xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

1326 lines
56 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Telemetry.Internal;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// Provides a set of possible completions for given input.
/// </summary>
public class CommandCompletion
/// <summary>
/// Construct the result CompleteInput or TabExpansion2.
/// </summary>
public CommandCompletion(Collection<CompletionResult> matches, int currentMatchIndex, int replacementIndex, int replacementLength)
this.CompletionMatches = matches;
this.CurrentMatchIndex = currentMatchIndex;
this.ReplacementIndex = replacementIndex;
this.ReplacementLength = replacementLength;
#region Fields and Properties
/// <summary>
/// Current index in <see cref="CompletionMatches"/>.
/// </summary>
public int CurrentMatchIndex { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the starting replacement index from the original input.
/// </summary>
public int ReplacementIndex { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the length of the text to replace from the original input.
/// </summary>
public int ReplacementLength { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets all the completion results.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2227:CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly")]
public Collection<CompletionResult> CompletionMatches { get; set; }
internal static readonly IList<CompletionResult> EmptyCompletionResult = Array.Empty<CompletionResult>();
private static readonly CommandCompletion s_emptyCommandCompletion = new CommandCompletion(
new Collection<CompletionResult>(EmptyCompletionResult), -1, -1, -1);
#endregion Fields and Properties
#region public methods
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <param name="cursorIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Tuple<Ast, Token[], IScriptPosition> MapStringInputToParsedInput(string input, int cursorIndex)
if (cursorIndex > input.Length)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(cursorIndex));
Token[] tokens;
ParseError[] errors;
var ast = Parser.ParseInput(input, out tokens, out errors);
IScriptPosition cursorPosition =
return Tuple.Create<Ast, Token[], IScriptPosition>(ast, tokens, cursorPosition);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The input to complete.</param>
/// <param name="cursorIndex">The index of the cursor in the input.</param>
/// <param name="options">Optional options to configure how completion is performed.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static CommandCompletion CompleteInput(string input, int cursorIndex, Hashtable options)
if (input == null)
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
var parsedInput = MapStringInputToParsedInput(input, cursorIndex);
return CompleteInputImpl(parsedInput.Item1, parsedInput.Item2, parsedInput.Item3, options);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ast">Ast for pre-parsed input.</param>
/// <param name="tokens">Tokens for pre-parsed input.</param>
/// <param name="positionOfCursor"></param>
/// <param name="options">Optional options to configure how completion is performed.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static CommandCompletion CompleteInput(Ast ast, Token[] tokens, IScriptPosition positionOfCursor, Hashtable options)
if (ast == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(ast));
if (tokens == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(tokens));
if (positionOfCursor == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(positionOfCursor));
return CompleteInputImpl(ast, tokens, positionOfCursor, options);
/// <summary>
/// Invokes the script function TabExpansion2.
/// For legacy support, TabExpansion2 will indirectly call TabExpansion if it exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The input script to complete.</param>
/// <param name="cursorIndex">The offset in <paramref name="input"/> where completion is requested.</param>
/// <param name="options">Optional parameter that specifies configurable options for completion.</param>
/// <param name="powershell">The powershell to use to invoke the script function TabExpansion2.</param>
/// <returns>A collection of completions with the replacement start and length.</returns>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "powershell")]
public static CommandCompletion CompleteInput(string input, int cursorIndex, Hashtable options, PowerShell powershell)
if (input == null)
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
if (cursorIndex > input.Length)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(cursorIndex));
if (powershell == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(powershell));
// If we are in a debugger stop, let the debugger do the command completion.
var debugger = powershell.Runspace?.Debugger;
if ((debugger != null) && debugger.InBreakpoint)
return CompleteInputInDebugger(input, cursorIndex, options, debugger);
var remoteRunspace = powershell.Runspace as RemoteRunspace;
if (remoteRunspace != null)
// If the runspace is not available to run commands then exit here because nested commands are not
// supported on remote runspaces.
if (powershell.IsNested || (remoteRunspace.RunspaceAvailability != RunspaceAvailability.Available))
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
// If it's in the nested prompt, the powershell instance is created by "PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace);".
