xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

983 lines
46 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#if !UNIX
using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands;
namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
internal static class TypeResolver
// our interface
// internal static Type ConvertTypeNameToType(TypeName typeName, out Exception exception)
// Used by TypeName.GetReflectionType and in TypeResolver
// internal static bool TryResolveType(string typeName, out Type type)
// Used in a bunch of places
// internal static Type ConvertStringToType(string typeName, out Exception exception)
// Used primarily in LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo
private static Type LookForTypeInSingleAssembly(Assembly assembly, string typename)
Type targetType = assembly.GetType(typename, false, true);
if (targetType != null && IsPublic(targetType))
return targetType;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Inherited from InvalidCastException, because it happens in [string] -> [Type] conversion.
/// </summary>
internal class AmbiguousTypeException : InvalidCastException
public string[] Candidates { get; }
public TypeName TypeName { get; }
public AmbiguousTypeException(TypeName typeName, IEnumerable<string> candidates)
Candidates = candidates.ToArray();
TypeName = typeName;
Diagnostics.Assert(Candidates.Length > 1, "AmbiguousTypeException can be created only when there are more then 1 candidate.");
private static Type LookForTypeInAssemblies(TypeName typeName,
IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies,
HashSet<Assembly> searchedAssemblies,
TypeResolutionState typeResolutionState,
bool reportAmbiguousException,
out Exception exception)
exception = null;
string alternateNameToFind = typeResolutionState.GetAlternateTypeName(typeName.Name);
Type foundType = null;
Type foundType2 = null;
foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)
// Skip the assemblies that we already searched and found no matching type.
if (searchedAssemblies.Contains(assembly)) { continue; }
Type targetType = LookForTypeInSingleAssembly(assembly, typeName.Name);
if (targetType == null && alternateNameToFind != null)
targetType = LookForTypeInSingleAssembly(assembly, alternateNameToFind);
if (targetType != null)
if (!reportAmbiguousException)
// accelerator for the common case, when we are not interested in ambiguity exception.
return targetType;
// .NET has forward notation for types, when they declared in one assembly and implemented in another one.
// We want to support both scenarios:
// 1) When we pass assembly with declared forwarded type (CoreCLR)
// 2) When we pass assembly with declared forwarded type and assembly with implemented forwarded type (FullCLR)
// In the case (2) we should not report duplicate, hence this check
if (foundType != targetType)
if (foundType != null)
foundType2 = targetType;
foundType = targetType;
// We didn't find a match from the current assembly, so update the searchedAssemblies set.
catch (Exception) // Assembly.GetType might throw unadvertised exceptions
if (foundType2 != null)
exception = new AmbiguousTypeException(typeName, new string[] { foundType.AssemblyQualifiedName, foundType2.AssemblyQualifiedName });
return null;
return foundType;
/// <summary>
/// A type IsPublic if IsPublic or (IsNestedPublic and is nested in public type(s))
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsPublic(Type type)
if (type.IsPublic)
return true;
if (!type.IsNestedPublic)
return false;
while ((type = type.DeclaringType) != null)
if (!(type.IsPublic || type.IsNestedPublic))
return false;
return true;
private static Type ResolveTypeNameWorker(TypeName typeName,
SessionStateScope currentScope,
IEnumerable<Assembly> loadedAssemblies,
HashSet<Assembly> searchedAssemblies,
TypeResolutionState typeResolutionState,
bool onlySearchInGivenAssemblies,
bool reportAmbiguousException,
out Exception exception)
Type result;
exception = null;
if (!onlySearchInGivenAssemblies)
while (currentScope != null)
result = currentScope.LookupType(typeName.Name);
if (result != null)
return result;
currentScope = currentScope.Parent;
if (TypeAccelerators.builtinTypeAccelerators.TryGetValue(typeName.Name, out result))
return result;
result = LookForTypeInAssemblies(typeName, loadedAssemblies, searchedAssemblies, typeResolutionState, reportAmbiguousException, out exception);
if (exception != null)
// skip the rest of lookups, if exception reported.
return result;
if (!onlySearchInGivenAssemblies && result == null)
lock (TypeAccelerators.userTypeAccelerators)
TypeAccelerators.userTypeAccelerators.TryGetValue(typeName.Name, out result);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// A set of assemblies that we have searched from but found no matching type. By checking this set, we can
/// avoid searching from some assemblies multiple times.
