Dan Travison ec0f1116db Add PowerShell logging tests for macOS and Linux (#6025)
This PR fixes the logging issue on Linux where logging is initialized before `-settingsFile` is parsed causing custom log settings to be ignored. (see ConsoleHost.cs and ManagedEntrance.cs)

The PR also includes basic logging tests for Linux and MacOS. PSSyslog.psm1 contains the functions to retrieve selected logged items (based on PowerShell's log id and a timestamp) and Logging.Tests.ps1 contains tests for Linux and MacOS.
2018-03-29 14:46:08 -07:00

912 lines
27 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
os_log notes:
There are no public APIs on MacOS for consuming os_log data or
collecting log output in real-time. To get log data in a programmatically consumable
format, the data must first be extracted then converted to a raw text format.
Extraction requires the following steps:
1: Snapshot the current time
2: Enable persistence of PowerShell log entries
See Set-OsLogPersistence
3: Run powershell to generate the expected log output
4: Run 'log collect' to retrieve log records after a specific timestamp
from the system logs.
Note that the extracted data is still not directly consumable.
5: Run 'log show' to convert the extracted data to text and redirect it
to a file.
The --predicate can be used at this point to filter extracted records.
The typical filter is 'process == "pwsh"'
The redirected text file can then be consumed by this module.
Example command-lines:
sudo log collect --start "2018-02-07 14:33:30" --output ./system.logarchive
log show ./system.logarchive/ --info --predicate 'process == "pwsh"' >pwsh.log.txt
Parsing Notes:
* Sample contains 6.0.1 content (which is out of date) revise with 6.1.0 preview
* Ensure analytic data is considered when parsing; specifically Provider_Lifecycle:ProviderStart.Method.Informational
* Multi-line output is expected. Parsing needs to detect the timestamp at the begining
of a line and append subsequent lines to the message until the next 'log' line is found.
* Header lines need to be skipped.
Sample output from 'log show' illustrating one single-line entry and one multi-line entry.
Analytic log items are often multi-line because the message text contains newline characters.
Timestamp Thread Type Activity PID
2018-02-07 14:34:35.256501-0800 0x2a3730 Default 0x0 39437 pwsh: (libpsl-native.dylib) [com.microsoft.powershell.powershell] (v6.0.1:1:10) [Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStart.Informational] PowerShell console is starting up
2018-02-07 14:34:35.562003-0800 0x2a373a Default 0x0 39437 pwsh: (libpsl-native.dylib) [com.microsoft.powershell.powershell] (v6.0.1:4:11) [Provider_Lifecycle:ProviderStart.Method.Informational] Provider Alias changed state to Started.
Severity = Informational
Host Name = ConsoleHost
Host Version = 6.0.1
Host ID = 964756e8-c074-4228-a54d-d410a88e8c66
Host Application = /usr/local/microsoft/powershell/6.0.1/pwsh.dll
Engine Version =
Runspace ID =
Pipeline ID =
Command Name =
Command Type =
Script Name =
Command Path =
Sequence Number = 1
User = PowerShells-MacBook\psbuildacct
Connected User =
Shell ID = Microsoft.PowerShell
User Data:
#region Utilities
function Test-Sudo
if(-not (Test-Path -Path "env:SUDO_USER"))
throw "This command must be run from sudo"
function Test-MacOS
if (-not $IsMacOS)
throw "This command requires MacOS"
function Test-Linux
if (-not $IsLinux)
throw "This command requires Linux"
function Start-NativeExecution
[ScriptBlock] $command
$saveErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
& $command
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
throw "Execution of {$command} failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE"
$ErrorActionPreference = $saveErrorAction
#endregion Utilities
#region SysLog support
# Defines the array indices when calling
# String.Split on a SysLog log entry
enum SysLogIds
Month = 0;
Day = 1;
Time = 2;
Hostname = 3;
Id = 4;
CommitId = 5;
EventId = 6;
Message = 7;
# Defines the array indices when calling
# String.Split on an OsLog log entry
enum OsLogIds
Date = 0;
Time = 1;
Thread = 2;
Type = 3;
Activity = 4;
Pid = 5;
ProcessName = 6;
Module = 7;
Id = 8;
CommitId = 9;
EventId = 10;
Message = 11;
class PSLogItem
[string] $LogId = [string]::Empty
[DateTime] $Timestamp = [DateTime]::Now
[string] $Hostname = [string]::Empty
[int] $ProcessId = 0
[int] $ThreadId = 0
[int] $Channel = 0
[string] $CommitId = [string]::Empty
[string] $EventId = [string]::Empty
[string] $Message = [string]::Empty
[int] $Count = 1
hidden static $monthNames = @('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun','Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')
hidden static [int] GetMonth([string] $value)
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
for ($x = 0; $x -lt [PSLogItem]::monthNames.Count; $x++)
[string] $monthName = [PSLogItem]::monthNames[$x]
if ($value.StartsWith($monthName, [StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return $x + 1
return 1
static [PSLogItem] ConvertSysLog([string] $content, [string] $id, [Nullable[DateTime]] $after)
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
MMM dd HH:MM:SS machinename id[PID]: (commitid:TID:CHANNEL) [EventName] Message
Expecting split to return
0: Month (abreviated)
1: DD
3: hostname
4: nameid[processid]:
5: (commitid:treadid:channel)
6: [EventId]
7: Message Text
NOTE: In some cases, syslog will detect the same message being logged multiple times.
