xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

582 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// Class describing a PowerShell module...
/// </summary>
internal class ScriptAnalysis
internal static ScriptAnalysis Analyze(string path, ExecutionContext context)
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Analyzing path: {0}", path);
if (Utils.PathIsUnc(path) && (context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime != null))
ProgressRecord analysisProgress = new ProgressRecord(0,
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Modules.ScriptAnalysisModule, path));
analysisProgress.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Processing;
// Write the progress using a static source ID so that all
// analysis messages get single-threaded in the progress pane (rather than nesting).
context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WriteProgress(typeof(ScriptAnalysis).FullName.GetHashCode(), analysisProgress);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// This may be called when we are not allowed to write progress,
// So eat the invalid operation
string scriptContent = ReadScript(path);
ParseError[] errors;
var moduleAst = (new Parser()).Parse(path, scriptContent, null, out errors, ParseMode.ModuleAnalysis);
// Don't bother analyzing if there are syntax errors (we don't do semantic analysis which would
// detect other errors that we also might choose to ignore, but it's slower.)
if (errors.Length > 0)
return null;
ExportVisitor exportVisitor = new ExportVisitor(forCompletion: false);
var result = new ScriptAnalysis
DiscoveredClasses = exportVisitor.DiscoveredClasses,
DiscoveredExports = exportVisitor.DiscoveredExports,
DiscoveredAliases = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
DiscoveredModules = exportVisitor.DiscoveredModules,
DiscoveredCommandFilters = exportVisitor.DiscoveredCommandFilters,
AddsSelfToPath = exportVisitor.AddsSelfToPath
if (result.DiscoveredCommandFilters.Count == 0)
// Post-process aliases, as they are not exported by default
List<WildcardPattern> patterns = new List<WildcardPattern>();
foreach (string discoveredCommandFilter in result.DiscoveredCommandFilters)
patterns.Add(WildcardPattern.Get(discoveredCommandFilter, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase));
foreach (var pair in exportVisitor.DiscoveredAliases)
string discoveredAlias = pair.Key;
if (SessionStateUtilities.MatchesAnyWildcardPattern(discoveredAlias, patterns, defaultValue: false))
result.DiscoveredAliases[discoveredAlias] = pair.Value;
return result;
internal static string ReadScript(string path)
using (FileStream readerStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
Encoding defaultEncoding = ClrFacade.GetDefaultEncoding();
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle safeFileHandle = readerStream.SafeFileHandle;
using (StreamReader scriptReader = new StreamReader(readerStream, defaultEncoding))
return scriptReader.ReadToEnd();
internal List<string> DiscoveredExports { get; set; }
internal Dictionary<string, string> DiscoveredAliases { get; set; }
internal List<RequiredModuleInfo> DiscoveredModules { get; set; }
internal List<string> DiscoveredCommandFilters { get; set; }
internal bool AddsSelfToPath { get; set; }
internal List<TypeDefinitionAst> DiscoveredClasses { get; set; }
// Defines the visitor that analyzes a script to determine its exports
// and dependencies.
