xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

1874 lines
74 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
internal static class VariablePathExtensions
internal static bool IsAnyLocal(this VariablePath variablePath)
return variablePath.IsUnscopedVariable || variablePath.IsLocal || variablePath.IsPrivate;
internal class VariableAnalysisDetails
internal VariableAnalysisDetails()
this.AssociatedAsts = new List<Ast>();
public int BitIndex { get; set; }
public int LocalTupleIndex { get; set; }
public Type Type { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Automatic { get; set; }
public bool PreferenceVariable { get; set; }
public bool Assigned { get; set; }
public List<Ast> AssociatedAsts { get; }
internal sealed class FindAllVariablesVisitor : AstVisitor
private static readonly HashSet<string> s_hashOfPessimizingCmdlets = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static readonly string[] s_pessimizingCmdlets = new string[]
static FindAllVariablesVisitor()
foreach (var cmdlet in s_pessimizingCmdlets)
internal static Dictionary<string, VariableAnalysisDetails> Visit(TrapStatementAst trap)
// We disable optimizations for trap because it simplifies what we need to do when invoking
// the trap, and it's assumed that the code inside a trap rarely, if ever, actually creates
// any local variables.
var visitor = new FindAllVariablesVisitor(disableOptimizations: true, scriptCmdlet: false);
return visitor._variables;
// Used to analyze an expression that is invoked separately, i.e. a default argument.
internal static Dictionary<string, VariableAnalysisDetails> Visit(ExpressionAst exprAst)
// We disable optimizations for default expressions because it simplifies what we need to do when
// invoking the default expression, and it's assumed that the code inside a trap rarely, if ever,
// actually creates any local variables.
var visitor = new FindAllVariablesVisitor(disableOptimizations: true, scriptCmdlet: false);
return visitor._variables;
internal static Dictionary<string, VariableAnalysisDetails> Visit(IParameterMetadataProvider ast,
bool disableOptimizations,
bool scriptCmdlet,
out int localsAllocated,
out bool forceNoOptimizing)
var visitor = new FindAllVariablesVisitor(disableOptimizations, scriptCmdlet);
// Visit the body before the parameters so we don't allocate any tuple slots for parameters
// if we won't be optimizing because of a call to new-variable/remove-variable, etc.
forceNoOptimizing = visitor._disableOptimizations;
if (ast.Parameters != null)
localsAllocated = visitor._variables.Count(static details => details.Value.LocalTupleIndex != VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed);
return visitor._variables;
private bool _disableOptimizations;
private readonly Dictionary<string, VariableAnalysisDetails> _variables
= new Dictionary<string, VariableAnalysisDetails>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private FindAllVariablesVisitor(bool disableOptimizations, bool scriptCmdlet)
_disableOptimizations = disableOptimizations;
var automaticVariables = SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariables;
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.Underbar) == (int)AutomaticVariable.Underbar,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (0)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.Args) == (int)AutomaticVariable.Args,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (1)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.This) == (int)AutomaticVariable.This,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (2)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.Input) == (int)AutomaticVariable.Input,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (3)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.PSCmdlet) == (int)AutomaticVariable.PSCmdlet,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (4)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.PSBoundParameters) == (int)AutomaticVariable.PSBoundParameters,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (5)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.MyInvocation) == (int)AutomaticVariable.MyInvocation,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (6)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.PSScriptRoot) == (int)AutomaticVariable.PSScriptRoot,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (7)");
Diagnostics.Assert(Array.IndexOf(automaticVariables, SpecialVariables.PSCommandPath) == (int)AutomaticVariable.PSCommandPath,
"automaticVariables order is incorrect (8)");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < automaticVariables.Length; ++i)
NoteVariable(automaticVariables[i], i, SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariableTypes[i], automatic: true);
if (scriptCmdlet)
var preferenceVariables = SpecialVariables.PreferenceVariables;
for (i = 0; i < preferenceVariables.Length; ++i)
NoteVariable(preferenceVariables[i], i + (int)AutomaticVariable.NumberOfAutomaticVariables,
SpecialVariables.PreferenceVariableTypes[i], preferenceVariable: true);
NoteVariable(SpecialVariables.Question, VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed, typeof(bool), automatic: true);
private void VisitParameters(ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterAst> parameters)
foreach (ParameterAst t in parameters)
var variableExpressionAst = t.Name;
var varPath = variableExpressionAst.VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsAnyLocal())
var variableName = VariableAnalysis.GetUnaliasedVariableName(varPath);
VariableAnalysisDetails analysisDetails;
if (_variables.TryGetValue(variableName, out analysisDetails))
// Forget whatever type we deduced in the body, we'll revisit that type after walking
// the flow graph. We should see the parameter type for the variable first.
