Dongbo Wang 87d8fc969c
Fix sequence point update for switch/if/for/while/do-while/do-until statements (#7305)
- Make switch-statement report correct error position when it fails to evaluate the condition.
- Make for-statement report correct error position when it fails to evaluate the initializer.
- For the condition of `if/for/while/do-while/do-until` statements, the sequence point update is either duplicate in some cases (for `if/for/while`) which causes debugger to stop at the condition twice  before moving forward, or missing (for `do-while/do-until`) which causes debugger to skip the condition. They are fixed.
2018-07-25 09:56:32 -07:00

110 lines
4 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Error position Tests" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$switch_condition_script = @'
$test = 1
switch ($null[0]) {
"a" {};
$for_expression_initializer_script = @'
$test = 1
for ($null[0];
$test -gt 1;) { }
$for_pipeline_initializer_script = @'
$test = 1
for (Test-Path $null;
$test -gt 1;) { }
$for_expression_condition_script = @'
$test = 1
for (;$null[0];)
{ }
$for_pipeline_condition_script = @'
$test = 1
for (;Test-Path $null;)
{ }
$do_while_expression_condition_script = @'
$test = 1
do {}
while ($null[0])
$do_while_pipeline_condition_script = @'
$test = 1
do {}
while (Test-Path $null)
$do_until_expression_condition_script = @'
$test = 1
do {}
until ($null[0])
$do_until_pipeline_condition_script = @'
$test = 1
do {}
until (Test-Path $null)
$testCases = @(
@{ Name = "switch condition"; FileName = "SwitchError2.ps1"; Script = $switch_condition_script; MatchText = "SwitchError2.ps1: line 2" }
@{ Name = "for statement expression initializer"; FileName = "ForError1.ps1"; Script = $for_expression_initializer_script; MatchText = "ForError1.ps1: line 2" }
@{ Name = "for statement pipeline initializer"; FileName = "ForError2.ps1"; Script = $for_pipeline_initializer_script; MatchText = "ForError2.ps1: line 2" }
@{ Name = "for statement expression condition"; FileName = "ForError3.ps1"; Script = $for_expression_condition_script; MatchText = "ForError3.ps1: line 2" }
@{ Name = "for statement pipeline condition"; FileName = "ForError4.ps1"; Script = $for_pipeline_condition_script; MatchText = "ForError4.ps1: line 2" }
@{ Name = "do-while statement expression condition"; FileName = "DoWhileError1.ps1"; Script = $do_while_expression_condition_script; MatchText = "DoWhileError1.ps1: line 3" }
@{ Name = "do-while statement pipeline condition"; FileName = "DoWhileError2.ps1"; Script = $do_while_pipeline_condition_script; MatchText = "DoWhileError2.ps1: line 3" }
@{ Name = "do-until statement expression condition"; FileName = "DoUntilError1.ps1"; Script = $do_until_expression_condition_script; MatchText = "DoUntilError1.ps1: line 3" }
@{ Name = "do-until statement pipeline condition"; FileName = "DoUntilError2.ps1"; Script = $do_until_pipeline_condition_script; MatchText = "DoUntilError2.ps1: line 3" }
It "<Name> evaluation failure should report correct error position" -TestCases $testCases {
param($FileName, $Script, $MatchText)
$testFile = Join-Path $TestDrive $FileName
Set-Content -Path $testFile -Encoding Ascii -Value $Script
try { & $testFile } catch { $errorRecord = $_ }
$errorRecord | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$errorRecord.ScriptStackTrace | Should -Match $MatchText
It "switch condition MoveNext failure should report correct error position" {
$code = @'
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SwitchTest
public class Test
public static IEnumerable<string> GetName()
yield return "Hello world";
throw new ArgumentException();
$testFile = Join-Path $TestDrive "SwitchError1.ps1"
Set-Content -Path $testFile -Encoding Ascii -Value @'
$test = 1
$enumerable = [SwitchTest.Test]::GetName()
switch ($enumerable) {
"hello world" { $test = 1; $_ }
"Yay" { $test = 2; $_ }
if (-not ("SwitchTest.Test" -as [type])) {
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code
try { & $testFile > $null } catch { $errorRecord = $_ }
$errorRecord | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$errorRecord.ScriptStackTrace | Should -Match "SwitchError1.ps1: line 3"