internal class ExportVisitor : AstVisitor2
internal ExportVisitor(bool forCompletion)
_forCompletion = forCompletion;
DiscoveredExports = new List<string>();
DiscoveredFunctions = new Dictionary<string, FunctionDefinitionAst>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
DiscoveredAliases = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
DiscoveredModules = new List<RequiredModuleInfo>();
DiscoveredCommandFilters = new List<string>();
DiscoveredClasses = new List<TypeDefinitionAst>();
static ExportVisitor()
var nameParam = new ParameterInfo { name = "Name", position = 0 };
var valueParam = new ParameterInfo { name = "Value", position = 1 };
var aliasParameterInfo = new ParameterBindingInfo { parameterInfo = new[] { nameParam, valueParam } };
var functionParam = new ParameterInfo { name = "Function", position = -1 };
var cmdletParam = new ParameterInfo { name = "Cmdlet", position = -1 };
var aliasParam = new ParameterInfo { name = "Alias", position = -1 };
var ipmoParameterInfo = new ParameterBindingInfo { parameterInfo = new[] { nameParam, functionParam, cmdletParam, aliasParam } };
functionParam = new ParameterInfo { name = "Function", position = 0 };
var exportModuleMemberInfo = new ParameterBindingInfo { parameterInfo = new[] { functionParam, cmdletParam, aliasParam } };
s_parameterBindingInfoTable = new Dictionary<string, ParameterBindingInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{"New-Alias", aliasParameterInfo},
{@"Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Alias", aliasParameterInfo},
{"Set-Alias", aliasParameterInfo},
{@"Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Set-Alias", aliasParameterInfo},
{"nal", aliasParameterInfo},
{"sal", aliasParameterInfo},
{"Import-Module", ipmoParameterInfo},
{@"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Import-Module", ipmoParameterInfo},
{"ipmo", ipmoParameterInfo},
{"Export-ModuleMember", exportModuleMemberInfo},
{@"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Export-ModuleMember", exportModuleMemberInfo}
private readonly bool _forCompletion;
internal List<string> DiscoveredExports { get; set; }
internal List<RequiredModuleInfo> DiscoveredModules { get; set; }
internal Dictionary<string, FunctionDefinitionAst> DiscoveredFunctions { get; set; }
internal Dictionary<string, string> DiscoveredAliases { get; set; }
internal List<string> DiscoveredCommandFilters { get; set; }
internal bool AddsSelfToPath { get; set; }
internal List<TypeDefinitionAst> DiscoveredClasses { get; set; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitTypeDefinition(TypeDefinitionAst typeDefinitionAst)
return _forCompletion ? AstVisitAction.Continue : AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
// Capture simple function definitions
public override AstVisitAction VisitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAst functionDefinitionAst)
// Nested functions are ignored for the purposes of exports, but are still
// recorded for command/parameter completion.
// function Foo-Bar { ... }
var functionName = functionDefinitionAst.Name;
DiscoveredFunctions[functionName] = functionDefinitionAst;
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Discovered function definition: {0}", functionName);
// Check if they've defined any aliases
// function Foo-Bar { [Alias("Alias1", "...")] param() ... }
var functionBody = functionDefinitionAst.Body;
if ((functionBody.ParamBlock != null) && (functionBody.ParamBlock.Attributes != null))
foreach (AttributeAst attribute in functionBody.ParamBlock.Attributes)
if (attribute.TypeName.GetReflectionAttributeType() == typeof(AliasAttribute))
foreach (ExpressionAst aliasAst in attribute.PositionalArguments)
var aliasExpression = aliasAst as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (aliasExpression != null)
string alias = aliasExpression.Value;
DiscoveredAliases[alias] = functionName;
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Function defines alias: {0} = {1}", alias, functionName);
if (_forCompletion)
if (Ast.GetAncestorAst<ScriptBlockAst>(functionDefinitionAst).Parent == null)
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
// Capture modules that add themselves to the path (so they generally package their functionality
// as loose PS1 files)
public override AstVisitAction VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatementAst assignmentStatementAst)
// $env:PATH += "";$psScriptRoot""
if (string.Equals("$env:PATH", assignmentStatementAst.Left.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
Regex.IsMatch(assignmentStatementAst.Right.ToString(), "\\$psScriptRoot", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Module adds itself to the path.");
AddsSelfToPath = true;
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
// We skip a bunch of random statements because we can't really be accurate detecting functions/classes etc. that
// are conditionally defined.
public override AstVisitAction VisitIfStatement(IfStatementAst ifStmtAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitDataStatement(DataStatementAst dataStatementAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitForEachStatement(ForEachStatementAst forEachStatementAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitForStatement(ForStatementAst forStatementAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitDoUntilStatement(DoUntilStatementAst doUntilStatementAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitDoWhileStatement(DoWhileStatementAst doWhileStatementAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitWhileStatement(WhileStatementAst whileStatementAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitInvokeMemberExpression(InvokeMemberExpressionAst methodCallAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementAst switchStatementAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
public override AstVisitAction VisitTernaryExpression(TernaryExpressionAst ternaryExpressionAst) { return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren; }
// Visit one the other variations:
// - Dotting scripts
// - Setting aliases
// - Importing modules
// - Exporting module members
public override AstVisitAction VisitCommand(CommandAst commandAst)
string commandName =
commandAst.GetCommandName() ??
