -outfile $OpenCoverZipFilePath
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Downloads complete. Starting expansion"
if(Test-Path $psBinPath)
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $psBinPath
Expand-Archive -path $CoverageZipFilePath -destinationpath "$psBinPath" -Force
if(Test-Path $testRootPath)
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $testRootPath
Expand-Archive -path $TestsZipFilePath -destinationpath $testRootPath -Force
if(Test-Path $openCoverPath)
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $openCoverPath
Expand-Archive -path $OpenCoverZipFilePath -destinationpath $openCoverPath -Force
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Expansion complete."
if(Test-Path $elevatedLogs)
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $elevatedLogs
if(Test-Path $unelevatedLogs)
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $unelevatedLogs
if(Test-Path $outputLog)
Remove-Item $outputLog -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module "$openCoverPath\OpenCover" -Force
Install-OpenCover -TargetDirectory $openCoverTargetDirectory -force
Write-LogPassThru -Message "OpenCover installed."
Write-LogPassThru -Message "TestPath : $testPath"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "openCoverPath : $openCoverTargetDirectory\OpenCover"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "psbinpath : $psBinPath"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "elevatedLog : $elevatedLogs"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "unelevatedLog : $unelevatedLogs"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "TestToolsPath : $testToolsPath"
$openCoverParams = @{outputlog = $outputLog;
TestPath = $testPath;
OpenCoverPath = "$openCoverTargetDirectory\OpenCover";
PowerShellExeDirectory = "$psBinPath";
PesterLogElevated = $elevatedLogs;
PesterLogUnelevated = $unelevatedLogs;
TestToolsModulesPath = "$testToolsPath\Modules";
$openCoverParams.Add('SuppressQuiet', $true)
# grab the commitID, we need this to grab the right sources
$gitCommitId = & "$psBinPath\pwsh.exe" -noprofile -command { $PSVersiontable.GitCommitId }
$commitId = $gitCommitId.substring($gitCommitId.LastIndexOf('-g') + 2)
# download the src directory
$gitexe = "C:\Program Files\git\bin\git.exe"
# operations relative to where the test location is.
# some tests rely on source files being available in $outputBaseFolder/test
Push-Location $outputBaseFolder
# clean up partial repo clone before starting
$cleanupDirectories = "${outputBaseFolder}/.git",
foreach($directory in $cleanupDirectories)
if ( Test-Path "$directory" )
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse "$directory"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "initializing repo in $outputBaseFolder"
& $gitexe init
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'init' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "adding remote"
& $gitexe remote add origin https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'remote add' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "setting sparse-checkout"
& $gitexe config core.sparsecheckout true
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'set sparse-checkout' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "pulling sparse repo"
"/src" | Out-File -Encoding ascii .git\info\sparse-checkout -Force
"/assets" | Out-File -Encoding ascii .git\info\sparse-checkout -Append
& $gitexe pull origin master
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'pull' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-LogPassThru -Message "checkout commit $commitId"
& $gitexe checkout $commitId
Write-LogPassThru -Message "git operation 'checkout' returned $LASTEXITCODE"
$openCoverParams | Out-String | Write-LogPassThru
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Starting test run."
try {
# now invoke opencover
Invoke-OpenCover @openCoverParams | Out-String | Write-LogPassThru
catch {
("ERROR: " + $_.ScriptStackTrace) | Write-LogPassThru
$_ 2>&1 | out-string -Stream | %{ "ERROR: $_" } | Write-LogPassThru
if(Test-Path $outputLog)
Write-LogPassThru -Message (get-childitem $outputLog).FullName
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Test run done."
Write-LogPassThru -Message $commitId
$commitInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get "https://api.github.com/repos/powershell/powershell/git/commits/$commitId"
$message = ($commitInfo.message).replace("`n", " ")
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Uploading to CodeCov"
if ( Test-Path $outputLog ) {
ConvertTo-CodeCovJson -Path $outputLog -DestinationPath $jsonFile
Push-CodeCovData -file $jsonFile -CommitID $commitId -token $codecovToken -Branch 'master'
Write-LogPassThru -Message "Upload complete."
else {
Write-LogPassThru -Message "ERROR: Could not find $outputLog - no upload"
Write-LogPassThru -Message $_
# the powershell execution should be done, be sure that there are no PowerShell test executables running because
# they will cause subsequent coverage runs to behave poorly. Make sure that the path is properly formatted, and
# we need to use like rather than match because on Windows, there will be "\" as path separators which would need
# escaping for -match
$ResolvedPSBinPath = (Resolve-Path ${psbinpath}).Path
Get-Process PowerShell | Where-Object { $_.Path -like "*${ResolvedPSBinPath}*" } | Stop-Process -Force -ErrorAction Continue
## See if Azure log directory is mounted
if(Test-Path $azureLogDrive)
##Create yyyy-dd folder
$monthFolder = "{0:yyyy-MM}" -f [datetime]::Now
$monthFolderFullPath = New-Item -Path (Join-Path $azureLogDrive $monthFolder) -ItemType Directory -Force
$windowsFolderPath = New-Item (Join-Path $monthFolderFullPath "Windows") -ItemType Directory -Force
$destinationPath = Join-Path $env:Temp ("CodeCoverageLogs-{0:yyyy_MM_dd}-{0:hh_mm_ss}.zip" -f [datetime]::Now)
Compress-Archive -Path $elevatedLogs,$unelevatedLogs,$outputLog -DestinationPath $destinationPath
Copy-Item $destinationPath $windowsFolderPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $destinationPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-LogPassThru -Message "**** COMPLETE ****"
## Disable the cleanup till we stabilize.
#Remove-Item -recurse -force -path $outputBaseFolder
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionPreference
$ProgressPreference = $oldProgressPreference