analysisDetails.Type = t.StaticType;
// If the parameter has no default value, we can't allocate a strongly typed
// slot in the tuple. This only matters for value types where we allow
// comparisons with $null and don't try to convert the $null value to the
// valuetype because the parameter has no value yet. For example:
// & { param([System.Reflection.MemberTypes]$m) ($null -eq $m) }
object unused;
if (!Compiler.TryGetDefaultParameterValue(analysisDetails.Type, out unused))
analysisDetails.LocalTupleIndex = VariableAnalysis.ForceDynamic;
NoteVariable(variableName, VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed, t.StaticType);
// Add a variable to the variable dictionary
private void NoteVariable(string variableName, int index, Type type, bool automatic = false, bool preferenceVariable = false)
if (!_variables.ContainsKey(variableName))
var details = new VariableAnalysisDetails
BitIndex = _variables.Count,
LocalTupleIndex = index,
Name = variableName,
Type = type,
Automatic = automatic,
PreferenceVariable = preferenceVariable,
Assigned = false,
_variables.Add(variableName, details);
public override AstVisitAction VisitDataStatement(DataStatementAst dataStatementAst)
if (dataStatementAst.Variable != null)
NoteVariable(dataStatementAst.Variable, VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed, null);
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementAst switchStatementAst)
NoteVariable(SpecialVariables.@switch, VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed, typeof(IEnumerator));
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitForEachStatement(ForEachStatementAst forEachStatementAst)
NoteVariable(SpecialVariables.@foreach, VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed, typeof(IEnumerator));
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitVariableExpression(VariableExpressionAst variableExpressionAst)
var varPath = variableExpressionAst.VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsAnyLocal())
if (varPath.IsPrivate)
// TODO: force just this variable to be dynamic, not all variables.
_disableOptimizations = true;
NoteVariable(VariableAnalysis.GetUnaliasedVariableName(varPath), VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed, null);
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
private int _runtimeUsingIndex;
public override AstVisitAction VisitUsingExpression(UsingExpressionAst usingExpressionAst)
// On the local machine, we may have set the index because of a call to ScriptBlockToPowerShell or Invoke-Command.
// On the remote machine, the index probably isn't set yet, so we set it here, mostly to avoid another pass
// over the ast. We assert below to ensure we're setting to the same value in both the local and remote cases.
if (usingExpressionAst.RuntimeUsingIndex == -1)
usingExpressionAst.RuntimeUsingIndex = _runtimeUsingIndex;
Diagnostics.Assert(usingExpressionAst.RuntimeUsingIndex == _runtimeUsingIndex, "Logic error in visiting using expressions.");
_runtimeUsingIndex += 1;
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitCommand(CommandAst commandAst)
var commandName = commandAst.CommandElements[0] as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (commandName != null && s_hashOfPessimizingCmdlets.Contains(commandName.Value))
// TODO: psuedo-bind the command invocation to figure out the variable and only force that variable to be unoptimized
_disableOptimizations = true;
if (commandAst.InvocationOperator == TokenKind.Dot)
// For code like:
// & { . { [string]$x = "abc" }; $x = 42; $x.GetType() }
// We expect $x to be of type string, not int.
// If we optimize, we'll end up throwing an error because the variable created in dotting is not consistent with the first
// assignment to $x in the outer scope. To support this scenario, we'll disable optimizing when dotting.
// This is not a complete fix - some cmdlets (like foreach-object) dot scripts. We don't want to disable optimizations
// unnecessarily (foreach-object is used heavily). This issue rarely comes up in foreach-object, so we'll live with the
// errors. (See VariableNotWritableRare for the errors that happen when this issue arises.)
_disableOptimizations = true;
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
public override AstVisitAction VisitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAst functionDefinitionAst)
// We don't want to discover any variables in nested functions - they get their own scope.
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
public override AstVisitAction VisitScriptBlockExpression(ScriptBlockExpressionAst scriptBlockExpressionAst)
// We don't want to discover any variables in script block expressions - they get their own scope.
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
public override AstVisitAction VisitTrap(TrapStatementAst trapStatementAst)
// We don't want to discover any variables in traps - they get their own scope.
return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
internal class VariableAnalysis : ICustomAstVisitor2
// Tuple slots start at index 0. >= 0 means a variable is allocated in the tuple. -1 means we haven't
// analyzed a specific use of a variable and don't know what slot it might be assigned to yet.
internal const int Unanalyzed = -1;
// In some cases, we want to force a variable to not be allocated in the tuple, but instead use the variable
// table along with a PSVariable instance. For example,
// 1. if a variable's type might change in the same scope;
// 2. if there might be any validation attributes or more than one argument conversion
// 3. if there is one argument conversion but the conversion type cannot be resolved at compile time (it's
// possible that the assembly containing the type would be loaded during runtime)
// in these cases, we rely on the setter PSVariable.Value to handle those attributes.
internal const int ForceDynamic = -2;
private sealed class LoopGotoTargets
internal LoopGotoTargets(string label, Block breakTarget, Block continueTarget)
this.Label = label;
this.BreakTarget = breakTarget;
this.ContinueTarget = continueTarget;
internal string Label { get; }
internal Block BreakTarget { get; }
internal Block ContinueTarget { get; }
private sealed class Block
internal readonly List<Ast> _asts = new List<Ast>();
private readonly List<Block> _successors = new List<Block>();
internal readonly List<Block> _predecessors = new List<Block>();
internal object _visitData;
internal bool _throws;
internal bool _returns;
internal bool _unreachable { get; private set; }
// Only Entry block, that can be constructed via NewEntryBlock() is reachable initially.
// all other blocks are unreachable.