// In this case, the powershell._runspace is null but if we try to access the property "Runspace", it will create a new
// local runspace - the default local runspace will be abandoned. So we check the powershell.IsChild first to make sure
// not to access the property "Runspace" in this case - powershell.isChild will be set to true only in this case.
if (!powershell.IsChild)
if (remoteRunspace.GetCapabilities().Equals(Runspaces.RunspaceCapability.Default))
// Capability:
// NamedPipeTransport (0x2) -> If remoteMachine is Threshold or later
// SupportsDisconnect (0x1) -> If remoteMachine is Win8 or later
// Default (0x0) -> If remoteMachine is Win7
// Remoting to a Win7 machine. Use the legacy tab completion function from V1/V2
int replacementIndex;
int replacementLength;
var results = InvokeLegacyTabExpansion(powershell, input, cursorIndex, true, out replacementIndex, out replacementLength);
return new CommandCompletion(
new Collection<CompletionResult>(results ?? EmptyCompletionResult),
-1, replacementIndex, replacementLength);
return CallScriptWithStringParameterSet(input, cursorIndex, options, powershell);
/// <summary>
/// Invokes the script function TabExpansion2.
/// For legacy support, TabExpansion2 will indirectly call TabExpansion if it exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ast">The ast for pre-parsed input.</param>
/// <param name="tokens"></param>
/// <param name="cursorPosition"></param>
/// <param name="options">Optional options to configure how completion is performed.</param>
/// <param name="powershell">The powershell to use to invoke the script function TabExpansion2.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "powershell")]
public static CommandCompletion CompleteInput(Ast ast, Token[] tokens, IScriptPosition cursorPosition, Hashtable options, PowerShell powershell)
if (ast == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(ast));
if (tokens == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(tokens));
if (cursorPosition == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(cursorPosition));
if (powershell == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(powershell));
// If we are in a debugger stop, let the debugger do the command completion.
var debugger = powershell.Runspace?.Debugger;
if ((debugger != null) && debugger.InBreakpoint)
return CompleteInputInDebugger(ast, tokens, cursorPosition, options, debugger);
var remoteRunspace = powershell.Runspace as RemoteRunspace;
if (remoteRunspace != null)
// If the runspace is not available to run commands then exit here because nested commands are not
// supported on remote runspaces.
if (powershell.IsNested || (remoteRunspace.RunspaceAvailability != RunspaceAvailability.Available))
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
if (!powershell.IsChild)
if (remoteRunspace.GetCapabilities().Equals(Runspaces.RunspaceCapability.Default))
// Capability:
// SupportsDisconnect (0x1) -> If remoteMachine is Win8 or later
// Default (0x0) -> If remoteMachine is Win7
// Remoting to a Win7 machine. Use the legacy tab completion function from V1/V2
int replacementIndex;
int replacementLength;
// When call the win7 TabExpansion script, the input should be the single current line
var inputAndCursor = GetInputAndCursorFromAst(cursorPosition);
var results = InvokeLegacyTabExpansion(powershell, inputAndCursor.Item1, inputAndCursor.Item2, true, out replacementIndex, out replacementLength);
return new CommandCompletion(
new Collection<CompletionResult>(results ?? EmptyCompletionResult),
-1, replacementIndex + inputAndCursor.Item3, replacementLength);
// Call script on a remote win8 machine
// when call the win8 TabExpansion2 script, the input should be the whole script text
string input = ast.Extent.Text;
int cursorIndex = ((InternalScriptPosition)cursorPosition).Offset;
return CallScriptWithStringParameterSet(input, cursorIndex, options, powershell);
return CallScriptWithAstParameterSet(ast, tokens, cursorPosition, options, powershell);
/// <summary>
/// Get the next result, moving forward or backward. Supports wraparound, so if there are any results at all,
/// this method will never fail and never return null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="forward">True if we should move forward through the list, false if backwards.</param>
/// <returns>The next completion result, or null if no results.</returns>
public CompletionResult GetNextResult(bool forward)
CompletionResult result = null;
var count = CompletionMatches.Count;
if (count > 0)
CurrentMatchIndex += forward ? 1 : -1;
if (CurrentMatchIndex >= count)
CurrentMatchIndex = 0;
else if (CurrentMatchIndex < 0)
CurrentMatchIndex = count - 1;
result = CompletionMatches[CurrentMatchIndex];
return result;
#endregion public methods
#region Internal methods
/// <summary>
