xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

7767 lines
374 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Data;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
// Item1 - member name
// Item2 - class containing dynamic site (for protected/private member access)
// Item3 - static (true) or instance (false)
// Item4 - enumerating (true) or not (false)
using PSGetMemberBinderKeyType = Tuple<string, Type, bool, bool>;
// Item1 - member name
// Item2 - class containing dynamic site (for protected/private member access)
// Item3 - enumerating (true) or not (false)
using PSSetMemberBinderKeyType = Tuple<string, Type, bool>;
// Item1 - member name
// Item2 - callinfo (# of args and (not used) named arguments)
// Item3 - property setter (true) or not (false)
// Item4 - enumerating (true) or not (false)
// Item5 - invocation constraints (casts used in the invocation expression used to guide overload resolution)
// Item6 - static (true) or instance (false)
// Item7 - class containing dynamic site (for protected/private member access)
using PSInvokeMemberBinderKeyType = Tuple<string, CallInfo, bool, bool, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool, Type>;
// Item1 - callinfo (# of args and (not used) named arguments)
// Item2 - invocation constraints (casts used in the invocation expression used to guide overload resolution)
// Item3 - property setter (true) or not (false)
// Item4 - static (true) or instance (false)
// Item5 - class containing dynamic site (for protected/private member access)
using PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinderKeyType = Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool, bool, Type>;
// Item1 - class containing dynamic site (for protected/private member access)
// Item2 - static (true) or instance (false)
using PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType = Tuple<Type, bool>;
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods for DynamicMetaObject. Some of these extensions help handle PSObject, both in terms of
/// getting the type or value from a DynamicMetaObject, but also help to generate binding restrictions that
/// account for values that are optionally wrapped in PSObject.
/// </summary>
internal static class DynamicMetaObjectExtensions
internal static readonly DynamicMetaObject FakeError
= new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, BindingRestrictions.Empty);
internal static DynamicMetaObject WriteToDebugLog(this DynamicMetaObject obj, DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder)
if (obj != FakeError)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Binder: {0}\r\n Restrictions: {2}\r\n Target: {1}",
return obj;
internal static BindingRestrictions GetSimpleTypeRestriction(this DynamicMetaObject obj)
if (obj.Value == null)
return BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.Value);
return BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.Value.GetType());
internal static BindingRestrictions PSGetMethodArgumentRestriction(this DynamicMetaObject obj)
var baseValue = PSObject.Base(obj.Value);
if (baseValue != null && baseValue.GetType() == typeof(object[]))
var effectiveArgType = Adapter.EffectiveArgumentType(obj.Value);
var methodInfo = effectiveArgType != typeof(object[])
? CachedReflectionInfo.PSInvokeMemberBinder_IsHomogenousArray.MakeGenericMethod(effectiveArgType.GetElementType())
: CachedReflectionInfo.PSInvokeMemberBinder_IsHeterogeneousArray;
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
Expression test;
if (obj.Value != baseValue)
// Need PSObject...
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(obj.Expression, typeof(PSObject));
var temp = Expression.Variable(typeof(object[]));
test = Expression.Block(
new[] { temp },
Expression.Assign(temp, Expression.TypeAs(Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, obj.Expression), typeof(object[]))),
Expression.NotEqual(temp, ExpressionCache.NullObjectArray),
Expression.Call(methodInfo, temp)));
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(obj.Expression, typeof(object[]));
var arrayExpr = obj.Expression.Cast(typeof(object[]));
test = Expression.Call(methodInfo, arrayExpr);
return restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(test));
return obj.PSGetTypeRestriction();
internal static BindingRestrictions PSGetStaticMemberRestriction(this DynamicMetaObject obj)
if (obj.Restrictions != BindingRestrictions.Empty)
return obj.Restrictions;
if (obj.Value == null)
return BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.Value);
var baseValue = PSObject.Base(obj.Value);
if (baseValue == null)
Diagnostics.Assert(obj.Value == AutomationNull.Value, "PSObject.Base should only return null for AutomationNull.Value");
return BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(Expression.Equal(obj.Expression, Expression.Constant(AutomationNull.Value)));
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
if (baseValue is Type)
if (obj.Value == baseValue)
// newObj == oldObj (if not wrapped in PSObject) or
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.Value);
// newObj.GetType() == typeof(PSObject) && PSObject.Base(newObj) == oldObj
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.LimitType);
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, obj.Expression),
else if (obj.Value != baseValue)
// Binding restriction will look like:
// newObj.GetType() == typeof(PSObject) && PSObject.Base(newObj).GetType() == typeof(oldType)
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, obj.Expression),
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.LimitType);
return restrictions;
internal static BindingRestrictions PSGetTypeRestriction(this DynamicMetaObject obj)
if (obj.Restrictions != BindingRestrictions.Empty)
return obj.Restrictions;
if (obj.Value == null)
return BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.Value);
var baseValue = PSObject.Base(obj.Value);
if (baseValue == null)
Diagnostics.Assert(obj.Value == AutomationNull.Value, "PSObject.Base should only return null for AutomationNull.Value");
return BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(Expression.Equal(obj.Expression, Expression.Constant(AutomationNull.Value)));
// The default restriction is a simple type test. We use this type test even if the object is a PSObject,
// this way we can avoid calling PSObject.Base in all restriction checks.
var restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(obj.Expression, obj.LimitType);
if (obj.Value != baseValue)
// Binding restriction will look like:
// newObj.GetType() == typeof(PSObject) && PSObject.Base(newObj).GetType() == typeof(oldType)
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(
BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, obj.Expression),
else if (baseValue is PSObject)
// We have an empty custom object. The restrictions must check this explicitly, otherwise we have
// a simple type test on PSObject, which obviously tests true for many objects.
// So we end up with:
// newObj.GetType() == typeof(PSObject) && PSObject.Base(newObj) == newObj
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(
Expression.Equal(Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, obj.Expression), obj.Expression)));
return restrictions;
internal static BindingRestrictions CombineRestrictions(this DynamicMetaObject target, params DynamicMetaObject[] args)
var restrictions = target.Restrictions == BindingRestrictions.Empty ? target.PSGetTypeRestriction() : target.Restrictions;
for (int index = 0; index < args.Length; index++)
var r = args[index];
restrictions =
restrictions.Merge(r.Restrictions == BindingRestrictions.Empty
? r.PSGetTypeRestriction()
: r.Restrictions);
return restrictions;
internal static Expression CastOrConvertMethodArgument(this DynamicMetaObject target,
Type parameterType,
string parameterName,
string methodName,
bool allowCastingToByRefLikeType,
List<ParameterExpression> temps,
List<Expression> initTemps)
if (target.Value == AutomationNull.Value)
return Expression.Constant(null, parameterType);
var argType = target.LimitType;
if (parameterType == typeof(object) && argType == typeof(PSObject))
return Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, target.Expression.Cast(typeof(PSObject)));
// If the conversion can't fail, skip wrapping the conversion in try/catch so we generate less code.
if (parameterType.IsAssignableFrom(argType))
return target.Expression.Cast(parameterType);
ConversionRank? rank = null;
if (parameterType.IsByRefLike && allowCastingToByRefLikeType)
var conversionResult = PSConvertBinder.ConvertToByRefLikeTypeViaCasting(target, parameterType);
if (conversionResult != null)
return conversionResult;
rank = ConversionRank.None;
var exceptionParam = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception));
var targetTemp = Expression.Variable(target.Expression.Type);
bool debase = false;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion are covered by the method resolution algorithm
// (which ignores method arguments with disallowed types)
var conversion = rank == ConversionRank.None
? LanguagePrimitives.NoConversion
: LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(target.Value, parameterType, out debase);
var invokeConverter = PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, targetTemp, parameterType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture);
var expr =
Expression.Block(new[] { targetTemp },
Expression.Assign(targetTemp, target.Expression),
Expression.Constant(parameterType, typeof(Type))),
var tmp = Expression.Variable(expr.Type);
initTemps.Add(Expression.Assign(tmp, expr));
return tmp;
internal static Expression CastOrConvert(this DynamicMetaObject target, Type type)
if (target.LimitType == type)
return target.Expression.Cast(type);
bool debase;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion are done by:
// Switch statements (always to Object), method invocation (protected by InvokeMember binder),
// and hard-coded casts to integral types.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(target.Value, type, out debase);
return PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, target.Expression, type, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture);
internal static DynamicMetaObject ThrowRuntimeError(this DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args,
BindingRestrictions moreTests, string errorID,
string resourceString, params Expression[] exceptionArgs)
return new DynamicMetaObject(Compiler.ThrowRuntimeError(errorID, resourceString, exceptionArgs),
internal static DynamicMetaObject ThrowRuntimeError(this DynamicMetaObject target, BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions,
string errorID, string resourceString, params Expression[] exceptionArgs)
return new DynamicMetaObject(Compiler.ThrowRuntimeError(errorID, resourceString, exceptionArgs),
internal static string ToDebugString(this BindingRestrictions restrictions)
return restrictions.ToExpression().ToDebugString();
internal static class DynamicMetaObjectBinderExtensions
internal static DynamicMetaObject DeferForPSObject(this DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder, DynamicMetaObject target, bool targetIsComObject = false)
Diagnostics.Assert(target.Value is PSObject, "target must be a psobject");
BindingRestrictions restrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty;
Expression expr = ProcessOnePSObject(target, ref restrictions, argIsComObject: targetIsComObject);
return new DynamicMetaObject(DynamicExpression.Dynamic(binder, binder.ReturnType, expr), restrictions);
internal static DynamicMetaObject DeferForPSObject(this DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder, DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, bool targetIsComObject = false)
Diagnostics.Assert(target.Value is PSObject || arg.Value is PSObject, "At least one arg must be a psobject");
BindingRestrictions restrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty;
Expression expr1 = ProcessOnePSObject(target, ref restrictions, argIsComObject: targetIsComObject);
Expression expr2 = ProcessOnePSObject(arg, ref restrictions, argIsComObject: false);
return new DynamicMetaObject(DynamicExpression.Dynamic(binder, binder.ReturnType, expr1, expr2), restrictions);
internal static DynamicMetaObject DeferForPSObject(this DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder, DynamicMetaObject[] args, bool targetIsComObject = false)
Diagnostics.Assert(args != null && args.Length > 0, "args should not be null or empty");
Diagnostics.Assert(args.Any(mo => mo.Value is PSObject), "At least one arg must be a psobject");
Expression[] exprs = new Expression[args.Length];
BindingRestrictions restrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty;
// Target maps to arg[0] of the binder.
exprs[0] = ProcessOnePSObject(args[0], ref restrictions, targetIsComObject);
for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)
exprs[i] = ProcessOnePSObject(args[i], ref restrictions, argIsComObject: false);
return new DynamicMetaObject(DynamicExpression.Dynamic(binder, binder.ReturnType, exprs), restrictions);
private static Expression ProcessOnePSObject(DynamicMetaObject arg, ref BindingRestrictions restrictions, bool argIsComObject = false)
Expression expr = null;
object baseValue = PSObject.Base(arg.Value);
if (baseValue != arg.Value)
expr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, arg.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)));
if (argIsComObject)
// The 'base' is a COM object, so bake that in the rule.
restrictions = restrictions
.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.Utils_IsComObject, expr)));
// Use a more general condition for the rule: 'arg' is a PSObject and 'base != arg'.
restrictions = restrictions
.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(Expression.NotEqual(expr, arg.Expression)));
expr = arg.Expression;
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(arg.PSGetTypeRestriction());
return expr;
internal static DynamicMetaObject UpdateComRestrictionsForPsObject(this DynamicMetaObject binder, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
// Add a restriction that prevents PSObject arguments (so that they get based)
BindingRestrictions newRestrictions = binder.Restrictions;
newRestrictions = args.Aggregate(newRestrictions, (current, arg) =>
if (arg.LimitType.IsValueType)
return current.Merge(arg.GetSimpleTypeRestriction());
return current.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, arg.Expression),
return new DynamicMetaObject(binder.Expression, newRestrictions);
internal static class BinderUtils
internal static BindingRestrictions GetVersionCheck(DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder, int expectedVersionNumber)
return BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Equal(Expression.Field(Expression.Constant(binder), "_version"),
internal static BindingRestrictions GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage()
// Also add a language mode check to detect toggling between language modes
if (ExecutionContext.HasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage)
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
var tmp = Expression.Variable(typeof(ExecutionContext));
var langModeFromContext = Expression.Property(tmp, CachedReflectionInfo.ExecutionContext_LanguageMode);
var constrainedLanguageMode = Expression.Constant(PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage);
// Execution context might be null if we're called from a thread with no runspace (e.g. a PSObject
// is used in some C# w/ dynamic). This is sometimes fine, we don't always need a runspace to access
// properties.
Expression test = context?.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage
? Expression.AndAlso(
Expression.NotEqual(tmp, ExpressionCache.NullExecutionContext),
Expression.Equal(langModeFromContext, constrainedLanguageMode))
: Expression.OrElse(
Expression.Equal(tmp, ExpressionCache.NullExecutionContext),
Expression.NotEqual(langModeFromContext, constrainedLanguageMode));
return BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
new[] { tmp },
Expression.Assign(tmp, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS),
return BindingRestrictions.Empty;
internal static BindingRestrictions GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder, Type targetType, int expectedVersionNumber)
BindingRestrictions additionalBindingRestrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty;
// If this uses a potentially unsafe type, we also need a version check
if (!CoreTypes.Contains(targetType))
if (expectedVersionNumber != -1)
additionalBindingRestrictions = additionalBindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(binder, expectedVersionNumber));
additionalBindingRestrictions = additionalBindingRestrictions.Merge(GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage());
return additionalBindingRestrictions;
#region PowerShell non-standard language binders
/// <summary>
/// Some classes that implement IEnumerable are not considered as enumerable from the perspective of pipelines,
/// this binder implements those semantics.
/// The standard interop ConvertBinder is used to allow third party dynamic objects to get the first chance
/// at the conversion in case they do support enumeration, but do not implement IEnumerable directly.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSEnumerableBinder : ConvertBinder
private static readonly PSEnumerableBinder s_binder = new PSEnumerableBinder();
internal static PSEnumerableBinder Get()
return s_binder;
private PSEnumerableBinder()
: base(typeof(IEnumerator), false)
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>)(PSObjectStringRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>)(ArrayRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>)(StringRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>)(NotEnumerableRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>)(PSObjectNotEnumerableRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>)(AutomationNullRule));
public override string ToString()
return "ToEnumerable";
internal static BindingRestrictions GetRestrictions(DynamicMetaObject target)
return (target.Value is PSObject)
? BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(target.Expression, target.Value.GetType())
: target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
private DynamicMetaObject NullResult(DynamicMetaObject target)
// The object is not enumerable from PowerShell's perspective. Rather than raise an exception, we let the
// caller check for null and take the appropriate action.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
MaybeDebase(this, static e => ExpressionCache.NullEnumerator, target),
internal static Expression MaybeDebase(DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder, Func<Expression, Expression> generator, DynamicMetaObject target)
if (target.Value is not PSObject)
return generator(target.Expression);
object targetValue = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
var tmp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "value");
return Expression.Block(
new ParameterExpression[] { tmp },
Expression.Assign(tmp, Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, target.Expression)),
targetValue == null ?
(Expression)Expression.AndAlso(Expression.Equal(tmp, ExpressionCache.NullConstant),
Expression.Not(Expression.Equal(target.Expression, ExpressionCache.AutomationNullConstant)))
: Expression.TypeEqual(tmp, targetValue.GetType()),
generator(tmp), binder.GetUpdateExpression(binder.ReturnType)));
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackConvert(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value == AutomationNull.Value)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(Array.Empty<object>()), typeof(Array).GetMethod("GetEnumerator")),
BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(target.Expression, AutomationNull.Value)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var targetValue = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (targetValue == null || targetValue is string || targetValue is PSObject)
return (errorSuggestion ?? NullResult(target)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (targetValue.GetType().IsArray)
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
MaybeDebase(this, static e => Expression.Call(Expression.Convert(e, typeof(Array)), typeof(Array).GetMethod("GetEnumerator")),
if (targetValue is IDictionary || targetValue is XmlNode)
return (errorSuggestion ?? NullResult(target)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (targetValue is DataTable)
// Generate:
// DataRowCollection rows;
// DataTable table = (DataTable)obj;
// if ((rows = table.Rows) != null)
// return rows.GetEnumerator();
// else
// return null;
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
MaybeDebase(this, e =>
var table = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DataTable), "table");
var rows = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DataRowCollection), "rows");
return Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { table, rows },
Expression.Assign(table, e.Cast(typeof(DataTable))),
Expression.NotEqual(Expression.Assign(rows, Expression.Property(table, "Rows")), ExpressionCache.NullConstant),
Expression.Call(rows, typeof(DataRowCollection).GetMethod("GetEnumerator")),
if (Marshal.IsComObject(targetValue))
// Pretend that all com objects are enumerable, even if they aren't. We do this because it's technically impossible
// to know if a com object is enumerable without just trying to cast it to IEnumerable. We could generate a rule like:
// if (IsComObject(obj)) { return obj as IEnumerable; } else { UpdateSite; }
// But code that calls PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable and generate code based on the true/false result of that
// function wouldn't work properly. Instead, we'll fix things up after the binding decisions are made, see
// EnumerableOps.NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator for more comments on how this works.
var bindingRestrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, target.Expression)));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.EnumerableOps_GetCOMEnumerator, target.Expression), bindingRestrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var enumerable = targetValue as IEnumerable;
if (enumerable != null)
// Normally it's safe to just call IEnumerable.GetEnumerator, but in some rare cases, the
// non-generic implementation throws or returns null, so we'll just avoid that problem and
// call the generic version if it exists.
foreach (var i in targetValue.GetType().GetInterfaces())
if (i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>))
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
MaybeDebase(this, e => Expression.Call(
CachedReflectionInfo.EnumerableOps_GetGenericEnumerator.MakeGenericMethod(i.GetGenericArguments()[0]), Expression.Convert(e, i)),
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
MaybeDebase(this, static e => Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.EnumerableOps_GetEnumerator, Expression.Convert(e, typeof(IEnumerable))),
var enumerator = targetValue as IEnumerator;
if (enumerator != null)
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
MaybeDebase(this, static e => e.Cast(typeof(IEnumerator)), target),
return (errorSuggestion ?? NullResult(target)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
/// <summary>
/// Check if the statically known type is potentially enumerable. We can avoid some dynamic sites if we know the
/// type is never enumerable.