/// This set is made thread static, so that type resolution happens on the same thread can reuse the HashSet
/// without having to create a new HashSet instance every time. This will reduce GC given that type resolution
/// is a frequent operation in powershell script.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This set should be used directly only in the method CallResolveTypeNameWorkerHelper.
/// </remarks>
private static HashSet<Assembly> t_searchedAssemblies = null;
/// <summary>
/// A helper method to call ResolveTypeNameWorker in steps.
/// </summary>
private static Type CallResolveTypeNameWorkerHelper(TypeName typeName,
ExecutionContext context,
IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies,
bool isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn,
TypeResolutionState typeResolutionState,
out Exception exception)
if (t_searchedAssemblies == null)
t_searchedAssemblies = new HashSet<Assembly>();
// Clear the set before starting a full search to make sure we have a clean start.
exception = null;
var currentScope = context?.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope;
Type result = ResolveTypeNameWorker(typeName, currentScope, typeResolutionState.assemblies, t_searchedAssemblies, typeResolutionState,
/*onlySearchInGivenAssemblies*/ false, /* reportAmbiguousException */ true, out exception);
if (exception == null && result == null)
if (context != null && !isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn)
// If the assemblies to search from is not specified by the caller of 'ResolveTypeNameWithContext',
// then we search our assembly cache first, so as to give preference to resolving the type against
// assemblies explicitly loaded by powershell, for example, via importing module/snapin.
result = ResolveTypeNameWorker(typeName, currentScope, context.AssemblyCache.Values, t_searchedAssemblies, typeResolutionState,
/*onlySearchInGivenAssemblies*/ true, /* reportAmbiguousException */ false, out exception);
if (result == null)
// Search from the assembly list passed in.
result = ResolveTypeNameWorker(typeName, currentScope, assemblies, t_searchedAssemblies, typeResolutionState,
/*onlySearchInGivenAssemblies*/ true, /* reportAmbiguousException */ false, out exception);
return result;
// Clear the set after a full search, so dynamic assemblies can get reclaimed as needed.
internal static Type ResolveAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(TypeName typeName, out Exception exception)
// If an assembly name was specified, we let Type.GetType deal with loading the assembly
// and resolving the type.
exception = null;
// We shouldn't really bother looking for the type in System namespace, but
// we've always done that. We explicitly are not supporting arbitrary
// 'using namespace' here because there is little value, if you need the assembly
// qualifier, it's best to just fully specify the type.
var result = Type.GetType(typeName.FullName, false, true) ??
Type.GetType("System." + typeName.FullName, false, true);
if (result != null && IsPublic(result))
return result;
catch (Exception e)
exception = e;
return null;
internal static Type ResolveTypeNameWithContext(TypeName typeName, out Exception exception, Assembly[] assemblies, TypeResolutionState typeResolutionState)
ExecutionContext context = null;
exception = null;
if (typeResolutionState == null)
// Usings from script scope (and if no script scope, fall back to default 'using namespace system')
context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
typeResolutionState = TypeResolutionState.GetDefaultUsingState(context);
// We can do the cache lookup only if we don't define type in the current scope (cache would be invalid in this case).
var result = typeResolutionState.ContainsTypeDefined(typeName.Name)
? null
: TypeCache.Lookup(typeName, typeResolutionState);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (typeName.AssemblyName != null)
result = ResolveAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(typeName, out exception);
TypeCache.Add(typeName, typeResolutionState, result);
return result;
// Simple typename (no generics, no arrays, no assembly name)
// We use the following search order, using the specified name (assumed to be fully namespace qualified):
// * Search scope table (includes 'using type x = ...' aliases)
// * Built in type accelerators (implicit 'using type x = ...' aliases that are effectively in global scope
// * typeResolutionState.assemblies, which contains:
// - Assemblies with PS types, added by 'using module'
// - Assemblies added by 'using assembly'.