/// Command completion while in debug break mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The input script to complete.</param>
/// <param name="cursorIndex">The offset in <paramref name="input"/> where completion is requested.</param>
/// <param name="options">Optional parameter that specifies configurable options for completion.</param>
/// <param name="debugger">Current debugger.</param>
/// <returns>A collection of completions with the replacement start and length.</returns>
internal static CommandCompletion CompleteInputInDebugger(string input, int cursorIndex, Hashtable options, Debugger debugger)
if (input == null)
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
if (cursorIndex > input.Length)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException(nameof(cursorIndex));
if (debugger == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(debugger));
Command cmd = new Command("TabExpansion2");
cmd.Parameters.Add("InputScript", input);
cmd.Parameters.Add("CursorColumn", cursorIndex);
cmd.Parameters.Add("Options", options);
return ProcessCompleteInputCommand(cmd, debugger);
/// <summary>
/// Command completion while in debug break mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ast">The ast for pre-parsed input.</param>
/// <param name="tokens"></param>
/// <param name="cursorPosition"></param>
/// <param name="options">Optional options to configure how completion is performed.</param>
/// <param name="debugger">Current debugger.</param>
/// <returns>Command completion.</returns>
internal static CommandCompletion CompleteInputInDebugger(Ast ast, Token[] tokens, IScriptPosition cursorPosition, Hashtable options, Debugger debugger)
if (ast == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(ast));
if (tokens == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(tokens));
if (cursorPosition == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(cursorPosition));
if (debugger == null)
throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException(nameof(debugger));
// For remote debugging just pass string input.
if ((debugger is RemoteDebugger) || debugger.IsPushed)
string input = ast.Extent.Text;
int cursorIndex = ((InternalScriptPosition)cursorPosition).Offset;
return CompleteInputInDebugger(input, cursorIndex, options, debugger);
Command cmd = new Command("TabExpansion2");
cmd.Parameters.Add("Ast", ast);
cmd.Parameters.Add("Tokens", tokens);
cmd.Parameters.Add("PositionOfCursor", cursorPosition);
cmd.Parameters.Add("Options", options);
return ProcessCompleteInputCommand(cmd, debugger);
private static CommandCompletion ProcessCompleteInputCommand(
Command cmd,
Debugger debugger)
PSCommand command = new PSCommand(cmd);
PSDataCollection<PSObject> output = new PSDataCollection<PSObject>();
debugger.ProcessCommand(command, output);
if (output.Count == 1)
var commandCompletion = output[0].BaseObject as CommandCompletion;
if (commandCompletion != null)
return commandCompletion;
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
#region private methods
private static void CheckScriptCallOnRemoteRunspace(RemoteRunspace remoteRunspace)
var remoteRunspaceInternal = remoteRunspace.RunspacePool.RemoteRunspacePoolInternal;
if (remoteRunspaceInternal != null)
var transportManager = remoteRunspaceInternal.DataStructureHandler.TransportManager;
if (transportManager != null && transportManager.TypeTable == null)
// The remote runspace was created without a TypeTable instance.
// The tab completion results cannot be deserialized if the TypeTable is not available
throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(TabCompletionStrings.CannotDeserializeTabCompletionResult);
private static CommandCompletion CallScriptWithStringParameterSet(string input, int cursorIndex, Hashtable options, PowerShell powershell)
var results = powershell.Invoke();
if (results == null)
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
if (results.Count == 1)
var result = PSObject.Base(results[0]);
var commandCompletion = result as CommandCompletion;
if (commandCompletion != null)
return commandCompletion;
catch (Exception)
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
private static CommandCompletion CallScriptWithAstParameterSet(Ast ast, Token[] tokens, IScriptPosition cursorPosition, Hashtable options, PowerShell powershell)
var results = powershell.Invoke();
if (results == null)
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
if (results.Count == 1)
var result = PSObject.Base(results[0]);
var commandCompletion = result as CommandCompletion;
if (commandCompletion != null)
return commandCompletion;
catch (Exception)
return s_emptyCommandCompletion;
// This is the start of the real implementation of autocomplete/intellisense/tab completion
private static CommandCompletion CompleteInputImpl(Ast ast, Token[] tokens, IScriptPosition positionOfCursor, Hashtable options)
// We could start collecting telemetry at a later date.