In those cases, a single message is logged in the following format
MMM dd HH:MM:SS machinename id[PID]: message repeated NNN times: [(commitid:TID:CHANNEL) [EventName] Message]
# split contents into separate space delimited tokens (first 7) and leave the rest as the message.
[string[]] $parts = $content.Split(' ', 8, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($parts.Count -ne 8)
Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping unparsable entry: $content"
return $null
if ($id)
# If the log entry doesn't have the expected $id, return null.
if ($parts[[SysLogIds]::Id].StartsWith($id, [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) -eq $false)
return $null
$now = [DateTime]::Now
$month = [PSLogItem]::GetMonth($parts[[SysLogIds]::Month])
$day = [int]::Parse($parts[[SysLogIds]::Day])
# guess at the year
$year = [DateTime]::Now.Year
if (($month -gt $now.Month) -or ($now.Month -eq $month -and $day -gt $now.Day))
[DateTime]$time = [DateTime]::Parse($parts[[SysLogIds]::Time], [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
$time = [DateTime]::new($year, $month, $day, $time.Hour, $time.Minute, $time.Second)
if ($after -ne $null -and $time -lt $after)
# if the entry was logged prior to the expected time, return null
return $null
$item = [PSLogItem]::new()
$item.Timestamp = $time
$item.Message = $parts[[SysLogIds]::Message]
[char[]] $splitChars = $null
# handle log entries that have 'message repeated NNN times: ['
if ($parts[[SysLogIds]::CommitId] -eq 'message' -and $parts[[SysLogIds]::EventId] -eq 'repeated')
# NNN times: [ message ]
$splitChars = (' ', ':', '[')
$subparts = $item.Message.Split($splitChars, 3, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$item.Count = [int]::Parse($subparts[0])
$value = $subparts[2]
# (commitid:TID:CHANNEL)
$start = $value.IndexOf('(')
$end = $value.IndexOf(')')
$parts[[SysLogIds]::CommitId] = $value.Substring($start, $end-$start+1)
$value = $value.Substring($end + 1)
# [eventid]
$start = $value.IndexOf('[')
$end = $value.IndexOf(']')
$parts[[SysLogIds]::EventId] = $value.Substring($start, $end-$start+1)
# message text
# NOTE: Skip the trailing ']'
$item.Message = $value.Substring($end, $value.Length - ($end + 1))
$item.Hostname = $parts[[SysLogIds]::Hostname]
# [EventId]
$splitChars = ('[', ']', ' ')
$item.EventId = $parts[[SysLogIds]::EventId]
$subparts = $item.EventId.Split($splitChars, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($subparts.Count -eq 1)
$item.EventId = $subparts[0]
Write-Warning -Message "Could not split EventId $($item.EventId) on '[] ' Count:$($subparts.Count)"
# (commitid:TID:ChannelID)
[char[]] $splitChars = ('(', ')', ':', ' ')
$item.CommitId = $parts[[SysLogIds]::CommitId]
$subparts = $item.CommitId.Split($splitChars, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($subparts.Count -eq 3)
$item.CommitId = $subparts[0]
$item.ThreadId = [int]::Parse($subparts[1], [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::AllowHexSpecifier)
$item.Channel = [int]::Parse($subparts[2])
Write-Warning -Message "Could not split CommitId $($item.CommitId) on '(): ' Count:$($subparts.Count)"
# nameid[PID]
$splitChars = ('[',']',':')
$item.LogId = $parts[[SysLogIds]::Id]
$subparts = $item.LogId.Split($splitChars, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($subparts.Count -eq 2)
$item.LogId = $subparts[0]
$item.ProcessId = [int]::Parse($subparts[1], [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::AllowHexSpecifier)
Write-Warning -Message "Could not split LogId $($item.LogId) on '[]:' Count:$($subparts.Count)"