// reachability of block should be proved with FlowsTo() calls.
public Block()
this._unreachable = true;
public static Block NewEntryBlock()
return new Block(unreachable: false);
private Block(bool unreachable)
this._unreachable = unreachable;
/// <summary>
/// Tell flow analysis that this block can flow to next block.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="next"></param>
internal void FlowsTo(Block next)
if (_successors.IndexOf(next) < 0)
if (!_unreachable)
next._unreachable = false;
internal void AddAst(Ast ast)
Diagnostics.Assert(ast is VariableExpressionAst || ast is AssignmentTarget || ast is DataStatementAst,
"Only add variables and assignments");
internal static List<Block> GenerateReverseDepthFirstOrder(Block block)
List<Block> result = new List<Block>();
VisitDepthFirstOrder(block, result);
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
result[i]._visitData = null;
return result;
private static void VisitDepthFirstOrder(Block block, List<Block> visitData)
if (ReferenceEquals(block._visitData, visitData))
block._visitData = visitData;
foreach (Block succ in block._successors)
VisitDepthFirstOrder(succ, visitData);
private sealed class AssignmentTarget : Ast
internal readonly ExpressionAst _targetAst;
internal readonly string _variableName;
internal readonly Type _type;
public AssignmentTarget(ExpressionAst targetExpressionAst)
: base(PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent)
this._targetAst = targetExpressionAst;
public AssignmentTarget(string variableName, Type type)
: base(PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent)
this._variableName = variableName;
this._type = type;
public override Ast Copy()
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "This code is unreachable.");
return null;
internal override object Accept(ICustomAstVisitor visitor)
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "This code is unreachable.");
return null;
internal override AstVisitAction InternalVisit(AstVisitor visitor)
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "This code is unreachable.");
return AstVisitAction.Continue;
internal static string GetUnaliasedVariableName(string varName)
return varName.Equals(SpecialVariables.PSItem, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
? SpecialVariables.Underbar
: varName;
internal static string GetUnaliasedVariableName(VariablePath varPath)
return GetUnaliasedVariableName(varPath.UnqualifiedPath);
// At compile time, we know specific variables are allscope and we can't optimize assignments. This hashset must remain
// constant though - it only contains variable names known to _always_ be allscope. For other names, we need a special
// check before choosing to run the optimized code or unoptimized (dotted) version which will correctly handle allscope
// assignments.
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> s_allScopeVariables = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>(1, 16, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
internal static void NoteAllScopeVariable(string variableName)
s_allScopeVariables.GetOrAdd(variableName, true);
internal static bool AnyVariablesCouldBeAllScope(Dictionary<string, int> variableNames)
return variableNames.Any(static keyValuePair => s_allScopeVariables.ContainsKey(keyValuePair.Key));
private Dictionary<string, VariableAnalysisDetails> _variables;
private Block _entryBlock;
private Block _exitBlock;
private Block _currentBlock;
private bool _disableOptimizations;
private readonly List<LoopGotoTargets> _loopTargets = new List<LoopGotoTargets>();
private int _localsAllocated;
// Used to analyze an expression that is invoked separately, i.e. a default argument.
internal static Tuple<Type, Dictionary<string, int>> AnalyzeExpression(ExpressionAst exprAst)
return (new VariableAnalysis()).AnalyzeImpl(exprAst);
private Tuple<Type, Dictionary<string, int>> AnalyzeImpl(ExpressionAst exprAst)
_variables = FindAllVariablesVisitor.Visit(exprAst);
// We disable optimizations for expression because it simplifies what we need to do when invoking
// the default argument, and it's assumed that the code inside a default argument rarely, if ever, actually creates
// any local variables.
_disableOptimizations = true;
_localsAllocated = SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariables.Length;
_currentBlock = _entryBlock;
return FinishAnalysis();
internal static Tuple<Type, Dictionary<string, int>> AnalyzeTrap(TrapStatementAst trap)
return (new VariableAnalysis()).AnalyzeImpl(trap);
private Tuple<Type, Dictionary<string, int>> AnalyzeImpl(TrapStatementAst trap)
_variables = FindAllVariablesVisitor.Visit(trap);
// We disable optimizations for trap because it simplifies what we need to do when invoking
// the trap, and it's assumed that the code inside a trap rarely, if ever, actually creates
// any local variables.
_disableOptimizations = true;
_localsAllocated = SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariables.Length;
_currentBlock = _entryBlock;
return FinishAnalysis();
private void Init()
_entryBlock = Block.NewEntryBlock();
_exitBlock = new Block();
internal static Tuple<Type, Dictionary<string, int>> Analyze(IParameterMetadataProvider ast, bool disableOptimizations, bool scriptCmdlet)
return (new VariableAnalysis()).AnalyzeImpl(ast, disableOptimizations, scriptCmdlet);
/// <summary>
/// Analyze a member function, marking variable references as "dynamic" (so they can be reported as errors)
/// and also analyze the control flow to make sure every block returns (or throws)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ast"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static bool AnalyzeMemberFunction(FunctionMemberAst ast)
VariableAnalysis va = (new VariableAnalysis());
va.AnalyzeImpl(ast, false, false);
return va._exitBlock._predecessors.All(static b => b._returns || b._throws || b._unreachable);
private Tuple<Type, Dictionary<string, int>> AnalyzeImpl(IParameterMetadataProvider ast, bool disableOptimizations, bool scriptCmdlet)
_variables = FindAllVariablesVisitor.Visit(ast, disableOptimizations, scriptCmdlet, out _localsAllocated, out _disableOptimizations);
if (ast.Parameters != null)
foreach (var parameter in ast.Parameters)
var variablePath = parameter.Name.VariablePath;
if (variablePath.IsAnyLocal())
bool anyAttributes = false;
int countConverts = -1; // First convert is really the parameter type, so it doesn't count
Type type = null;
bool anyUnresolvedTypes = false;
foreach (var paramAst in parameter.Attributes)
if (paramAst is TypeConstraintAst)
countConverts += 1;
if (type == null)
type = paramAst.TypeName.GetReflectionType();
if (type == null)
anyUnresolvedTypes = true;
var attrType = paramAst.TypeName.GetReflectionAttributeType();
if (attrType == null)
anyUnresolvedTypes = true;
else if (typeof(ValidateArgumentsAttribute).IsAssignableFrom(attrType)
|| typeof(ArgumentTransformationAttribute).IsAssignableFrom(attrType))
// If there are any attributes that have semantic meaning, we need to use a PSVariable.
anyAttributes = true;
var varName = GetUnaliasedVariableName(variablePath);
var details = _variables[varName];
details.Assigned = true;
type ??= details.Type ?? typeof(object);
// automatic and preference variables are pre-allocated, so they can't be unallocated
// and forced to be dynamic.