// We will leave the #if to remind us that we did this once.
var sw = new Stopwatch();
using (var powershell = PowerShell.Create(RunspaceMode.CurrentRunspace))
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
// First, check if a V1/V2 implementation of TabExpansion exists. If so, the user had overridden
// the built-in version, so we should continue to use theirs.
int replacementIndex = -1;
int replacementLength = -1;
List<CompletionResult> results = null;
if (NeedToInvokeLegacyTabExpansion(powershell))
var inputAndCursor = GetInputAndCursorFromAst(positionOfCursor);
results = InvokeLegacyTabExpansion(powershell, inputAndCursor.Item1, inputAndCursor.Item2, false, out replacementIndex, out replacementLength);
replacementIndex += inputAndCursor.Item3;
if (results == null || results.Count == 0)
/* BROKEN code commented out, fix sometime
// If we were invoked from TabExpansion2, we want to "remove" TabExpansion2 and anything it calls
// from our results. We do this by faking out the session so that TabExpansion2 isn't anywhere to be found.
MutableTuple tupleForFrameToSkipPast = null;
foreach (var stackEntry in context.Debugger.GetCallStack())
dynamic stackEntryAsPSObj = PSObject.AsPSObject(stackEntry);
if (stackEntryAsPSObj.Command.Equals("TabExpansion2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
tupleForFrameToSkipPast = stackEntry.FunctionContext._localsTuple;
SessionStateScope scopeToRestore = null;
if (tupleForFrameToSkipPast != null)
// Find this tuple in the scope stack.
scopeToRestore = context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope;
var scope = context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope;
while (scope != null && scope.LocalsTuple != tupleForFrameToSkipPast)
scope = scope.Parent;
if (scope != null)
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope = scope.Parent;
var completionAnalysis = new CompletionAnalysis(ast, tokens, positionOfCursor, options);
results = completionAnalysis.GetResults(powershell, out replacementIndex, out replacementLength);
if (scopeToRestore != null)
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope = scopeToRestore;
var completionResults = results ?? EmptyCompletionResult;
// no telemetry here. We don't capture tab completion performance.
TelemetryAPI.ReportTabCompletionTelemetry(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, completionResults.Count,
completionResults.Count > 0 ? completionResults[0].ResultType : CompletionResultType.Text);
return new CommandCompletion(
new Collection<CompletionResult>(completionResults),
private static Tuple<string, int, int> GetInputAndCursorFromAst(IScriptPosition cursorPosition)
var line = cursorPosition.Line;
var cursor = cursorPosition.ColumnNumber - 1;
var adjustment = cursorPosition.Offset - cursor;
return Tuple.Create(line.Substring(0, cursor), cursor, adjustment);
private static bool NeedToInvokeLegacyTabExpansion(PowerShell powershell)
var executionContext = powershell.GetContextFromTLS();
// We don't want command discovery to search unloaded modules for TabExpansion.
var functionInfo = executionContext.EngineSessionState.GetFunction("TabExpansion");
if (functionInfo != null)
return true;
var aliasInfo = executionContext.EngineSessionState.GetAlias("TabExpansion");
if (aliasInfo != null)
return true;
return false;
private static List<CompletionResult> InvokeLegacyTabExpansion(PowerShell powershell, string input, int cursorIndex, bool remoteToWin7, out int replacementIndex, out int replacementLength)
List<CompletionResult> results = null;
var legacyInput = (cursorIndex != input.Length) ? input.Substring(0, cursorIndex) : input;
char quote;
var lastword = LastWordFinder.FindLastWord(legacyInput, out replacementIndex, out quote);
replacementLength = legacyInput.Length - replacementIndex;
var helper = new PowerShellExecutionHelper(powershell);
Exception exceptionThrown;
var oldResults = helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (oldResults != null)
results = new List<CompletionResult>();
foreach (var oldResult in oldResults)
var completionResult = PSObject.Base(oldResult) as CompletionResult;
if (completionResult == null)
var oldResultStr = oldResult.ToString();
// Add back the quotes we removed if the result isn't quoted
if (quote != '\0')
if (oldResultStr.Length > 2 && oldResultStr[0] != quote)
oldResultStr = quote + oldResultStr + quote;
completionResult = new CompletionResult(oldResultStr);
if (remoteToWin7 && (results == null || results.Count == 0))
string quoteStr = quote == '\0' ? string.Empty : quote.ToString();
results = PSv2CompletionCompleter.PSv2GenerateMatchSetOfFiles(helper, lastword, replacementIndex == 0, quoteStr);
var cmdletResults = PSv2CompletionCompleter.PSv2GenerateMatchSetOfCmdlets(helper, lastword, quoteStr, replacementIndex == 0);