return $item
static [object] ConvertOsLog([string] $content, [string] $id, [Nullable[DateTime]] $after)
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Expecting split to return
0: date 2018-02-07
1: time 14:34:35.256501-0800
2: thread 0x2a3730
3: Type Default
4: activity 0x12
5: PID 39437
6: processname pwsh:
7: sourcedll (libpsl-native.dylib)
8: log source [com.microsoft.powershell.powershell]
9: commitid:treadid:channel (v6.0.1:1:10)
10:[EventId] [Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStart.Informational]
11:Message Text
[object] $result = $content
[char[]] $splitChars = $null
# determine if the line is a log entry
# versus an overflow of a multi-line entry
# check for thread
$index = $content.IndexOf(" 0x")
if ($index -le 0)
# no thread value,
# assume text only
# look for a date/time stamp prior to the thread.
# if this succeeds, we'll ignore the values in split.
[DateTime] $time = [DateTime]::Now
$value = $content.Substring(0, $index).Trim()
if ([DateTime]::TryParse($value, [ref] $time) -eq $false)
# no timestamp,
# assume text only
if ($after -ne $null -and $time -lt $after)
$result = $null
$parts = $content.Split(' ', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$item = [PSLogItem]::new()
$item.Count = 1
$item.Timestamp = $time
$item.ProcessId = [int]::Parse($parts[[OsLogIds]::Pid])
$item.Message = $parts[[OsLogIds]::Message]
# [com.microsoft.powershell.logid]
$splitChars = ('[', '.', ']')
$item.LogId = $parts[[OsLogIds]::Id]
$subparts = $item.LogId.Split($splitChars, [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($subparts.Length -eq 4)
$item.LogId = $subparts[3]
if ($id -ne $null -and $id -ne $item.LogId)
# this is not the log id we're looking for.
$result = $null
# (commitid:TID:ChannelID)
$splitChars = ('(', ')', ':', ' ')
$item.CommitId = $parts[[OsLogIds]::CommitId]
$subparts = $item.CommitId.Split($splitChars, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($subparts.Count -eq 3)
$item.CommitId = $subparts[0]
$item.ThreadId = [int]::Parse($subparts[1], [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::AllowHexSpecifier)
$item.Channel = [int]::Parse($subparts[2])
Write-Warning -Message "Could not split CommitId $($item.CommitId) on '(): ' Count:$($subparts.Count)"
# [EventId]
$splitChars = ('[', ']', ' ')
$item.EventId = $parts[[OsLogIds]::EventId]
$subparts = $item.EventId.Split($splitChars, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($subparts.Count -eq 1)
$item.EventId = $subparts[0]
Write-Warning -Message "Could not split EventId $($item.EventId) on '[] ' Count:$($subparts.Count)"
$result = $item
} while ($false)
# returning [string] or [PSLogItem]
return $result
function ConvertFrom-SysLog
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]] $Content,
[string] $Id,
[Nullable[DateTime]] $After
[int] $totalWritten = 0
foreach ($line in $Content)
[PSLogItem] $item = [PSLogItem]::ConvertSysLog($line, $id, $after)
if ($item -ne $null)
Write-Output $item
Write-Verbose "Found $totalWritten items"
Reads log entries with the specified identifier
The fully qualified path to the syslog formatted file.
The identifier for the entries to read.
The default value is 'powershell'
Specifies the number of items to return.
Can be used with After and Tail
Specifies the number of lines from the end of a file
This value is passed through to the underlying Get-Content Cmdlet and controls
the number of lines to read from the syslog file. As a result, the number of
returned PowerShell log items may be less than this value.