// unresolved types can happen at parse time
// [ref] parameters are forced to dynamic so that we can assign $null in the parameter
// binder w/o conversions kicking in (the setter in MutableTuple will convert $null to PSReference<Null>
// but that won't happen if we create a PSVariable (this is an ugly hack, but it works.)
if ((anyAttributes || anyUnresolvedTypes || countConverts > 0 || typeof(PSReference).IsAssignableFrom(type) || MustBeBoxed(type)) &&
!details.Automatic && !details.PreferenceVariable)
details.LocalTupleIndex = ForceDynamic;
_entryBlock.AddAst(new AssignmentTarget(varName, type));
return FinishAnalysis(scriptCmdlet);
private Tuple<Type, Dictionary<string, int>> FinishAnalysis(bool scriptCmdlet = false)
var blocks = Block.GenerateReverseDepthFirstOrder(_entryBlock);
// The first block has no predecessors, so analyze outside the loop to "prime" the bitarray.
var bitArray = new BitArray(_variables.Count);
blocks[0]._visitData = bitArray;
AnalyzeBlock(bitArray, blocks[0]);
for (int index = 1; index < blocks.Count; index++)
var block = blocks[index];
bitArray = new BitArray(_variables.Count);
block._visitData = bitArray;
int predCount = 0;
foreach (var pred in block._predecessors)
// VisitData can be null when the pred occurs because of a continue statement.
if (pred._visitData != null)
predCount += 1;
Diagnostics.Assert(predCount != 0, "If we didn't and anything, there is a flaw in the logic and incorrect code may be generated.");
AnalyzeBlock(bitArray, block);
Diagnostics.Assert(_exitBlock._predecessors.All(p => p._unreachable || p._visitData is BitArray), "VisitData wasn't set on a reachable block");
foreach (var details in _variables.Values)
if (details.LocalTupleIndex == ForceDynamic)
foreach (var ast in details.AssociatedAsts)
FixTupleIndex(ast, ForceDynamic);
FixAssigned(ast, details);
// Automatic variables from 'SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariables' usually are pre-allocated,
// but there could be situations where some of them are forced to be dynamic. We need to count
// them in when creating tuple slots in such cases to make sure we create enough slots.
// However, $? is not a real automatic variable from 'SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariables'
// even though it's marked as so, and thus we need to exclude it.
var orderedLocals = (from details in _variables.Values
where (details.LocalTupleIndex >= 0 || (details.LocalTupleIndex == ForceDynamic &&
details.Automatic &&
details.Name != SpecialVariables.Question))
orderby details.LocalTupleIndex
select details).ToArray();
|| orderedLocals.Length == (int)AutomaticVariable.NumberOfAutomaticVariables +
(scriptCmdlet ? SpecialVariables.PreferenceVariables.Length : 0),
"analysis is incorrectly allocating number of locals when optimizations are disabled.");
var nameToIndexMap = new Dictionary<string, int>(0, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
for (int i = 0; i < orderedLocals.Length; ++i)
var details = orderedLocals[i];
var name = details.Name;
nameToIndexMap.Add(name, i);
if (details.LocalTupleIndex != i)
foreach (var ast in details.AssociatedAsts)
FixTupleIndex(ast, i);
// Automatic variables assign the type directly, not relying on any analysis. For
// all other variables, we don't determine the type of the local until we're done
// with the analysis.
Diagnostics.Assert(details.Type != null, "Type should be resolved already");
var tupleType = MutableTuple.MakeTupleType((from l in orderedLocals select l.Type).ToArray());
return Tuple.Create(tupleType, nameToIndexMap);
private static bool MustBeBoxed(Type type)
// We need to box mutable value types so that member operations like
// $value.Property = 42
// We make sure we never allocate an instance of such mutable types in the MutableType.