// For this case, we REPORT ambiguity, since user explicitly specifies the set of assemblies.
// * All other loaded assemblies (excluding dynamic assemblies created for PS defined types).
// IGNORE ambiguity. It mimics PS v4. There are two reasons:
// 1) If we report ambiguity, we need to fix our caching logic accordingly.
// Consider this code
// Add-Type 'public class Q {}' # ok
// Add-Type 'public class Q { }' # get error about the same name
// [Q] # we would get error about ambiguous type, because we added assembly with duplicated type
// # before we can report TYPE_ALREADY_EXISTS error.
// Add-Type 'public class Q2 {}' # ok
// [Q2] # caching Q2 type
// Add-Type 'public class Q2 { }' # get error about the same name
// [Q2] # we don't get an error about ambiguous type, because it's cached already
// 2) NuGet (VS Package Management console) uses MEF extensibility model.
// Different assemblies includes same interface (i.e. NuGet.VisualStudio.IVsPackageInstallerServices),
// where they include only methods that they are interested in the interface declaration (result interfaces are different!).
// Then, at runtime VS provides an instance. Everything work as far as instance has compatible API.
// So [NuGet.VisualStudio.IVsPackageInstallerServices] can be resolved to several different assemblies and it's ok.
// * User defined type accelerators (rare - interface was never public)
// If nothing is found, we search again, this time applying any 'using namespace ...' declarations including the implicit 'using namespace System'.
// We must search all using aliases and REPORT an error if there is an ambiguity.
// If this is TypeDefinition we should not cache anything in TypeCache.
if (typeName._typeDefinitionAst != null)
return typeName._typeDefinitionAst.Type;
if (context == null)
context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
// Use the explicitly passed-in assembly list when it's specified by the caller.
// Otherwise, retrieve all currently loaded assemblies.
var assemList = assemblies ?? ClrFacade.GetAssemblies(typeResolutionState, typeName);
var isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn = assemblies != null;
result = CallResolveTypeNameWorkerHelper(typeName, context, assemList, isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn, typeResolutionState, out exception);
if (result != null)
TypeCache.Add(typeName, typeResolutionState, result);
return result;
if (exception == null)
foreach (var ns in typeResolutionState.namespaces)
var newTypeNameToSearch = ns + "." + typeName.Name;
newTypeNameToSearch = typeResolutionState.GetAlternateTypeName(newTypeNameToSearch) ??
var newTypeName = new TypeName(typeName.Extent, newTypeNameToSearch);
if (!isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn)
// We called 'ClrFacade.GetAssemblies' to get assemblies. That means the assemblies to search from
// are not pre-defined, and thus we have to refetch assembly again based on the new type name.
assemList = ClrFacade.GetAssemblies(typeResolutionState, newTypeName);
var newResult = CallResolveTypeNameWorkerHelper(newTypeName, context, assemList, isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn, typeResolutionState, out exception);
if (exception != null)
if (newResult != null)
if (result == null)
result = newResult;
exception = new AmbiguousTypeException(typeName, new string[] { result.FullName, newResult.FullName });
result = null;
if (exception != null)
// AmbiguousTypeException is for internal representation only.
var ambiguousException = exception as AmbiguousTypeException;
if (ambiguousException != null)
exception = new PSInvalidCastException("AmbiguousTypeReference", exception,
ParserStrings.AmbiguousTypeReference, ambiguousException.TypeName.Name,
ambiguousException.Candidates[0], ambiguousException.Candidates[1]);
if (result != null)
TypeCache.Add(typeName, typeResolutionState, result);
return result;
internal static Type ResolveTypeName(TypeName typeName, out Exception exception)
return ResolveTypeNameWithContext(typeName, out exception, null, null);
internal static bool TryResolveType(string typeName, out Type type)
Exception exception;
type = ResolveType(typeName, out exception);
return (type != null);
internal static Type ResolveITypeName(ITypeName iTypeName, out Exception exception)
exception = null;
var typeName = iTypeName as TypeName;
if (typeName == null)
// The type is something more complicated - generic or array.