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsStaticTypePossiblyEnumerable(Type type)
if (type == typeof(object) || type == typeof(PSObject) || type.IsArray)
return true;
if (type == typeof(string) || typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(XmlNode).IsAssignableFrom(type))
return false;
if (type.IsSealed && !typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !typeof(IEnumerator).IsAssignableFrom(type))
return false;
return true;
// Binders normally cannot return null, but we want a way to detect if something is enumerable,
// so we return null if the target is not enumerable.
internal static DynamicMetaObject IsEnumerable(DynamicMetaObject target)
var binder = PSEnumerableBinder.Get();
var result = binder.FallbackConvert(target, DynamicMetaObjectExtensions.FakeError);
return (result == DynamicMetaObjectExtensions.FakeError) ? null : result;
private static IEnumerator AutomationNullRule(CallSite site, object obj)
return obj == AutomationNull.Value
? Array.Empty<object>().GetEnumerator()
: ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static IEnumerator NotEnumerableRule(CallSite site, object obj)
if (obj == null)
return null;
if (obj is not PSObject
&& obj is not IEnumerable
&& obj is not IEnumerator
&& obj is not DataTable
&& !Marshal.IsComObject(obj))
return null;
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static IEnumerator PSObjectNotEnumerableRule(CallSite site, object obj)
var psobj = obj as PSObject;
return psobj != null && obj != AutomationNull.Value
? NotEnumerableRule(site, PSObject.Base(obj))
: ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static IEnumerator ArrayRule(CallSite site, object obj)
var array = obj as Array;
if (array != null) return array.GetEnumerator();
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static IEnumerator StringRule(CallSite site, object obj)
return obj is string ? null : ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static IEnumerator PSObjectStringRule(CallSite site, object obj)
var psobj = obj as PSObject;
if (psobj != null && PSObject.Base(psobj) is string) return null;
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, IEnumerator>>)site).Update(site, obj);
/// <summary>
/// This binder is used for the @() operator.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSToObjectArrayBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly PSToObjectArrayBinder s_binder = new PSToObjectArrayBinder();
internal static PSToObjectArrayBinder Get()
return s_binder;
private PSToObjectArrayBinder()
public override string ToString()
return "ToObjectArray";
public override Type ReturnType { get { return typeof(object[]); } }
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target, args);
if (target.Value == AutomationNull.Value)
return new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Constant(Array.Empty<object>()),
BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(target.Expression, AutomationNull.Value)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))),
var value = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (value is List<object>)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(PSEnumerableBinder.MaybeDebase(this, static e => e.Cast(typeof(List<object>)), target), CachedReflectionInfo.ObjectList_ToArray),
// It's enumerable, but not an List<object>. Call EnumerableOps.ToArray
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.EnumerableOps_ToArray, enumerable.Expression),
internal sealed class PSPipeWriterBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly PSPipeWriterBinder s_binder = new PSPipeWriterBinder();
internal static PSPipeWriterBinder Get()
return s_binder;
private PSPipeWriterBinder()
CacheTarget((Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>)StringRule);
CacheTarget((Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>)AutomationNullRule);
CacheTarget((Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>)BoolRule);
CacheTarget((Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>)IntRule);
public override string ToString()
return "PipelineWriter";
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
// args[0] is the pipe
// args[1] is the execution context, only used if we're enumerating
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target, args);
if (target.Value == AutomationNull.Value)
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Block(typeof(void), Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PipelineOps_Nop)),
BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(target.Expression, AutomationNull.Value))).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null)
var bindingResult = PSVariableAssignmentBinder.Get().Bind(target, Array.Empty<DynamicMetaObject>());
var restrictions = target.LimitType.IsValueType
? bindingResult.Restrictions
: target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
bool needsToDispose = PSObject.Base(target.Value) is not IEnumerator;
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
private static void BoolRule(CallSite site, object obj, Pipe pipe, ExecutionContext context)
if (obj is bool) { pipe.Add(obj); }
else { ((CallSite<Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>>)site).Update(site, obj, pipe, context); }
private static void IntRule(CallSite site, object obj, Pipe pipe, ExecutionContext context)
if (obj is int) { pipe.Add(obj); }
else { ((CallSite<Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>>)site).Update(site, obj, pipe, context); }
private static void StringRule(CallSite site, object obj, Pipe pipe, ExecutionContext context)
if (obj is string) { pipe.Add(obj); }
else { ((CallSite<Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>>)site).Update(site, obj, pipe, context); }
private static void AutomationNullRule(CallSite site, object obj, Pipe pipe, ExecutionContext context)
if (obj != AutomationNull.Value) { ((CallSite<Action<CallSite, object, Pipe, ExecutionContext>>)site).Update(site, obj, pipe, context); }
/// <summary>
/// This binder creates the collection we use to do multi-assignments, e.g.:
/// $x,$y = $z
/// $x,$y,$z = 1,2,3,4,5
/// The target in this binder is the RHS, the result expression is an IList where the Count matches the
/// number of values assigned (_elements) on the left hand side of the assign.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSArrayAssignmentRHSBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly List<PSArrayAssignmentRHSBinder> s_binders = new List<PSArrayAssignmentRHSBinder>();
private readonly int _elements;
internal static PSArrayAssignmentRHSBinder Get(int i)
lock (s_binders)
while (s_binders.Count <= i)
return s_binders[i] ?? (s_binders[i] = new PSArrayAssignmentRHSBinder(i));
private PSArrayAssignmentRHSBinder(int elements)
_elements = elements;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "MultiAssignRHSBinder {0}", _elements);
public override Type ReturnType { get { return typeof(IList); } }
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
Diagnostics.Assert(args.Length == 0, "binder doesn't expect any arguments");
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
return this.DeferForPSObject(target).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var iList = target.Value as IList;
if (iList != null)
// 3 possibilities - too few, exact, or too many elements.
var getListCountExpr = Expression.Property(target.Expression.Cast(typeof(ICollection)), CachedReflectionInfo.ICollection_Count);
var restrictions = target.PSGetTypeRestriction().Merge(
if (iList.Count == _elements)
// Exact, we can use the value as is.
return new DynamicMetaObject(target.Expression.Cast(typeof(IList)), restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
int i;
Expression[] newArrayElements = new Expression[_elements];
var temp = Expression.Variable(typeof(IList));
if (iList.Count < _elements)
// Too few, create an array with the correct number assigned, fill in null for the extras
for (i = 0; i < iList.Count; ++i)
newArrayElements[i] =
Expression.Call(temp, CachedReflectionInfo.IList_get_Item, ExpressionCache.Constant(i));
for (; i < _elements; ++i)
newArrayElements[i] = ExpressionCache.NullConstant;
// Too many, create an array with the correct number assigned, and the last element contains
// all the extras.
for (i = 0; i < _elements - 1; ++i)
newArrayElements[i] =
Expression.Call(temp, CachedReflectionInfo.IList_get_Item, ExpressionCache.Constant(i));
newArrayElements[_elements - 1] =
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.EnumerableOps_GetSlice, temp, ExpressionCache.Constant(_elements - 1)).Cast(typeof(object));
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
new[] { temp },
Expression.Assign(temp, target.Expression.Cast(typeof(IList))),
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), newArrayElements)),
// We have a single element, the rest must be null.
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), Enumerable.Repeat(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, _elements - 1)
/// <summary>
/// This binder is used to convert objects to string in specific circumstances, including:
/// * The LHS of a format expression. The arguments (the RHS objects) of the format
/// expression are not converted to string here, that is defered to string.Format which
/// may have some custom formatting to apply.
/// * The objects passed to the format expression as part of an expandable string. In this
/// case, the format string is generated by the parser, so we know that there is no custom
/// formatting to consider.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSToStringBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly PSToStringBinder s_binder = new PSToStringBinder();
internal static PSToStringBinder Get()
return s_binder;
public override Type ReturnType { get { return typeof(string); } }
private PSToStringBinder()
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
// target is the object to convert
// args[0] is the ExecutionContext, needed to get $OFS, and possibly the type table.
if (!target.HasValue || !args[0].HasValue)
return Defer(target, args).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
return this.DeferForPSObject(target, args[0]).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var restrictions = target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
// PSObject.ToStringParser will handle everything, but if you want to speed up conversion to string,
// add special cases here.
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
InvokeToString(args[0].Expression, target.Expression),
internal static Expression InvokeToString(Expression context, Expression target)
if (target.Type == typeof(string))
return target;
// PSObject.ToStringParser will handle everything, but if you want to speed up conversion to string,
// add special cases here.
return Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_ToStringParser,
/// <summary>
/// This binder is used to optimize the conversion of the result.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSPipelineResultToBoolBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly PSPipelineResultToBoolBinder s_binder = new PSPipelineResultToBoolBinder();
internal static PSPipelineResultToBoolBinder Get()
return s_binder;
private PSPipelineResultToBoolBinder()
public override Type ReturnType { get { return typeof(bool); } }
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target).WriteToDebugLog(this);
IList pipelineResult = target.Value as IList;
Diagnostics.Assert(pipelineResult != null, "Pipeline result is always an IList");
var ilistExpr = target.Expression;
if (typeof(IList) != ilistExpr.Type)
ilistExpr = Expression.Convert(ilistExpr, typeof(IList));
var countExpr = Expression.Property(
Expression.Convert(ilistExpr, typeof(ICollection)), CachedReflectionInfo.ICollection_Count);
Expression result;
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
switch (pipelineResult.Count)
case 0:
result = ExpressionCache.Constant(false);
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Equal(countExpr, ExpressionCache.Constant(0)));
case 1:
result = Expression.Call(ilistExpr,
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Equal(countExpr, ExpressionCache.Constant(1)));
result = ExpressionCache.Constant(true);
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.GreaterThan(countExpr, ExpressionCache.Constant(1)));
return (new DynamicMetaObject(result, restrictions)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
internal sealed class PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private sealed class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinderKeyType>
public bool Equals(PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinderKeyType x, PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinderKeyType y)
return x.Item1.Equals(y.Item1) &&
((x.Item2 == null) ? y.Item2 == null : x.Item2.Equals(y.Item2)) &&
x.Item3 == y.Item3 &&
x.Item4 == y.Item4 &&
x.Item5 == y.Item5;
public int GetHashCode(PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinderKeyType obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
private static readonly
Dictionary<PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinderKeyType, PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinder> s_binderCache
= new Dictionary<PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinderKeyType, PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinder>(new KeyComparer());
internal static PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinder Get(CallInfo callInfo, TypeDefinitionAst classScopeAst, bool @static, bool propertySetter, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints)
PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinder result;
var classScope = classScopeAst?.Type;
lock (s_binderCache)
var key = Tuple.Create(callInfo, constraints, propertySetter, @static, classScope);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(key, out result))
result = new PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinder(callInfo, @static, propertySetter, constraints, classScope);
s_binderCache.Add(key, result);
return result;
private readonly CallInfo _callInfo;
private readonly bool _static;
private readonly bool _propertySetter;
private readonly PSMethodInvocationConstraints _constraints;
private readonly Type _classScope;
private PSInvokeDynamicMemberBinder(CallInfo callInfo, bool @static, bool propertySetter, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints, Type classScope)
Diagnostics.Assert(callInfo != null, "callers make sure 'callInfo' is not null");
_callInfo = callInfo;
_static = @static;
_propertySetter = propertySetter;
_constraints = constraints;
_classScope = classScope;
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
if (!target.HasValue || !args[0].HasValue)
return Defer(target, args[0]).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var memberNameArg = args[0];
object memberNameValue = PSObject.Base(memberNameArg.Value);
Expression bindingStrExpr;
var memberName = memberNameValue as string;
if (memberName != null)
if (memberNameArg.Value is PSObject)
bindingStrExpr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, memberNameArg.Expression).Cast(typeof(string));
bindingStrExpr = memberNameArg.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
// Context is explicitly null here, we don't want $OFS to influence the property name, or
// we'd generate code that wouldn't work consistently, depending on the value of $OFS.
memberName = PSObject.ToStringParser(null, memberNameArg.Value);
bindingStrExpr = PSToStringBinder.InvokeToString(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, memberNameArg.Expression);
// Note: Need to create DynamicExpression to support dynamic member invoke, see PSSetDynamicMemberBinder for example
var result = PSInvokeMemberBinder.Get(memberName, _callInfo, _static, _propertySetter, _constraints, _classScope).FallbackInvokeMember(target, args.Skip(1).ToArray());
BindingRestrictions restrictions = result.Restrictions;
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(args[0].PSGetTypeRestriction());
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.String_Equals, Expression.Constant(memberName), bindingStrExpr, ExpressionCache.Ordinal)));
return (new DynamicMetaObject(result.Expression, restrictions)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
internal class PSDynamicGetOrSetBinderKeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType>
public bool Equals(PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType x, PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType y)
return x.Item1 == y.Item1 && x.Item2 == y.Item2;
public int GetHashCode(PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
internal sealed class PSGetDynamicMemberBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly Dictionary<PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType, PSGetDynamicMemberBinder> s_binderCache =
new Dictionary<PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType, PSGetDynamicMemberBinder>(new PSDynamicGetOrSetBinderKeyComparer());
internal static PSGetDynamicMemberBinder Get(TypeDefinitionAst classScope, bool @static)
PSGetDynamicMemberBinder binder;
lock (s_binderCache)
var type = classScope?.Type;
var tuple = Tuple.Create(type, @static);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(tuple, out binder))
binder = new PSGetDynamicMemberBinder(type, @static);
s_binderCache.Add(tuple, binder);
return binder;
private readonly bool _static;
private readonly Type _classScope;
private PSGetDynamicMemberBinder(Type classScope, bool @static)
_static = @static;
_classScope = classScope;
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
Diagnostics.Assert(args.Length == 1, "PSGetDynamicMemberBinder::Bind handles one and only one argument");
if (!target.HasValue || !args[0].HasValue)
return Defer(target, args[0]).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var memberNameArg = args[0];
object memberNameValue = PSObject.Base(memberNameArg.Value);
Expression bindingStrExpr;
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
var memberName = memberNameValue as string;
if (memberName != null)
if (memberNameArg.Value is PSObject)
bindingStrExpr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, memberNameArg.Expression).Cast(typeof(string));
bindingStrExpr = memberNameArg.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
else if (PSObject.Base(target.Value) is IDictionary)
// We don't want to convert the member name to a string, we'll just try indexing the dictionary and nothing else.
restrictions = target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Not(Expression.TypeIs(args[0].Expression, typeof(string)))));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, typeof(IDictionary)),
// Context is explicitly null here, we don't want $OFS to influence the property name, or
// we'd generate code that wouldn't work consistently, depending on the value of $OFS.
memberName = PSObject.ToStringParser(null, memberNameArg.Value);
bindingStrExpr = PSToStringBinder.InvokeToString(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, memberNameArg.Expression);
var result = DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSGetMemberBinder.Get(memberName, _classScope, _static), typeof(object), target.Expression);
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty;
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(args[0].PSGetTypeRestriction());
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.String_Equals, Expression.Constant(memberName), bindingStrExpr, ExpressionCache.Ordinal)));
return (new DynamicMetaObject(result, restrictions)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
internal static object GetIDictionaryMember(IDictionary hash, object key)
key = PSObject.Base(key);
if (hash.Contains(key))
return hash[key];
catch (InvalidOperationException)
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
if (context.IsStrictVersion(2))
// If the member is undefined and we're in strict mode, throw an exception...
throw new PropertyNotFoundException("PropertyNotFoundStrict", null, ParserStrings.PropertyNotFoundStrict,
return null;
internal sealed class PSSetDynamicMemberBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly Dictionary<PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType, PSSetDynamicMemberBinder> s_binderCache =
new Dictionary<PSGetOrSetDynamicMemberBinderKeyType, PSSetDynamicMemberBinder>(new PSDynamicGetOrSetBinderKeyComparer());
internal static PSSetDynamicMemberBinder Get(TypeDefinitionAst classScope, bool @static)
PSSetDynamicMemberBinder binder;
lock (s_binderCache)
var type = classScope?.Type;
var tuple = Tuple.Create(type, @static);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(tuple, out binder))
binder = new PSSetDynamicMemberBinder(type, @static);
s_binderCache.Add(tuple, binder);
return binder;
private readonly bool _static;
private readonly Type _classScope;
private PSSetDynamicMemberBinder(Type classScope, bool @static)
_static = @static;
_classScope = classScope;
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
Diagnostics.Assert(args.Length == 2, "PSSetDynamicMemberBinder::Bind handles two and only two arguments");
if (!target.HasValue || !args[0].HasValue)
return Defer(target, args[0]).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var memberNameArg = args[0];
object memberNameValue = PSObject.Base(memberNameArg.Value);
Expression bindingStrExpr;
var memberName = memberNameValue as string;
if (memberName != null)
if (memberNameArg.Value is PSObject)
bindingStrExpr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, memberNameArg.Expression).Cast(typeof(string));
bindingStrExpr = memberNameArg.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
// Context is explicitly null here, we don't want $OFS to influence the property name, or
// we'd generate code that wouldn't work consistently, depending on the value of $OFS.
memberName = PSObject.ToStringParser(null, memberNameArg.Value);
bindingStrExpr = PSToStringBinder.InvokeToString(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, memberNameArg.Expression);
var result = DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSSetMemberBinder.Get(memberName, _classScope, _static), typeof(object), target.Expression, args[1].Expression);
var restrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty;
// Note: Optimal restriction is test target type is IDictionary or not
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(args[0].PSGetTypeRestriction());
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.String_Equals, Expression.Constant(memberName), bindingStrExpr, ExpressionCache.Ordinal)));
Expression resultExpr;
if (target.Value is IDictionary)
// We should first try:
// $target[$arg[0]] = $arg[1]
// And if that fails, try arg[0] converted to string, setting a property, etc.
var exception = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception));
var indexResult = PSSetIndexBinder.Get(1).FallbackSetIndex(target, new[] { args[0] }, args[1]);
resultExpr = Expression.TryCatch(
Expression.Catch(exception, result));
resultExpr = result;
return (new DynamicMetaObject(resultExpr, restrictions)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
internal sealed class PSSwitchClauseEvalBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
// Increase this cache size if we add a new flag to the switch statement that:
// - Influences evaluation of switch elements
// - Is commonly used
private static readonly PSSwitchClauseEvalBinder[] s_binderCache = new PSSwitchClauseEvalBinder[32];
private readonly SwitchFlags _flags;
internal static PSSwitchClauseEvalBinder Get(SwitchFlags flags)
lock (s_binderCache)
return s_binderCache[(int)flags] ?? (s_binderCache[(int)flags] = new PSSwitchClauseEvalBinder(flags));
private PSSwitchClauseEvalBinder(SwitchFlags flags)
_flags = flags;
public override Type ReturnType { get { return typeof(bool); } }
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
// target is the condition
// args[0] is the value to test against the condition
// args[1] is the execution context to use, if needed
if (!target.HasValue || !args[0].HasValue)
return Defer(target, args[0], args[1]).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// No need to add binding restrictions on either arg, the type of the clause is all that matters.
// We can skip the restrictions on the arg, the generated code will contain a dynamic site to convert
// the arg to string if applicable. If the dynamic site is removed, then arg restrictions must be added.
var targetRestrictions = target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
// If any args are PSObject, we typically call DeferForPSObject, but in this case,
// we don't because args[0] should not be unwrapped, which DeferForPSObject would do.
if (target.Value is PSObject)
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(this, this.ReturnType,
if (target.Value == null)
// If the condition is null, the we simply test the value against null. It seems like
// this is a silly thing to allow in a switch, maybe it should be disallowed in strict mode.
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Equal(args[0].Expression.Cast(typeof(object)), ExpressionCache.NullConstant),
if (target.Value is ScriptBlock)
var call = Expression.Call(target.Expression.Cast(typeof(ScriptBlock)),
/*useLocalScope=*/ ExpressionCache.Constant(true),
/*errorHandlingBehavior=*/ Expression.Constant(ScriptBlock.ErrorHandlingBehavior.WriteToExternalErrorPipe),
/*dollarUnder=*/ args[0].CastOrConvert(typeof(object)),
/*input=*/ ExpressionCache.AutomationNullConstant,
/*scriptThis=*/ ExpressionCache.AutomationNullConstant,
/*args=*/ ExpressionCache.NullObjectArray);
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSConvertBinder.Get(typeof(bool)), typeof(bool), call),
// From here on out, arg must be a string.
var executionContext = args[1].Expression;
var argAsString = DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string), args[0].Expression,
if (target.Value is Regex || (_flags & SwitchFlags.Regex) != 0)
var call = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.SwitchOps_ConditionSatisfiedRegex,
/*caseSensitive=*/ ExpressionCache.Constant((_flags & SwitchFlags.CaseSensitive) != 0),
/*condition=*/ target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)),
/*errorPosition=*/ ExpressionCache.NullExtent,
/*str=*/ argAsString,
/*context=*/ executionContext);
return (new DynamicMetaObject(call, targetRestrictions)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value is WildcardPattern || (_flags & SwitchFlags.Wildcard) != 0)
var call = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.SwitchOps_ConditionSatisfiedWildcard,
/*caseSensitive=*/ ExpressionCache.Constant((_flags & SwitchFlags.CaseSensitive) != 0),
/*condition=*/ target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)),
/*str=*/ argAsString,
/*context=*/ executionContext);
// Binding restrictions must test the target, even if the switch is in -regex mode.
// If we didn't add restrictions on the target, we'd incorrectly use this rule when the target
// is a script block.
// We can skip the restrictions on the arg, the generated code contains a dynamic site to convert
// the arg to string, so that site handles any arg type properly.
return (new DynamicMetaObject(call, targetRestrictions)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var targetAsString = DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string), target.Expression,
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
Compiler.CallStringEquals(targetAsString, argAsString, ((_flags & SwitchFlags.CaseSensitive) == 0)),
// This class implements the standard binder CreateInstanceBinder, but this binder handles the CallInfo a little differently.