GetSafeValueVisitor.GetSafeValue(commandAst.CommandElements[0], null, GetSafeValueVisitor.SafeValueContext.ModuleAnalysis) as string;
if (commandName == null)
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
// They are trying to dot a script
if (commandAst.InvocationOperator == TokenKind.Dot)
// . Foo-Bar4.ps1
// . $psScriptRoot\Foo-Bar.ps1 -Bing Baz
// . ""$psScriptRoot\Support Files\Foo-Bar2.ps1"" -Bing Baz
// . '$psScriptRoot\Support Files\Foo-Bar3.ps1' -Bing Baz
new RequiredModuleInfo { Name = commandName, CommandsToPostFilter = new List<string>() });
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Module dots {0}", commandName);
// They are setting an alias.
if (string.Equals(commandName, "New-Alias", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\New-Alias", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "Set-Alias", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\\Set-Alias", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "nal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "sal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Set-Alias Foo-Bar5 Foo-Bar
// Set-Alias -Name Foo-Bar6 -Value Foo-Bar
// sal Foo-Bar7 Foo-Bar
// sal -Value Foo-Bar -Name Foo-Bar8
var boundParameters = DoPsuedoParameterBinding(commandAst, commandName);
var name = boundParameters["Name"] as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
var value = boundParameters["Value"] as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
// These aren't stored in DiscoveredExports, as they are only
// exported after the user calls Export-ModuleMember.
DiscoveredAliases[name] = value;
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Module defines alias: {0} = {1}", name, value);
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
// They are importing a module
if (string.Equals(commandName, "Import-Module", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "ipmo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Import-Module Module1
// Import-Module Module2 -Function Foo-Module2*, Foo-Module2Second* -Cmdlet Foo-Module2Cmdlet,Foo-Module2Cmdlet*
// Import-Module Module3 -Function Foo-Module3Command1, Foo-Module3Command2
// Import-Module Module4,
// Module5
// Import-Module -Name Module6,
// Module7 -Global
var boundParameters = DoPsuedoParameterBinding(commandAst, commandName);
List<string> commandsToPostFilter = new List<string>();
Action<string> onEachCommand = importedCommandName => commandsToPostFilter.Add(importedCommandName);
// Process any exports from the module that we determine from
// the -Function, -Cmdlet, or -Alias parameters
ProcessCmdletArguments(boundParameters["Function"], onEachCommand);
ProcessCmdletArguments(boundParameters["Cmdlet"], onEachCommand);
ProcessCmdletArguments(boundParameters["Alias"], onEachCommand);
// Now, go through all of the discovered modules on Import-Module
// and register them for deeper investigation.
Action<string> onEachModule = moduleName =>
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Discovered module import: {0}", moduleName);
new RequiredModuleInfo
Name = moduleName,
CommandsToPostFilter = commandsToPostFilter
ProcessCmdletArguments(boundParameters["Name"], onEachModule);
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
// They are exporting a module member
if (string.Equals(commandName, "Export-ModuleMember", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Export-ModuleMember", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(commandName, "$script:ExportModuleMember", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Export-ModuleMember *
// Export-ModuleMember Exported-UnNamedModuleMember
// Export-ModuleMember -Function Exported-FunctionModuleMember1, Exported-FunctionModuleMember2 -Cmdlet Exported-CmdletModuleMember `
// -Alias Exported-AliasModuleMember
// & $script:ExportModuleMember -Function (...)