if (cmdletResults != null && cmdletResults.Count > 0)
return results;
/// <summary>
/// PSv2CompletionCompleter implements the algorithm we use to complete cmdlet/file names in PowerShell v2. This class
/// exists for legacy purpose only. It is used only in a remote interactive session from Win8 to Win7. V3 and forward
/// uses completely different completers.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The implementation of file name completion is completely different on V2 and V3 for remote scenarios. On PSv3, the
/// CompletionResults are generated always on the target machine, and
/// </remarks>
private static class PSv2CompletionCompleter
private static readonly Regex s_cmdletTabRegex = new Regex(@"^[\w\*\?]+-[\w\*\?]*");
private static readonly char[] s_charsRequiringQuotedString = "`&@'#{}()$,;|<> \t".ToCharArray();
#region "Handle Command"
/// <summary>
/// Used when remoting from a win8 machine to a win7 machine.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lastWord"></param>
/// <param name="isSnapinSpecified"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool PSv2IsCommandLikeCmdlet(string lastWord, out bool isSnapinSpecified)
isSnapinSpecified = false;
string[] cmdletParts = lastWord.Split(Utils.Separators.Backslash);
if (cmdletParts.Length == 1)
return s_cmdletTabRegex.IsMatch(lastWord);
if (cmdletParts.Length == 2)
isSnapinSpecified = PSSnapInInfo.IsPSSnapinIdValid(cmdletParts[0]);
if (isSnapinSpecified)
return s_cmdletTabRegex.IsMatch(cmdletParts[1]);
return false;
private readonly struct CommandAndName
internal readonly PSObject Command;
internal readonly PSSnapinQualifiedName CommandName;
internal CommandAndName(PSObject command, PSSnapinQualifiedName commandName)
this.Command = command;
this.CommandName = commandName;
/// <summary>
/// Used when remoting from a win8 machine to a win7 machine. Complete command names.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="helper"></param>
/// <param name="lastWord"></param>
/// <param name="quote"></param>
/// <param name="completingAtStartOfLine"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static List<CompletionResult> PSv2GenerateMatchSetOfCmdlets(PowerShellExecutionHelper helper, string lastWord, string quote, bool completingAtStartOfLine)
var results = new List<CompletionResult>();
bool isSnapinSpecified;
if (!PSv2IsCommandLikeCmdlet(lastWord, out isSnapinSpecified))
return results;
.AddParameter("Name", lastWord + "*")
.AddParameter("Property", "Name");
Exception exceptionThrown;
Collection<PSObject> commands = helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (commands != null && commands.Count > 0)
// convert the PSObjects into strings
CommandAndName[] cmdlets = new CommandAndName[commands.Count];
// if the command causes cmdlets from multiple mshsnapin is returned,
// append the mshsnapin name to disambiguate the cmdlets.
for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i)
PSObject command = commands[i];
string cmdletFullName = CmdletInfo.GetFullName(command);
cmdlets[i] = new CommandAndName(command, PSSnapinQualifiedName.GetInstance(cmdletFullName));
if (isSnapinSpecified)
foreach (CommandAndName cmdlet in cmdlets)
AddCommandResult(cmdlet, true, completingAtStartOfLine, quote, results);
PrependSnapInNameForSameCmdletNames(cmdlets, completingAtStartOfLine, quote, results);
return results;
private static void AddCommandResult(CommandAndName commandAndName, bool useFullName, bool completingAtStartOfLine, string quote, List<CompletionResult> results)
Diagnostics.Assert(results != null, "Caller needs to make sure the result list is not null");
string name = useFullName ? commandAndName.CommandName.FullName : commandAndName.CommandName.ShortName;
string quotedFileName = AddQuoteIfNecessary(name, quote, completingAtStartOfLine);
var commandType = SafeGetProperty<CommandTypes?>(commandAndName.Command, "CommandType");
if (commandType == null)
string toolTip;
string displayName = SafeGetProperty<string>(commandAndName.Command, "Name");
if (commandType.Value == CommandTypes.Cmdlet || commandType.Value == CommandTypes.Application)
toolTip = SafeGetProperty<string>(commandAndName.Command, "Definition");
toolTip = displayName;
results.Add(new CompletionResult(quotedFileName, displayName, CompletionResultType.Command, toolTip));
private static void PrependSnapInNameForSameCmdletNames(CommandAndName[] cmdlets, bool completingAtStartOfLine, string quote, List<CompletionResult> results)
Diagnostics.Assert(cmdlets != null && cmdlets.Length > 0,
"HasMultiplePSSnapIns must be called with a non-empty collection of PSObject");
int i = 0;
bool previousMatched = false;
while (true)
CommandAndName commandAndName = cmdlets[i];