return iTypeName.GetReflectionType();
catch (Exception e)
exception = e;
return null;
return ResolveTypeName(typeName, out exception);
/// <summary>
/// This routine converts a string into a Type object using the msh rules.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strTypeName">A string representing the name of the type to convert.</param>
/// <param name="exception">The exception, if one happened, trying to find the type.</param>
/// <returns>A type if the conversion was successful, null otherwise.</returns>
internal static Type ResolveType(string strTypeName, out Exception exception)
exception = null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strTypeName))
return null;
var iTypeName = Parser.ScanType(strTypeName, ignoreErrors: false);
if (iTypeName == null)
return null;
return ResolveITypeName(iTypeName, out exception);
/// <summary>
/// The idea behind this class is: I should be able to re-use expensive
/// type resolution operation result in the same context.
/// Hence, this class is a key for TypeCache dictionary.
/// Every SessionStateScope has TypeResolutionState.
/// typesDefined contains PowerShell types names defined in the current scope and all scopes above.
/// Same for namespaces.
/// If TypeResolutionState doesn't add anything new compare to it's parent, we represent it as null.
/// So, when we do lookup, we need to find first non-null TypeResolutionState.
/// </summary>
internal class TypeResolutionState
internal static readonly string[] systemNamespace = { "System" };
internal static readonly Assembly[] emptyAssemblies = Array.Empty<Assembly>();
internal static readonly TypeResolutionState UsingSystem = new TypeResolutionState();
internal readonly string[] namespaces;
internal readonly Assembly[] assemblies;
private readonly HashSet<string> _typesDefined;
internal readonly int genericArgumentCount;
internal readonly bool attribute;
private TypeResolutionState()
: this(systemNamespace, emptyAssemblies)
/// <summary>
/// TypeResolutionState can be shared and that's why it should be represented as an immutable object.
/// So, we use this API to alternate TypeResolutionState, but instead of mutating existing one, we clone it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="types"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal TypeResolutionState CloneWithAddTypesDefined(IEnumerable<string> types)
var newTypesDefined = new HashSet<string>(_typesDefined, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var type in types)
return new TypeResolutionState(this, newTypesDefined);
internal bool ContainsTypeDefined(string type)
return _typesDefined.Contains(type);
internal TypeResolutionState(string[] namespaces, Assembly[] assemblies)
this.namespaces = namespaces ?? systemNamespace;
this.assemblies = assemblies ?? emptyAssemblies;
_typesDefined = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
internal TypeResolutionState(TypeResolutionState other, int genericArgumentCount, bool attribute)
this.namespaces = other.namespaces;
this.assemblies = other.assemblies;
_typesDefined = other._typesDefined;
this.genericArgumentCount = genericArgumentCount;
this.attribute = attribute;
private TypeResolutionState(TypeResolutionState other, HashSet<string> typesDefined)
this.namespaces = other.namespaces;
this.assemblies = other.assemblies;
_typesDefined = typesDefined;
this.genericArgumentCount = other.genericArgumentCount;
this.attribute = other.attribute;
internal static TypeResolutionState GetDefaultUsingState(ExecutionContext context)
if (context == null)
context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
if (context != null)
return context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.TypeResolutionState;
return TypeResolutionState.UsingSystem;
internal string GetAlternateTypeName(string typeName)
string alternateName = null;
if (genericArgumentCount > 0 && typeName.IndexOf('`') < 0)
alternateName = typeName + "`" + genericArgumentCount;
else if (attribute && !typeName.EndsWith("Attribute", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
alternateName = typeName + "Attribute";
return alternateName;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