return (type.IsValueType && PSVariableAssignmentBinder.IsValueTypeMutable(type)) && typeof(SwitchParameter) != type;
private static void FixTupleIndex(Ast ast, int newIndex)
var variableAst = ast as VariableExpressionAst;
if (variableAst != null)
if (variableAst.TupleIndex != ForceDynamic)
variableAst.TupleIndex = newIndex;
var dataStatementAst = ast as DataStatementAst;
if (dataStatementAst != null)
if (dataStatementAst.TupleIndex != ForceDynamic)
dataStatementAst.TupleIndex = newIndex;
private static void FixAssigned(Ast ast, VariableAnalysisDetails details)
var variableAst = ast as VariableExpressionAst;
if (variableAst != null && details.Assigned)
variableAst.Assigned = true;
private void AnalyzeBlock(BitArray assignedBitArray, Block block)
foreach (var ast in block._asts)
var variableExpressionAst = ast as VariableExpressionAst;
if (variableExpressionAst != null)
var varPath = variableExpressionAst.VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsAnyLocal())
var varName = GetUnaliasedVariableName(varPath);
var details = _variables[varName];
if (details.Automatic)
variableExpressionAst.TupleIndex = details.LocalTupleIndex;
variableExpressionAst.Automatic = true;
variableExpressionAst.TupleIndex = assignedBitArray[details.BitIndex] && !details.PreferenceVariable
? details.LocalTupleIndex
: VariableAnalysis.ForceDynamic;
var assignmentTarget = ast as AssignmentTarget;
if (assignmentTarget != null)
if (assignmentTarget._targetAst != null)
CheckLHSAssign(assignmentTarget._targetAst, assignedBitArray);
CheckLHSAssignVar(assignmentTarget._variableName, assignedBitArray, assignmentTarget._type);
var dataStatementAst = ast as DataStatementAst;
if (dataStatementAst != null)
var details = CheckLHSAssignVar(dataStatementAst.Variable, assignedBitArray, typeof(object));
dataStatementAst.TupleIndex = details.LocalTupleIndex;
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Unexpected type in list of ASTs");
private void CheckLHSAssign(ExpressionAst lhs, BitArray assignedBitArray)
var convertExpr = lhs as ConvertExpressionAst;
Type convertType = null;
if (convertExpr != null)
lhs = convertExpr.Child;
convertType = convertExpr.StaticType;
var varExpr = lhs as VariableExpressionAst;
Diagnostics.Assert(varExpr != null, "unexpected ast type on lhs");
var varPath = varExpr.VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsAnyLocal())
var varName = GetUnaliasedVariableName(varPath);
if (convertType == null &&
(varName.Equals(SpecialVariables.@foreach, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
varName.Equals(SpecialVariables.@switch, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
// $switch/$foreach are normally typed as IEnumerator, but if the values are directly
// assigned (as opposed to implicitly assigned which goes directly to CheckLHSAssignVar),
// then force the type to object.
convertType = typeof(object);
VariableAnalysisDetails analysisDetails = CheckLHSAssignVar(varName, assignedBitArray, convertType);
analysisDetails.Assigned = true;
varExpr.TupleIndex = analysisDetails.LocalTupleIndex;
varExpr.Automatic = analysisDetails.Automatic;
varExpr.TupleIndex = VariableAnalysis.ForceDynamic;
private VariableAnalysisDetails CheckLHSAssignVar(string variableName, BitArray assignedBitArray, Type convertType)
var analysisDetails = _variables[variableName];
if (analysisDetails.LocalTupleIndex == VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed)
analysisDetails.LocalTupleIndex = _disableOptimizations || s_allScopeVariables.ContainsKey(variableName)
? VariableAnalysis.ForceDynamic
: _localsAllocated++;
if (convertType != null && MustBeBoxed(convertType))
analysisDetails.LocalTupleIndex = VariableAnalysis.ForceDynamic;
var type = analysisDetails.Type;
if (type == null)
analysisDetails.Type = convertType ?? typeof(object);
if (!assignedBitArray[analysisDetails.BitIndex] && convertType == null)
// The variable has not been assigned in the current flow control path, but has been on some other
// path (because the type was already assigned.) Make sure they are compatible by forcing a type comparison.
convertType = typeof(object);
if (convertType != null && !convertType.Equals(type))
if (analysisDetails.Automatic || analysisDetails.PreferenceVariable)
// Can't be dynamic, but we were optimistic that we could strongly type the automatic
// and it turns out we can't.
analysisDetails.Type = typeof(object);
analysisDetails.LocalTupleIndex = ForceDynamic;
assignedBitArray.Set(analysisDetails.BitIndex, true);
return analysisDetails;
public object VisitErrorStatement(ErrorStatementAst errorStatementAst)
return null;
public object VisitErrorExpression(ErrorExpressionAst errorExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitScriptBlock(ScriptBlockAst scriptBlockAst)
_currentBlock = _entryBlock;
if (scriptBlockAst.DynamicParamBlock != null)
if (scriptBlockAst.BeginBlock != null)
if (scriptBlockAst.ProcessBlock != null)
if (scriptBlockAst.EndBlock != null)
return null;
public object VisitParamBlock(ParamBlockAst paramBlockAst)
return null;
public object VisitNamedBlock(NamedBlockAst namedBlockAst)
// Don't visit traps - they get their own scope
return VisitStatementBlock(namedBlockAst.Statements);
public object VisitTypeConstraint(TypeConstraintAst typeConstraintAst)
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Code is unreachable");
return null;
public object VisitAttribute(AttributeAst attributeAst)
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Code is unreachable");
return null;
public object VisitNamedAttributeArgument(NamedAttributeArgumentAst namedAttributeArgumentAst)
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Code is unreachable");
return null;
public object VisitParameter(ParameterAst parameterAst)
// Nothing to do now, we've already allocated parameters in the first pass looking for all variable naems.