Returns items on or after the specified DateTime
Can be used with TotalCount.
PS> Get-PSSysLog -id 'powershell' -logPath '/var/log/powershell'
Gets all log entries from the log with the id 'powershell' from the log /var/log/powershell
PS> Get-PSSysLog -id 'powershell' -logPath '/var/log/syslog'
Gets all log entries from the log with the id 'powershell' from the log /var/log/syslog
PS> Get-PSSysLog -id 'powershell' -logPath '/var/log/syslog' -Tail 200
Gets the last 200 log entries from /var/log/syslog and returns items from
this set that have the id 'powershell'.
PS> Get-PSSysLog -id 'powershell' -logPath '/var/log/syslog' -TotalCount 200
Gets up to 200 log entries with the id 'powershell' from /var/log/syslog
PS> $time = [DateTime]::Parse('1/19/2018 1:26:49 PM')
PS> Get-PSSysLog -id 'powershell' -logPath '/var/log/syslog' -After $time
Gets log entries with the id 'powershell' that occured on or after a specific date/time
This function reads syslog entries using Get-Content, filters based on the id, and
returns an object for each log entry.
function Get-PSSysLog
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'After')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Tail')]
[string] $Path,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'After')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Tail')]
[string] $Id = 'powershell',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'After')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Tail')]
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
[int] $TotalCount,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Tail')]
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
[int] $Tail,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'After')]
[Nullable[DateTime]] $After
[int] $maxItems = 0
$contentParms = @{Path = $Path}
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tail'))
$contentParms['Tail'] = $Tail
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TotalCount'))
$maxItems = $TotalCount
if ($TotalCount -eq 0)
Get-Content @contentParms | ConvertFrom-SysLog -After $After -Id $Id
[string] $filter = [string]::Format(" {0}[", $id)
Get-Content @contentParms -filter {$_.Contains($filter)} | ConvertFrom-SysLog -Id $Id -After $After | Select-Object -First $maxItems
#endregion SysLog support
#region os_log support
Provides a utility class for handling single and multi-line os_log entries
class LogItemBuilder
hidden [System.Text.StringBuilder] $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
hidden [PSLogItem] $item = $null
[PSLogItem] Add([object] $value)
[PSLogItem] $result = $null
if ($value -eq $null)
elseif ($value -is [PSLogItem])
# return the pending item
$result = $this.Flush()
if ($result -ne $null -and $this.sb.Length -gt 0)
$result.Message = $this.sb.ToString()
$null = $this.sb.Clear()
# save the current one to handle multiline
# message text.
$this.item = $value
elseif ($this.item -eq $null)
# Exported logs contain header lines;
# skip these.
# we have an item pending...
# build a multi-line message property
if ($this.sb.Length -eq 0)
$null = $this.sb.Append($this.item.Message)
$null = $this.sb.AppendLine('')
$null = $this.sb.Append($value.ToString())
return $result
[PSLogItem] Flush()
[PSLogItem] $result = $null
if ($this.item -ne $null)
$result = $this.item
$this.item = $null
if ($this.sb.Length -gt 0)
# rewrite the message wtih the multiple log lines
$result.Message = $this.sb.ToString()
return $result
function ConvertFrom-OSLog
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]] $Content,
[string] $Id,
[Nullable[DateTime]] $After
[int] $totalWritten = 0
# NOTE: Log items can span multiple lines
[LogItemBuilder] $builder = [LogItemBuilder]::new()
foreach ($line in $Content)
[object] $item = [PSLogItem]::ConvertOsLog($line, $id, $after)
# os_log entries can span multiple lines when new lines are
# included in the entry's message text.
# To ensure the entire log entry is processed,
# LogItemBuilder.Add will not return an item until it encounters the start
# of another log entry.
# To ensure the last item is processed, Flush needs to be called at the end of the
# pipeline. See the End block below.
$item = $builder.Add($item)
if ($item -ne $null)
Write-Output $item
$item = $builder.Flush()
if ($item -ne $null)
Write-Output $item
Write-Verbose "Found $totalWritten items"
Reads log entries with the specified identifier
This cmdlet parses a text file exported from a MacOS os_log.
The fully qualified path to the os_log formatted file.
