
457 lines
15 KiB

Describe "Compare-Object" {
BeforeAll {
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
$content1 = "line 1" + $nl + "line 2"
$content2 = "line 1" + $nl + "line 2.1"
$content3 = "line 1" + $nl + "line 2" + $nl + "line 3"
$content4 = "line 1" + $nl + "line 2.1" + $nl + "Line 3"
$file1 = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "test1.txt"
$file2 = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "test2.txt"
$file3 = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "test3.txt"
$file4 = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "test4.txt"
New-Item $file1 -ItemType file -Value $content1 -Force
New-Item $file2 -ItemType file -Value $content2 -Force
New-Item $file3 -ItemType file -Value $content3 -Force
New-Item $file4 -ItemType file -Value $content4 -Force
It "Should be able to compare the same object using the referenceObject and differenceObject switches" {
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file1) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file2) } | Should Not Throw
It "Should not throw when referenceobject switch is not used" {
{ Compare-Object $(Get-Content $file1) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file2) } | Should Not Throw
It "Should not throw when differenceobject switch is not used" {
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file1) $(Get-Content $file2) } | Should Not Throw
It "Should indicate data that exists only in the reference dataset" {
$actualOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4)
$actualOutput[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "<="
It "Should indicate data that exists only in the difference dataset" {
$actualOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4)
$actualOutput[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "<="
It "Should indicate data that exists in both datasets when the includeEqual switch is used" {
$actualOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -IncludeEqual
$actualOutput.Length | Should Be 4
$actualOutput[0].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$actualOutput[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
It "Should be able to use the casesensitive switch" {
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -CaseSensitive } | Should Not Throw
It "Should correctly indicate that different cases are different when the casesensitive switch is used" {
$caOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -CaseSensitive
$ncaOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4)
$caOutput.Length | Should Be 4
$ncaOutput[1].SideIndicator | Should Not Be $caOutput[1].SideIndicator
$ncaOutput[2].SideIndicator | Should Not Be $caOutput[2].SideIndicator
$ncaOutput[3].SideIndicator | Should Not Be $caOutput[3].SideIndicator
It "Should throw when reference set is null" {
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $anonexistentvariable -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) } | Should Throw
It "Should throw when difference set is null" {
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $anonexistentvariable } | Should Throw
It "Should give a 0 array when using excludedifferent switch without also using the includeequal switch" {
$actualOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -ExcludeDifferent
$actualOutput.Length | Should Be 0
It "Should only display equal lines when excludeDifferent switch is used alongside the includeequal switch" {
$actualOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent
$actualOutput.Length | Should Be 2
It "Should be able to pass objects to pipeline using the passthru switch" {
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -Passthru | Format-Wide } | Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to specify the property of two objects to compare" {
$actualOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $file3 -DifferenceObject $TestDrive -Property Length
$actualOutput[0].Length | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$actualOutput[1].Length | Should BeGreaterThan 0
$actualOutput[0].Length | Should Not Be $actualOutput[1].Length
It "Should be able to specify the syncwindow without error" {
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -syncWindow 5 } | Should Not Throw
{ Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $file3) -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content $file4) -syncWindow 8 } | Should Not Throw
It "Should have the expected output when changing the syncwindow" {
$var1 = 1..15
$var2 = 15..1
$actualOutput = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $var1 -DifferenceObject $var2 -syncWindow 6
$actualOutput[0].InputObject | Should Be 15
$actualOutput[1].InputObject | Should Be 1
$actualOutput[2].InputObject | Should Be 1
$actualOutput[3].InputObject | Should Be 15
$actualOutput[0].SideIndicator | Should be "=>"
$actualOutput[1].SideIndicator | Should be "<="
$actualOutput[2].SideIndicator | Should be "=>"
$actualOutput[3].SideIndicator | Should be "<="
Describe "Compare-Object DRT basic functionality" -Tags DRT{
if(-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Employee').Type)
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public class Employee
public Employee(){}
public Employee(string firstName, string lastName, int yearsInMS)
FirstName = firstName;
LastName = lastName;
YearsInMS = yearsInMS;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public int YearsInMS;
public class EmployeeComparable : Employee, System.IComparable
public EmployeeComparable(
string firstName, string lastName, int yearsInMS)
: base(firstName, lastName, yearsInMS)
public int CompareTo(object obj)
EmployeeComparable ec = obj as EmployeeComparable;
if (null == ec)
return -1;
if (FirstName != ec.FirstName)
return -1;
if (LastName != ec.LastName)
return -1;
if (YearsInMS != ec.YearsInMS)
return -1;
return 0;
public class EmployeeDefinesSideIndicator : EmployeeComparable
public EmployeeDefinesSideIndicator(
string firstName, string lastName, int yearsInMS)
: base(firstName, lastName, yearsInMS)
public string SideIndicator
get { throw new System.ArgumentException("get_SideIndicator"); }
set { throw new System.ArgumentException("get_SideIndicator"); }
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public class EmployeeComparable : Employee, System.IComparable
public EmployeeComparable(
string firstName, string lastName, int yearsInMS)
: base(firstName, lastName, yearsInMS)
public int CompareTo(object obj)