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Code is unreachable");
return null;
public object VisitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAst functionDefinitionAst)
// Don't recurse into the function definition, it's variables are distinct from the script block
// we're currently analyzing.
return null;
public object VisitStatementBlock(StatementBlockAst statementBlockAst)
// Don't visit traps - they get their own scope
return VisitStatementBlock(statementBlockAst.Statements);
private object VisitStatementBlock(ReadOnlyCollection<StatementAst> statements)
foreach (var stmt in statements)
return null;
public object VisitIfStatement(IfStatementAst ifStmtAst)
Block afterStmt = new Block();
if (ifStmtAst.ElseClause == null)
// There is no else, flow can go straight to afterStmt.
int clauseCount = ifStmtAst.Clauses.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < clauseCount; i++)
var clause = ifStmtAst.Clauses[i];
bool isLastClause = (i == (clauseCount - 1) && ifStmtAst.ElseClause == null);
Block clauseBlock = new Block();
Block nextBlock = isLastClause ? afterStmt : new Block();
_currentBlock = clauseBlock;
_currentBlock = nextBlock;
if (ifStmtAst.ElseClause != null)
_currentBlock = afterStmt;
return null;
public object VisitTernaryExpression(TernaryExpressionAst ternaryExpressionAst)
var ifTrue = new Block();
var ifFalse = new Block();
var after = new Block();
_currentBlock = ifTrue;
_currentBlock = ifFalse;
_currentBlock = after;
return null;
public object VisitTrap(TrapStatementAst trapStatementAst)
return null;
public object VisitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementAst switchStatementAst)
var details = _variables[SpecialVariables.@switch];
if (details.LocalTupleIndex == VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed && !_disableOptimizations)
details.LocalTupleIndex = _localsAllocated++;
Action generateCondition = () =>
// $switch is set after evaluating the condition.
_currentBlock.AddAst(new AssignmentTarget(SpecialVariables.@switch, typeof(IEnumerator)));
Action switchBodyGenerator = () =>
bool hasDefault = (switchStatementAst.Default != null);
Block afterStmt = new Block();
int clauseCount = switchStatementAst.Clauses.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < clauseCount; i++)
var clause = switchStatementAst.Clauses[i];
Block clauseBlock = new Block();
bool isLastClause = (i == (clauseCount - 1) && !hasDefault);
Block nextBlock = isLastClause ? afterStmt : new Block();
_currentBlock = clauseBlock;
if (!isLastClause)
_currentBlock = nextBlock;
if (hasDefault)
// If any clause was executed, we skip the default, so there is always a branch over the default.
_currentBlock = afterStmt;
GenerateWhileLoop(switchStatementAst.Label, generateCondition, switchBodyGenerator);
return null;
public object VisitDataStatement(DataStatementAst dataStatementAst)
if (dataStatementAst.Variable != null)
return null;
private void GenerateWhileLoop(string loopLabel,
Action generateCondition,
Action generateLoopBody,
Ast continueAction = null)
// We model the flow graph like this (if continueAction is null, the first part is slightly different):
// goto L
// :ContinueTarget
// continueAction
// :L
// if (condition)
// {
// loop body
// // break -> goto BreakTarget
// // continue -> goto ContinueTarget
// goto ContinueTarget
// }
// :BreakTarget
var continueBlock = new Block();
if (continueAction != null)
var blockAfterContinue = new Block();
// Represent the goto over the condition before the first iteration.
_currentBlock = continueBlock;
_currentBlock = blockAfterContinue;
_currentBlock = continueBlock;
var bodyBlock = new Block();
var breakBlock = new Block();
// Condition can be null from an uncommon for loop: for() {}
if (generateCondition != null)
_loopTargets.Add(new LoopGotoTargets(loopLabel ?? string.Empty, breakBlock, continueBlock));
_currentBlock = bodyBlock;
_currentBlock = breakBlock;
_loopTargets.RemoveAt(_loopTargets.Count - 1);
private void GenerateDoLoop(LoopStatementAst loopStatement)
// We model the flow graph like this:
// :RepeatTarget
// loop body
// // break -> goto BreakTarget
// // continue -> goto ContinueTarget
// :ContinueTarget
// if (condition)
// {
// goto RepeatTarget
// }
// :BreakTarget
var continueBlock = new Block();
var bodyBlock = new Block();
var breakBlock = new Block();
var gotoRepeatTargetBlock = new Block();
_loopTargets.Add(new LoopGotoTargets(loopStatement.Label ?? string.Empty, breakBlock, continueBlock));
_currentBlock = bodyBlock;
_currentBlock = continueBlock;
_currentBlock = gotoRepeatTargetBlock;
_currentBlock = breakBlock;
_loopTargets.RemoveAt(_loopTargets.Count - 1);
public object VisitForEachStatement(ForEachStatementAst forEachStatementAst)
var foreachDetails = _variables[SpecialVariables.@foreach];
if (foreachDetails.LocalTupleIndex == VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed && !_disableOptimizations)
foreachDetails.LocalTupleIndex = _localsAllocated++;
var afterFor = new Block();
Action generateCondition = () =>
// The loop might not be executed, so add flow around the loop.
// $foreach and the iterator variable are set after evaluating the condition.
_currentBlock.AddAst(new AssignmentTarget(SpecialVariables.@foreach, typeof(IEnumerator)));
_currentBlock.AddAst(new AssignmentTarget(forEachStatementAst.Variable));
GenerateWhileLoop(forEachStatementAst.Label, generateCondition, () => forEachStatementAst.Body.Accept(this));
_currentBlock = afterFor;
return null;
public object VisitDoWhileStatement(DoWhileStatementAst doWhileStatementAst)
return null;
public object VisitDoUntilStatement(DoUntilStatementAst doUntilStatementAst)
return null;
public object VisitForStatement(ForStatementAst forStatementAst)
if (forStatementAst.Initializer != null)
var generateCondition = forStatementAst.Condition != null
? () => forStatementAst.Condition.Accept(this)
: (Action)null;
GenerateWhileLoop(forStatementAst.Label, generateCondition, () => forStatementAst.Body.Accept(this),
return null;
public object VisitWhileStatement(WhileStatementAst whileStatementAst)
() => whileStatementAst.Condition.Accept(this),
() => whileStatementAst.Body.Accept(this));
return null;
public object VisitCatchClause(CatchClauseAst catchClauseAst)
return null;
public object VisitTryStatement(TryStatementAst tryStatementAst)
// We don't attempt to accurately model flow in a try catch because every statement
// can flow to each catch. Instead, we'll assume the try block is not executed (because the very first statement
// may throw), and have the data flow assume the block before the try is all that can reach the catches and finally.
