Dongbo Wang 54fa658e31 Migrate from project.json to MSBuild (#3398)
- FullCLR build is disabled in this change.
- FullCLR build related functionalities in `build.psm1` and `AppVeyor.psm1` are disabled. They are not cleaned up from `build.psm1` and `AppVeyor.psm1` yet. We need to adopt .NET Core 2.0 to verify the portable module concept, and if that works well, we will remove the Windows PowerShell source code and clean up our scripts.
- `dnxcore50` and `portable-net5+win8` target framework monikers are removed.
- Dependency on `Microsoft.NETCore.Portable.Compatibility` is removed. It's not necessary, but it may come back when we work on supporting the `portable module`. Its necessity can be reviewed at that time.
- I didn't spend the time to try building powershell in Visual Studio 2017. We should have a separate issue for that. It's tracked by #3400

The `TypeCatalogParser` project is replaced by a MSBuild target to gather the dependency information.
Due to .NET Core SDK issue [#1021](https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/1021), our meta-package project `Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK` starts to generate an empty assembly during the build and that results in an empty assembly `Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK.dll` appear in `publish` folder and in `.deps.json` file. We cannot simply remove the assembly because it's now part of the TPA, and removing it will cause powershell to crash at startup. We have to live with this empty assembly until that .NET Core SDK issue is fixed.  It's tracked by #3401.
2017-03-23 13:04:52 -07:00

56 lines
2.2 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if hash powershell 2>/dev/null; then
echo 'Continuing with `powershell -noprofile -c Start-PSBuild`'
powershell -noprofile -c "Import-Module ./build.psm1; Start-PSBuild"
echo 'Continuing with full manual build'
## Restore
dotnet restore src/powershell-unix
dotnet restore src/ResGen
dotnet restore src/TypeCatalogGen
## Setup the build target to gather dependency information
cat > $targetFile <<-"EOF"
<Target Name="_GetDependencies"
<_DependentAssemblyPath Include="%(_DependenciesDesignTime.Path)%3B" Condition=" '%(_DependenciesDesignTime.Type)' == 'Assembly' And '%(_DependenciesDesignTime.Name)' != 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Native.dll' And '%(_DependenciesDesignTime.Name)' != 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll' " />
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(_DependencyFile)" Lines="@(_DependentAssemblyPath)" Overwrite="true" />
dotnet msbuild src/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK.csproj /t:_GetDependencies "/property:DesignTimeBuild=true;_DependencyFile=$(pwd)/src/TypeCatalogGen/powershell.inc" /nologo
## Generate 'powershell.version'
git --git-dir="$(pwd)/.git" describe --dirty --abbrev=60 > "$(pwd)/powershell.version"
## Generate resource binding C# files
pushd src/ResGen
dotnet run
## Generate 'CorePsTypeCatalog.cs'
pushd src/TypeCatalogGen
dotnet run ../Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.AssemblyLoadContext/CorePsTypeCatalog.cs powershell.inc
## Build native component
pushd src/libpsl-native
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
make -j
make test
## Build powershell core
rawRid="$(dotnet --info | grep RID)"
rid=${rawRid##* } # retain the part after the last space
dotnet publish --configuration Linux src/powershell-unix/ --output bin --runtime $rid
echo 'You can run powershell from bin/, but some modules that are normally added by the Restore-PSModule step will not be available.'