// The ArgumentNames are not used to invoke a constructor, instead they are used to set properties/fields in the attribute.
internal sealed class PSAttributeGenerator : CreateInstanceBinder
private static readonly Dictionary<CallInfo, PSAttributeGenerator> s_binderCache =
new Dictionary<CallInfo, PSAttributeGenerator>();
internal static PSAttributeGenerator Get(CallInfo callInfo)
lock (s_binderCache)
PSAttributeGenerator binder;
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(callInfo, out binder))
binder = new PSAttributeGenerator(callInfo);
s_binderCache.Add(callInfo, binder);
return binder;
private PSAttributeGenerator(CallInfo callInfo)
: base(callInfo)
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackCreateInstance(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
Diagnostics.Assert(target.HasValue && target.Value is Type, "caller to verify arguments");
var attributeType = (Type)target.Value;
var ctorInfos = attributeType.GetConstructors();
var newConstructors = DotNetAdapter.GetMethodInformationArray(ctorInfos);
// We can't use a type restriction on target, it's always a System.Type. So make sure we always use an instance restriction
target = new DynamicMetaObject(target.Expression, BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(target.Expression, target.Value), target.Value);
string errorId = null;
string errorMsg = null;
bool expandParamsOnBest;
bool callNonVirtually;
var positionalArgCount = CallInfo.ArgumentCount - CallInfo.ArgumentNames.Count;
var bestMethod = Adapter.FindBestMethod(
invocationConstraints: null,
allowCastingToByRefLikeType: false,
args.Take(positionalArgCount).Select(static arg => arg.Value).ToArray(),
ref errorId,
ref errorMsg,
out expandParamsOnBest,
out callNonVirtually);
if (bestMethod == null)
return errorSuggestion ?? new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.New(CachedReflectionInfo.MethodException_ctor, Expression.Constant(errorId),
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)), Expression.Constant(errorMsg),
var constructorInfo = (ConstructorInfo)bestMethod.method;
var parameterInfo = constructorInfo.GetParameters();
var ctorArgs = new Expression[parameterInfo.Length];
var argIndex = 0;
for (; argIndex < parameterInfo.Length; ++argIndex)
var resultType = parameterInfo[argIndex].ParameterType;
// The extension method 'CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Type, Boolean)' has inconsistent
// behavior on its return value in both FullCLR and CoreCLR. According to MSDN, if the attribute cannot be found, it
// should return an empty collection. However, it returns null in some rare cases [when the parameter isn't backed by
// actual metadata].
// This inconsistent behavior affects OneCore powershell because we are using the extension method here when compiling
// against CoreCLR. So we need to add a null check until this is fixed in CLR.
var paramArrayAttrs = parameterInfo[argIndex].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), true);
if (paramArrayAttrs != null && paramArrayAttrs.Length > 0 && expandParamsOnBest)
var elementType = parameterInfo[argIndex].ParameterType.GetElementType();
var paramsArray = new List<Expression>();
int ctorArgIndex = argIndex;
for (int i = argIndex; i < positionalArgCount; ++i, ++argIndex)
bool debase;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion are done by constructors with params arguments.
// Protection against conversions are covered by the method resolution algorithm
// (which ignores method arguments with disallowed types)
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(args[argIndex].Value, elementType, out debase);
Diagnostics.Assert(conversion.Rank != ConversionRank.None, "FindBestMethod should have failed if there is no conversion");
PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, args[i].Expression, elementType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture));
ctorArgs[ctorArgIndex] = Expression.NewArrayInit(elementType, paramsArray);
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(args[argIndex].Value, resultType, out bool debase);
ctorArgs[argIndex] = PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, args[argIndex].Expression, resultType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture);
Expression result = Expression.New(constructorInfo, ctorArgs);
if (CallInfo.ArgumentNames.Count > 0)
var tmp = Expression.Parameter(result.Type);
var blockExprs = new List<Expression>();
foreach (var name in CallInfo.ArgumentNames)
var members = attributeType.GetMember(name, MemberTypes.Field | MemberTypes.Property,
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
if (members.Length != 1
|| (members[0] is not PropertyInfo && members[0] is not FieldInfo))
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(args, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "PropertyNotFoundForType",
ParserStrings.PropertyNotFoundForType, Expression.Constant(name),
Expression.Constant(attributeType, typeof(Type)));
var member = members[0];
Expression lhs;
Type propertyType;
var propertyInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
if (propertyInfo.GetSetMethod() == null)
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(args, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "PropertyIsReadOnly",
ParserStrings.PropertyIsReadOnly, Expression.Constant(name));
propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
lhs = Expression.Property(tmp.Cast(propertyInfo.DeclaringType), propertyInfo);
propertyType = ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType;
lhs = Expression.Field(tmp.Cast(member.DeclaringType), (FieldInfo)member);
bool debase;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to these property assignment conversions are enforced by the
// property assignment binding rules (which disallow property conversions to disallowed types)
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(args[argIndex].Value, propertyType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.None)
return PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(args[argIndex], propertyType, this, -1,
args.Except(new DynamicMetaObject[] { args[argIndex] }).Prepend(target).ToArray());
Expression.Assign(lhs, PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, args[argIndex].Expression, propertyType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture)));
argIndex += 1;
// We wrap the block of assignments in a try/catch and issue a general error message whenever the assignment fails.
var exception = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Exception));
result = Expression.Block(
new ParameterExpression[] { tmp },
Expression.Assign(tmp, result),
Expression.Block(typeof(void), blockExprs),
Compiler.ThrowRuntimeErrorWithInnerException("PropertyAssignmentException", Expression.Property(exception, "Message"), exception, typeof(void)))),
// The result of the block is the object constructed, so the tmp must be the last expr in the block.
return new DynamicMetaObject(result, target.CombineRestrictions(args));
internal sealed class PSCustomObjectConverter : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly PSCustomObjectConverter s_binder = new PSCustomObjectConverter();
internal static PSCustomObjectConverter Get()
return s_binder;
private PSCustomObjectConverter()
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var baseObjectValue = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
var toType = baseObjectValue is OrderedDictionary || baseObjectValue is Hashtable
? typeof(LanguagePrimitives.InternalPSCustomObject)
: typeof(PSObject);
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion only target PSCustomObject / PSObject,
// which is safe.
bool debase;
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(target.Value, toType, out debase);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, target.Expression, toType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture),
internal sealed class PSDynamicConvertBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly PSDynamicConvertBinder s_binder = new PSDynamicConvertBinder();
internal static PSDynamicConvertBinder Get()
return s_binder;
private PSDynamicConvertBinder()
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
// target is the type and is never a PSObject
// arg is the object to be converted
DynamicMetaObject arg = args[0];
if (!target.HasValue || !arg.HasValue)
return Defer(target, arg).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var toType = target.Value as Type;
Diagnostics.Assert(toType != null, "target must be a type");
var bindingRestrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(target.Expression, toType).Merge(arg.PSGetTypeRestriction());
return new DynamicMetaObject(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSConvertBinder.Get(toType), toType, arg.Expression).Cast(typeof(object)),
/// <summary>
/// This binder is used to copy mutable value types when assigning to variables, otherwise just assigning the target object directly.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSVariableAssignmentBinder : DynamicMetaObjectBinder
private static readonly PSVariableAssignmentBinder s_binder = new PSVariableAssignmentBinder();
internal static int s_mutableValueWithInstanceMemberVersion;
internal static PSVariableAssignmentBinder Get()
return s_binder;
private PSVariableAssignmentBinder()
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, object>)(PSObjectStringRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, object>)(ObjectRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, object>)(IntRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, object>)(EnumRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, object>)(BoolRule));
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, object>)(NullRule));
public override DynamicMetaObject Bind(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
var value = target.Value;
if (value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, target.PSGetTypeRestriction()).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var psobj = value as PSObject;
if (psobj != null)
var restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(target.Expression, psobj.GetType());
var expr = target.Expression;
var baseObject = psobj.BaseObject;
var baseObjExpr = Expression.Property(expr.Cast(typeof(PSObject)), CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_BaseObject);
if (baseObject != null)
var baseObjType = baseObject.GetType();
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(baseObjExpr, baseObjType));
if (baseObjType.IsValueType)
expr = GetExprForValueType(baseObjType, Expression.Convert(baseObjExpr, baseObjType), expr, ref restrictions);
restrictions =
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var type = value.GetType();
if (type.IsValueType)
var expr = target.Expression;
var restrictions = target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
expr = GetExprForValueType(type, Expression.Convert(expr, type), expr, ref restrictions);
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// This rule is meant to cover all classes except PSObject.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
target.Expression, BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Not(Expression.TypeIs(target.Expression, typeof(ValueType))),
Expression.Not(Expression.TypeIs(target.Expression, typeof(PSObject)))))).WriteToDebugLog(this);
private static Expression GetExprForValueType(Type type,
Expression convertedExpr,
Expression originalExpr,
ref BindingRestrictions restrictions)
// A binding restriction for value types will be either:
// if (obj is SomeValueType)
// or
// if (obj is SomeValueType && _mutableValueWithInstanceMemberVersion == someVersionNumber)
// And the expression will be one of 3 possibilities:
// * return expr
// * tmp = expr; return tmp (make a copy)
// * return CopyInstanceMembersOfValueType((T)expr, expr) (make a copy, also copy instance members)
// If we've never seen an instance member for a given type, we can avoid the expensive call to
// CopyInstanceMembersOfValueType, but if somebody adds an instance member in the future, we need to invalidate
// previously generated rules. We do that with the version check.
// We can skip a version check if we're already generating the worst case code. This also avoids regenerating
// new bindings when the new binding won't differ from a previous binding.
Expression expr;
bool needVersionCheck = true;
if (s_mutableValueTypesWithInstanceMembers.ContainsKey(type))
var genericMethodInfo = CachedReflectionInfo.PSVariableAssignmentBinder_CopyInstanceMembersOfValueType.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type });
expr = Expression.Call(genericMethodInfo, convertedExpr, originalExpr);
needVersionCheck = false;
else if (IsValueTypeMutable(type))
var temp = Expression.Variable(type);
expr = Expression.Block(new[] { temp },
// The valuetype is mutable, so force a copy by assigning to a temp.
Expression.Assign(temp, convertedExpr),
// Box the return value because the dynamic site expects object
expr = originalExpr;
if (needVersionCheck)
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(GetVersionCheck(s_mutableValueWithInstanceMemberVersion));
return expr;
private static object EnumRule(CallSite site, object obj)
if (obj is Enum) { return obj; }
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static object BoolRule(CallSite site, object obj)
if (obj is bool) { return obj; }
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static object IntRule(CallSite site, object obj)
if (obj is int) { return obj; }
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static object ObjectRule(CallSite site, object obj)
if (obj is not ValueType && obj is not PSObject) { return obj; }
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static object PSObjectStringRule(CallSite site, object obj)
var psobj = obj as PSObject;
if (psobj != null && psobj.BaseObject is string) return obj;
return ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>)site).Update(site, obj);
private static object NullRule(CallSite site, object obj)
return obj == null ? null : ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>)site).Update(site, obj);
internal static bool IsValueTypeMutable(Type type)
// First, check for enums/primitives and compiler-defined attributes.
if (type.IsPrimitive
|| type.IsEnum
|| type.IsDefined(typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute), inherit: false))
return false;
// If the builtin attribute is not present, check for a custom attribute from by the compiler. If the
// library targets netstandard2.0, the compiler can't be sure the attribute will be provided by the runtime,
// and defines its own attribute of the same name during compilation. To account for this, we must check the
// type by name, not by reference.
foreach (object attribute in type.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false))
if (attribute.GetType().FullName.Equals(
return false;
// Fallback: check all fields (public + private) to verify whether they're all readonly.
// If any field is not readonly, the value type is potentially mutable.
foreach (var field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
if (!field.IsInitOnly)
return true;
// If all fields are init-only (read-only), then the value type is immutable.
return false;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, bool> s_mutableValueTypesWithInstanceMembers =
new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, bool>();
internal static void NoteTypeHasInstanceMemberOrTypeName(Type type)
if (!type.IsValueType || !IsValueTypeMutable(type))
if (s_mutableValueTypesWithInstanceMembers.TryAdd(type, true))
s_mutableValueWithInstanceMemberVersion += 1;
internal static object CopyInstanceMembersOfValueType<T>(T t, object boxedT) where T : struct
PSMemberInfoInternalCollection<PSMemberInfo> unused1;
ConsolidatedString unused2;
if (PSObject.HasInstanceMembers(boxedT, out unused1) || PSObject.HasInstanceTypeName(boxedT, out unused2))
var psobj = PSObject.AsPSObject(boxedT);
return PSObject.Base(psobj.Copy());
// We want a copy (because the value type is mutable), so return t, not boxedT.
return t;
internal static BindingRestrictions GetVersionCheck(int expectedVersionNumber)
return BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Equal(Expression.Field(null, CachedReflectionInfo.PSVariableAssignmentBinder__mutableValueWithInstanceMemberVersion),
#endregion PowerShell non-standard language binders
#region Standard binders
/// <summary>
/// The binder for common binary operators. PowerShell specific binary operators are handled elsewhere.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSBinaryOperationBinder : BinaryOperationBinder
#region Constructors and factory methods
private static readonly Dictionary<Tuple<ExpressionType, bool, bool>, PSBinaryOperationBinder> s_binderCache =
new Dictionary<Tuple<ExpressionType, bool, bool>, PSBinaryOperationBinder>();
internal static PSBinaryOperationBinder Get(ExpressionType operation, bool ignoreCase = true, bool scalarCompare = false)
PSBinaryOperationBinder result;
lock (s_binderCache)
var key = Tuple.Create(operation, ignoreCase, scalarCompare);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(key, out result))
result = new PSBinaryOperationBinder(operation, ignoreCase, scalarCompare);
s_binderCache.Add(key, result);
return result;
private readonly bool _ignoreCase;
private readonly bool _scalarCompare;
internal int _version;
private PSBinaryOperationBinder(ExpressionType operation, bool ignoreCase, bool scalarCompare)
: base(operation)
_ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
_scalarCompare = scalarCompare;
this._version = 0;
#endregion Constructors and factory methods
#region Delegates for enumerable comparisons
private Func<object, object, bool> _compareDelegate;
private Func<object, object, bool> GetScalarCompareDelegate()
if (_compareDelegate == null)
var lvalExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "lval");
var rvalExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "rval");
var compareDelegate = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, bool>>(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(Get(Operation, _ignoreCase, scalarCompare: true),
typeof(object), lvalExpr, rvalExpr).Cast(typeof(bool)),
lvalExpr, rvalExpr).Compile();
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _compareDelegate, compareDelegate, null);
return _compareDelegate;
#endregion Delegates for enumerable comparisons
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackBinaryOperation(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue || !arg.HasValue)
return Defer(target, arg).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if ((target.Value is PSObject && PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value) ||
(arg.Value is PSObject && PSObject.Base(arg.Value) != arg.Value))
// When adding to an array, we don't want to unwrap the RHS - it's unnecessary,
// and in the case of strings, we actually lose instance members on the PSObject.
if (!(Operation == ExpressionType.Add && PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target) != null))
// Defer when the object is wrapped, but not for empty objects.
return this.DeferForPSObject(target, arg).WriteToDebugLog(this);
switch (Operation)
case ExpressionType.Add:
return BinaryAdd(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Subtract:
return BinarySub(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Multiply:
return BinaryMultiply(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Divide:
return BinaryDivide(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Modulo:
return BinaryRemainder(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.And:
return BinaryBitwiseAnd(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Or:
return BinaryBitwiseOr(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr:
return BinaryBitwiseXor(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Equal:
return CompareEQ(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.NotEqual:
return CompareNE(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.GreaterThan:
return CompareGT(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
return CompareGE(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.LessThan:
return CompareLT(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual:
return CompareLE(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.LeftShift:
return LeftShift(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.RightShift:
return RightShift(target, arg, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
return (errorSuggestion ??
new DynamicMetaObject(
Compiler.CreateThrow(typeof(object), typeof(PSNotImplementedException), "Unimplemented operation"),
#region Helpers
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PSBinaryOperationBinder {0}{1} ver:{2}", GetOperatorText(), _scalarCompare ? " scalarOnly" : string.Empty, _version);
internal static void InvalidateCache()
// Invalidate binders
lock (s_binderCache)
foreach (PSBinaryOperationBinder binder in s_binderCache.Values)
binder._version += 1;
private string GetOperatorText()
switch (Operation)
case ExpressionType.Add: return TokenKind.Plus.Text();
case ExpressionType.Subtract: return TokenKind.Minus.Text();
case ExpressionType.Multiply: return TokenKind.Multiply.Text();
case ExpressionType.Divide: return TokenKind.Divide.Text();
case ExpressionType.Modulo: return TokenKind.Rem.Text();
case ExpressionType.And: return TokenKind.Band.Text();
case ExpressionType.Or: return TokenKind.Bor.Text();
case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr: return TokenKind.Bxor.Text();
case ExpressionType.Equal: return _ignoreCase ? TokenKind.Ieq.Text() : TokenKind.Ceq.Text();
case ExpressionType.NotEqual: return _ignoreCase ? TokenKind.Ine.Text() : TokenKind.Cne.Text();
case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: return _ignoreCase ? TokenKind.Igt.Text() : TokenKind.Cgt.Text();
case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: return _ignoreCase ? TokenKind.Ige.Text() : TokenKind.Cge.Text();
case ExpressionType.LessThan: return _ignoreCase ? TokenKind.Ilt.Text() : TokenKind.Clt.Text();
case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: return _ignoreCase ? TokenKind.Ile.Text() : TokenKind.Cle.Text();
case ExpressionType.LeftShift: return TokenKind.Shl.Text();
case ExpressionType.RightShift: return TokenKind.Shr.Text();
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Unexpected operator");
return string.Empty;
private static DynamicMetaObject CallImplicitOp(string methodName, DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, string errorOperator, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
// We will assume that if we got here with a non-null errorSuggestion and DynamicObject, that we
// are trying to generate the expression that calls the override to DynamicObject.TryBinaryOperation.
// We get called twice for the same target object, once with a null errorSuggestion (in which case we'll have
// returned the result below), and then a second time with a non-null errorSuggestion, which we return as is.
if (errorSuggestion != null && target.Value is DynamicObject)
return errorSuggestion;
// TODO: use a dynamic call site to invoke the correct method or throw an error.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
private static bool IsValueNegative(object value, TypeCode typeCode)
switch (typeCode)
case TypeCode.SByte: return (sbyte)value < 0;
case TypeCode.Int16: return (short)value < 0;
case TypeCode.Int32: return (int)value < 0;
case TypeCode.Int64: return (long)value < 0;
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Invalid type code for testing negative value");
return true;
private static Expression TypedZero(TypeCode typeCode)
switch (typeCode)
case TypeCode.SByte: return Expression.Constant((sbyte)0);
case TypeCode.Int16: return Expression.Constant((short)0);
case TypeCode.Int32: return ExpressionCache.Constant(0);
case TypeCode.Int64: return Expression.Constant((long)0);
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Invalid type code for testing negative value");
return null;
private static DynamicMetaObject FigureSignedUnsignedInt(DynamicMetaObject obj, TypeCode typeCode, TypeCode currentOpType, out Type opImplType, out Type argType, out bool shouldFallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow)
opImplType = null;
argType = null;
shouldFallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow = false;
if (IsValueNegative(obj.Value, typeCode))
switch (currentOpType)
case TypeCode.UInt32:
opImplType = typeof(LongOps);
argType = typeof(long);
case TypeCode.UInt64:
opImplType = typeof(DecimalOps);
argType = typeof(decimal);
// multiply operation may overflow within the [decimal] context, i.e. [int64]::minvalue * [uint64]::maxvalue.
// if overflow happens, we fallback to the [double] context
shouldFallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow = true;
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "Need to figure out opImplType only for UIn32 and UInt64");
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.LessThan(obj.Expression.Cast(obj.LimitType), TypedZero(typeCode)))),
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(obj.Expression.Cast(obj.LimitType), TypedZero(typeCode)))),
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryNumericOp(string methodName, DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg)
// The type code comparison and the code generated by this routine only supports primitive types
// for both operands.