int lookAhead = i + 1;
if (lookAhead >= cmdlets.Length)
AddCommandResult(commandAndName, previousMatched, completingAtStartOfLine, quote, results);
CommandAndName nextCommandAndName = cmdlets[lookAhead];
if (string.Equals(
AddCommandResult(commandAndName, true, completingAtStartOfLine, quote, results);
previousMatched = true;
AddCommandResult(commandAndName, previousMatched, completingAtStartOfLine, quote, results);
previousMatched = false;
#endregion "Handle Command"
#region "Handle File Names"
internal static List<CompletionResult> PSv2GenerateMatchSetOfFiles(PowerShellExecutionHelper helper, string lastWord, bool completingAtStartOfLine, string quote)
var results = new List<CompletionResult>();
// lastWord is treated as an PSPath. The match set includes those items that match that
// path, namely, the union of:
// (S1) the sorted set of items matching the last word
// (S2) the sorted set of items matching the last word + *
// If the last word contains no wildcard characters, then S1 is the empty set. S1 is always
// a subset of S2, but we want to present S1 first, then (S2 - S1) next. The idea is that
// if the user typed some wildcard characters, they'd prefer to see those matches before
// all of the rest.
// Determine if we need to quote the paths we parse
lastWord ??= string.Empty;
bool isLastWordEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastWord);
bool lastCharIsStar = !isLastWordEmpty && lastWord.EndsWith('*');
bool containsGlobChars = WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(lastWord);
string wildWord = lastWord + "*";
bool shouldFullyQualifyPaths = PSv2ShouldFullyQualifyPathsPath(helper, lastWord);
// NTRAID#Windows Out Of Band Releases-927933-2006/03/13-JeffJon
// Need to detect when the path is a provider-direct path and make sure
// to remove the provider-qualifier when the resolved path is returned.
bool isProviderDirectPath = lastWord.StartsWith(@"\\", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
lastWord.StartsWith("//", StringComparison.Ordinal);
List<PathItemAndConvertedPath> s1 = null;
List<PathItemAndConvertedPath> s2 = null;
if (containsGlobChars && !isLastWordEmpty)
s1 = PSv2FindMatches(
if (!lastCharIsStar)
s2 = PSv2FindMatches(
IEnumerable<PathItemAndConvertedPath> combinedMatches = CombineMatchSets(s1, s2);
if (combinedMatches != null)
foreach (var combinedMatch in combinedMatches)
string combinedMatchPath = WildcardPattern.Escape(combinedMatch.Path);
string combinedMatchConvertedPath = WildcardPattern.Escape(combinedMatch.ConvertedPath);
string completionText = isProviderDirectPath ? combinedMatchConvertedPath : combinedMatchPath;
completionText = AddQuoteIfNecessary(completionText, quote, completingAtStartOfLine);
bool? isContainer = SafeGetProperty<bool?>(combinedMatch.Item, "PSIsContainer");
string childName = SafeGetProperty<string>(combinedMatch.Item, "PSChildName");
string toolTip = PowerShellExecutionHelper.SafeToString(combinedMatch.ConvertedPath);
if (isContainer != null && childName != null && toolTip != null)
CompletionResultType resultType = isContainer.Value
? CompletionResultType.ProviderContainer
: CompletionResultType.ProviderItem;
results.Add(new CompletionResult(completionText, childName, resultType, toolTip));
return results;
private static string AddQuoteIfNecessary(string completionText, string quote, bool completingAtStartOfLine)
if (completionText.IndexOfAny(s_charsRequiringQuotedString) != -1)
bool needAmpersand = quote.Length == 0 && completingAtStartOfLine;
string quoteInUse = quote.Length == 0 ? "'" : quote;
completionText = quoteInUse == "'" ? completionText.Replace("'", "''") : completionText;
completionText = quoteInUse + completionText + quoteInUse;
completionText = needAmpersand ? "& " + completionText : completionText;
completionText = quote + completionText + quote;
return completionText;
private static IEnumerable<PathItemAndConvertedPath> CombineMatchSets(List<PathItemAndConvertedPath> s1, List<PathItemAndConvertedPath> s2)
if (s1 == null || s1.Count < 1)
// only s2 contains results; which may be null or empty
return s2;
if (s2 == null || s2.Count < 1)
// only s1 contains results
return s1;
// s1 and s2 contain results
Diagnostics.Assert(s1 != null && s1.Count > 0, "s1 should have results");
Diagnostics.Assert(s2 != null && s2.Count > 0, "if s1 has results, s2 must also");
Diagnostics.Assert(s1.Count <= s2.Count, "s2 should always be larger than s1");
var result = new List<PathItemAndConvertedPath>();
// we need to remove from s2 those items in s1. Since the results from FindMatches will be sorted,
// just copy out the unique elements from s2 and s1. We know that every element of S1 will be in S2,
// so the result set will be S1 + (S2 - S1), which is the same size as S2.
