
250 lines
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. (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath Test-Mocks.ps1)
Describe "Select-Object" {
BeforeEach {
$dirObject = GetFileMock
$TestLength = 3
It "Handle piped input without error" {
{ $dirObject | Select-Object } | Should Not Throw
It "Should treat input as a single object with the inputObject parameter" {
$result = $(Select-Object -inputObject $dirObject -last $TestLength).Length
$expected = $dirObject.Length
$result | Should Be $expected
It "Should be able to use the alias" {
{ $dirObject | select } | Should Not Throw
It "Should have same result when using alias" {
$result = $dirObject | select
$expected = $dirObject | Select-Object
$result | Should Be $expected
It "Should return correct object with First parameter" {
$result = $dirObject | Select-Object -First $TestLength
$result.Length | Should Be $TestLength
for ($i=0; $i -lt $TestLength; $i++)
$result[$i].Name | Should Be $dirObject[$i].Name
It "Should return correct object with Last parameter" {
$result = $dirObject | Select-Object -Last $TestLength
$result.Length | Should Be $TestLength
for ($i=0; $i -lt $TestLength; $i++)
$result[$i].Name | Should Be $dirObject[$dirObject.Length - $TestLength + $i].Name
It "Should work correctly with Unique parameter" {
$result = ("a","b","c","a","a","a" | Select-Object -Unique).Length
$expected = 3
$result | Should Be $expected
It "Should return correct object with Skip parameter" {
$result = $dirObject | Select-Object -Skip $TestLength
$result.Length | Should Be ($dirObject.Length - $TestLength)
for ($i=0; $i -lt $TestLength; $i++)
$result[$i].Name | Should Be $dirObject[$TestLength + $i].Name
It "Should return an object with selected columns" {
$result = $dirObject | Select-Object -Property Name, Size
$result.Length | Should Be $dirObject.Length
$result[0].Name | Should Be $dirObject[0].Name
$result[0].Size | Should Be $dirObject[0].Size
$result[0].Mode | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should send output to pipe properly" {
{$dirObject | Select-Object -Unique | pipelineConsume} | Should Not Throw
It "Should select array indices with Index parameter" {
$firstIndex = 2
$secondIndex = 4
$result = $dirObject | Select-Object -Index $firstIndex, $secondIndex
$result[0].Name | Should Be $dirObject[$firstIndex].Name
$result[1].Name | Should Be $dirObject[$secondIndex].Name
# Note that these two tests will modify original values of $dirObject
It "Should not wait when used without -Wait option" {
$orig1 = $dirObject[0].Size
$orig2 = $dirObject[$TestLength].Size
$result = $dirObject | addOneToSizeProperty | Select-Object -First $TestLength
$result[0].Size | Should Be ($orig1 + 1)
$dirObject[0].Size | Should Be ($orig1 + 1)
$dirObject[$TestLength].Size | Should Be $orig2
It "Should wait when used with -Wait option" {
$orig1 = $dirObject[0].Size
$orig2 = $dirObject[$TestLength].Size
$result = $dirObject | addOneToSizeProperty | Select-Object -First $TestLength -Wait
$result[0].Size | Should Be ($orig1 + 1)
$dirObject[0].Size | Should Be ($orig1 + 1)
$dirObject[$TestLength].Size | Should Be ($orig2 + 1)
Describe "Select-Object DRT basic functionality" -Tags DRT{
BeforeAll {
$employees = [pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="joseph"; "LastName"="smith"; "YearsInMS"=15},
[pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="paul"; "LastName"="smith"; "YearsInMS"=15},
[pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="mary"; "LastName"="soe"; "YearsInMS"=5},
[pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="edmund"; "LastName"="bush"; "YearsInMS"=9}
It "Select-Object with empty script block property should throw"{
"bar" | select-object -Prop {} -EA Stop
Throw "Execution OK"
$_.CategoryInfo | Should Match "PSArgumentException"
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "EmptyScriptBlockAndNoName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectObjectCommand"
It "Select-Object with string property should work"{
$result = "bar" | select-object -Prop foo | Measure-Object
$result.Count | Should Be 1
It "Select-Object with Property First Last Overlap should work"{