Diagnostics.Assert(target.LimitType.IsNumericOrPrimitive() && arg.LimitType.IsNumericOrPrimitive(),
"numeric ops are only supported with primitive types");
Type opImplType = null, argType = null;
bool fallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow = false;
TypeCode leftTypeCode = LanguagePrimitives.GetTypeCode(target.LimitType);
TypeCode rightTypeCode = LanguagePrimitives.GetTypeCode(arg.LimitType);
TypeCode opTypeCode = (int)leftTypeCode >= (int)rightTypeCode ? leftTypeCode : rightTypeCode;
if ((int)opTypeCode <= (int)TypeCode.Int32)
opImplType = typeof(IntOps);
argType = typeof(int);
else if ((int)opTypeCode <= (int)TypeCode.UInt32)
Diagnostics.Assert(opTypeCode == TypeCode.UInt32, "opType must be UInt32 if it gets in this code path");
// If one of the operands is signed, we need to promote to long if the value is negative, but
// we can stay w/ an integer if the value is positive. Either way, we'll need a type test.
if (LanguagePrimitives.IsSignedInteger(leftTypeCode))
target = FigureSignedUnsignedInt(target, leftTypeCode, opTypeCode, out opImplType, out argType, out fallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow);
else if (LanguagePrimitives.IsSignedInteger(rightTypeCode))
arg = FigureSignedUnsignedInt(arg, rightTypeCode, opTypeCode, out opImplType, out argType, out fallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow);
if (opImplType == null)
opImplType = typeof(UIntOps);
argType = typeof(uint);
else if ((int)opTypeCode <= (int)TypeCode.Int64)
opImplType = typeof(LongOps);
argType = typeof(long);
else if ((int)opTypeCode <= (int)TypeCode.UInt64)
Diagnostics.Assert(opTypeCode == TypeCode.UInt64, "opType must be UInt64 if it gets in this code path");
if (LanguagePrimitives.IsSignedInteger(leftTypeCode))
target = FigureSignedUnsignedInt(target, leftTypeCode, opTypeCode, out opImplType, out argType, out fallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow);
else if (LanguagePrimitives.IsSignedInteger(rightTypeCode))
arg = FigureSignedUnsignedInt(arg, rightTypeCode, opTypeCode, out opImplType, out argType, out fallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow);
if (opImplType == null)
opImplType = typeof(ULongOps);
argType = typeof(ulong);
else if (opTypeCode == TypeCode.Decimal)
if (methodName.StartsWith("Compare", StringComparison.Ordinal))
// Casting a double to decimal can overflow. Instead, we are "smarter" and avoid
// the cast, and allow the comparison. There may be a precision problem with values
// near Decimal.MaxValue or Decimal.MinValue, but V2 allowed the comparisons
// w/o errors, so we continue to do so.
if (LanguagePrimitives.IsFloating(leftTypeCode))
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(typeof(DecimalOps).GetMethod(methodName + "1", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
if (LanguagePrimitives.IsFloating(rightTypeCode))
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(typeof(DecimalOps).GetMethod(methodName + "2", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
opImplType = typeof(DecimalOps);
argType = typeof(decimal);
opImplType = typeof(DoubleOps);
argType = typeof(double);
Expression expr =
Expression.Call(opImplType.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
if (fallbackToDoubleInCaseOfOverflow)
Type doubleOpType = typeof(DoubleOps);
Type doubleArgType = typeof(double);
Expression fallbackToDoubleExpr =
Expression.Call(doubleOpType.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
var exception = Expression.Variable(typeof(RuntimeException), "psBinaryNumericOpException");
var catchExpr =
Expression.Not(Expression.TypeIs(Expression.Property(exception, "InnerException"), typeof(OverflowException))),
expr = Expression.TryCatch(
if (target.LimitType.IsEnum)
// Make sure the result type is an enum unless we were expecting a bool.
switch (Operation)
case ExpressionType.Equal:
case ExpressionType.NotEqual:
case ExpressionType.GreaterThan:
case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
case ExpressionType.LessThan:
case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual:
expr = expr.Cast(target.LimitType).Cast(typeof(object));
if (Operation == ExpressionType.Equal || Operation == ExpressionType.NotEqual)
expr = Expression.TryCatch(expr,
Operation == ExpressionType.Equal ? ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse : ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue));
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryNumericStringOp(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg)
// We can't determine the operation type at compile time, we'll need another dynamic site
// Generate:
// tmp = Parser.ScanNumber(arg)
// if (tmp == null) { throw new RuntimeError("BadNumericConstant") }
// dynamic op target tmp
// For equality comparison operators, if the conversion fails, we shouldn't raise
// an exception, so those must be wrapped in try/catch, like:
// try { /* as above */ }
// catch (InvalidCastException) { true or false (depending on Operation type) }
List<ParameterExpression> temps = new List<ParameterExpression>();
List<Expression> stmts = new List<Expression>();
Expression targetExpr = target.Expression;
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
Operation == ExpressionType.Subtract || Operation == ExpressionType.Divide
|| Operation == ExpressionType.Modulo || Operation == ExpressionType.And
|| Operation == ExpressionType.Or || Operation == ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr
|| Operation == ExpressionType.LeftShift || Operation == ExpressionType.RightShift,
"string lhs not allowed for operation");
targetExpr = ConvertStringToNumber(target.Expression, arg.LimitType);
var argExpr = arg.LimitType == typeof(string) ? ConvertStringToNumber(arg.Expression, target.LimitType) : arg.Expression;
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSBinaryOperationBinder.Get(Operation), typeof(object), targetExpr, argExpr));
Expression expr = Expression.Block(temps, stmts);
if (Operation == ExpressionType.Equal || Operation == ExpressionType.NotEqual)
expr = Expression.TryCatch(expr,
Operation == ExpressionType.Equal ? ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse : ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue));
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
/// <summary>
/// Use the tokenizer to scan a number and convert it to a number of any type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expr">
/// The expression that refers to a string to be converted to a number of any type.
/// </param>
/// <param name="toType">
/// Primarily used as part of an error message. If the string is not a number, we want to raise an exception saying the
/// string can't be converted to this type. Note that if the string is a valid number, it need not be this type.
/// </param>
internal static Expression ConvertStringToNumber(Expression expr, Type toType)
if (!toType.IsNumeric())
// toType is only mostly for diagnostics, so it doesn't need to be correct. If it's not numeric, we're
// doing something like "42" - "10", and toType is the type of the "other" operand, in this case, it
// would string. Fall back to int if Parser.ScanNumber fails.
toType = typeof(int);
return Expression.Call(
Expression.Constant(toType, typeof(Type)),
private static DynamicMetaObject GetArgAsNumericOrPrimitive(DynamicMetaObject arg, Type targetType)
if (arg.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.Constant(0), arg.PSGetTypeRestriction(), 0);
bool boolToDecimal = false;
if (arg.LimitType.IsNumericOrPrimitive() && !arg.LimitType.IsEnum)
if (!(targetType == typeof(decimal) && arg.LimitType == typeof(bool)))
return arg;
// All other numeric conversions are simple casts, but bool=>decimal is not supported by LINQ (via Convert), so
// we must do the conversion ourselves.
boolToDecimal = true;
bool debase;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion only target numeric types.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(arg.Value, targetType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.ImplicitCast || boolToDecimal || arg.LimitType.IsEnum)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, arg.Expression, targetType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture),
return null;
private static Type GetBitwiseOpType(TypeCode opTypeCode)
Type opType;
if ((int)opTypeCode <= (int)TypeCode.Int32) { opType = typeof(int); }
else if ((int)opTypeCode <= (int)TypeCode.UInt32) { opType = typeof(uint); }
else if ((int)opTypeCode <= (int)TypeCode.Int64) { opType = typeof(long); }
// Because we use unsigned for -bnot, to be consistent, we promote to unsigned here too (-band,-bor,-xor)
else { opType = typeof(ulong); }
return opType;
#endregion Helpers
#region "Arithmetic" operations
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryAdd(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (target.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(arg.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)), target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
if (target.LimitType.IsNumericOrPrimitive() && target.LimitType != typeof(char))
var numericArg = GetArgAsNumericOrPrimitive(arg, target.LimitType);
if (numericArg != null)
return BinaryNumericOp("Add", target, numericArg);
if (arg.LimitType == typeof(string))
return BinaryNumericStringOp(target, arg);
Expression lhsStringExpr = null;
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
lhsStringExpr = target.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
else if (target.LimitType == typeof(char))
lhsStringExpr =
if (lhsStringExpr != null)
// For string concatenation, simply add the 2 strings, possibly converting the rhs first.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
var lhsEnumerator = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (lhsEnumerator != null)
// target is enumerable, so we're creating a new array.
var rhsEnumerator = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(arg);
Expression call;
if (rhsEnumerator != null)
// Adding 2 lists
call = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.EnumerableOps_AddEnumerable,
// Adding 1 item to a list
call = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.EnumerableOps_AddObject,
return new DynamicMetaObject(call, target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
if (target.Value is IDictionary)
if (arg.Value is IDictionary)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(new DynamicMetaObject[] { arg }, BindingRestrictions.Empty,
"AddHashTableToNonHashTable", ParserStrings.AddHashTableToNonHashTable);
return CallImplicitOp("op_Addition", target, arg, "+", errorSuggestion);
private DynamicMetaObject BinarySub(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return BinarySubDivOrRem(target, arg, errorSuggestion, "Sub", "op_Subtraction", "-");
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryMultiply(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (target.Value == null)
// Result is null regardless of the arg.
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, target.PSGetTypeRestriction());
if (target.LimitType.IsNumeric())
var numericArg = GetArgAsNumericOrPrimitive(arg, target.LimitType);
if (numericArg != null)
return BinaryNumericOp("Multiply", target, numericArg);
if (arg.LimitType == typeof(string))
return BinaryNumericStringOp(target, arg);
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
Expression argExpr = arg.LimitType == typeof(string)
? ConvertStringToNumber(arg.Expression, typeof(int)).Convert(typeof(int))
: arg.CastOrConvert(typeof(int));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
var lhsEnumerator = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (lhsEnumerator != null)
Expression argExpr = arg.LimitType == typeof(string)
? ConvertStringToNumber(arg.Expression, typeof(int)).Convert(typeof(uint))
: arg.CastOrConvert(typeof(uint));
if (target.LimitType.IsArray)
var elementType = target.LimitType.GetElementType();
return new DynamicMetaObject(
return new DynamicMetaObject(
return CallImplicitOp("op_Multiply", target, arg, "*", errorSuggestion);
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryDivide(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return BinarySubDivOrRem(target, arg, errorSuggestion, "Divide", "op_Division", "/");
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryRemainder(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return BinarySubDivOrRem(target, arg, errorSuggestion, "Remainder", "op_Modulus", "%");
private DynamicMetaObject BinarySubDivOrRem(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion,
string numericOpMethodName,
string implicitOpMethodName,
string errorOperatorText)
if (target.Value == null)
// if target is null, just use 0
target = new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.Constant(0), target.PSGetTypeRestriction(), 0);
if (target.LimitType.IsNumericOrPrimitive())
var numericArg = GetArgAsNumericOrPrimitive(arg, target.LimitType);
if (numericArg != null)
return BinaryNumericOp(numericOpMethodName, target, numericArg);
if (arg.LimitType == typeof(string))
return BinaryNumericStringOp(target, arg);
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
// Left is a string. We convert it to a number and try binding again.
return BinaryNumericStringOp(target, arg);
return CallImplicitOp(implicitOpMethodName, target, arg, errorOperatorText, errorSuggestion);
private DynamicMetaObject Shift(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion, string userOp, Func<Expression, Expression, Expression> exprGenerator)
if (target.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.Constant(0).Convert(typeof(object)), target.PSGetTypeRestriction());
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string) || arg.LimitType == typeof(string))
return BinaryNumericStringOp(target, arg);
var typeCode = LanguagePrimitives.GetTypeCode(target.LimitType);
if (!target.LimitType.IsNumeric())
return CallImplicitOp(userOp, target, arg, GetOperatorText(), errorSuggestion);
bool debase;
var resultType = typeof(int);
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion only target numeric types.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(arg.Value, resultType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.None)
return PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(arg, typeof(int), this, _version);
var numericArg = PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, arg.Expression, resultType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture);
if (typeCode == TypeCode.Decimal || typeCode == TypeCode.Double || typeCode == TypeCode.Single)
var opType = (typeCode == TypeCode.Decimal) ? typeof(DecimalOps) : typeof(DoubleOps);
var castType = (typeCode == TypeCode.Decimal) ? typeof(decimal) : typeof(double);
var methodName = userOp.Substring(3); // Drop the 'op_' prefix to figure out our internal method name.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(opType.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static), target.Expression.Cast(castType), numericArg),
var targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType);
numericArg = Expression.And(numericArg, Expression.Constant(typeCode < TypeCode.Int64 ? 0x1f : 0x3f, typeof(int)));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
exprGenerator(targetExpr, numericArg).Cast(typeof(object)),
private DynamicMetaObject LeftShift(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return Shift(target, arg, errorSuggestion, "op_LeftShift", Expression.LeftShift);
private DynamicMetaObject RightShift(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return Shift(target, arg, errorSuggestion, "op_RightShift", Expression.RightShift);
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryBitwiseXor(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return BinaryBitwiseOp(target, arg, errorSuggestion, Expression.ExclusiveOr, "op_ExclusiveOr", "-bxor", "BXor");
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryBitwiseOr(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return BinaryBitwiseOp(target, arg, errorSuggestion, Expression.Or, "op_BitwiseOr", "-bor", "BOr");
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryBitwiseAnd(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return BinaryBitwiseOp(target, arg, errorSuggestion, Expression.And, "op_BitwiseAnd", "-band", "BAnd");
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryBitwiseOp(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion,
Func<Expression, Expression, Expression> exprGenerator,
string implicitMethodName,
string errorOperatorName,
string methodName)
if (target.Value == null && arg.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.Constant(0).Cast(typeof(object)), target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
var targetUnderlyingType = (target.LimitType.IsEnum) ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(target.LimitType) : target.LimitType;
var argUnderlyingType = (arg.LimitType.IsEnum) ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(arg.LimitType) : arg.LimitType;
if (targetUnderlyingType.IsNumericOrPrimitive() || argUnderlyingType.IsNumericOrPrimitive())
TypeCode leftTypeCode = LanguagePrimitives.GetTypeCode(targetUnderlyingType);
TypeCode rightTypeCode = LanguagePrimitives.GetTypeCode(argUnderlyingType);
Type opType;
Type opImplType;
Type toType;
TypeCode opTypeCode = (int)leftTypeCode >= (int)rightTypeCode ? leftTypeCode : rightTypeCode;
DynamicMetaObject numericTarget;
DynamicMetaObject numericArg;
if (!targetUnderlyingType.IsNumericOrPrimitive())
opType = GetBitwiseOpType(rightTypeCode);
numericTarget = GetArgAsNumericOrPrimitive(target, opType);
numericArg = arg;
else if (!argUnderlyingType.IsNumericOrPrimitive())
opType = GetBitwiseOpType(leftTypeCode);
numericTarget = target;
numericArg = GetArgAsNumericOrPrimitive(arg, opType);
numericTarget = target;
numericArg = arg;
if (opTypeCode == TypeCode.Decimal)
opImplType = typeof(DecimalOps);
toType = typeof(decimal);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(opImplType.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
if (opTypeCode == TypeCode.Double || opTypeCode == TypeCode.Single)
opImplType = typeof(DoubleOps);
toType = typeof(double);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(opImplType.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
// Figure out the smallest type necessary so we don't lose information.
// For uint, V2 promoted to long, but it's more correct to use uint.
// For ulong, V2 incorrectly used long, this is fixed here.
// For float, double, and decimal operands, we used to use long because V2 did.
// Because we use unsigned for -bnot, to be consistent, we promote to unsigned here too (-band,-bor,-xor)
opType = GetBitwiseOpType((int)leftTypeCode >= (int)rightTypeCode ? leftTypeCode : rightTypeCode);
if (numericTarget != null && numericArg != null)
var expr = exprGenerator(numericTarget.Expression.Cast(numericTarget.LimitType).Cast(opType),
if (target.LimitType.IsEnum)
expr = expr.Cast(target.LimitType);
expr = expr.Cast(typeof(object));
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, numericTarget.CombineRestrictions(numericArg));
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string) || arg.LimitType == typeof(string))
return BinaryNumericStringOp(target, arg);
return CallImplicitOp(implicitMethodName, target, arg, errorOperatorName, errorSuggestion);
#endregion "Arithmetic" operations
#region Comparison operations
private DynamicMetaObject CompareEQ(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (target.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
arg.Value == null ? ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue : ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse,
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null && arg.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
return BinaryComparisonCommon(enumerable, target, arg)
?? BinaryEqualityComparison(target, arg);
private DynamicMetaObject CompareNE(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (target.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
arg.Value == null ? ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse : ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue,
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null && arg.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue,
return BinaryComparisonCommon(enumerable, target, arg)
?? BinaryEqualityComparison(target, arg);
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryEqualityComparison(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg)
var toResult = Operation == ExpressionType.NotEqual ? (Func<Expression, Expression>)Expression.Not : e => e;
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
var targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
// Doing a string comparison no matter what.
var argExpr = arg.LimitType != typeof(string)
? DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string),
arg.Expression, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS)
: arg.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
toResult(Compiler.CallStringEquals(targetExpr, argExpr, _ignoreCase)).Cast(typeof(object)),
if (target.LimitType == typeof(char) && _ignoreCase)
if (arg.LimitType == typeof(char))
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Operation == ExpressionType.Equal ? CachedReflectionInfo.CharOps_CompareIeq : CachedReflectionInfo.CharOps_CompareIne,
if (arg.LimitType == typeof(string))
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Operation == ExpressionType.Equal ? CachedReflectionInfo.CharOps_CompareStringIeq : CachedReflectionInfo.CharOps_CompareStringIne,
Expression objectEqualsCall = Expression.Call(target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)),
bool debase;
var targetType = target.LimitType;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion are protected by the binding rules below.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(arg.Value, targetType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.Identity || conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.Assignable
|| (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.NullToRef && targetType != typeof(PSReference)))
// In these cases, no actual conversion is happening, and conversion.Converter will just return
// the value to be converted. So there is no need to convert the value and compare again.
return new DynamicMetaObject(toResult(objectEqualsCall).Cast(typeof(object)), target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(arg);
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(this, targetType, _version));
// If there is no conversion, then just rely on 'objectEqualsCall' which most likely will return false. If we attempted the
// conversion, we'd need extra code to catch an exception we know will happen just to return false.
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.None)
return new DynamicMetaObject(toResult(objectEqualsCall).Cast(typeof(object)), bindingRestrictions);
// A conversion exists. Generate:
// tmp = target.Equals(arg)
// try {
// if (!tmp) { tmp = target.Equals(Convert(arg, target.GetType())) }
// } catch (InvalidCastException) { tmp = false }
// return (operator is -eq/-ceq/-ieq) ? tmp : !tmp
var resultTmp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool));
Expression secondEqualsCall =
PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, arg.Expression, targetType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture).Cast(typeof(object)));
var expr = Expression.Block(
new ParameterExpression[] { resultTmp },
Expression.Assign(resultTmp, objectEqualsCall),
Expression.TryCatch(Expression.Assign(resultTmp, secondEqualsCall),
Expression.Assign(resultTmp, ExpressionCache.Constant(false))))),
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr.Cast(typeof(object)), bindingRestrictions);
private static Expression CompareWithZero(DynamicMetaObject target, Func<Expression, Expression, Expression> comparer)
return comparer(target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType), ExpressionCache.Constant(0).Cast(target.LimitType)).Cast(typeof(object));
private DynamicMetaObject CompareLT(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null && (target.Value == null || arg.Value == null))
Expression result =
target.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(target, Expression.LessThan)
: arg.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(arg, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual)
: arg.Value != null ? ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue
: ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse;
return new DynamicMetaObject(result, target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
return BinaryComparisonCommon(enumerable, target, arg)
?? BinaryComparison(target, arg, static e => Expression.LessThan(e, ExpressionCache.Constant(0)));
private DynamicMetaObject CompareLE(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null && (target.Value == null || arg.Value == null))
Expression result =
target.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(target, Expression.LessThan)
: arg.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(arg, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual)
: target.Value != null ? ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse
: ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue;
return new DynamicMetaObject(result, target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
return BinaryComparisonCommon(enumerable, target, arg)
?? BinaryComparison(target, arg, static e => Expression.LessThanOrEqual(e, ExpressionCache.Constant(0)));
private DynamicMetaObject CompareGT(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
// Handle a null operand as a special case here unless the target is enumerable or if one of the operands is numeric,
// in which case null is converted to 0 and regular numeric comparison is done.
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null && (target.Value == null || arg.Value == null))
Expression result =
target.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(target, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual)
: arg.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(arg, Expression.LessThan)
: target.Value != null ? ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue
: ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse;
return new DynamicMetaObject(result, target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
return BinaryComparisonCommon(enumerable, target, arg)
?? BinaryComparison(target, arg, static e => Expression.GreaterThan(e, ExpressionCache.Constant(0)));
private DynamicMetaObject CompareGE(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject arg,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
// Handle a null operand as a special case here unless the target is enumerable or if one of the operands is numeric,
// in which case null is converted to 0 and regular numeric comparison is done.
