Dan Travison ec0f1116db Add PowerShell logging tests for macOS and Linux (#6025)
This PR fixes the logging issue on Linux where logging is initialized before `-settingsFile` is parsed causing custom log settings to be ignored. (see ConsoleHost.cs and ManagedEntrance.cs)

The PR also includes basic logging tests for Linux and MacOS. PSSyslog.psm1 contains the functions to retrieve selected logged items (based on PowerShell's log id and a timestamp) and Logging.Tests.ps1 contains tests for Linux and MacOS.
2018-03-29 14:46:08 -07:00

233 lines
7.4 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using namespace System.Text
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module PSSysLog
Define enums that mirror the internal enums used
in product code. These are used to configure
syslog logging.
enum LogLevel
LogAlways = 0x0
Critical = 0x1
Error = 0x2
Warning = 0x3
Informational = 0x4
Verbose = 0x5
Debug = 0x14
enum LogChannel
Operational = 0x10
Analytic = 0x11
enum LogKeyword
Runspace = 0x1
Pipeline = 0x2
Protocol = 0x4
Transport = 0x8
Host = 0x10
Cmdlets = 0x20
Serializer = 0x40
Session = 0x80
ManagedPlugin = 0x100
Creates a powershell.config.json file with syslog settings
The identifier to use for logging
The optional logging level, see the LogLevel enum
.PARAMETER logChannels
The optional logging channels to enable; see the LogChannel enum
.PARAMETER logKeywords
The optional keywords to enable ; see the LogKeyword enum
function WriteLogSettings
[string] $LogId,
[System.Nullable[LogLevel]] $LogLevel = $null,
[LogChannel[]] $LogChannels = $null,
[LogKeyword[]] $LogKeywords = $null
$filename = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')
$fullPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "$filename.config.json"
$values = @{}
$values['LogIdentity'] = $LogId
if ($LogChannels -ne $null)
$values['LogChannels'] = $LogChannels -join ', '
if ($LogKeywords -ne $null)
$values['LogKeywords'] = $LogKeywords -join ', '
if ($LogLevel)
$values['LogLevel'] = $LogLevel.ToString()
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $values | Set-Content -Path $fullPath -ErrorAction Stop
return $fullPath
Describe 'Basic SysLog tests on Linux' -Tag @('CI','RequireSudoOnUnix') {
BeforeAll {
[bool] $IsSupportedEnvironment = $IsLinux
[string] $SysLogFile = [string]::Empty
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
if (Test-Path -Path '/var/log/syslog')
$SysLogFile = '/var/log/syslog'
elseif (Test-Path -Path '/var/log/messages')
$SysLogFile = '/var/log/messages'
# TODO: Look into journalctl and other variations.
Write-Warning -Message 'Unsupported Linux syslog configuration.'
$IsSupportedEnvironment = $false
[string] $powershell = Join-Path -Path $PSHome -ChildPath 'pwsh'
BeforeEach {
# generate a unique log application id
[string] $logId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')
It 'Verifies basic logging with no customizations' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId
& $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$env:PSModulePath | out-null'
# Get log entries from the last 100 that match our id and are after the time we launched Powershell
$items = Get-PSSysLog -Path $SyslogFile -Id $logId -Tail 100 -Verbose -TotalCount 3
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 1
$items[0].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStart.Informational'
$items[1].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStop:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStop.Informational'
# if there are more items than expected...
if ($items.Length -gt 2)
# Force reporting of the first unexpected item to help diagnosis
$items[2] | Should -Be $null
It 'Verifies logging level filtering works' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId -LogLevel Warning
& $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$env:PSModulePath | out-null'
# by default, PowerShell only logs informational events on startup. With Level = Warning, nothing should
# have been logged.
$items = Get-PSSysLog -Path $SyslogFile -Id $logId -Tail 100 -TotalCount 1
$items | Should -Be $null
Describe 'Basic os_log tests on MacOS' -Tag @('CI','RequireSudoOnUnix') {
BeforeAll {
[bool] $IsSupportedEnvironment = $IsMacOS
[bool] $persistenceEnabled = $false
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
# Check the current state.
$persistenceEnabled = (Get-OSLogPersistence).Enabled
if (!$persistenceEnabled)
# enable powershell log persistence to support exporting log entries
# for each test
Set-OsLogPersistence -Enable
[string] $powershell = Join-Path -Path $PSHome -ChildPath 'pwsh'
BeforeEach {
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment)
# generate a unique log application id
[string] $logId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')
# Generate a working directory and content file for Export-OSLog
[string] $workingDirectory = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $logId
$null = New-Item -Path $workingDirectory -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop
[string] $contentFile = Join-Path -Path $workingDirectory -ChildPath ('pwsh.log.txt')
# get log items after current time.
[DateTime] $after = [DateTime]::Now
AfterAll {
if ($IsSupportedEnvironment -and !$persistenceEnabled)
# disable persistence if it wasn't enabled
Set-OsLogPersistence -Disable
It 'Verifies basic logging with no customizations' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId
& $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$env:PSModulePath | out-null'
Export-PSOsLog -After $after -Verbose | Set-Content -Path $contentFile
$items = Get-PSOsLog -Path $contentFile -Id $logId -After $after -TotalCount 3 -Verbose
$items | Should -Not -Be $null
$items.Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 1
$items[0].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStart.Informational'
$items[1].EventId | Should -BeExactly 'Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStop:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStop.Informational'
# if there are more items than expected...
if ($items.Length -gt 2)
# Force reporting of the first unexpected item to help diagnosis
$items[2] | Should -Be $null
It 'Verifies logging level filtering works' -Skip:(!$IsSupportedEnvironment) {
$configFile = WriteLogSettings -LogId $logId -LogLevel Warning
& $powershell -NoProfile -SettingsFile $configFile -Command '$env:PSModulePath | out-null'
Export-PSOsLog -After $after -Verbose | Set-Content -Path $contentFile
# by default, powershell startup should only logs informational events.
# With Level = Warning, nothing should be logged.
$items = Get-PSOsLog -Path $contentFile -Id $logId -After $after -TotalCount 3
$items | Should -Be $null