var blockBeforeTry = _currentBlock;
_currentBlock = new Block();
Block lastBlockInTry = _currentBlock;
var finallyFirstBlock = tryStatementAst.Finally == null ? null : new Block();
Block finallyLastBlock = null;
// This is the first block after all the catches and finally (if present).
var afterTry = new Block();
bool isCatchAllPresent = false;
foreach (var catchAst in tryStatementAst.CatchClauses)
if (catchAst.IsCatchAll)
isCatchAllPresent = true;
// Any statement in the try block could throw and reach the catch, so assume the worst (from a data
// flow perspective) and make the predecessor to the catch the block before entering the try.
_currentBlock = new Block();
_currentBlock.FlowsTo(finallyFirstBlock ?? afterTry);
if (finallyFirstBlock != null)
_currentBlock = finallyFirstBlock;
finallyLastBlock = _currentBlock;
// For finally block, there are 2 cases: when try-body throw and when it doesn't.
// For these two cases value of 'finallyLastBlock._throws' would be different.
if (!isCatchAllPresent)
// This flow exist only, if there is no catch for all exceptions.
var rethrowAfterFinallyBlock = new Block();
rethrowAfterFinallyBlock._throws = true;
// This flow always exists.
_currentBlock = afterTry;
return null;
private void BreakOrContinue(ExpressionAst label, Func<LoopGotoTargets, Block> fieldSelector)
Block targetBlock = null;
if (label != null)
if (_loopTargets.Count > 0)
var labelStrAst = label as StringConstantExpressionAst;
if (labelStrAst != null)
targetBlock = (from t in _loopTargets
where t.Label.Equals(labelStrAst.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
select fieldSelector(t)).LastOrDefault();
else if (_loopTargets.Count > 0)
targetBlock = fieldSelector(_loopTargets.Last());
if (targetBlock == null)
// We need to report an error about bad break statement here
_currentBlock._throws = true;
// The next block is unreachable, but is necessary to keep the flow graph correct.
_currentBlock = new Block();
public object VisitBreakStatement(BreakStatementAst breakStatementAst)
BreakOrContinue(breakStatementAst.Label, static t => t.BreakTarget);
return null;
public object VisitContinueStatement(ContinueStatementAst continueStatementAst)
BreakOrContinue(continueStatementAst.Label, static t => t.ContinueTarget);
return null;
private Block ControlFlowStatement(PipelineBaseAst pipelineAst)
if (pipelineAst != null)
var lastBlockInStatement = _currentBlock;
_currentBlock = new Block();
return lastBlockInStatement;
public object VisitReturnStatement(ReturnStatementAst returnStatementAst)
ControlFlowStatement(returnStatementAst.Pipeline)._returns = true;
return null;
public object VisitExitStatement(ExitStatementAst exitStatementAst)
ControlFlowStatement(exitStatementAst.Pipeline)._throws = true;
return null;
public object VisitThrowStatement(ThrowStatementAst throwStatementAst)
// Even if we are in try-catch, we still can safely assume that flow can go to exit from here.
// Additional exit point would not affect correctness of analysis: we handle throwing of any statement inside try-body in VisitTryStatement.
ControlFlowStatement(throwStatementAst.Pipeline)._throws = true;
return null;
private static IEnumerable<ExpressionAst> GetAssignmentTargets(ExpressionAst expressionAst)
var parenExpr = expressionAst as ParenExpressionAst;
if (parenExpr != null)
foreach (var e in GetAssignmentTargets(parenExpr.Pipeline.GetPureExpression()))
yield return e;
var arrayLiteral = expressionAst as ArrayLiteralAst;
if (arrayLiteral != null)
foreach (var e in arrayLiteral.Elements.SelectMany(GetAssignmentTargets))
yield return e;
yield return expressionAst;
public object VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatementAst assignmentStatementAst)
foreach (var assignTarget in GetAssignmentTargets(assignmentStatementAst.Left))
bool anyAttributes = false;
int convertCount = 0;
ConvertExpressionAst convertAst = null;
var leftAst = assignTarget;
while (leftAst is AttributedExpressionAst)
convertCount += 1;
convertAst = leftAst as ConvertExpressionAst;
if (convertAst == null)
anyAttributes = true;
leftAst = ((AttributedExpressionAst)leftAst).Child;
if (leftAst is VariableExpressionAst)
// Two below if statements are similar, but there is a difference:
// The first one tells us about the dynamic nature of the local type.
// The second one tells us about the assignment, that happens in this block.