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable == null && (target.Value == null || arg.Value == null))
Expression result =
target.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(target, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual)
: arg.LimitType.IsNumeric() ? CompareWithZero(arg, Expression.LessThan)
: arg.Value != null ? ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse
: ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue;
return new DynamicMetaObject(result, target.CombineRestrictions(arg));
return BinaryComparisonCommon(enumerable, target, arg)
?? BinaryComparison(target, arg, static e => Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(e, ExpressionCache.Constant(0)));
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryComparison(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg, Func<Expression, Expression> toResult)
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
var targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
// Doing a string comparison no matter what.
var argExpr = arg.LimitType != typeof(string)
? DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string),
arg.Expression, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS)
: arg.Expression.Cast(typeof(string));
var expr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.StringOps_Compare, targetExpr, argExpr, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture,
? ExpressionCache.CompareOptionsIgnoreCase
: ExpressionCache.CompareOptionsNone);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
bool debase;
var targetType = target.LimitType;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion are protected by the binding rules below.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(arg.Value, targetType, out debase);
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(arg);
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(this, targetType, _version));
Expression argConverted;
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.Identity || conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.Assignable)
argConverted = arg.Expression;
else if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.None)
// If there is no conversion, then don't bother to invoke the converter. We raise the exception directly.
var valueToConvert = debase
? Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, arg.Expression)
: arg.Expression.Cast(typeof(object));
var errorMsgTuple = Expression.Call(
valueToConvert, Expression.Constant(targetType, typeof(Type)));
argConverted = Compiler.ThrowRuntimeError(
"ComparisonFailure", ExtendedTypeSystem.ComparisonFailure, targetType,
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string), target.Expression, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS),
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string), arg.Expression, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS),
Expression.Property(errorMsgTuple, "Item2"));
// Invoke the converter. We can raise the exception if the conversion throws InvalidCastException.
var innerException = Expression.Parameter(typeof(InvalidCastException));
argConverted =
PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, arg.Expression, targetType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture),
Expression.Constant(ExtendedTypeSystem.ComparisonFailure), innerException, targetType,
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string), target.Expression, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS),
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string), arg.Expression, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS),
Expression.Property(innerException, CachedReflectionInfo.Exception_Message))));
// Prefer IComparable<T> over IComparable if possible
if (target.LimitType == arg.LimitType)
foreach (var i in target.Value.GetType().GetInterfaces())
if (i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IComparable<>))
return new DynamicMetaObject(
toResult(Expression.Call(Expression.Convert(target.Expression, i),
if (target.Value is IComparable)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
var throwExpr = Compiler.ThrowRuntimeError("NotIcomparable", ExtendedTypeSystem.NotIcomparable, this.ReturnType, target.Expression);
// Try object.Equals. If the objects compare equal, the result is known (true for -ge or -le, false for -gt or -lt), otherwise
// throw because the objects can't be compared in any meaningful way.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
(Operation == ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual || Operation == ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual)
? ExpressionCache.BoxedTrue : ExpressionCache.BoxedFalse,
private DynamicMetaObject BinaryComparisonCommon(DynamicMetaObject targetAsEnumerator, DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject arg)
if (targetAsEnumerator != null && !_scalarCompare)
// If the target is enumerable, the we generate an object[] result with elements matching.
// The iteration will be done in a pre-compiled method, but the comparison is done with
// a dynamically generated lambda that uses a binder
return new DynamicMetaObject(
if (target.LimitType.IsNumeric())
var numericArg = GetArgAsNumericOrPrimitive(arg, target.LimitType);
if (numericArg != null)
string numericMethod = null;
switch (Operation)
case ExpressionType.Equal: numericMethod = "CompareEq"; break;
case ExpressionType.NotEqual: numericMethod = "CompareNe"; break;
case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: numericMethod = "CompareGt"; break;
case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: numericMethod = "CompareGe"; break;
case ExpressionType.LessThan: numericMethod = "CompareLt"; break;
case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: numericMethod = "CompareLe"; break;
return BinaryNumericOp(numericMethod, target, numericArg);
if (arg.LimitType == typeof(string))
return BinaryNumericStringOp(target, arg);
return null;
#endregion Comparison operations
/// <summary>
/// The binder for unary operators like !, -, or +.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSUnaryOperationBinder : UnaryOperationBinder
private static PSUnaryOperationBinder s_notBinder;
private static PSUnaryOperationBinder s_bnotBinder;
private static PSUnaryOperationBinder s_unaryMinus;
private static PSUnaryOperationBinder s_unaryPlusBinder;
private static PSUnaryOperationBinder s_incrementBinder;
private static PSUnaryOperationBinder s_decrementBinder;
internal static PSUnaryOperationBinder Get(ExpressionType operation)
switch (operation)
case ExpressionType.Not:
if (s_notBinder == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_notBinder, new PSUnaryOperationBinder(operation), null);
return s_notBinder;
case ExpressionType.OnesComplement:
if (s_bnotBinder == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_bnotBinder, new PSUnaryOperationBinder(operation), null);
return s_bnotBinder;
case ExpressionType.UnaryPlus:
if (s_unaryPlusBinder == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_unaryPlusBinder, new PSUnaryOperationBinder(operation), null);
return s_unaryPlusBinder;
case ExpressionType.Negate:
if (s_unaryMinus == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_unaryMinus, new PSUnaryOperationBinder(operation), null);
return s_unaryMinus;
case ExpressionType.Increment:
if (s_incrementBinder == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_incrementBinder, new PSUnaryOperationBinder(operation), null);
return s_incrementBinder;
case ExpressionType.Decrement:
if (s_decrementBinder == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_decrementBinder, new PSUnaryOperationBinder(operation), null);
return s_decrementBinder;
throw new NotImplementedException("Unimplemented unary operation");
private PSUnaryOperationBinder(ExpressionType operation) : base(operation)
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackUnaryOperation(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
return this.DeferForPSObject(target);
switch (Operation)
case ExpressionType.Not:
return Not(target, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.OnesComplement:
return BNot(target, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.UnaryPlus:
return UnaryPlus(target, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Negate:
return UnaryMinus(target, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Increment:
return IncrDecr(target, 1, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
case ExpressionType.Decrement:
return IncrDecr(target, -1, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PSUnaryOperationBinder {0}", this.Operation);
internal DynamicMetaObject Not(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
// TODO: check op_LogicalNot
// This could generate a dynamic site in the expr, which means we might have the same type test twice.
// We should do better, but this is the simplest implementation, we can add specific cases to handle more common
// cases if necessary.
var targetExpr = target.CastOrConvert(typeof(bool));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
internal DynamicMetaObject BNot(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
return this.DeferForPSObject(target);
if (target.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.Constant(-1).Cast(typeof(object)), target.PSGetTypeRestriction());
// If the type implements the operator, prefer that.
var method = target.LimitType.GetMethod("op_OnesComplement", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null,
new Type[] { target.LimitType }, null);
if (method != null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.OnesComplement(target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType), method).Cast(typeof(object)),
// Otherwise, do a conversion, as necessary, or throw (and say we can't convert to int, a better message
// would be nice, but this error is good enough.)
if (target.LimitType == typeof(string))
// If we have a string, we defer resolving the operation type until after we know the type of the operand,
// so generate a dynamic site.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(this, this.ReturnType,
PSBinaryOperationBinder.ConvertStringToNumber(target.Expression, typeof(int))),
Expression targetExpr = null;
if (!target.LimitType.IsNumeric())
var resultType = typeof(int);
bool debase;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion only target numeric types.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(target.Value, resultType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank != ConversionRank.None)
targetExpr = PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, target.Expression, resultType, debase,
resultType = typeof(long);
// ConstrainedLanguage note - calls to this conversion only target numeric types.
conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(target.Value, resultType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank != ConversionRank.None)
targetExpr = PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, target.Expression, resultType, debase,
var typeCode = LanguagePrimitives.GetTypeCode(target.LimitType);
if (typeCode < TypeCode.Int32)
targetExpr = target.LimitType.IsEnum
? target.Expression.Cast(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(target.LimitType))
: target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType);
targetExpr = targetExpr.Cast(typeof(int));
else if (typeCode <= TypeCode.UInt64)
var targetConvertType = target.LimitType;
if (targetConvertType.IsEnum)
targetConvertType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(targetConvertType);
targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(targetConvertType);
var opType = (typeCode == TypeCode.Decimal) ? typeof(DecimalOps) : typeof(DoubleOps);
var castType = (typeCode == TypeCode.Decimal) ? typeof(decimal) : typeof(double);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(opType.GetMethod("BNot", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic), target.Expression.Convert(castType)),
if (targetExpr != null)
Expression result = Expression.OnesComplement(targetExpr);
if (target.LimitType.IsEnum)
result = result.Cast(target.LimitType);
return new DynamicMetaObject(result.Cast(typeof(object)), target.PSGetTypeRestriction());
return errorSuggestion ?? PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(target, typeof(int), this, -1);
private DynamicMetaObject UnaryPlus(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
return this.DeferForPSObject(target);
if (target.LimitType.IsNumeric())
var expr = target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType);
if (target.LimitType == typeof(byte) || target.LimitType == typeof(sbyte))
// promote to int, unary plus doesn't support byte directly.
expr = expr.Cast(typeof(int));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
// Use a nested dynamic site that adds 0. This won't change the sign, but it will attempt conversions. This is slower than it needs
// to be, but should be hit rarely.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSBinaryOperationBinder.Get(ExpressionType.Add), typeof(object), ExpressionCache.Constant(0), target.Expression),
private DynamicMetaObject UnaryMinus(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
return this.DeferForPSObject(target);
if (target.LimitType.IsNumeric())
var expr = target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType);
if (target.LimitType == typeof(byte) || target.LimitType == typeof(sbyte))
// promote to int, unary plus doesn't support byte directly.
expr = expr.Cast(typeof(int));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
// Use a nested dynamic site that subtracts from 0. This won't change the sign, but it will attempt conversions. This is slower than it needs
// to be, but should be hit rarely.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSBinaryOperationBinder.Get(ExpressionType.Subtract), typeof(object), ExpressionCache.Constant(0), target.Expression),
private DynamicMetaObject IncrDecr(DynamicMetaObject target, int valueToAdd, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
return this.DeferForPSObject(target);
if (target.Value == null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.Constant(valueToAdd).Cast(typeof(object)), target.PSGetTypeRestriction());
if (target.LimitType.IsNumeric())
var arg = new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.Constant(valueToAdd), BindingRestrictions.Empty, valueToAdd);
var result = PSBinaryOperationBinder.Get(ExpressionType.Add).FallbackBinaryOperation(target, arg, errorSuggestion);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
return errorSuggestion ?? target.ThrowRuntimeError(
Expression.Constant((Operation == ExpressionType.Increment ? TokenKind.PlusPlus : TokenKind.MinusMinus).Text()),
Expression.Constant(target.LimitType, typeof(Type)));
/// <summary>
/// The binder for converting a value, e.g. [int]"42"
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSConvertBinder : ConvertBinder
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, PSConvertBinder> s_binderCache = new Dictionary<Type, PSConvertBinder>();
internal int _version;
public static PSConvertBinder Get(Type type)
PSConvertBinder result;
lock (s_binderCache)
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(type, out result))
result = new PSConvertBinder(type);
s_binderCache.Add(type, result);
return result;
private PSConvertBinder(Type type)
: base(type, /*explicit=*/false)
this._version = 0;
if (type == typeof(string))
CacheTarget((Func<CallSite, object, string>)(StringToStringRule));
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackConvert(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value == AutomationNull.Value)
return new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Default(this.Type), target.PSGetTypeRestriction()).WriteToDebugLog(this);
bool debase;
var resultType = this.Type;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - this is the main conversion mechanism. If the runspace has ever used
// ConstrainedLanguage, then start baking in the language mode to the binding rules.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(target.Value, resultType, out debase);
if (errorSuggestion != null && target.Value is DynamicObject)
return errorSuggestion.WriteToDebugLog(this);
BindingRestrictions restrictions = target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(this, resultType, _version));
return (new DynamicMetaObject(
InvokeConverter(conversion, target.Expression, resultType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture),
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PSConvertBinder [{0}] ver:{1}", Microsoft.PowerShell.ToStringCodeMethods.Type(this.Type, true), _version);
internal static void InvalidateCache()
// Invalidate binders
lock (s_binderCache)
foreach (PSConvertBinder binder in s_binderCache.Values)
binder._version += 1;
internal static DynamicMetaObject ThrowNoConversion(DynamicMetaObject target, Type toType, DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder,
int currentVersion, params DynamicMetaObject[] args)
// No conversion, so the result expression raises an error:
// throw new PSInvalidCastException("ConvertToFinalInvalidCastException", null,
// ExtendedTypeSystem.InvalidCastException,
// valueToConvert.ToString(), ObjectToTypeNameString(valueToConvert), resultType.ToString());
Expression expr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.LanguagePrimitives_ThrowInvalidCastException,
Expression.Constant(toType, typeof(Type)));
if (binder.ReturnType != typeof(void))
expr = Expression.Block(expr, Expression.Default(binder.ReturnType));
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(args);
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(binder, toType, currentVersion));
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, bindingRestrictions);
/// <summary>
/// Convert argument to a ByRef-like type via implicit or explicit conversion.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument">
/// The argument to be converted to a ByRef-like type.
/// </param>
/// <param name="resultType">
/// The ByRef-like type to convert to.
/// </param>
internal static Expression ConvertToByRefLikeTypeViaCasting(DynamicMetaObject argument, Type resultType)
var baseObject = PSObject.Base(argument.Value);
// Source value cannot be null or AutomationNull, and it cannot be a pure PSObject.
if (baseObject != null && baseObject is not PSObject)
Type fromType = baseObject.GetType();
ConversionRank rank = ConversionRank.None;
LanguagePrimitives.FigureCastConversion(fromType, resultType, ref rank);
if (rank != ConversionRank.None)
var valueToConvert = baseObject == argument.Value
? argument.Expression
: Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, argument.Expression);
return Expression.Convert(valueToConvert.Cast(fromType), resultType);
return null;
internal static Expression InvokeConverter(LanguagePrimitives.IConversionData conversion,
Expression value,
Type resultType,
bool debase,
Expression formatProvider)
Expression conv;
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.Identity || conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.Assignable)
conv = debase ? Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, value) : value;
Expression valueToConvert, valueAsPSObject;
if (debase)
// Caller has verified the value is a PSObject.
valueToConvert = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, value);
valueAsPSObject = value.Cast(typeof(PSObject));
// Caller has verified the value is not a PSObject, or that PSObject.Base should not be called.
// If the object is some sort of PSObject, it's most likely a derived to base conversion.
valueToConvert = value.Cast(typeof(object));
valueAsPSObject = ExpressionCache.NullPSObject;
conv = Expression.Call(
/*valueToConvert=*/ valueToConvert,
/*resultType=*/ Expression.Constant(resultType, typeof(Type)),
/*recurse=*/ ExpressionCache.Constant(true),
/*originalValueToConvert=*/ valueAsPSObject,
/*formatProvider=*/ formatProvider,
/*backupTable=*/ ExpressionCache.NullTypeTable);
// Skip adding the Convert if unnecessary (same type), or impossible (InternalPSCustomObject)
if (conv.Type == resultType || resultType == typeof(LanguagePrimitives.InternalPSCustomObject))
return conv;
if (resultType.IsValueType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(resultType) == null)
return Expression.Unbox(conv, resultType);
return Expression.Convert(conv, resultType);
private static string StringToStringRule(CallSite site, object obj)
var str = obj as string;
return str ?? ((CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, string>>)site).Update(site, obj);
/// <summary>
/// The binder to get the value of an indexable object, e.g. $x[1]
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSGetIndexBinder : GetIndexBinder
private static readonly Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool>, PSGetIndexBinder> s_binderCache
= new Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool>, PSGetIndexBinder>();
private readonly PSMethodInvocationConstraints _constraints;
private readonly bool _allowSlicing;
internal int _version;
public static PSGetIndexBinder Get(int argCount, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints, bool allowSlicing = true)
lock (s_binderCache)
PSGetIndexBinder binder;
var tuple = Tuple.Create(new CallInfo(argCount), constraints, allowSlicing);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(tuple, out binder))
binder = new PSGetIndexBinder(tuple);
s_binderCache.Add(tuple, binder);
return binder;
private PSGetIndexBinder(Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool> tuple)
: base(tuple.Item1)
_constraints = tuple.Item2;
_allowSlicing = tuple.Item3;
this._version = 0;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"PSGetIndexBinder indexCount={0}{1}{2} ver:{3}",
_allowSlicing ? string.Empty : " slicing disallowed",
_constraints == null ? string.Empty : " constraints: " + _constraints,
internal static void InvalidateCache()
// Invalidate binders
lock (s_binderCache)
foreach (PSGetIndexBinder binder in s_binderCache.Values)
binder._version += 1;
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackGetIndex(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue || indexes.Any(static mo => !mo.HasValue))
return Defer(indexes.Prepend(target).ToArray()).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if ((target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value)) ||
indexes.Any(static mo => mo.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(mo.Value) != mo.Value)))
return this.DeferForPSObject(indexes.Prepend(target).ToArray()).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// Check if this is a COM Object
DynamicMetaObject comResult;
if (ComInterop.ComBinder.TryBindGetIndex(this, target, indexes, out comResult))
return comResult.UpdateComRestrictionsForPsObject(indexes).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value == null)
return (errorSuggestion ??
target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "NullArray", ParserStrings.NullArray)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// A null index is not allowed unless the index is one of the indices used while slicing, in which case we'll attempt
// the usual conversions from null to whatever the value being indexed supports.
// This is oddly inconsistent e.g.:
// $a[$null] # error
// $a[$null,$null] # no error, result is an empty array
// The rationale: V1/V2 did it, and when people are slicing, it's better to return some of the results than none.
if (indexes.Length == 1 && indexes[0].Value == null && _allowSlicing)
return (errorSuggestion ??
target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "NullArrayIndex", ParserStrings.NullArrayIndex)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.LimitType.IsArray)
return GetIndexArray(target, indexes, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var defaultMember = target.LimitType.GetCustomAttributes<DefaultMemberAttribute>(true).FirstOrDefault();
PropertyInfo lengthProperty = null;
foreach (var i in target.LimitType.GetInterfaces())
if (i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDictionary<,>))
var result = GetIndexDictionary(target, indexes, i);
if (result != null)
return result.WriteToDebugLog(this);
// If the type explicitly implements an indexer specified by an interface
// then the DefaultMemberAttribute will not carry over to the implementation.
// This check will catch those cases.
if (defaultMember == null)
defaultMember = i.GetCustomAttributes<DefaultMemberAttribute>(inherit: false).FirstOrDefault();
if (defaultMember != null)
lengthProperty = i.GetProperty("Count") ?? i.GetProperty("Length");
if (defaultMember != null)
return InvokeIndexer(target, indexes, errorSuggestion, defaultMember.MemberName, lengthProperty).WriteToDebugLog(this);
return errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes).WriteToDebugLog(this);
private DynamicMetaObject CannotIndexTarget(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes)
// We want to have
// $x[0]
// Be equivalent to
// $x
// When $x doesn't have any other way of being indexed. If the index is anything other than 0, we'll
// throw an error.
// The motivation for this magic is largely driven by the desire to avoid breaking scripts written around
// workflows. A workflow that wrote a single object to the pipeline had always returned a collection, so
// scripts needed to index. This semantic doesn't match the script semantics - a single object written is
// not wrapped in a collection. The inconsistency had to be addressed, but this code had to be added to
// avoid breaking partner scripts.
// Add version / language checks
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(indexes);
// This may be thrown due to a type that was disallowed only due to constrained language.