$results = $employees | Select-Object -Property "YearsInMS", "L*" -First 2 -Last 3
$results.Count | Should Be 4
$results[0].LastName | Should Be $employees[0].LastName
$results[1].LastName | Should Be $employees[1].LastName
$results[2].LastName | Should Be $employees[2].LastName
$results[3].LastName | Should Be $employees[3].LastName
$results[0].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[0].YearsInMS
$results[1].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[1].YearsInMS
$results[2].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[2].YearsInMS
$results[3].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[3].YearsInMS
It "Select-Object with Property First Last should work"{
$results = $employees | Select-Object -Property "YearsInMS", "L*" -First 2 -Last 1
$results.Count | Should Be 3
$results[0].LastName | Should Be $employees[0].LastName
$results[1].LastName | Should Be $employees[1].LastName
$results[2].LastName | Should Be $employees[3].LastName
$results[0].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[0].YearsInMS
$results[1].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[1].YearsInMS
$results[2].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[3].YearsInMS
It "Select-Object with Property First should work"{
$results = $employees | Select-Object -Property "YearsInMS", "L*" -First 2
$results.Count | Should Be 2
$results[0].LastName | Should Be $employees[0].LastName
$results[1].LastName | Should Be $employees[1].LastName
$results[0].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[0].YearsInMS
$results[1].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[1].YearsInMS
It "Select-Object with Property First Zero should work"{
$results = $employees | Select-Object -Property "YearsInMS", "L*" -First 0
$results.Count | Should Be 0
It "Select-Object with Property Last Zero should work"{
$results = $employees | Select-Object -Property "YearsInMS", "L*" -Last 0
$results.Count | Should Be 0
It "Select-Object with Unique should work"{
$results = $employees | Select-Object -Property "YearsInMS", "L*" -Unique:$true
$results.Count | Should Be 3
$results[0].LastName | Should Be $employees[1].LastName
$results[1].LastName | Should Be $employees[2].LastName
$results[2].LastName | Should Be $employees[3].LastName
$results[0].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[1].YearsInMS
$results[1].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[2].YearsInMS
$results[2].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees[3].YearsInMS
It "Select-Object with Simple should work"{
$employee1 = [pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="joesph"; "LastName"="smith"; "YearsInMS"=15}
$employee2 = [pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="paul"; "LastName"="smith"; "YearsInMS"=15}
$employee3 = [pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="mary"; "LastName"="soe"; "YearsInMS"=15}
$employees3 = @($employee1,$employee2,$employee3,$employee4)
$results = $employees3 | Select-Object -Property "FirstName", "YearsInMS"
$results.Count | Should Be 3
$results[0].FirstName | Should Be $employees3[0].FirstName
$results[1].FirstName | Should Be $employees3[1].FirstName
$results[2].FirstName | Should Be $employees3[2].FirstName
$results[0].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees3[0].YearsInMS
$results[1].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees3[1].YearsInMS
$results[2].YearsInMS | Should Be $employees3[2].YearsInMS
It "Select-Object with no input should work"{
$results = $null | Select-Object -Property "FirstName", "YearsInMS", "FirstNa*"
$results.Count | Should Be 0
It "Select-Object with Start-Time In Idle Process should work"{
$results = Get-Process i* | Select-Object ProcessName
$results.Count | Should Not Be 0
It "Select-Object with Skip should work"{
$results = "1","2","3" | Select-Object -Skip 1
$results.Count | Should Be 2
$results[0] | Should Be 2
$results[1] | Should Be 3
It "Select-Object with Index should work"{
$results = "1","2","3" | Select-Object -Index 2
$results.Count | Should Be 1
$results[0] | Should Be "3"