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < s2.Count; ++i)
if (j < s1.Count && string.Equals(s2[i].Path, s1[j].Path, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
Diagnostics.Assert(result.Count == s2.Count, "result should be the same size as s2, see the size comment above");
for (int i = 0; i < s1.Count; ++i)
string path = result[i].Path;
int j = result.FindLastIndex(item => item.Path == path);
Diagnostics.Assert(j == i, "elements of s1 should only come at the start of the results");
return result;
private static T SafeGetProperty<T>(PSObject psObject, string propertyName)
if (psObject == null)
return default(T);
PSPropertyInfo property = psObject.Properties[propertyName];
if (property == null)
return default(T);
object propertyValue = property.Value;
if (propertyValue == null)
return default(T);
T returnValue;
if (LanguagePrimitives.TryConvertTo(propertyValue, out returnValue))
return returnValue;
return default(T);
private static bool PSv2ShouldFullyQualifyPathsPath(PowerShellExecutionHelper helper, string lastWord)
// These are special cases, as they represent cases where the user expects to
// see the full path.
if (lastWord.StartsWith('~') ||
lastWord.StartsWith('\\') ||
return true;
.AddParameter("Path", lastWord)
.AddParameter("IsAbsolute", true);
bool isAbsolute = helper.ExecuteCommandAndGetResultAsBool();
return isAbsolute;
private readonly struct PathItemAndConvertedPath
internal readonly string Path;
internal readonly PSObject Item;
internal readonly string ConvertedPath;
internal PathItemAndConvertedPath(string path, PSObject item, string convertedPath)
this.Path = path;
this.Item = item;
this.ConvertedPath = convertedPath;
private static List<PathItemAndConvertedPath> PSv2FindMatches(PowerShellExecutionHelper helper, string path, bool shouldFullyQualifyPaths)
Diagnostics.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path), "path should have a value");
var result = new List<PathItemAndConvertedPath>();
Exception exceptionThrown;
PowerShell powershell = helper.CurrentPowerShell;
// It's OK to use script, since tab completion is useless when the remote Win7 machine is in nolanguage mode
if (!shouldFullyQualifyPaths)
"& {{ trap {{ continue }} ; resolve-path {0} -Relative -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {{,($_,(get-item $_ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue),(convert-path $_ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue))}} }}",
"& {{ trap {{ continue }} ; resolve-path {0} -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {{,($_,(get-item $_ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue),(convert-path $_ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue))}} }}",
Collection<PSObject> paths = helper.ExecuteCurrentPowerShell(out exceptionThrown);
if (paths == null || paths.Count == 0)
return null;
foreach (PSObject t in paths)
var pathsArray = t.BaseObject as IList;
if (pathsArray != null && pathsArray.Count == 3)
object objectPath = pathsArray[0];
PSObject item = pathsArray[1] as PSObject;
object convertedPath = pathsArray[1];
if (objectPath == null || item == null || convertedPath == null)
result.Add(new PathItemAndConvertedPath(
if (result.Count == 0)
return null;
result.Sort((PathItemAndConvertedPath x, PathItemAndConvertedPath y) =>
Diagnostics.Assert(x.Path != null && y.Path != null, "SafeToString always returns a non-null string");
return string.Compare(x.Path, y.Path, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
return result;
#endregion "Handle File Names"
/// <summary>
/// LastWordFinder implements the algorithm we use to search for the last word in a line of input taken from the console.
/// This class exists for legacy purposes only - V3 and forward uses a slightly different interface.