// Potentially there could be more complicated cases like [int[]]($a, $b) = (1,2)
// We don't handle them at all in the variable analysis.
if (anyAttributes || convertCount > 1 ||
(convertAst != null && convertAst.Type.TypeName.GetReflectionType() == null))
var varPath = ((VariableExpressionAst)leftAst).VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsAnyLocal())
var details = _variables[GetUnaliasedVariableName(varPath)];
details.LocalTupleIndex = ForceDynamic;
if (!anyAttributes && convertCount <= 1)
_currentBlock.AddAst(new AssignmentTarget(assignTarget));
// We're not assigning to a simple variable, so visit the left so that variable references get
// marked with their proper tuple slots.
return null;
public object VisitPipeline(PipelineAst pipelineAst)
bool invokesCommand = false;
foreach (var command in pipelineAst.PipelineElements)
if (command is CommandAst)
invokesCommand = true;
foreach (var redir in command.Redirections)
// Because non-local gotos are supported, we must model them in the flow graph. We can't detect them
// in general, so we must be pessimistic and assume any command invocation could result in non-local
// break or continue, so add the appropriate edges to our graph. These edges occur after visiting
// the command elements because command arguments could create new blocks, and we won't have executed
// the command yet.
if (invokesCommand && _loopTargets.Count > 0)
foreach (var loopTarget in _loopTargets)
// The rest of the block is potentially unreachable, so split the current block.
var newBlock = new Block();
_currentBlock = newBlock;
return null;
public object VisitCommand(CommandAst commandAst)
foreach (var element in commandAst.CommandElements)
return null;
public object VisitCommandExpression(CommandExpressionAst commandExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitCommandParameter(CommandParameterAst commandParameterAst)
if (commandParameterAst.Argument != null)
return null;
public object VisitFileRedirection(FileRedirectionAst fileRedirectionAst)
return null;
public object VisitMergingRedirection(MergingRedirectionAst mergingRedirectionAst)
return null;
public object VisitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpressionAst binaryExpressionAst)
if (binaryExpressionAst.Operator == TokenKind.And || binaryExpressionAst.Operator == TokenKind.Or)
// Logical and/or are short circuit operators, so we need to simulate the control flow. The
// left operand is always evaluated, visit it's expression in the current block.
// The right operand is conditionally evaluated. We aren't generating any code here, just
// modeling the flow graph, so we just visit the right operand in a new block, and have
// both the current and new blocks flow to a post-expression block.
var targetBlock = new Block();
var nextBlock = new Block();
_currentBlock = nextBlock;
_currentBlock = targetBlock;
return null;
public object VisitUnaryExpression(UnaryExpressionAst unaryExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitConvertExpression(ConvertExpressionAst convertExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitConstantExpression(ConstantExpressionAst constantExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitStringConstantExpression(StringConstantExpressionAst stringConstantExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitSubExpression(SubExpressionAst subExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitUsingExpression(UsingExpressionAst usingExpressionAst)
// The SubExpression is not visited, we treat this expression like it is a constant that is replaced
// before the script block is executed
return null;
public object VisitVariableExpression(VariableExpressionAst variableExpressionAst)
var varPath = variableExpressionAst.VariablePath;
if (varPath.IsAnyLocal())
var details = _variables[GetUnaliasedVariableName(varPath)];
// If the variable has already been allocated, we don't need to visit it again later.
if (details.LocalTupleIndex != VariableAnalysis.Unanalyzed)
variableExpressionAst.TupleIndex = details.PreferenceVariable ? ForceDynamic : details.LocalTupleIndex;
variableExpressionAst.Automatic = details.Automatic;
// Save the variable reference in the current block so it can be marked later with
// the allocated tuple index if the variable is assigned in all paths to this reference.
// Either way - if we later discover an inconsistency and need to force this reference to be dynamic,
// keep track of the ast so that it is possible.
variableExpressionAst.TupleIndex = VariableAnalysis.ForceDynamic;
return null;
public object VisitTypeExpression(TypeExpressionAst typeExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitMemberExpression(MemberExpressionAst memberExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitInvokeMemberExpression(InvokeMemberExpressionAst invokeMemberExpressionAst)
if (invokeMemberExpressionAst.Arguments != null)
foreach (var arg in invokeMemberExpressionAst.Arguments)
return null;
public object VisitArrayExpression(ArrayExpressionAst arrayExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitArrayLiteral(ArrayLiteralAst arrayLiteralAst)
foreach (var element in arrayLiteralAst.Elements)
return null;
public object VisitHashtable(HashtableAst hashtableAst)
foreach (var pair in hashtableAst.KeyValuePairs)
return null;
public object VisitScriptBlockExpression(ScriptBlockExpressionAst scriptBlockExpressionAst)
// Don't recurse into the script block, it's variables are distinct from the script block
// we're currently analyzing.
return null;
public object VisitParenExpression(ParenExpressionAst parenExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitExpandableStringExpression(ExpandableStringExpressionAst expandableStringExpressionAst)
foreach (var expr in expandableStringExpressionAst.NestedExpressions)
return null;
public object VisitIndexExpression(IndexExpressionAst indexExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitAttributedExpression(AttributedExpressionAst attributedExpressionAst)
return null;
public object VisitBlockStatement(BlockStatementAst blockStatementAst)
return null;
public object VisitTypeDefinition(TypeDefinitionAst typeDefinitionAst) => null;
public object VisitPropertyMember(PropertyMemberAst propertyMemberAst) => null;
public object VisitFunctionMember(FunctionMemberAst functionMemberAst) => null;
public object VisitBaseCtorInvokeMemberExpression(BaseCtorInvokeMemberExpressionAst baseCtorInvokeMemberExpressionAst) => null;
public object VisitUsingStatement(UsingStatementAst usingStatement) => null;
public object VisitConfigurationDefinition(ConfigurationDefinitionAst configurationDefinitionAst) => null;
public object VisitDynamicKeywordStatement(DynamicKeywordStatementAst dynamicKeywordAst) => null;