if (!(obj is TypeResolutionState other))
return false;
if (this.attribute != other.attribute)
return false;
if (this.genericArgumentCount != other.genericArgumentCount)
return false;
if (this.namespaces.Length != other.namespaces.Length)
return false;
if (this.assemblies.Length != other.assemblies.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.Length; i++)
if (!this.namespaces[i].Equals(other.namespaces[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.Length; i++)
if (!this.assemblies[i].Equals(other.assemblies[i]))
return false;
if (_typesDefined.Count != other._typesDefined.Count)
return false;
return _typesDefined.SetEquals(other._typesDefined);
public override int GetHashCode()
var stringComparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
int result = Utils.CombineHashCodes(genericArgumentCount.GetHashCode(), attribute.GetHashCode());
for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.Length; i++)
result = Utils.CombineHashCodes(result, stringComparer.GetHashCode(namespaces[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.Length; i++)
result = Utils.CombineHashCodes(result, this.assemblies[i].GetHashCode());
foreach (var t in _typesDefined)
result = Utils.CombineHashCodes(result, t.GetHashCode());
return result;
internal static class TypeCache
private sealed class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<Tuple<ITypeName, TypeResolutionState>>
public bool Equals(Tuple<ITypeName, TypeResolutionState> x,
Tuple<ITypeName, TypeResolutionState> y)
return x.Item1.Equals(y.Item1) && x.Item2.Equals(y.Item2);
public int GetHashCode(Tuple<ITypeName, TypeResolutionState> obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Tuple<ITypeName, TypeResolutionState>, Type> s_cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<Tuple<ITypeName, TypeResolutionState>, Type>(new KeyComparer());
internal static Type Lookup(ITypeName typeName, TypeResolutionState typeResolutionState)
Type result;
s_cache.TryGetValue(Tuple.Create(typeName, typeResolutionState), out result);
return result;
internal static void Add(ITypeName typeName, TypeResolutionState typeResolutionState, Type type)
s_cache.GetOrAdd(Tuple.Create(typeName, typeResolutionState), type);
namespace System.Management.Automation
/// <summary>
/// A class to the core types in PowerShell.
/// </summary>
internal static class CoreTypes
// A list of the core PowerShell types, and their accelerator.
// These types are frequently used in scripting, and for parameter validation in scripts.
// When in ConstrainedLanguage mode, all operations on these types are fully supported unlike all other
// types that are assumed to have dangerous constructors or methods.
// Do not add types to this pool unless they can be safely exposed to an attacker and will not
// expose the ability to corrupt or escape PowerShell's environment. The following operations must
// be safe: type conversion, all constructors, all methods (instance and static), and
// and properties (instance and static).
internal static readonly Lazy<Dictionary<Type, string[]>> Items = new Lazy<Dictionary<Type, string[]>>(
() =>
new Dictionary<Type, string[]>
{ typeof(AliasAttribute), new[] { "Alias" } },
{ typeof(AllowEmptyCollectionAttribute), new[] { "AllowEmptyCollection" } },
{ typeof(AllowEmptyStringAttribute), new[] { "AllowEmptyString" } },
{ typeof(AllowNullAttribute), new[] { "AllowNull" } },
{ typeof(ArgumentCompleterAttribute), new[] { "ArgumentCompleter" } },
{ typeof(ArgumentCompletionsAttribute), new[] { "ArgumentCompletions" } },
{ typeof(Array), new[] { "array" } },
{ typeof(bool), new[] { "bool" } },
{ typeof(byte), new[] { "byte" } },
{ typeof(char), new[] { "char" } },
{ typeof(CmdletBindingAttribute), new[] { "CmdletBinding" } },
{ typeof(DateTime), new[] { "datetime" } },
{ typeof(decimal), new[] { "decimal" } },
{ typeof(double), new[] { "double" } },
{ typeof(DscResourceAttribute), new[] { "DscResource" } },
{ typeof(ExperimentAction), new[] { "ExperimentAction" } },
{ typeof(ExperimentalAttribute), new[] { "Experimental" } },
{ typeof(ExperimentalFeature), new[] { "ExperimentalFeature" } },
{ typeof(float), new[] { "float", "single" } },