// Because of this, we also need a version check
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(this, _version));
// Also add a language mode check to detect toggling between language modes
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage());
var call = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.ArrayOps_GetNonIndexable, target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)),
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), indexes.Select(static d => d.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)))));
return new DynamicMetaObject(call, bindingRestrictions);
// Index a generic dictionary via TryGetValue. This routine does not handle slicing,
// we defer to InvokeIndexer to handle slicing (dictionaries also support general indexing.)
private DynamicMetaObject GetIndexDictionary(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] indexes,
Type idictionary)
if (indexes.Length > 1)
// Let InvokeIndexer generate the slicing code, we wouldn't generate anything special here.
return null;
var tryGetValue = idictionary.GetMethod("TryGetValue");
Diagnostics.Assert(tryGetValue != null, "IDictionary<K,V> has TryGetValue");
var parameters = tryGetValue.GetParameters();
bool debase;
var keyType = parameters[0].ParameterType;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - Calls to this conversion are protected by the binding rules below
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(indexes[0].Value, keyType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.None)
// No conversion allows us to call TryGetValue, let InvokeIndexer make the decision (possibly
// slicing, or possibly just invoke the indexer.
return null;
if (indexes[0].LimitType.IsArray && !keyType.IsArray)
// There was a conversion, but it's far more likely (and backwards compatible) that we want to do slicing
return null;
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(indexes);
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(this, keyType, _version));
var keyExpr = PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, indexes[0].Expression, keyType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture);
var outParam = Expression.Parameter(parameters[1].ParameterType.GetElementType(), "outParam");
return new DynamicMetaObject(
new ParameterExpression[] { outParam },
Expression.Call(target.Expression.Cast(idictionary), tryGetValue, keyExpr, outParam),
internal static bool CanIndexFromEndWithNegativeIndex(
DynamicMetaObject target,
MethodInfo indexer,
ParameterInfo[] getterParams)
// PowerShell supports negative indexing for types that meet the following criteria:
// - Indexer method accepts one parameter that is typed as int
// - The int parameter is not a type argument from a constructed generic type
// (this is to exclude indexers for types that could use a negative index as
// a valid key like System.Linq.ILookup)
// - Declares a "Count" or "Length" property
// - Does not inherit from IDictionary<> as that is handled earlier in the binder
// For those types, generate special code to check for negative indices, otherwise just generate
// the call. Before we test for the above criteria explicitly, we will determine if the
// target is of a type known to be compatible. This is done to avoid the call to Module.ResolveMethod
// when possible.
if (getterParams.Length != 1 || getterParams[0].ParameterType != typeof(int))
return false;
Type limitType = target.LimitType;
if (limitType.IsArray || limitType == typeof(string) || limitType == typeof(StringBuilder))
return true;
if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(limitType))
return true;
if (typeof(OrderedDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(limitType))
return true;
// target implements IList<T>?
if (limitType.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>)))
return true;
// Get the base method definition of the indexer to determine if the int
// parameter is a generic type parameter. Module.ResolveMethod is used
// because the indexer could be a method from a constructed generic type.
MethodBase baseMethod = indexer.Module.ResolveMethod(indexer.MetadataToken);
return !baseMethod.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType.IsGenericParameter;
private DynamicMetaObject IndexWithNegativeChecks(
DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject index,
PropertyInfo lengthProperty,
Func<Expression, Expression, Expression> generateIndexOperation)
// Generate:
// try {
// len = obj.Length
// if (index < 0)
// index = index + len
// obj[index]
// } catch (Exception e) {
// if (StrictMode(3)) { throw }
// $null
// }
var targetTmp = Expression.Parameter(target.LimitType, "target");
var lenTmp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "len");
var indexTmp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "index");
Expression block = Expression.Block(
new ParameterExpression[] { targetTmp, lenTmp, indexTmp },
// Save the target because we use it multiple times.
Expression.Assign(targetTmp, target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType)),
// Save the length because we use it multiple times.
Expression.Property(targetTmp, lengthProperty)),
// Save the index because we use it multiple times
Expression.Assign(indexTmp, index.Expression),
// Adjust the index if it's negative
Expression.IfThen(Expression.LessThan(indexTmp, ExpressionCache.Constant(0)),
Expression.Assign(indexTmp, Expression.Add(indexTmp, lenTmp))),
// Generate the index operation
generateIndexOperation(targetTmp, indexTmp));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
// Do the indexing within a try/catch so we can return $null if the index is out of bounds,
// or if the index cast fails, e.g. $a = @(1); $a['abc']
private DynamicMetaObject GetIndexArray(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
var array = (Array)target.Value;
if (array.Rank > 1)
return GetIndexMultiDimensionArray(target, indexes, errorSuggestion);
if (indexes.Length > 1)
// If the binder allows slicing, we're definitely slicing, otherwise,
// calling the indexer will fail because there are either too many or too few indices, so
// throw an error in that case (and not null.)
return _allowSlicing
? InvokeSlicingIndexer(target, indexes)
: (errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes));
var slicingResult = CheckForSlicing(target, indexes);
if (slicingResult != null)
return slicingResult;
var indexAsInt = ConvertIndex(indexes[0], typeof(int));
if (indexAsInt == null)
// Calling the indexer will fail because we can't convert an index to the correct type.
return errorSuggestion ?? PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(target, typeof(int), this, _version, indexes);
return IndexWithNegativeChecks(
new DynamicMetaObject(target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType), target.PSGetTypeRestriction()),
new DynamicMetaObject(indexAsInt, indexes[0].PSGetTypeRestriction()),
static (t, i) => Expression.ArrayIndex(t, i).Cast(typeof(object)));
private DynamicMetaObject GetIndexMultiDimensionArray(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
// We have lots of possibilities here
// * single index - enumerable, all ints
// - single result, count must match array rank
// * single index - enumerable, all enumerable of ints
// - slicing, falls back to previous case
// * multiple indices - all ints
// - single result, must match array rank
// * multiple indices - enumerable of ints
// - slicing, falls back to first case
// In script, the above cases look like:
// $x = [array]::CreateInstance([int], 3, 3)
// $y = 0,0
// $z = $y,$y
// $x[$y] # case 1
// $x[$z] # case 2
// $x[1,1] # case 3
// $x[(1,1),(0,0)] # case 4
var array = (Array)target.Value;
if (indexes.Length == 1)
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(indexes[0]);
if (enumerable == null)
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "NeedMultidimensionalIndex",
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSToStringBinder.Get(), typeof(string),
indexes[0].Expression, ExpressionCache.GetExecutionContextFromTLS));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Convert(target.Expression, typeof(Array)),
var intIndexes = indexes.Select(static index => ConvertIndex(index, typeof(int))).Where(static i => i != null).ToArray();
if (intIndexes.Length != indexes.Length)
if (!_allowSlicing)
return errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes);
return InvokeSlicingIndexer(target, indexes);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Convert(target.Expression, typeof(Array)),
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(int), intIndexes),
private DynamicMetaObject InvokeIndexer(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] indexes,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion,
string methodName,
PropertyInfo lengthProperty)
MethodInfo getter = PSInvokeMemberBinder.FindBestMethod(target, indexes, "get_" + methodName, false, _constraints);
if (getter == null)
return CheckForSlicing(target, indexes) ?? errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes);
var getterParams = getter.GetParameters();
if (getterParams.Length != indexes.Length)
if (getterParams.Length == 1 && _allowSlicing)
// We have a slicing operation.
return InvokeSlicingIndexer(target, indexes);
// Calling the indexer will fail because there are either too many or too few indices.
return errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes);
if (getterParams.Length == 1)
// The getter takes a single argument, so first check if we're slicing.
var slicingResult = CheckForSlicing(target, indexes);
if (slicingResult != null)
return slicingResult;
if (getter.ReturnType.IsByRefLike)
// We cannot return a ByRef-like value in PowerShell, so we disallow getting such an indexer.
return errorSuggestion ?? new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Constant(target.LimitType, typeof(Type)),
Expression.Constant(getter.ReturnType, typeof(Type)))),
Expression[] indexExprs = new Expression[getterParams.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < getterParams.Length; ++i)
var parameterType = getterParams[i].ParameterType;
indexExprs[i] = parameterType.IsByRefLike
? PSConvertBinder.ConvertToByRefLikeTypeViaCasting(indexes[i], parameterType)
: ConvertIndex(indexes[i], parameterType);
if (indexExprs[i] == null)
// Calling the indexer will fail because we can't convert an index to the correct type.
return errorSuggestion ?? PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(target, parameterType, this, _version, indexes);
if (CanIndexFromEndWithNegativeIndex(target, getter, getterParams))
if (lengthProperty == null)
// Count is declared by most supported types, Length will catch some edge cases like strings.
lengthProperty = target.LimitType.GetProperty("Count") ??
if (lengthProperty != null)
return IndexWithNegativeChecks(
new DynamicMetaObject(target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType),
new DynamicMetaObject(indexExprs[0], indexes[0].PSGetTypeRestriction()),
(t, i) => Expression.Call(t, getter, i).Cast(typeof(object)));
// An indexer may do conversion to an unsafe type, so we need version checks
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(indexes);
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(this, _version));
// Also add a language mode check to detect toggling between language modes
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage());
return new DynamicMetaObject(
SafeIndexResult(Expression.Call(target.Expression.Cast(getter.DeclaringType), getter, indexExprs)),
internal static Expression ConvertIndex(DynamicMetaObject index, Type resultType)
// ConstrainedLanguage note - Calls to this conversion are protected by the binding rules that call it.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(index.Value, resultType, out bool debase);
return conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.None
? null
: PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, index.Expression, resultType, debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture);
private DynamicMetaObject CheckForSlicing(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes)
if (!_allowSlicing)
return null;
if (indexes.Length > 1)
var nonSlicingBinder = PSGetIndexBinder.Get(1, _constraints, allowSlicing: false);
var expr = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object),
indexes.Select(i => DynamicExpression.Dynamic(nonSlicingBinder, typeof(object), target.Expression, i.Expression)));
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, target.CombineRestrictions(indexes));
var enumerableIndex = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(indexes[0]);
if (enumerableIndex != null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
return null;
private DynamicMetaObject InvokeSlicingIndexer(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes)
Diagnostics.Assert(_allowSlicing, "Slicing is not recursive");
return new DynamicMetaObject(
indexes.Select(static dmo => dmo.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)))),
private Expression SafeIndexResult(Expression expr)
var exception = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Exception));
return Expression.TryCatch(
Expression.IfThen(Compiler.IsStrictMode(3), Expression.Rethrow()),
private Expression GetNullResult()
return _allowSlicing ? ExpressionCache.NullConstant : ExpressionCache.AutomationNullConstant;
private Func<object, object, object> GetNonSlicingIndexer()
// Rather than cache a single delegate, we create one for each generated rule under the assumption
// that, although the generated rule may be used in multiple sites, it's better to have
// multiple delegates (and hence, multiple nested sites) rather than a single nested site for
// all non-slicing indexing.
var targetParamExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
var indexParamExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object, object>>(
DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSGetIndexBinder.Get(1, _constraints, allowSlicing: false), typeof(object), targetParamExpr,
targetParamExpr, indexParamExpr).Compile();
/// <summary>
/// The binder for setting the value of an indexable element, like $x[1] = 5.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PSSetIndexBinder : SetIndexBinder
private static readonly Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints>, PSSetIndexBinder> s_binderCache
= new Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints>, PSSetIndexBinder>();
private readonly PSMethodInvocationConstraints _constraints;
internal int _version;
public static PSSetIndexBinder Get(int argCount, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints = null)
lock (s_binderCache)
PSSetIndexBinder binder;
var tuple = Tuple.Create(new CallInfo(argCount), constraints);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(tuple, out binder))
binder = new PSSetIndexBinder(tuple);
s_binderCache.Add(tuple, binder);
return binder;
private PSSetIndexBinder(Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints> tuple)
: base(tuple.Item1)
_constraints = tuple.Item2;
this._version = 0;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "PSSetIndexBinder indexCnt={0}{1} ver:{2}",
CallInfo.ArgumentCount, _constraints == null ? string.Empty : " constraints: " + _constraints, _version);
internal static void InvalidateCache()
// Invalidate binders
lock (s_binderCache)
foreach (PSSetIndexBinder binder in s_binderCache.Values)
binder._version += 1;
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackSetIndex(
DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] indexes,
DynamicMetaObject value,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue || indexes.Any(static mo => !mo.HasValue) || !value.HasValue)
return Defer(indexes.Prepend(target).Append(value).ToArray()).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value) ||
indexes.Any(static mo => mo.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(mo.Value) != mo.Value)))
return this.DeferForPSObject(indexes.Prepend(target).Append(value).ToArray()).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// Check if this is a COM Object
DynamicMetaObject result;
if (ComInterop.ComBinder.TryBindSetIndex(this, target, indexes, value, out result))
return result.UpdateComRestrictionsForPsObject(indexes).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (target.Value == null)
return (errorSuggestion ??
target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "NullArray", ParserStrings.NullArray)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (indexes.Length == 1 && indexes[0].Value == null)
return (errorSuggestion ??
target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "NullArrayIndex", ParserStrings.NullArrayIndex).WriteToDebugLog(this));
if (target.LimitType.IsArray)
return SetIndexArray(target, indexes, value, errorSuggestion).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var defaultMember = target.LimitType.GetCustomAttributes<DefaultMemberAttribute>(true).FirstOrDefault();
if (defaultMember != null)
return (InvokeIndexer(target, indexes, value, errorSuggestion, defaultMember.MemberName)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
return errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes, value).WriteToDebugLog(this);
private DynamicMetaObject CannotIndexTarget(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] indexes, DynamicMetaObject value)
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = value.PSGetTypeRestriction();
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(this, _version));
// Also add a language mode check to detect toggling between language modes
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage());
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, bindingRestrictions, "CannotIndex", ParserStrings.CannotIndex, Expression.Constant(target.LimitType, typeof(Type)));
private DynamicMetaObject InvokeIndexer(
DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] indexes,
DynamicMetaObject value,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion,
string methodName)
MethodInfo setter = PSInvokeMemberBinder.FindBestMethod(target, indexes.Append(value), "set_" + methodName, false, _constraints);
if (setter == null)
return errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes, value);
var setterParams = setter.GetParameters();
int paramLength = setterParams.Length;
if (paramLength != indexes.Length + 1)
// Calling the indexer will fail because there are either too many or too few indices.
return errorSuggestion ?? CannotIndexTarget(target, indexes, value);
if (setterParams[paramLength - 1].ParameterType.IsByRefLike)
// In theory, it's possible to call the setter with a value that can be implicitly/explicitly casted to the target ByRef-like type.
// However, the set-property/set-indexer semantics in PowerShell requires returning the value after the setting operation. We cannot
// return a ByRef-like value back, so we just disallow setting an indexer that takes a ByRef-like type value.
return errorSuggestion ?? new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Constant(target.LimitType, typeof(Type)),
Expression.Constant(setterParams[paramLength - 1].ParameterType, typeof(Type))),
Expression[] indexExprs = new Expression[paramLength];
for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; ++i)
var parameterType = setterParams[i].ParameterType;
var argument = (i == paramLength - 1) ? value : indexes[i];
indexExprs[i] = parameterType.IsByRefLike
? PSConvertBinder.ConvertToByRefLikeTypeViaCasting(argument, parameterType)
: PSGetIndexBinder.ConvertIndex(argument, parameterType);
if (indexExprs[i] == null)
// Calling the indexer will fail because we can't convert an index to the correct type.
return errorSuggestion ?? PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(target, parameterType, this, _version, indexes.Append(value).ToArray());
if (paramLength == 2
&& setterParams[0].ParameterType == typeof(int)
&& target.Value is not IDictionary)
// PowerShell supports negative indexing for some types (specifically, those with a single
// int parameter to the indexer, and also have either a Length or Count property.) For
// those types, generate special code to check for negative indices, otherwise just generate
// the call.
PropertyInfo lengthProperty = target.LimitType.GetProperty("Length") ??
if (lengthProperty != null)
return IndexWithNegativeChecks(
new DynamicMetaObject(target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType),
new DynamicMetaObject(indexExprs[0], indexes[0].PSGetTypeRestriction()),
new DynamicMetaObject(indexExprs[1], value.PSGetTypeRestriction()),
(t, i, v) => Expression.Call(t, setter, i, v));
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(indexes).Merge(value.PSGetTypeRestriction());
// Add the version checks and (potentially) language mode checks, as this setter
// may invoke a conversion to an unsafe type.
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(this, _version));
// Also add a language mode check to detect toggling between language modes
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage());
// We'll store the value in a temp so we can return it. We'll also replace the expr in our array of arguments
// to the indexer with the temp so any conversions are executed just once.
var valExpr = indexExprs[indexExprs.Length - 1];
var valTmp = Expression.Parameter(valExpr.Type, "value");
indexExprs[indexExprs.Length - 1] = valTmp;
return new DynamicMetaObject(
new ParameterExpression[] { valTmp },
Expression.Assign(valTmp, valExpr),
Expression.Call(target.Expression.Cast(setter.DeclaringType), setter, indexExprs),
private DynamicMetaObject IndexWithNegativeChecks(
DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject index,
DynamicMetaObject value,
PropertyInfo lengthProperty,
Func<Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression> generateIndexOperation)
BindingRestrictions bindingRestrictions = target.CombineRestrictions(index).Merge(value.Restrictions);
// If the target is of an unsafe type for ConstrainedLanguage, we need to pay
// attention to version and language mode. Otherwise, strongly-typed arrays of unsafe types
// can be used for type conversion.
bindingRestrictions = bindingRestrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(this, target.LimitType, _version));
// Generate:
// len = obj.Length
// if (index < 0)
// index = index + len
// obj[index] = value
var targetTmp = Expression.Parameter(target.LimitType, "target");
var lenTmp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "len");
var valueExpr = value.Expression;
var valTmp = Expression.Parameter(valueExpr.Type, "value");
var indexTmp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "index");
return new DynamicMetaObject(
new ParameterExpression[] { targetTmp, valTmp, lenTmp, indexTmp },
// Save the target because we use it multiple times.
Expression.Assign(targetTmp, target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType)),
// Save the value because it too is used multiple times, but only to keep the DLR happy
Expression.Assign(valTmp, valueExpr),
// Save the length because we use it multiple times.
Expression.Property(targetTmp, lengthProperty)),
// Save the index because we use it multiple times
Expression.Assign(indexTmp, index.Expression),
// Adjust the index if it's negative
Expression.IfThen(Expression.LessThan(indexTmp, ExpressionCache.Constant(0)),
Expression.Assign(indexTmp, Expression.Add(indexTmp, lenTmp))),
// Do the indexing
generateIndexOperation(targetTmp, indexTmp, valTmp),
// Make sure the result of this operation is the value. PowerShell won't use this value
// in any way, but the DLR requires it (and in theory, if PSObject uses this binder, other
// languages could use this value.)
private DynamicMetaObject SetIndexArray(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] indexes,
DynamicMetaObject value,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
var array = (Array)target.Value;
if (array.Rank > 1)
return SetIndexMultiDimensionArray(target, indexes, value, errorSuggestion);
if (indexes.Length > 1)
return errorSuggestion ??
target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, value.PSGetTypeRestriction(), "ArraySliceAssignmentFailed",
indexes.Select(static i => i.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))))));
var intIndex = PSGetIndexBinder.ConvertIndex(indexes[0], typeof(int));
if (intIndex == null)
return errorSuggestion ??
PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(indexes[0], typeof(int), this, _version, target, value);
var elementType = target.LimitType.GetElementType();
var valueExpr = PSGetIndexBinder.ConvertIndex(value, elementType);
if (valueExpr == null)
return errorSuggestion ??
PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(value, elementType, this, _version, indexes.Prepend(target).ToArray());
return IndexWithNegativeChecks(
new DynamicMetaObject(target.Expression.Cast(target.LimitType), target.PSGetTypeRestriction()),
new DynamicMetaObject(intIndex, indexes[0].PSGetTypeRestriction()),
new DynamicMetaObject(valueExpr, value.PSGetTypeRestriction()), target.LimitType.GetProperty("Length"),
static (t, i, v) => Expression.Assign(Expression.ArrayAccess(t, i), v));
private DynamicMetaObject SetIndexMultiDimensionArray(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] indexes,
DynamicMetaObject value,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
var elementType = target.LimitType.GetElementType();
var valueExpr = PSGetIndexBinder.ConvertIndex(value, elementType);
if (valueExpr == null)
return errorSuggestion ??
PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(value, elementType, this, _version, indexes.Prepend(target).ToArray());
if (indexes.Length == 1)
var indexExpr = PSGetIndexBinder.ConvertIndex(indexes[0], typeof(int[]));
if (indexExpr == null)
return errorSuggestion ??
PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(indexes[0], typeof(int[]), this, _version, new DynamicMetaObject[] { target, value });
return new DynamicMetaObject(
var array = (Array)target.Value;
if (indexes.Length != array.Rank)
return errorSuggestion ??
target.ThrowRuntimeError(indexes, value.PSGetTypeRestriction(), "NeedMultidimensionalIndex",
indexes.Select(static i => i.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))))));
var indexExprs = new Expression[indexes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Length; i++)
indexExprs[i] = PSGetIndexBinder.ConvertIndex(indexes[i], typeof(int));
if (indexExprs[i] == null)
return PSConvertBinder.ThrowNoConversion(indexes[i], typeof(int), this, _version,
indexes.Except(new DynamicMetaObject[] { indexes[i] }).Append(target).Append(value).ToArray());
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(int), indexExprs),
/// <summary>
/// The binder for getting a member of a class, like $foo.bar or [foo]::bar.
