xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

629 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format;
namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format
internal class TableWriter
/// <summary>
/// Information about each column boundaries.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ColumnInfo
internal int startCol = 0;
internal int width = 0;
internal int alignment = TextAlignment.Left;
/// <summary>
/// Class containing information about the tabular layout.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ScreenInfo
internal int screenColumns = 0;
internal int screenRows = 0;
internal const int separatorCharacterCount = 1;
internal const int minimumScreenColumns = 5;
internal const int minimumColumnWidth = 1;
internal ColumnInfo[] columnInfo = null;
private ScreenInfo _si;
private const char ESC = '\u001b';
private const string ResetConsoleVt100Code = "\u001b[m";
private List<string> _header;
internal static int ComputeWideViewBestItemsPerRowFit(int stringLen, int screenColumns)
if (stringLen <= 0 || screenColumns < 1)
return 1;
if (stringLen >= screenColumns)
// we too wide anyways, we might have to trim even for a single column
return 1;
// we try to fit more than one: start increasing until we do not fit anymore
int columnNumber = 1;
while (true)
// would we fit with one more column?
int nextValue = columnNumber + 1;
// compute the width if we added the extra column
int width = stringLen * nextValue + (nextValue - 1) * ScreenInfo.separatorCharacterCount;
if (width >= screenColumns)
// we would not fit, so we are done
return columnNumber;
// try another round
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the table specifying the width of each column.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftMarginIndent">Left margin indentation.</param>
/// <param name="screenColumns">Number of character columns on the screen.</param>
/// <param name="columnWidths">Array of specified column widths.</param>
/// <param name="alignment">Array of alignment flags.</param>
/// <param name="suppressHeader">If true, suppress header printing.</param>
/// <param name="screenRows">Number of rows on the screen.</param>
internal void Initialize(int leftMarginIndent, int screenColumns, Span<int> columnWidths, ReadOnlySpan<int> alignment, bool suppressHeader, int screenRows = int.MaxValue)
if (leftMarginIndent < 0)
leftMarginIndent = 0;
if (screenColumns - leftMarginIndent < ScreenInfo.minimumScreenColumns)
_disabled = true;
_startColumn = leftMarginIndent;
_hideHeader = suppressHeader;
// make sure the column widths are correct; if not, take appropriate action
ColumnWidthManager manager = new ColumnWidthManager(
screenColumns - leftMarginIndent,
// if all the columns are hidden, just disable
bool oneValid = false;
for (int k = 0; k < columnWidths.Length; k++)
if (columnWidths[k] >= ScreenInfo.minimumColumnWidth)
oneValid = true;
if (!oneValid)
_disabled = true;
// now set the run time data structures
_si = new ScreenInfo();
_si.screenColumns = screenColumns;
_si.screenRows = screenRows;
_si.columnInfo = new ColumnInfo[columnWidths.Length];
int startCol = _startColumn;
for (int k = 0; k < columnWidths.Length; k++)
_si.columnInfo[k] = new ColumnInfo();
_si.columnInfo[k].startCol = startCol;
_si.columnInfo[k].width = columnWidths[k];
_si.columnInfo[k].alignment = alignment[k];
startCol += columnWidths[k] + ScreenInfo.separatorCharacterCount;
internal int GenerateHeader(string[] values, LineOutput lo)
if (_disabled || _hideHeader)
return 0;
else if (_header != null)
foreach (string line in _header)
return _header.Count;
_header = new List<string>();
// generate the row with the header labels
GenerateRow(values, lo, true, null, lo.DisplayCells, _header);
// generate an array of "--" as header markers below
// the column header labels
string[] breakLine = new string[values.Length];
for (int k = 0; k < breakLine.Length; k++)
// the column can be hidden
if (_si.columnInfo[k].width <= 0)
breakLine[k] = string.Empty;
// the title can be larger than the width
int count = _si.columnInfo[k].width;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[k]))
int labelDisplayCells = lo.DisplayCells.Length(values[k]);
if (labelDisplayCells < count)
count = labelDisplayCells;
// NOTE: we can do this because "-" is a single cell character