{ typeof(Guid), new[] { "guid" } },
{ typeof(Hashtable), new[] { "hashtable" } },
{ typeof(int), new[] { "int", "int32" } },
{ typeof(Int16), new[] { "short", "int16" } },
{ typeof(long), new[] { "long", "int64" } },
{ typeof(CimInstance), new[] { "ciminstance" } },
{ typeof(CimClass), new[] { "cimclass" } },
{ typeof(Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType), new[] { "cimtype" } },
{ typeof(CimConverter), new[] { "cimconverter" } },
{ typeof(ModuleSpecification), null },
{ typeof(IPEndPoint), new[] { "IPEndpoint" } },
{ typeof(NullString), new[] { "NullString" } },
{ typeof(OutputTypeAttribute), new[] { "OutputType" } },
{ typeof(object[]), null },
{ typeof(ObjectSecurity), new[] { "ObjectSecurity" } },
{ typeof(ParameterAttribute), new[] { "Parameter" } },
{ typeof(PhysicalAddress), new[] { "PhysicalAddress" } },
{ typeof(PSCredential), new[] { "pscredential" } },
{ typeof(PSDefaultValueAttribute), new[] { "PSDefaultValue" } },
{ typeof(PSListModifier), new[] { "pslistmodifier" } },
{ typeof(PSObject), new[] { "psobject", "pscustomobject" } },
{ typeof(PSPrimitiveDictionary), new[] { "psprimitivedictionary" } },
{ typeof(PSReference), new[] { "ref" } },
{ typeof(PSTypeNameAttribute), new[] { "PSTypeNameAttribute" } },
{ typeof(Regex), new[] { "regex" } },
{ typeof(DscPropertyAttribute), new[] { "DscProperty" } },
{ typeof(sbyte), new[] { "sbyte" } },
{ typeof(string), new[] { "string" } },
{ typeof(SupportsWildcardsAttribute), new[] { "SupportsWildcards" } },
{ typeof(SwitchParameter), new[] { "switch" } },
{ typeof(CultureInfo), new[] { "cultureinfo" } },
{ typeof(BigInteger), new[] { "bigint" } },
{ typeof(SecureString), new[] { "securestring" } },
{ typeof(TimeSpan), new[] { "timespan" } },
{ typeof(UInt16), new[] { "ushort", "uint16" } },
{ typeof(UInt32), new[] { "uint", "uint32" } },
{ typeof(UInt64), new[] { "ulong", "uint64" } },
{ typeof(Uri), new[] { "uri" } },
{ typeof(ValidateCountAttribute), new[] { "ValidateCount" } },
{ typeof(ValidateDriveAttribute), new[] { "ValidateDrive" } },
{ typeof(ValidateLengthAttribute), new[] { "ValidateLength" } },
{ typeof(ValidateNotNullAttribute), new[] { "ValidateNotNull" } },
{ typeof(ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute), new[] { "ValidateNotNullOrEmpty" } },
{ typeof(ValidatePatternAttribute), new[] { "ValidatePattern" } },
{ typeof(ValidateRangeAttribute), new[] { "ValidateRange" } },
{ typeof(ValidateScriptAttribute), new[] { "ValidateScript" } },
{ typeof(ValidateSetAttribute), new[] { "ValidateSet" } },
{ typeof(ValidateTrustedDataAttribute), new[] { "ValidateTrustedData" } },
{ typeof(ValidateUserDriveAttribute), new[] { "ValidateUserDrive"} },
{ typeof(Version), new[] { "version" } },
{ typeof(void), new[] { "void" } },
{ typeof(IPAddress), new[] { "ipaddress" } },
{ typeof(DscLocalConfigurationManagerAttribute), new[] {"DscLocalConfigurationManager"}},
{ typeof(WildcardPattern), new[] { "WildcardPattern" } },
{ typeof(X509Certificate), new[] { "X509Certificate" } },
{ typeof(X500DistinguishedName), new[] { "X500DistinguishedName" } },
{ typeof(XmlDocument), new[] { "xml" } },
{ typeof(CimSession), new[] { "CimSession" } },
{ typeof(MailAddress), new[] { "mailaddress" } },
{ typeof(SemanticVersion), new[] { "semver" } },
#if !UNIX
{ typeof(DirectoryEntry), new[] { "adsi" } },
{ typeof(DirectorySearcher), new[] { "adsisearcher" } },
{ typeof(ManagementClass), new[] { "wmiclass" } },
{ typeof(ManagementObject), new[] { "wmi" } },
{ typeof(ManagementObjectSearcher), new[] { "wmisearcher" } }
internal static bool Contains(Type inputType)
if (Items.Value.ContainsKey(inputType))
return true;
if (inputType.IsEnum)
return true;
if (inputType.IsGenericType)
var genericTypeDefinition = inputType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
return genericTypeDefinition == typeof(Nullable<>) || genericTypeDefinition == typeof(FlagsExpression<>);
return (inputType.IsArray && Contains(inputType.GetElementType()));
/// <summary>
/// A class to view and modify the type accelerators used by the PowerShell engine. Builtin
/// type accelerators are read only, but user defined type accelerators may be added.