The identifier for the PowerShell log identity of the instance(s) producing the log content.
The default value is 'powershell'
Specifies the maximum number of items to return.
Returns items on or after the specified DateTime
PS> Export-OSLog -After $timestamp | Set-Content -Path "$PSDrive/mytest.txt"
PS> Get-PSOsLog -logPath "$PSDrive/mytest.txt"
Gets all log entries from a given timestamp.
PS> Export-OSLog -After $timestamp | Set-Content -Path "$PSDrive/mytest.txt"
PS> Get-PSOsLog -id 'mypwsh' -logPath "$PSDrive/mytest.txt" -TotalCount 200
Gets up to 200 log entries from a given timestamp with the log identity of 'mypwsh'
function Get-PSOsLog
[string] $Path,
[string] $Id = 'powershell',
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
[int] $TotalCount,
[Nullable[DateTime]] $After
[int] $maxItems = 0
$contentParms = @{Path = $Path}
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TotalCount'))
$maxItems = $TotalCount
if ($TotalCount -eq 0)
Get-Content @contentParms | ConvertFrom-OsLog -After $After -Id $Id
[string] $filter = [string]::Format("com.microsoft.powershell.{0}: (", $id)
Get-Content @contentParms -filter {$_.Contains($filter)} | ConvertFrom-OsLog -Id $Id -After $After | Select-Object -First $maxItems
Export PowerShell os_log content as text.
The datetime for the starting entries to export.
Log entries with a timestamp on or after this value will be returned.
PS> $timestamp = [DateTime]::Now
PS> # perform some work...
PS> $content = (Export-PSOsLog -After $timestamp)
PS> $timestamp = [DateTime]::Now
PS> # perform some work...
PS> Export-PSOsLog -After $timestamp | Set-Content -Path "$PSDrive/mytest.txt"
This command requires MacOS.
See Get-PSOsLog for parsing content from this cmdlet
function Export-PSOsLog
[DateTime] $After,
[string] $LogId = "powershell"
# NOTE: The use of double quotes and single quotes for the predicate parameter
# is mandatory. Reversing the usage (e.g., single quotes around double quotes)
# causes the double quotes to be stripped breaking the predicate syntax expected
# by log show
if ($After -ne $null)
[string] $startTime = $After.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Start-NativeExecution -command {log show --info --start "$startTime" --predicate "subsystem == 'com.microsoft.powershell'"}
Start-NativeExecution -command {log show --info --predicate "process == 'pwsh'"}
Enables or disables persistence of PowerShell logging
Enable persistence of PowerShell log items
Disables persistent of PowerShell log items.
This reverts persistence to the system default.
Set-OsLogPersistence -Enable
Enables persistence of PowerShell log entries
Set-OsLogPersistence -Disable
Reverts persistence to the default state.
See Get-OsLogPersistence to query the current setting.
function Set-OsLogPersistence
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Enable')]
[switch] $Enable,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Disable')]
[switch] $Disable
if ($Enable -eq $true)
Write-Verbose -Message "Enabling log persistence"
Start-NativeExecution -command {log config --subsystem com.microsoft.powershell --mode=persist:info,level:info }
Write-Verbose -Message "Reverting log persistence to the default"
Start-NativeExecution -command {log config --subsystem com.microsoft.powershell --mode=persist:default,level:default }
Gets the current PowerShell logging persistence setting
function Get-OsLogPersistence
$result = Start-NativeExecution -command {log config --status --subsystem com.microsoft.powershell}
$parts = $result.Split(' ', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($parts[$parts.Length - 1] -eq 'PERSIST_DEFAULT')
# Not configured
# Expecting a format like the following:
# Mode for 'com.microsoft.powershell' PERSIST_DEFAULT
$result = new-object PSObject -Property @{
Level = 'DEFAULT'
Persist = $parts[$parts.Length- 1]
Enabled = $false
# Expecting a format like the following:
# Mode for 'com.microsoft.powershell' INFO PERSIST_INFO
$result = new-object PSObject -Property @{
Level = $parts[$parts.Length - 2]
Persist = $parts[$parts.Length -1]
Enabled = $true
return $result
#region os_log support
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PSSysLog, Get-PSOsLog, Export-PSOsLog, Get-OsLogPersistence, Set-OsLogPersistence