// on all devices. If changed to some other character, this assumption
// would be invalidated
breakLine[k] = StringUtil.DashPadding(count);
GenerateRow(breakLine, lo, false, null, lo.DisplayCells, _header);
return _header.Count;
internal void GenerateRow(string[] values, LineOutput lo, bool multiLine, ReadOnlySpan<int> alignment, DisplayCells dc, List<string> generatedRows)
if (_disabled)
// build the current row alignment settings
int cols = _si.columnInfo.Length;
Span<int> currentAlignment = cols <= OutCommandInner.StackAllocThreshold ? stackalloc int[cols] : new int[cols];
if (alignment.IsEmpty)
for (int i = 0; i < currentAlignment.Length; i++)
currentAlignment[i] = _si.columnInfo[i].alignment;
for (int i = 0; i < currentAlignment.Length; i++)
if (alignment[i] == TextAlignment.Undefined)
currentAlignment[i] = _si.columnInfo[i].alignment;
currentAlignment[i] = alignment[i];
if (multiLine)
foreach (string line in GenerateTableRow(values, currentAlignment, lo.DisplayCells))
string line = GenerateRow(values, currentAlignment, dc);
private string[] GenerateTableRow(string[] values, ReadOnlySpan<int> alignment, DisplayCells ds)
// select the active columns (skip hidden ones)
Span<int> validColumnArray = _si.columnInfo.Length <= OutCommandInner.StackAllocThreshold ? stackalloc int[_si.columnInfo.Length] : new int[_si.columnInfo.Length];
int validColumnCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < _si.columnInfo.Length; k++)
if (_si.columnInfo[k].width > 0)
validColumnArray[validColumnCount++] = k;
if (validColumnCount == 0)
return null;
StringCollection[] scArray = new StringCollection[validColumnCount];
bool addPadding = true;
for (int k = 0; k < scArray.Length; k++)
// for the last column, don't pad it with trailing spaces
if (k == scArray.Length - 1)
addPadding = false;
// obtain a set of tokens for each field
scArray[k] = GenerateMultiLineRowField(values[validColumnArray[k]], validColumnArray[k],
alignment[validColumnArray[k]], ds, addPadding);
// NOTE: the following padding operations assume that we
// pad with a blank (or any character that ALWAYS maps to a single screen cell
if (k > 0)
// skipping the first ones, add a separator for concatenation
for (int j = 0; j < scArray[k].Count; j++)
scArray[k][j] = StringUtil.Padding(ScreenInfo.separatorCharacterCount) + scArray[k][j];
// add indentation padding if needed
if (_startColumn > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < scArray[k].Count; j++)
scArray[k][j] = StringUtil.Padding(_startColumn) + scArray[k][j];
// now we processed all the rows columns and we need to find the cell that occupies the most
// rows
int screenRows = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < scArray.Length; k++)
if (scArray[k].Count > screenRows)
screenRows = scArray[k].Count;
// column headers can span multiple rows if the width of the column is shorter than the header text like:
// Long Header2 Head
// Head er3
// er
// ---- ------- ----
// 1 2 3
// To ensure we don't add whitespace to the end, we need to determine the last column in each row with content
System.Span<int> lastColWithContent = screenRows <= OutCommandInner.StackAllocThreshold ? stackalloc int[screenRows] : new int[screenRows];
for (int row = 0; row < screenRows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < scArray.Length; col++)
if (scArray[col].Count > row)
lastColWithContent[row] = col;
// add padding for the columns that are shorter
for (int col = 0; col < scArray.Length; col++)
int paddingBlanks = 0;
// don't pad if last column
if (col < scArray.Length - 1)
paddingBlanks = _si.columnInfo[validColumnArray[col]].width;
if (col > 0)
paddingBlanks += ScreenInfo.separatorCharacterCount;
paddingBlanks += _startColumn;
int paddingEntries = screenRows - scArray[col].Count;
if (paddingEntries > 0)
for (int row = screenRows - paddingEntries; row < screenRows; row++)
// if the column is beyond the last column with content, just use empty string
if (col > lastColWithContent[row])
// finally, build an array of strings
string[] rows = new string[screenRows];
for (int row = 0; row < screenRows; row++)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// for a given row, walk the columns
for (int col = 0; col < scArray.Length; col++)
