Steve Lee c1c5344a88 Update copyright and license headers (#6134)
Based on standard practices, we need to have a copyright and license notice at the top of each source file. Removed existing copyrights and updated/added copyright notices for .h, .cpp, .cs, .ps1, and .psm1 files.

Updated module manifests for consistency to have Author = "PowerShell" and Company = "Microsoft Corporation". Removed multiple line breaks.

Separate PR coming to update contribution document for new source files: #6140

Manually reviewed each change.

Fix #6073
2018-02-13 09:23:53 -08:00

317 lines
10 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
$definition = @'
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Security;
using System.Collections;
namespace TestHost
public class TestHostRawUI : PSHostRawUserInterface
private ConsoleColor _backgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
public override ConsoleColor BackgroundColor
get { return _backgroundColor; }
set { _backgroundColor = value; }
private ConsoleColor _foregroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
public override ConsoleColor ForegroundColor
get { return _foregroundColor; }
set { _foregroundColor = value; }
private string _windowTitle = "title";
public override string WindowTitle
get { return _windowTitle; }
set { _windowTitle = value; }
private Size _bufferSize = new Size(10,10);
public override Size BufferSize
get { return _bufferSize; }
set { _bufferSize = value; }
private Coordinates _cursorPosition = new Coordinates(0, 0);
public override Coordinates CursorPosition
get { return _cursorPosition; }
set { _cursorPosition = value; }
private int _cursorSize = 10;
public override int CursorSize
get { return _cursorSize; }
set { _cursorSize = value; }
private bool _keyAvailable = false;
public override bool KeyAvailable
get { return _keyAvailable; }
public override Size MaxPhysicalWindowSize
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override Size MaxWindowSize
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private Coordinates _windowPosition = new Coordinates(0, 0);
public override Coordinates WindowPosition
get { return _windowPosition; }
set { _windowPosition = value; }
private Size _windowSize = new Size(80, 40);
public override Size WindowSize
get { return _windowSize; }
set { _windowSize = value; }
public override BufferCell[,] GetBufferContents(Rectangle rectangle) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void FlushInputBuffer() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override KeyInfo ReadKey(ReadKeyOptions options) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void SetBufferContents(Coordinates origin, BufferCell[,] contents) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void SetBufferContents(Rectangle rectangle, BufferCell fill) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void ScrollBufferContents(Rectangle source, Coordinates destination, Rectangle clip, BufferCell fill) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public class Streams
public ArrayList ConsoleOutput = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Input = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Error = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Verbose = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Debug = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Warning = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Information = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Progress = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList Prompt = new ArrayList();
public void Clear() {
public class TestPSHostUserInterface : PSHostUserInterface
private PSHostRawUserInterface _rawui = new TestHostRawUI();
public string ReadLineData = "This is readline data";
public int PromptedChoice = 0;
public string StringForSecureString = "TEST";
public string UserNameForCredential = "Admin";
public object promptResponse = "this is a prompt response";
public Streams Streams = new Streams();
public override PSHostRawUserInterface RawUI
get { return _rawui; }
public override Dictionary<string, PSObject> Prompt(string caption, string message, Collection<FieldDescription> descriptions)
if (descriptions == null || descriptions[0] == null)
throw new ArgumentException("descriptions");
string s = descriptions[0].Name;
Streams.Prompt.Add(caption + ":" + message + ":" + s);
Dictionary<string, PSObject> d = new Dictionary<string, PSObject>();
d.Add(s, new PSObject(promptResponse));
return d;
public override int PromptForChoice(string caption, string message, Collection<ChoiceDescription> choices, int defaultChoice)
Streams.Prompt.Add(caption + ":" + message);
return PromptedChoice;
public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName)
Streams.Prompt.Add("Credential:" + caption + ":" + message);
SecureString ss = ReadLineAsSecureString();
string userNameToUse = string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) ? UserNameForCredential : userName;
return new PSCredential(userNameToUse, ss);
public override PSCredential PromptForCredential(string caption, string message, string userName, string targetName, PSCredentialTypes allowedCredentialTypes, PSCredentialUIOptions options)
Streams.Prompt.Add("Credential:" + caption + ":" + message);
SecureString ss = ReadLineAsSecureString();
string userNameToUse = string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) ? UserNameForCredential : userName;
return new PSCredential(userNameToUse, ss);
public override string ReadLine()
return ReadLineData;
public override SecureString ReadLineAsSecureString()
SecureString ss = new SecureString();
foreach(char c in StringForSecureString.ToCharArray()) { ss.AppendChar(c); }
return ss;
// Cmdlets call 'Write' and 'WriteLine' methods implicitly.
// To see difference between 'Write' and 'WriteLine' with and w/o colors in the debug output
// we need use a meta information.
// So we make a output string as:
// <Foregraund color name> : <Background color name> : <'user value'> : <'NewLine' or 'NoNewLine'>
public override void Write(string value)
public override void Write(ConsoleColor foregroundColor, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, string value)
public override void WriteLine(ConsoleColor foregroundColor, ConsoleColor backgroundColor, string value)
public override void WriteDebugLine(string message)
public override void WriteErrorLine(string value)
public override void WriteLine(string value)
public override void WriteProgress(long sourceId, ProgressRecord record)
public override void WriteVerboseLine(string message)
public override void WriteWarningLine(string message)
public override void WriteInformation(InformationRecord record)
HostInformationMessage hostOutput = record.MessageData as HostInformationMessage;
if (hostOutput != null) {
string message = hostOutput.Message;
public class TestHost : PSHost
private Guid _instanceId = Guid.NewGuid();
private PSHostUserInterface _ui = new TestPSHostUserInterface();
public string _hostName = "TEST HOST";
public Version _version = new Version(6, 0);
int promptLevel = 0;
public override CultureInfo CurrentCulture
get { return Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; }
public override CultureInfo CurrentUICulture
get { return Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; }
public override Guid InstanceId
get { return _instanceId; }
public override string Name
get { return _hostName; }
public override PSHostUserInterface UI
get { return _ui; }
public override Version Version
get { return _version; }
public override void EnterNestedPrompt()
public override void ExitNestedPrompt()
public override void NotifyBeginApplication()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void NotifyEndApplication()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void SetShouldExit(int exitCode)
throw new NotImplementedException();
## '
function New-TestHost
If ($IsCoreCLR)
$references = @()
$references = "System.Management.Automation"
if ( ! ("TestHost.TestHost" -as "type" )) {
$t = add-Type -pass $definition -ref $references