/// </summary>
internal static class TypeAccelerators
// builtins are not exposed publicly in a direct manner so they can't be changed at all
internal static readonly Dictionary<string, Type> builtinTypeAccelerators = new Dictionary<string, Type>(64, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// users can add to user added accelerators (but not currently remove any.) Keeping a separate
// list allows us to add removing in the future w/o worrying about breaking the builtins.
internal static readonly Dictionary<string, Type> userTypeAccelerators = new Dictionary<string, Type>(64, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// We expose this one publicly for programmatic access to our type accelerator table, but it is
// otherwise unused (so changes to this dictionary don't affect internals.)
private static Dictionary<string, Type> s_allTypeAccelerators;
static TypeAccelerators()
// Add all the core types
foreach (KeyValuePair<Type, string[]> coreType in CoreTypes.Items.Value)
if (coreType.Value != null)
foreach (string accelerator in coreType.Value)
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add(accelerator, coreType.Key);
// Add additional utility types that are useful as type accelerators, but aren't
// fundamentally "core language", or may be unsafe to expose to untrusted input.
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("scriptblock", typeof(ScriptBlock));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("pspropertyexpression", typeof(PSPropertyExpression));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("psvariable", typeof(PSVariable));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("type", typeof(Type));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("psmoduleinfo", typeof(PSModuleInfo));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("powershell", typeof(PowerShell));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("runspacefactory", typeof(RunspaceFactory));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("runspace", typeof(Runspace));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("initialsessionstate", typeof(InitialSessionState));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("psscriptmethod", typeof(PSScriptMethod));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("psscriptproperty", typeof(PSScriptProperty));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("psnoteproperty", typeof(PSNoteProperty));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("psaliasproperty", typeof(PSAliasProperty));
builtinTypeAccelerators.Add("psvariableproperty", typeof(PSVariableProperty));
internal static string FindBuiltinAccelerator(Type type, string expectedKey = null)
// Taking attributes as special case. In this case, we only want to return the
// accelerator.
if (expectedKey == null || typeof(Attribute).IsAssignableFrom(type))
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Type> entry in builtinTypeAccelerators)
if (entry.Value == type)
return entry.Key;
Type resultType = null;
builtinTypeAccelerators.TryGetValue(expectedKey, out resultType);
if (resultType != null && resultType == type)
return expectedKey;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Add a type accelerator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeName">The type accelerator name.</param>
/// <param name="type">The type of the type accelerator.</param>
public static void Add(string typeName, Type type)
userTypeAccelerators[typeName] = type;
if (s_allTypeAccelerators != null)
s_allTypeAccelerators[typeName] = type;
/// <summary>
/// Remove a type accelerator.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the accelerator was removed, false otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="typeName">The accelerator to remove.</param>
public static bool Remove(string typeName)
if (s_allTypeAccelerators != null)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This property is useful to tools that need to know what
/// type accelerators are available (e.g. to allow for autocompletion.)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The returned dictionary should be treated as read only. Changes made
/// to the dictionary will not affect PowerShell scripts in any way. Use
/// <see cref="TypeAccelerators.Add"/> and
/// <see cref="TypeAccelerators.Remove"/> to
/// affect the type resolution in PowerShell scripts.
/// </remarks>
public static Dictionary<string, Type> Get
if (s_allTypeAccelerators == null)
s_allTypeAccelerators = new Dictionary<string, Type>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return s_allTypeAccelerators;
internal static void FillCache(Dictionary<string, Type> cache)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Type> val in builtinTypeAccelerators)
cache.Add(val.Key, val.Value);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Type> val in userTypeAccelerators)
cache.Add(val.Key, val.Value);