// if the column is the last column with content, we need to trim trailing whitespace, unless there is only one row
if (col == lastColWithContent[row] && screenRows > 1)
rows[row] = sb.ToString();
return rows;
private StringCollection GenerateMultiLineRowField(string val, int k, int alignment, DisplayCells dc, bool addPadding)
StringCollection sc = StringManipulationHelper.GenerateLines(dc, val,
_si.columnInfo[k].width, _si.columnInfo[k].width);
if (addPadding || alignment == TextAlignment.Right || alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
// if length is shorter, do some padding
for (int col = 0; col < sc.Count; col++)
if (dc.Length(sc[col]) < _si.columnInfo[k].width)
sc[col] = GenerateRowField(sc[col], _si.columnInfo[k].width, alignment, dc, addPadding);
return sc;
private string GenerateRow(string[] values, ReadOnlySpan<int> alignment, DisplayCells dc)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bool addPadding = true;
for (int k = 0; k < _si.columnInfo.Length; k++)
// don't pad the last column
if (k == _si.columnInfo.Length - 1)
addPadding = false;
if (_si.columnInfo[k].width <= 0)
// skip columns that are not at least a single character wide
// NOTE: the following padding operations assume that we
// pad with a blank (or any character that ALWAYS maps to a single screen cell
if (k > 0)
// add indentation padding if needed
if (_startColumn > 0)
sb.Append(GenerateRowField(values[k], _si.columnInfo[k].width, alignment[k], dc, addPadding));
if (values[k].Contains(ESC))
// Reset the console output if the content of this column contains ESC
return sb.ToString();
private static string GenerateRowField(string val, int width, int alignment, DisplayCells dc, bool addPadding)
// make sure the string does not have any embedded <CR> in it
string s = StringManipulationHelper.TruncateAtNewLine(val);
string currentValue = s;
int currentValueDisplayLength = dc.Length(currentValue);
if (currentValueDisplayLength < width)
// the string is shorter than the width of the column
// need to pad with with blanks to reach the desired width
int padCount = width - currentValueDisplayLength;
switch (alignment)
case TextAlignment.Right:
s = StringUtil.Padding(padCount) + s;
case TextAlignment.Center:
// add a bit at both ends of the string
int padLeft = padCount / 2;
int padRight = padCount - padLeft;
s = StringUtil.Padding(padLeft) + s;
if (addPadding)
s += StringUtil.Padding(padRight);
if (addPadding)
// left align is the default
s += StringUtil.Padding(padCount);
else if (currentValueDisplayLength > width)
// the string is longer than the width of the column
// truncate and add ellipsis if it's too long
int truncationDisplayLength = width - EllipsisSize;
if (truncationDisplayLength > 0)
// we have space for the ellipsis, add it
switch (alignment)
case TextAlignment.Right:
// get from "abcdef" to "...f"
int tailCount = dc.GetTailSplitLength(s, truncationDisplayLength);
s = s.Substring(s.Length - tailCount);
s = PSObjectHelper.Ellipsis + s;
case TextAlignment.Center:
// get from "abcdef" to "a..."
s = s.Substring(0, dc.GetHeadSplitLength(s, truncationDisplayLength));
s += PSObjectHelper.Ellipsis;
// left align is the default
// get from "abcdef" to "a..."
s = s.Substring(0, dc.GetHeadSplitLength(s, truncationDisplayLength));
s += PSObjectHelper.Ellipsis;
// not enough space for the ellipsis, just truncate at the width
int len = width;
switch (alignment)
case TextAlignment.Right:
// get from "abcdef" to "f"
int tailCount = dc.GetTailSplitLength(s, len);
s = s.Substring(s.Length - tailCount, tailCount);
case TextAlignment.Center:
// get from "abcdef" to "a"
s = s.Substring(0, dc.GetHeadSplitLength(s, len));
// left align is the default
// get from "abcdef" to "a"
s = s.Substring(0, dc.GetHeadSplitLength(s, len));
// we need to take into consideration that truncation left the string one
// display cell short if a double cell character got truncated
// in this case, we need to pad with a blank
int finalValueDisplayLength = dc.Length(s);
if (finalValueDisplayLength == width)
return s;
switch (alignment)
case TextAlignment.Right:
s = " " + s;
case TextAlignment.Center:
if (addPadding)
s += " ";
// left align is the default
if (addPadding)
s += " ";
return s;
private const int EllipsisSize = 1;
private bool _disabled = false;
private bool _hideHeader = false;
private int _startColumn = 0;