var boundParameters = DoPsuedoParameterBinding(commandAst, commandName);
Action<string> onEachFunction = exportedCommandName =>
ModuleIntrinsics.Tracer.WriteLine("Discovered explicit export: {0}", exportedCommandName);
// If the export doesn't contain wildcards, then add it to the
// discovered commands as well. It is likely that they created
// the command dynamically
if ((!WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(exportedCommandName)) &&
ProcessCmdletArguments(boundParameters["Function"], onEachFunction);
ProcessCmdletArguments(boundParameters["Cmdlet"], onEachFunction);
Action<string> onEachAlias = exportedAlias =>
// If the export doesn't contain wildcards, then add it to the
// discovered commands as well. It is likely that they created
// the command dynamically
if (!WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(exportedAlias))
DiscoveredAliases[exportedAlias] = null;
ProcessCmdletArguments(boundParameters["Alias"], onEachAlias);
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
// They are exporting a module member using our advanced 'public' function
// that we've presented in many demos
if ((string.Equals(commandName, "public", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
(commandAst.CommandElements.Count > 2))
// public function Publicly-ExportedFunction
// public alias Publicly-ExportedAlias
string publicCommandName = commandAst.CommandElements[2].ToString().Trim();
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
private void ProcessCmdletArguments(object value, Action<string> onEachArgument)
if (value == null) return;
var commandName = value as string;
if (commandName != null)
var names = value as object[];
if (names != null)
foreach (var n in names)
// This is slightly more permissive than what would really happen with parameter binding
// in that it would allow arrays of arrays in ways that don't actually work
ProcessCmdletArguments(n, onEachArgument);
// This method does parameter binding for a very limited set of scenarios, specifically
// for New-Alias, Set-Alias, Import-Module, and Export-ModuleMember. It might not even
// correctly handle these cmdlets if new parameters are added.
// It also only populates the bound parameters for a limited set of parameters needed
// for module analysis.
private static Hashtable DoPsuedoParameterBinding(CommandAst commandAst, string commandName)
var result = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var parameterBindingInfo = s_parameterBindingInfoTable[commandName].parameterInfo;
int positionsBound = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < commandAst.CommandElements.Count; i++)
var element = commandAst.CommandElements[i];
var specifiedParameter = element as CommandParameterAst;
if (specifiedParameter != null)
bool boundParameter = false;
var specifiedParamName = specifiedParameter.ParameterName;
foreach (var parameterInfo in parameterBindingInfo)
if (parameterInfo.name.StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (parameterInfo.position != -1)
positionsBound |= 1 << parameterInfo.position;
var argumentAst = specifiedParameter.Argument;
if (argumentAst == null)
argumentAst = commandAst.CommandElements[i] as ExpressionAst;
if (argumentAst != null)
i += 1;
if (argumentAst != null)
boundParameter = true;
result[parameterInfo.name] =
GetSafeValueVisitor.GetSafeValue(argumentAst, null, GetSafeValueVisitor.SafeValueContext.ModuleAnalysis);
if (boundParameter || specifiedParameter.Argument != null)
if (!"PassThru".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"Force".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"Confirm".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"Global".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"AsCustomObject".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"Verbose".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"Debug".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"DisableNameChecking".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!"NoClobber".StartsWith(specifiedParamName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Named parameter, skip the argument (except for specific switch parameters
i += 1;
// Positional argument, find which position we want to bind
int pos = 0;
for (; pos < 10; pos++)
if ((positionsBound & (1 << pos)) == 0)
positionsBound |= 1 << pos;
// Now see if we care (we probably do, but if the user did something odd, like specify too many, then we don't really)
foreach (var parameterInfo in parameterBindingInfo)
if (parameterInfo.position == pos)
result[parameterInfo.name] = GetSafeValueVisitor.GetSafeValue(
commandAst.CommandElements[i], null,
return result;
private static readonly Dictionary<string, ParameterBindingInfo> s_parameterBindingInfoTable;
private sealed class ParameterBindingInfo
internal ParameterInfo[] parameterInfo;
private struct ParameterInfo
internal string name;
internal int position;
// Class to keep track of modules we need to import, and commands that should
// be filtered out of them.
internal class RequiredModuleInfo
internal string Name { get; set; }
internal List<string> CommandsToPostFilter { get; set; }