/// </summary>
private sealed class LastWordFinder
internal static string FindLastWord(string sentence, out int replacementIndexOut, out char closingQuote)
return (new LastWordFinder(sentence)).FindLastWord(out replacementIndexOut, out closingQuote);
private LastWordFinder(string sentence)
_replacementIndex = 0;
Diagnostics.Assert(sentence != null, "need to provide an instance");
_sentence = sentence;
/// <summary>
/// Locates the last "word" in a string of text. A word is a conguous sequence of characters that are not
/// whitespace, or a contiguous set grouped by single or double quotes. Can be called by at most 1 thread at a time
/// per LastWordFinder instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="replacementIndexOut">
/// Receives the character index (from the front of the string) of the starting point of the located word, or 0 if
/// the word starts at the beginning of the sentence.
/// </param>
/// <param name="closingQuote">
/// Receives the quote character that would be needed to end the sentence with a balanced pair of quotes. For
/// instance, if sentence is "foo then " is returned, if sentence if "foo" then nothing is returned, if sentence is
/// 'foo then ' is returned, if sentence is 'foo' then nothing is returned.
/// </param>
/// <returns>The last word located, or the empty string if no word could be found.</returns>
private string FindLastWord(out int replacementIndexOut, out char closingQuote)
bool inSingleQuote = false;
bool inDoubleQuote = false;
ReplacementIndex = 0;
for (_sentenceIndex = 0; _sentenceIndex < _sentence.Length; ++_sentenceIndex)
Diagnostics.Assert(!(inSingleQuote && inDoubleQuote),
"Can't be in both single and double quotes");
char c = _sentence[_sentenceIndex];
// there are 3 possibilities:
// 1) a new sequence is starting,
// 2) a sequence is ending, or
// 3) a sequence is due to end on the next matching quote, end-of-sentence, or whitespace
if (c == '\'')
HandleQuote(ref inSingleQuote, ref inDoubleQuote, c);
else if (c == '"')
HandleQuote(ref inDoubleQuote, ref inSingleQuote, c);
else if (c == '`')
if (++_sentenceIndex < _sentence.Length)
else if (IsWhitespace(c))
if (_sequenceDueToEnd)
// we skipped a quote earlier, now end that sequence
_sequenceDueToEnd = false;
if (inSingleQuote)
inSingleQuote = false;
if (inDoubleQuote)
inDoubleQuote = false;
ReplacementIndex = _sentenceIndex + 1;
else if (inSingleQuote || inDoubleQuote)
// a sequence is started and we're in quotes
// no sequence is started, so ignore c
ReplacementIndex = _sentenceIndex + 1;
// a sequence is started and we're in it
string result = new string(_wordBuffer, 0, _wordBufferIndex);
closingQuote = inSingleQuote ? '\'' : inDoubleQuote ? '"' : '\0';
replacementIndexOut = ReplacementIndex;
return result;
private void HandleQuote(ref bool inQuote, ref bool inOppositeQuote, char c)
if (inOppositeQuote)
// a sequence is started, and we're in it.
if (inQuote)
if (_sequenceDueToEnd)
// I've ended a sequence and am starting another; don't consume c, update replacementIndex
ReplacementIndex = _sentenceIndex + 1;
_sequenceDueToEnd = !_sequenceDueToEnd;
// I'm starting a sequence; don't consume c, update replacementIndex
inQuote = true;
ReplacementIndex = _sentenceIndex;
private void Consume(char c)
Diagnostics.Assert(_wordBuffer != null, "wordBuffer is not initialized");
Diagnostics.Assert(_wordBufferIndex < _wordBuffer.Length, "wordBufferIndex is out of range");
_wordBuffer[_wordBufferIndex++] = c;
private int ReplacementIndex
return _replacementIndex;
Diagnostics.Assert(value >= 0 && value < _sentence.Length + 1, "value out of range");
// when we set the replacement index, that means we're also resetting our word buffer. we know wordBuffer
// will never be longer than sentence.
_wordBuffer = new char[_sentence.Length];
_wordBufferIndex = 0;
_replacementIndex = value;
private static bool IsWhitespace(char c)
return (c == ' ') || (c == '\x0009');
private readonly string _sentence;
private char[] _wordBuffer;
private int _wordBufferIndex;
private int _replacementIndex;
private int _sentenceIndex;
private bool _sequenceDueToEnd;
#endregion private methods