EmployeeComparable ec = obj as EmployeeComparable;
if (null == ec)
return -1;
if (FirstName != ec.FirstName)
return -1;
if (LastName != ec.LastName)
return -1;
if (YearsInMS != ec.YearsInMS)
return -1;
return 0;
public class EmployeeDefinesSideIndicator : EmployeeComparable
public EmployeeDefinesSideIndicator(
string firstName, string lastName, int yearsInMS)
: base(firstName, lastName, yearsInMS)
public string SideIndicator
get { throw new System.ArgumentException("get_SideIndicator"); }
set { throw new System.ArgumentException("get_SideIndicator"); }
It "Compare-Object with 1 referenceObject and 1 differenceObject should work"{
$empsReference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("john","smith",5))
$empsDifference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("mary","jane",5))
foreach($recordEqual in $boolvalues)
foreach($excludeDifferent in $boolvalues)
foreach($passthru in $boolvalues)
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $empsReference -IncludeEqual:$recordEqual -ExcludeDifferent:$excludeDifferent -Passthru:$passthru -DifferenceObject $empsDifference
$result.Count | Should Be 2
$result[0] | Should Be $empsDifference
$result[1] | Should Be $empsReference
$result[0].InputObject | Should Be $empsDifference
$result[1].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference
$result[0].SideIndicator | Should Be "=>"
$result[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "<="
$result.Count | Should Be 0
It "Compare-Object with 2 referenceObjects and 1 differenceObject should work"{
$empsReference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("john","smith",5),[EmployeeComparable]::New("mary","jane",3))
$empsDifference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("john","smith",5))
foreach($recordEqual in $boolvalues)
foreach($excludeDifferent in $boolvalues)
foreach($passthru in $boolvalues)
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $empsReference -IncludeEqual:$recordEqual -ExcludeDifferent:$excludeDifferent -Passthru:$passthru -DifferenceObject $empsDifference
$result.Count | Should Be 2
$result[0] | Should Be $empsReference[0]
$result[1] | Should Be $empsReference[1]
$result[0].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[0]
$result[1].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[1]
$result[0].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "<="
$result | Should Be $empsReference[0]
$result.InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[0]
$result.SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result | Should Be $empsReference[1]
$result.InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[1]
$result.SideIndicator | Should Be "<="
$result.Count | Should Be 0
It "Compare-Object with 0 SyncWindow should work"{
$empsReference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("john","smith",5))
$empsDifference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("john","smith",5),[EmployeeComparable]::New("mary","jane",3))
foreach($recordEqual in $boolvalues)
foreach($excludeDifferent in $boolvalues)
foreach($passthru in $boolvalues)
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $empsReference -IncludeEqual:$recordEqual -ExcludeDifferent:$excludeDifferent -Passthru:$passthru -DifferenceObject $empsDifference -SyncWindow:0
$result.Count | Should Be 2
$result[0] | Should Be $empsReference
$result[1] | Should Be $empsDifference[1]
$result[0].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference
$result[1].InputObject | Should Be $empsDifference[1]
$result[0].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "=>"
$result | Should Be $empsReference
$result.InputObject | Should Be $empsReference
$result.SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result | Should Be $empsDifference[1]
$result.InputObject | Should Be $empsDifference[1]
$result.SideIndicator | Should Be "=>"
$result.Count | Should Be 0
It "Compare-Object with SyncWindow should work"{
$empsReference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("mary","jane",3),[EmployeeComparable]::New("john","smith",5),[EmployeeComparable]::New("jack", "black", 15),[EmployeeComparable]::New("jim", "bob", 1))
$empsDifference = @([EmployeeComparable]::New("jack", "black", 15),[EmployeeComparable]::New("jim", "bob", 1),[EmployeeComparable]::New("mary","jane",3),[EmployeeComparable]::New("john","smith",5))
foreach($recordEqual in $boolvalues)
foreach($excludeDifferent in $boolvalues)
foreach($passthru in $boolvalues)
$result = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $empsReference -IncludeEqual:$recordEqual -ExcludeDifferent:$excludeDifferent -Passthru:$passthru -DifferenceObject $empsDifference -SyncWindow:2
$result.Count | Should Be 4
$result[0] | Should Be $empsReference[0]
$result[1] | Should Be $empsReference[2]
$result[2] | Should Be $empsReference[1]
$result[3] | Should Be $empsReference[3]
$result[0].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[0]
$result[0].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result[1].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[2]
$result[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result[2].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[1]
$result[2].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result[3].InputObject | Should Be $empsReference[3]
$result[3].SideIndicator | Should Be "=="
$result.Count | Should Be 0
It "Compare-Object with Script Block Property Parameter should work"{
$a = [version]""
$b = [version]""
$result = Compare-Object $a $b -IncludeEqual -Property {$_.Major},{$_.Minor}
$result[0]|Select -ExpandProperty "*Major" | Should Be 5
$result[0]|Select -ExpandProperty "*Minor" | Should Be 6
$result[0].SideIndicator | Should Be "=>"
$result[1]|Select -ExpandProperty "*Major" | Should Be 1
$result[1]|Select -ExpandProperty "*Minor" | Should Be 2
$result[1].SideIndicator | Should Be "<="
It "Compare-Object with no ReferenceObject nor DifferenceObject: output nothing, no error and should work"{
$result = Compare-Object @() @()
$result | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Compare-Object with no DifferenceObject should work"{
$result = Compare-Object @() @("diffObject")
$result.InputObject | Should Be "diffObject"
$result.SideIndicator | Should Be "=>"
It "Compare-Object with no ReferenceObject should work"{
$result = Compare-Object @("refObject") @()
$result.InputObject | Should Be "refObject"
$result.SideIndicator | Should Be "<="