/// </summary>
internal class PSGetMemberBinder : GetMemberBinder
private sealed class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<PSGetMemberBinderKeyType>
public bool Equals(PSGetMemberBinderKeyType x, PSGetMemberBinderKeyType y)
// The non-static binder cache is case-sensitive because sites need the name used per site
// when the target object is a case-sensitive IDictionary. Under all other circumstances,
// binding is case-insensitive.
var stringComparison = x.Item3 ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
return x.Item1.Equals(y.Item1, stringComparison) &&
x.Item2 == y.Item2 &&
x.Item3 == y.Item3 &&
x.Item4 == y.Item4;
public int GetHashCode(PSGetMemberBinderKeyType obj)
var stringComparer = obj.Item3 ? StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparer.Ordinal;
return Utils.CombineHashCodes(stringComparer.GetHashCode(obj.Item1),
obj.Item2 == null ? 0 : obj.Item2.GetHashCode(),
private sealed class ReservedMemberBinder : PSGetMemberBinder
internal ReservedMemberBinder(string name, bool ignoreCase, bool @static) : base(name, null, ignoreCase, @static, nonEnumerating: false)
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackGetMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
MethodInfo mi = null;
Expression targetExpr = null;
switch (Name)
case PSObject.AdaptedMemberSetName:
mi = CachedReflectionInfo.ReservedNameMembers_GeneratePSAdaptedMemberSet;
targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object));
case PSObject.BaseObjectMemberSetName:
mi = CachedReflectionInfo.ReservedNameMembers_GeneratePSBaseMemberSet;
targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object));
case PSObject.ExtendedMemberSetName:
mi = CachedReflectionInfo.ReservedNameMembers_GeneratePSExtendedMemberSet;
targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object));
case PSObject.PSObjectMemberSetName:
mi = CachedReflectionInfo.ReservedNameMembers_GeneratePSObjectMemberSet;
targetExpr = target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object));
case PSObject.PSTypeNames:
mi = CachedReflectionInfo.ReservedNameMembers_PSTypeNames;
targetExpr = target.Expression.Convert(typeof(PSObject));
Diagnostics.Assert(mi != null, "ReservedMemberBinder doesn't support member Name");
return new DynamicMetaObject(WrapGetMemberInTry(Expression.Call(mi, targetExpr)), target.PSGetTypeRestriction());
private static readonly Dictionary<PSGetMemberBinderKeyType, PSGetMemberBinder> s_binderCache
= new Dictionary<PSGetMemberBinderKeyType, PSGetMemberBinder>(new KeyComparer());
// Because the non-static binder is case-sensitive, we need a list of all binders for a given
// name when we discover an instance member or type table member for that given name so we
// can update each of those binders.
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<PSGetMemberBinder>> s_binderCacheIgnoringCase
= new ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<PSGetMemberBinder>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
static PSGetMemberBinder()
s_binderCache.Add(Tuple.Create(PSObject.AdaptedMemberSetName, (Type)null, false, false),
new ReservedMemberBinder(PSObject.AdaptedMemberSetName, ignoreCase: true, @static: false));
s_binderCache.Add(Tuple.Create(PSObject.ExtendedMemberSetName, (Type)null, false, false),
new ReservedMemberBinder(PSObject.ExtendedMemberSetName, ignoreCase: true, @static: false));
s_binderCache.Add(Tuple.Create(PSObject.BaseObjectMemberSetName, (Type)null, false, false),
new ReservedMemberBinder(PSObject.BaseObjectMemberSetName, ignoreCase: true, @static: false));
s_binderCache.Add(Tuple.Create(PSObject.PSObjectMemberSetName, (Type)null, false, false),
new ReservedMemberBinder(PSObject.PSObjectMemberSetName, ignoreCase: true, @static: false));
s_binderCache.Add(Tuple.Create(PSObject.PSTypeNames, (Type)null, false, false),
new ReservedMemberBinder(PSObject.PSTypeNames, ignoreCase: true, @static: false));
private readonly bool _static;
private readonly bool _nonEnumerating;
private readonly Type _classScope;
internal int _version;
private bool _hasInstanceMember;
internal bool HasInstanceMember { get { return _hasInstanceMember; } }
internal static void SetHasInstanceMember(string memberName)
// We must invalidate dynamic sites (if any) when the first instance member (for this binder)
// is created, but we don't need to invalidate any sites after the first instance member.
// Before any instance members exist, restrictions might look like:
// if (binderVersion == oldBinderVersion && obj is string) { ... }
// After an instance member is known to exist, the above test (for an object that has no instance
// member) will look like:
// MemberInfo mi;
// if (binderVersion == oldBinderVersion && !TryGetInstanceMember(obj, memberName, out mi) && obj is string)
// {
// return ((string)obj).memberName;
// }
// else { update site }
// And if there is an instance member, the generic rule will look like:
// MemberInfo mi;
// if (binderVersion == oldBinderVersion && TryGetInstanceMember(obj, memberName, out mi))
// {
// return mi.Value;
// }
// else { update site }
// This way, we can avoid the call to TryGetInstanceMember for binders when we know there aren't any instance
// members, yet invalidate those rules once somebody adds an instance member.
var binderList = s_binderCacheIgnoringCase.GetOrAdd(memberName, static _ => new List<PSGetMemberBinder>());
lock (binderList)
if (binderList.Count == 0)
// Force one binder to be created if one hasn't been created already.
PSGetMemberBinder.Get(memberName, (Type)null, @static: false);
foreach (var binder in binderList)
if (!binder._hasInstanceMember)
lock (binder)
if (!binder._hasInstanceMember)
binder._version += 1;
binder._hasInstanceMember = true;
private bool _hasTypeTableMember;
internal static void TypeTableMemberAdded(string memberName)
var binderList = s_binderCacheIgnoringCase.GetOrAdd(memberName, static _ => new List<PSGetMemberBinder>());
lock (binderList)
if (binderList.Count == 0)
// Force one binder to be created if one hasn't been created already.
PSGetMemberBinder.Get(memberName, (Type)null, @static: false);
foreach (var binder in binderList)
lock (binder)
binder._version += 1;
binder._hasTypeTableMember = true;
internal static void TypeTableMemberPossiblyUpdated(string memberName)
var binderList = s_binderCacheIgnoringCase.GetOrAdd(memberName, static _ => new List<PSGetMemberBinder>());
lock (binderList)
foreach (var binder in binderList)
Interlocked.Increment(ref binder._version);
public static PSGetMemberBinder Get(string memberName, TypeDefinitionAst classScope, bool @static)
return Get(memberName, classScope?.Type, @static, false);
public static PSGetMemberBinder Get(string memberName, Type classScope, bool @static)
return Get(memberName, classScope, @static, false);
private PSGetMemberBinder GetNonEnumeratingBinder()
return Get(this.Name, _classScope, @static: false, nonEnumerating: true);
private static PSGetMemberBinder Get(string memberName, Type classScope, bool @static, bool nonEnumerating)
PSGetMemberBinder result;
lock (s_binderCache)
var tuple = Tuple.Create(memberName, classScope, @static, nonEnumerating);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(tuple, out result))
// We might be seeing a reserved name with a different case. Check for that before
// creating a new binder. For reserved names, we can safely use a single binder for
// any case.
if (PSMemberInfoCollection<PSMemberInfo>.IsReservedName(memberName))
var tupleLower = Tuple.Create(memberName.ToLowerInvariant(), (Type)null, @static, nonEnumerating);
result = s_binderCache[tupleLower];
result = new PSGetMemberBinder(memberName, classScope, true, @static, nonEnumerating);
if (!@static)
var binderList = s_binderCacheIgnoringCase.GetOrAdd(memberName, static _ => new List<PSGetMemberBinder>());
lock (binderList)
if (binderList.Count > 0)
result._hasInstanceMember = binderList[0]._hasInstanceMember;
result._hasTypeTableMember = binderList[0]._hasTypeTableMember;
Diagnostics.Assert(binderList.All(b => b._hasInstanceMember == result._hasInstanceMember),
"All binders in the list should have _hasInstanceMember set identically");
Diagnostics.Assert(binderList.All(b => b._hasTypeTableMember == result._hasTypeTableMember),
"All binders in the list should have _hasTypeTableMember set identically");
s_binderCache.Add(tuple, result);
return result;
private PSGetMemberBinder(string name, Type classScope, bool ignoreCase, bool @static, bool nonEnumerating)
: base(name, ignoreCase)
_static = @static;
_classScope = classScope;
this._version = 0;
_nonEnumerating = nonEnumerating;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "GetMember: {0}{1}{2} ver:{3}",
Name, _static ? " static" : string.Empty, _nonEnumerating ? " nonEnumerating" : string.Empty, _version);
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackGetMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue)
return Defer(target);
// Defer COM objects or arguments wrapped in PSObjects
if (target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value))
object baseObject = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (baseObject != null && Marshal.IsComObject(baseObject))
// We unwrap only if the 'base' is a COM object. It's unnecessary to unwrap in other cases,
// especially in the case of strings, we would lose instance members on the PSObject.
// Therefore, we need to use a stricter restriction to make sure PSObject 'target' with other
// base types doesn't get unwrapped.
return this.DeferForPSObject(target, targetIsComObject: true).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// Check if this is a COM Object
DynamicMetaObject result;
if (ComInterop.ComBinder.TryBindGetMember(this, target, out result, delayInvocation: false))
result = new DynamicMetaObject(WrapGetMemberInTry(result.Expression), result.Restrictions);
return result.WriteToDebugLog(this);
object targetValue = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (targetValue == null)
// PSGetTypeRestriction will actually create an instance restriction because the targetValue is null.
return PropertyDoesntExist(target, target.PSGetTypeRestriction()).WriteToDebugLog(this);
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
PSMemberInfo memberInfo;
Expression expr = null;
if (_hasInstanceMember && TryGetInstanceMember(target.Value, Name, out memberInfo))
// If there is an instance member, we generate (roughly) the following:
// PSMemberInfo memberInfo;
// if (PSGetMemberBinder.TryGetInstanceMember(target.Value, Name, out memberInfo))
// return memberInfo.Value;
// else
// update the site
// We use a generic method like this because:
// * If one object has an instance property with a given name, it's like many others do as well
// * We want to avoid generating new sites for every object with an instance member
// As an alternative, would could generate the following psuedo-code:
// if (target.Value == previousInstance)
// return optimized value (depending on the exact PSMemberInfo subclass)
// else update the site
// But the assumption here is that many sites probably performs worse than the dictionary lookup
// and unoptimized virtual call to PSMemberInfo.Value.
// The binding restrictions could avoid a version check because it's never wrong to look for an instance member,
// but we add the check because the DLR requires a non-empty check when the target implements IDynamicMetaObjectProvider,
// which PSObject does. The version check is also marginally useful if we knew we'd never see another
// instance member with this member name, but we're not tracking things to make that a useful test.
var memberInfoVar = Expression.Variable(typeof(PSMemberInfo));
expr = Expression.Condition(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSGetMemberBinder_TryGetInstanceMember, target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)), Expression.Constant(Name), memberInfoVar),
Expression.Property(memberInfoVar, "Value"),
expr = WrapGetMemberInTry(expr);
return (new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Block(new[] { memberInfoVar }, expr), BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(this, _version))).WriteToDebugLog(this);
bool canOptimize;
Type aliasConversionType;
memberInfo = GetPSMemberInfo(target, out restrictions, out canOptimize, out aliasConversionType, MemberTypes.Property);
if (!canOptimize)
Diagnostics.Assert(memberInfo == null, "We don't bother returning members if we can't optimize.");
return new DynamicMetaObject(
GetTargetExpr(target, typeof(object)),
if (memberInfo != null)
Diagnostics.Assert(memberInfo.instance == null, "We shouldn't be here if a member is already bound.");
// The most common case - we're getting some property. We can optimize many different kinds
// of property accessors, so we special case each possibility.
var propertyInfo = memberInfo as PSPropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
if (!propertyInfo.IsGettable)
return GenerateGetPropertyException(restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var property = propertyInfo as PSProperty;
if (property != null)
var adapterData = property.adapterData as DotNetAdapter.PropertyCacheEntry;
Diagnostics.Assert(adapterData != null, "We have an unknown PSProperty that we aren't correctly optimizing.");
if (adapterData.member.DeclaringType.IsGenericTypeDefinition || adapterData.propertyType.IsByRefLike)
// We really should throw an error, but accessing property getter
// doesn't throw error in PowerShell since V2, even in strict mode.
expr = ExpressionCache.NullConstant;
// For static property access, the target expr must be null. For non-static, we must convert
// because target.Expression is typeof(object) because this is a dynamic site.
var targetExpr = _static ? null : GetTargetExpr(target, adapterData.member.DeclaringType);
var propertyAccessor = adapterData.member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyAccessor != null)
if (propertyAccessor.GetMethod.IsFamily &&
(_classScope == null || !_classScope.IsSubclassOf(propertyAccessor.DeclaringType)))
return GenerateGetPropertyException(restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
expr = Expression.Property(targetExpr, propertyAccessor);
Diagnostics.Assert(adapterData.member is FieldInfo,
"A DotNetAdapter.PropertyCacheEntry has something other than PropertyInfo or FieldInfo.");
expr = Expression.Field(targetExpr, (FieldInfo)adapterData.member);
var scriptProperty = propertyInfo as PSScriptProperty;
if (scriptProperty != null)
expr = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(scriptProperty, typeof(PSScriptProperty)),
CachedReflectionInfo.PSScriptProperty_InvokeGetter, target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)));
var codeProperty = propertyInfo as PSCodeProperty;
if (codeProperty != null)
Diagnostics.Assert(codeProperty.GetterCodeReference != null, "CodeProperty isn't gettable, should have generated error code above.");
Diagnostics.Assert(codeProperty.GetterCodeReference.IsStatic, "CodeProperty should be a static method.");
expr = PSInvokeMemberBinder.InvokeMethod(codeProperty.GetterCodeReference, null, new[] { target },
false, PSInvokeMemberBinder.MethodInvocationType.Getter);
var noteProperty = propertyInfo as PSNoteProperty;
if (noteProperty != null)
Diagnostics.Assert(!noteProperty.IsSettable, "If the note is settable, incorrect code is generated.");
expr = Expression.Property(Expression.Constant(propertyInfo, typeof(PSNoteProperty)), CachedReflectionInfo.PSNoteProperty_Value);
Diagnostics.Assert(expr != null, "Unexpected property type encountered");
if (aliasConversionType != null)
expr = expr.Convert(aliasConversionType);
expr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSGetMemberBinder_CloneMemberInfo,
Expression.Constant(memberInfo, typeof(PSMemberInfo)),
if (targetValue is IDictionary)
Type genericTypeArg = null;
bool isGeneric = IsGenericDictionary(targetValue, ref genericTypeArg);
if (!isGeneric || genericTypeArg != null)
var temp = Expression.Variable(typeof(object));
if (expr == null)
// If expr is not null, it's the fallback when no member exists. If it is null,
// the fallback is the result from PropertyDoesntExist.
expr = (errorSuggestion ?? PropertyDoesntExist(target, restrictions)).Expression;
var method = isGeneric
? CachedReflectionInfo.PSGetMemberBinder_TryGetGenericDictionaryValue.MakeGenericMethod(genericTypeArg)
: CachedReflectionInfo.PSGetMemberBinder_TryGetIDictionaryValue;
expr = Expression.Block(new[] { temp },
Expression.Call(method, GetTargetExpr(target, method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType), Expression.Constant(Name), temp),
return expr != null
? new DynamicMetaObject(WrapGetMemberInTry(expr), restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this)
: (errorSuggestion ?? PropertyDoesntExist(target, restrictions)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
private DynamicMetaObject GenerateGetPropertyException(BindingRestrictions restrictions)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Compiler.ThrowRuntimeError("WriteOnlyProperty", ExtendedTypeSystem.WriteOnlyProperty,
this.ReturnType, Expression.Constant(Name)),
internal static bool IsGenericDictionary(object value, ref Type genericTypeArg)
bool isGeneric = false;
foreach (var i in value.GetType().GetInterfaces())
if (i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDictionary<,>))
isGeneric = true;
var genericArguments = i.GetGenericArguments();
if (genericArguments[0] == typeof(string))
// Our generic method for lookup takes IDictionary<string,T>, we need
// to remember T.
genericTypeArg = genericArguments[1];
return isGeneric;
/// <summary>
/// Get the actual value, as an expression, of the object represented by target. This
/// will get the base object if it's a psobject, plus correctly handle Nullable.
/// </summary>
internal static Expression GetTargetExpr(DynamicMetaObject target, Type castToType = null)
var expr = target.Expression;
var value = target.Value;
// If the target value is actually a deserialized PSObject, we should use the original value
var psobj = value as PSObject;
if (psobj != null && psobj != AutomationNull.Value && !psobj.IsDeserialized)
expr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, expr);
value = PSObject.Base(value);
var type = castToType ?? ((value != null) ? value.GetType() : typeof(object));
// Assemblies in CoreCLR might not allow reflection execution on their internal types. In such case, we walk up
// the derivation chain to find the first public parent, and use reflection methods on the public parent.
if (!TypeResolver.IsPublic(type) && DotNetAdapter.DisallowPrivateReflection(type))
var publicType = DotNetAdapter.GetFirstPublicParentType(type);
if (publicType != null)
type = publicType;
// else we'll probably fail, but the error message might be more helpful than NullReferenceException
if (expr.Type != type)
// Unbox value types (or use Nullable<T>.Value) to avoid a copy in case the value is mutated.
// In case that castToType is System.Object and expr.Type is Nullable<ValueType>, expr.Cast(System.Object) will
// get the underlying value by default. So "GetTargetExpr(target).Cast(typeof(object))" is actually the same as
// "GetTargetExpr(target, typeof(object))".
expr = type.IsValueType
? (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(expr.Type) != null
? (Expression)Expression.Property(expr, "Value")
: Expression.Unbox(expr, type))
: expr.Cast(type);
return expr;
/// <summary>
/// Return the binding result when no property exists.
/// </summary>
private DynamicMetaObject PropertyDoesntExist(DynamicMetaObject target, BindingRestrictions restrictions)
// If the property does not exist, but the target is enumerable, we'll turn this expression into roughly the equivalent
// pipeline:
// $x | foreach-object { $_.Property }
// I say roughly because we'll actually iterate through $_ if it doesn't have Property and it is enumerable, and we'll
// do this recursively. This makes it easy to chain property references and not worry if the property returns collections or not, e.g.:
// $x.Modules.ModuleName
// If Modules returns a collection, but you want all the module names of all the modules, then it just works.
// The _nonEnumerating aspect of this binder is simply a way of avoiding the recursing inside the binder, allowing us to
// collect the results in the helper method we call. One alternative to _nonEnumerating is to have the helper method
// not recurse, but mark it's return value specially so that recursive calls to the helper can detect that the results
// need to be flattened.
// IsEnumerable treats AutomationNull.Value as a zero length array which we don't want to do here.
if (!_nonEnumerating && target.Value != AutomationNull.Value)
var enumerable = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerable != null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
enumerable.Expression), restrictions);
// As part of our effort to hide how a command can return a singleton or array, we want to allow people to iterate
// over singletons with the foreach statement (which has worked since V1) and a for loop, for example:
// for ($i = 0; $i -lt $x.Length; $i++) { $x[$i] }
// If $x is a singleton, we want to return 1 for the length so code like this works correctly.
// We do not want this magic to show up in Get-Member output, tab completion, intellisense, etc.
if (Name.Equals("Length", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || Name.Equals("Count", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// $null.Count should be 0, anything else should be 1
var resultCount = PSObject.Base(target.Value) == null ? 0 : 1;
return new DynamicMetaObject(
ExpressionCache.Constant(resultCount).Cast(typeof(object))), restrictions);
var result = Expression.Condition(
_nonEnumerating ? ExpressionCache.AutomationNullConstant : ExpressionCache.NullConstant);
return new DynamicMetaObject(result, restrictions);
private Expression ThrowPropertyNotFoundStrict()
return Compiler.CreateThrow(typeof(object), typeof(PropertyNotFoundException),
new[] { typeof(string), typeof(Exception), typeof(string), typeof(object[]) },
"PropertyNotFoundStrict", null, ParserStrings.PropertyNotFoundStrict,
new object[] { Name });
internal static DynamicMetaObject EnsureAllowedInLanguageMode(ExecutionContext context, DynamicMetaObject target, object targetValue,
string name, bool isStatic, DynamicMetaObject[] args, BindingRestrictions moreTests, string errorID, string resourceString)
if (context != null && context.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage)
if (!IsAllowedInConstrainedLanguage(targetValue, name, isStatic))
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(args, moreTests, errorID, resourceString);
return null;
internal static bool IsAllowedInConstrainedLanguage(object targetValue, string name, bool isStatic)
// ToString allowed on any type
if (string.Equals(name, "ToString", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
// Otherwise, check if it's a core type
Type targetType = targetValue as Type;
if ((!isStatic) || (targetType == null))
targetType = targetValue.GetType();
return CoreTypes.Contains(targetType);
/// <summary>
/// Return the binding restriction that tests that an instance member does not exist, used when the binder
/// knows instance members might exist (because the name was added to some instance), but the object we're
/// currently binding does not have an instance member with the given member name.
/// </summary>
internal BindingRestrictions NotInstanceMember(DynamicMetaObject target)
var memberInfoVar = Expression.Variable(typeof(PSMemberInfo));
var expr = Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSGetMemberBinder_TryGetInstanceMember,
target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)), Expression.Constant(Name), memberInfoVar);
return BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(Expression.Block(new[] { memberInfoVar }, Expression.Not(expr)));
private static Expression WrapGetMemberInTry(Expression expr)
// This code ensures that getting a member doesn't raise an exception. Mostly this is so that formatting
// always works. As currently implemented, this will also affect C# code that uses the dynamic keyword.
// If we decide that the dynamic keyword should not mask exceptions, then we should create a new binder
// from PSObject.PSDynamicMetaObject.BindGetMember that passes in a flag so we know not to wrap in a try/catch.
return Expression.TryCatch(
Expression.Catch(typeof(TerminateException), Expression.Rethrow(typeof(object))),
// Not sure if the following catch is necessary, but the interpreter has it.
Expression.Catch(typeof(MethodException), Expression.Rethrow(typeof(object))),
// This catch is only needed if we have an IDictionary
Expression.Catch(typeof(PropertyNotFoundException), Expression.Rethrow(typeof(object))),
Expression.Catch(typeof(Exception), ExpressionCache.NullConstant));
/// <summary>
/// Resolve the alias, throwing an exception if a cycle is detected while resolving the alias.
/// </summary>
private PSMemberInfo ResolveAlias(PSAliasProperty alias, DynamicMetaObject target, HashSet<string> aliases,
List<BindingRestrictions> aliasRestrictions)
Diagnostics.Assert(aliasRestrictions != null, "aliasRestrictions cannot be null");
if (aliases == null)
aliases = new HashSet<string> { alias.Name };
if (aliases.Contains(alias.Name))
throw new ExtendedTypeSystemException("CycleInAliasLookup", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.CycleInAlias, alias.Name);
bool canOptimize;
Type aliasConversionType;
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
PSGetMemberBinder binder = PSGetMemberBinder.Get(alias.ReferencedMemberName, _classScope, false);
// if binder has instance member, then GetPSMemberInfo will not be able to resolve that..only FallbackGetMember
// can resolve that. In that case we simply return without further evaluation.
if (binder.HasInstanceMember)
return null;
PSMemberInfo result = binder.GetPSMemberInfo(target, out restrictions, out canOptimize, out aliasConversionType,
MemberTypes.Property, aliases, aliasRestrictions);
return result;
internal PSMemberInfo GetPSMemberInfo(DynamicMetaObject target,
out BindingRestrictions restrictions,
out bool canOptimize,
out Type aliasConversionType,
MemberTypes memberTypeToOperateOn,
HashSet<string> aliases = null,
List<BindingRestrictions> aliasRestrictions = null)
aliasConversionType = null;
bool hasTypeTableMember;
bool hasInstanceMember;
BindingRestrictions versionRestriction;
lock (this)
versionRestriction = BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(this, _version);
hasTypeTableMember = _hasTypeTableMember;
hasInstanceMember = _hasInstanceMember;
if (_static)
restrictions = target.PSGetStaticMemberRestriction();
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(versionRestriction);
canOptimize = true;
return PSObject.GetStaticCLRMember(target.Value, Name);
canOptimize = false;
PSMemberInfo unused;
Diagnostics.Assert(!TryGetInstanceMember(target.Value, Name, out unused),
"shouldn't get here if there is an instance member");
PSMemberInfo memberInfo = null;
ConsolidatedString typenames = null;
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
var typeTable = context?.TypeTable;
if (hasTypeTableMember)
typenames = PSObject.GetTypeNames(target.Value);
if (typeTable != null)
memberInfo = typeTable.GetMembers<PSMemberInfo>(typenames)[Name];
if (memberInfo != null)
canOptimize = true;
// Check if the target value is actually a deserialized PSObject.
// - If so, we want to use the original value.
// Mostly, a deserialized object is a PSObject with an empty immediate base object, and it's OK to call PSObject.Base()
// on it in this case, because the method would just return the original PSObject. But if it's the deserialized object of
// a container object (i.e. an object derived from IEnumerable, IList, or IDictionary), the immediate base object is a
// Hashtable or ArrayList. In such case, we sometimes would lose the psadapted/psextended properties that we actually care
// by using the base object.
// One example is the XmlElement, which derives from IEnumerable. It is serialized/deserialized as a container object, and
// the its element properties (i.e. $xmlElement.IP, where IP is actually an attribute name) are stored as psadapted properties
// in the top-level PSObject.
// See the comments about 'three interesting cases' in PSInvokeMemberBinder.FallbackInvokeMember for more info.
// - If not, we want to use the base object, so that we might generate optimized code.
var psobj = target.Value as PSObject;
bool isTargetDeserializedObject = (psobj != null) && (psobj.IsDeserialized);
object value = isTargetDeserializedObject ? target.Value : PSObject.Base(target.Value);
var adapterSet = PSObject.GetMappedAdapter(value, typeTable);
if (memberInfo == null)
canOptimize = adapterSet.OriginalAdapter.CanSiteBinderOptimize(memberTypeToOperateOn);
// Don't bother looking for the member if we're not going to use it.
if (canOptimize)
memberInfo = adapterSet.OriginalAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(value, Name);
if (memberInfo == null && canOptimize && adapterSet.DotNetAdapter != null)
memberInfo = adapterSet.DotNetAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(value, Name);
// The member came from the type table or an adapter and isn't instance based, so the restriction will start
// with a version check
restrictions = versionRestriction;
// When returning aliasRestrictions always include the version restriction
if (aliasRestrictions != null)
var alias = memberInfo as PSAliasProperty;
if (alias != null)
aliasConversionType = alias.ConversionType;
if (aliasRestrictions == null)
aliasRestrictions = new List<BindingRestrictions>();
memberInfo = ResolveAlias(alias, target, aliases, aliasRestrictions);
if (memberInfo == null)
// this can happen in the cases where referenced name of the alias property
// maps to an adapter that cannot optimize (like ManagementObjectAdapter)
canOptimize = false;
// Merge alias restrictions
foreach (var aliasRestriction in aliasRestrictions)
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(aliasRestriction);
if (_classScope != null && (target.LimitType == _classScope || target.LimitType.IsSubclassOf(_classScope)) && adapterSet.OriginalAdapter == PSObject.DotNetInstanceAdapter)
List<MethodBase> candidateMethods = null;
foreach (var member in _classScope.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
if (this.Name.Equals(member.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var propertyInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
var getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
var setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true);
if ((getMethod == null || getMethod.IsFamily || getMethod.IsPublic) &&
(setMethod == null || setMethod.IsFamily || setMethod.IsPublic))
memberInfo = new PSProperty(this.Name, PSObject.DotNetInstanceAdapter, target.Value, new DotNetAdapter.PropertyCacheEntry(propertyInfo));
var fieldInfo = member as FieldInfo;
if (fieldInfo != null)
if (fieldInfo.IsFamily)
memberInfo = new PSProperty(this.Name, PSObject.DotNetInstanceAdapter, target.Value, new DotNetAdapter.PropertyCacheEntry(fieldInfo));
var methodInfo = member as MethodInfo;
if (methodInfo != null && (methodInfo.IsPublic || methodInfo.IsFamily))
if (candidateMethods == null)
candidateMethods = new List<MethodBase>();
if (candidateMethods != null && candidateMethods.Count > 0)
var psMethodInfo = memberInfo as PSMethod;
if (psMethodInfo != null)
var cacheEntry = (DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry)psMethodInfo.adapterData;
candidateMethods.AddRange(cacheEntry.methodInformationStructures.Select(static e => e.method));
memberInfo = null;
if (memberInfo != null)
// Ambiguous, it'd be better to report an error other than "can't find member", but I'm lazy.
memberInfo = null;
DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry method = new DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry(candidateMethods.ToArray());
memberInfo = PSMethod.Create(this.Name, PSObject.DotNetInstanceAdapter, null, method);
if (hasInstanceMember)
// If this binder knows instance members exist, we need to make sure future objects going through this
// rule ensure they don't have an instance member. I don't expect this rule to be generated or hit frequently.
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(NotInstanceMember(target));
// We always need a type check, even if we'll be using the PSTypeNames because our generated code may contain
// conversions that don't work for arbitrary types.
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(target.PSGetTypeRestriction());
// If the target value is actually a deserialized PSObject, add a check to ensure that's the case. This check
// should be done after the type check.
if (isTargetDeserializedObject)
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Property(target.Expression.Cast(typeof(PSObject)), CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_IsDeserialized)));
if (hasTypeTableMember)
// We need to make sure the type table we would use to find a member is the same type table that we used here to
// find (or not find) a member. If they were different type tables, we could easily get different results.
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(
BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSGetMemberBinder_GetTypeTableFromTLS), typeTable));
// We also need to make sure the pstypename is the same. It doesn't matter if we found something in the type table
// or not - the fact that we might find something in the type table is enough to require a check on the pstypename.
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSGetMemberBinder_IsTypeNameSame, target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)), Expression.Constant(typenames.Key))));
return memberInfo;
#region Runtime helper methods
internal static PSMemberInfo CloneMemberInfo(PSMemberInfo memberInfo, object obj)
memberInfo = memberInfo.Copy();
return memberInfo;
internal static object GetAdaptedValue(object obj, string member)
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
PSMemberInfo memberInfo = null;
if ((context != null) && (context.TypeTable != null))
ConsolidatedString typenames = PSObject.GetTypeNames(obj);
memberInfo = context.TypeTable.GetMembers<PSMemberInfo>(typenames)[member];
if (memberInfo != null)
memberInfo = CloneMemberInfo(memberInfo, obj);
var adapterSet = PSObject.GetMappedAdapter(obj, context?.TypeTable);
if (memberInfo == null)
memberInfo = adapterSet.OriginalAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(obj, member);
if (memberInfo == null && adapterSet.DotNetAdapter != null)
memberInfo = adapterSet.DotNetAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(obj, member);
if (memberInfo != null)
return memberInfo.Value;
if (string.Equals(member, "Length", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(member, "Count", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return 1;
if (context != null && context.IsStrictVersion(2))
// If the member is undefined and we're in strict mode, throw an exception...
throw new PropertyNotFoundException("PropertyNotFoundStrict", null, ParserStrings.PropertyNotFoundStrict,
return null;
internal static bool IsTypeNameSame(object value, string typeName)
return value != null && string.Equals(PSObject.GetTypeNames(value).Key, typeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
internal static TypeTable GetTypeTableFromTLS()
var executionContext = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
return executionContext?.TypeTable;
internal static bool TryGetInstanceMember(object value, string memberName, out PSMemberInfo memberInfo)
PSMemberInfoInternalCollection<PSMemberInfo> instanceMembers;
memberInfo = PSObject.HasInstanceMembers(value, out instanceMembers) ? instanceMembers[memberName] : null;
return (memberInfo != null);
internal static bool TryGetIDictionaryValue(IDictionary hash, string memberName, out object value)
if (hash.Contains(memberName))
value = hash[memberName];
return true;
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// Ignore invalid operation exception, it can happen if the dictionary
// has keys that can't be compared to property.
value = null;
return false;
internal static bool TryGetGenericDictionaryValue<T>(IDictionary<string, T> hash, string memberName, out object value)
T result;
if (hash.TryGetValue(memberName, out result))
value = result;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
#endregion Runtime helper methods
/// <summary>
/// The binder for setting a member, like $foo.bar = 1 or [foo]::bar = 1.
/// </summary>
internal class PSSetMemberBinder : SetMemberBinder
private sealed class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<PSSetMemberBinderKeyType>
public bool Equals(PSSetMemberBinderKeyType x, PSSetMemberBinderKeyType y)
// The non-static binder cache is case-sensitive because sites need the name used per site
// when the target object is a case-sensitive IDictionary. Under all other circumstances,
// binding is case-insensitive.
var stringComparison = x.Item3 ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
return x.Item1.Equals(y.Item1, stringComparison) &&
x.Item2 == y.Item2 &&
x.Item3 == y.Item3;
public int GetHashCode(PSSetMemberBinderKeyType obj)
var stringComparer = obj.Item3 ? StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparer.Ordinal;
return Utils.CombineHashCodes(stringComparer.GetHashCode(obj.Item1),
obj.Item2 == null ? 0 : obj.Item2.GetHashCode(),
private static readonly Dictionary<PSSetMemberBinderKeyType, PSSetMemberBinder> s_binderCache
= new Dictionary<PSSetMemberBinderKeyType, PSSetMemberBinder>(new KeyComparer());
private readonly bool _static;
private readonly Type _classScope;
private readonly PSGetMemberBinder _getMemberBinder;
public static PSSetMemberBinder Get(string memberName, TypeDefinitionAst classScopeAst, bool @static)
var classScope = classScopeAst?.Type;
return Get(memberName, classScope, @static);
public static PSSetMemberBinder Get(string memberName, Type classScope, bool @static)
PSSetMemberBinder result;
lock (s_binderCache)
var tuple = Tuple.Create(memberName, classScope, @static);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(tuple, out result))
result = new PSSetMemberBinder(memberName, true, @static, classScope);
s_binderCache.Add(tuple, result);
return result;
public PSSetMemberBinder(string name, bool ignoreCase, bool @static, Type classScope)
: base(name, ignoreCase)
_static = @static;
_classScope = classScope;
_getMemberBinder = PSGetMemberBinder.Get(name, _classScope, @static);
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SetMember: {0}{1} ver:{2}", _static ? "static " : string.Empty, Name, _getMemberBinder._version);
private static Expression GetTransformedExpression(IEnumerable<ArgumentTransformationAttribute> transformationAttributes, Expression originalExpression)
if (transformationAttributes == null)
return originalExpression;
var attributesArray = transformationAttributes.ToArray();
if (attributesArray.Length == 0)
return originalExpression;
Expression transformedExpression = originalExpression.Convert(typeof(object));
var engineIntrinsicsTempVar = Expression.Variable(typeof(EngineIntrinsics));
// apply transformation attributes from right to left
for (int i = attributesArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
transformedExpression = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(attributesArray[i]),
return Expression.Block(new[] { engineIntrinsicsTempVar },
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackSetMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject value, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue || !value.HasValue)
return Defer(target, value);
// Defer COM objects or arguments wrapped in PSObjects
if ((target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value)) ||
(value.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(value.Value) != value.Value)))
object baseObject = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (baseObject != null && Marshal.IsComObject(baseObject))
// We unwrap only if the 'base' of 'target' is a COM object. It's unnecessary to unwrap in other cases,
// especially in the case that 'target' is a string, we would lose instance members on the PSObject.
// Therefore, we need to use a stricter restriction to make sure PSObject 'target' with other base types
// doesn't get unwrapped.
return this.DeferForPSObject(target, value, targetIsComObject: true).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// Check if this is a COM Object
DynamicMetaObject result;
if (ComInterop.ComBinder.TryBindSetMember(this, target, value, out result))
return result.UpdateComRestrictionsForPsObject(new DynamicMetaObject[] { value }).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var targetValue = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (targetValue == null)
return (target.ThrowRuntimeError(new[] { value }, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "PropertyNotFound",
if (value.Value == AutomationNull.Value)
// Pretend the value was null (so we actually use null as the expression, but be sure
// to use a restriction that checks
value = new DynamicMetaObject(ExpressionCache.NullConstant, value.PSGetTypeRestriction(), null);
PSMemberInfo memberInfo;
if (_getMemberBinder.HasInstanceMember && PSGetMemberBinder.TryGetInstanceMember(target.Value, Name, out memberInfo))
// If there is an instance member, we generate (roughly) the following:
// PSMemberInfo memberInfo;
// if (PSGetMemberBinder.TryGetInstanceMember(target.Value, Name, out memberInfo))
// memberInfo.Value = value;
// else
// update the site
// We use a generic method like this because:
// * If one object has an instance property with a given name, it's like many others do as well
// * We want to avoid generating new sites for every object with an instance member
// As an alternative, would could generate the following psuedo-code:
// if (target.Value == previousInstance)
// return optimized value (depending on the exact PSMemberInfo subclass)
// else update the site
// But the assumption here is that many sites probably performs worse than the dictionary lookup
// and unoptimized virtual call to PSMemberInfo.Value.
// The binding restrictions could avoid a version check because it's never wrong to look for an instance member,
// but we add the check because the DLR requires a non-empty check when the target implements IDynamicMetaObjectProvider,
// which PSObject does. The version check is also marginally useful if we knew we'd never see another
// instance member with this member name, but we're not tracking things to make that a useful test.
var memberInfoVar = Expression.Variable(typeof(PSMemberInfo));
var temp = Expression.Variable(typeof(object));
var expr = Expression.Condition(
target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)), Expression.Constant(Name), memberInfoVar),
Expression.Assign(Expression.Property(memberInfoVar, "Value"), value.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))),
var bindingRestrictions = BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(_getMemberBinder, _getMemberBinder._version)
return (new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Block(new[] { memberInfoVar, temp }, expr),
if (targetValue is IDictionary)
// We never look for properties in the underlying object, we always try to add the key.
Type genericTypeArg = null;
bool isGeneric = PSGetMemberBinder.IsGenericDictionary(targetValue, ref genericTypeArg);
if (!isGeneric || genericTypeArg != null)
// If it's a generic, we must convert our value to genericTypeArg.
var hashType = isGeneric
? typeof(IDictionary<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(string), genericTypeArg)
: typeof(IDictionary);
var mi = hashType.GetMethod("set_Item");
var temp = Expression.Variable(genericTypeArg ?? typeof(object));
bool debase;
Type elementType = temp.Type;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - Calls to this conversion are protected by the binding rules below
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(value.Value, elementType, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank != ConversionRank.None)
var valueExpr = PSConvertBinder.InvokeConverter(conversion, value.Expression, elementType,
debase, ExpressionCache.InvariantCulture);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Block(new[] { temp },
Expression.Assign(temp, valueExpr),
Expression.Call(PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, hashType), mi,
Expression.Constant(Name), valueExpr),
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
bool canOptimize;
Type aliasConversionType;
memberInfo = _getMemberBinder.GetPSMemberInfo(target, out restrictions, out canOptimize, out aliasConversionType, MemberTypes.Property);
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(value.PSGetTypeRestriction());
// If the process has ever used ConstrainedLanguage, then we need to add the language mode
// to the binding restrictions, and check whether it is allowed. We can't limit
// the language check to unsafe types, as a safe type might have an unsafe method.
if (ExecutionContext.HasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage)
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage());
// Validate that this is allowed in the current language mode
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
DynamicMetaObject runtimeError = PSGetMemberBinder.EnsureAllowedInLanguageMode(
context, target, targetValue, Name, _static, new[] { value }, restrictions,
"PropertySetterNotSupportedInConstrainedLanguage", ParserStrings.PropertySetConstrainedLanguage);
if (runtimeError != null)
return runtimeError.WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (!canOptimize)
Diagnostics.Assert(memberInfo == null, "We don't bother returning members if we can't optimize.");
return new DynamicMetaObject(
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, typeof(object)),
if (memberInfo == null)
return (errorSuggestion ?? new DynamicMetaObject(
Compiler.ThrowRuntimeError("PropertyAssignmentException", ParserStrings.PropertyNotFound, this.ReturnType, Expression.Constant(Name)),
var psPropertyInfo = memberInfo as PSPropertyInfo;
if (psPropertyInfo != null)
if (!psPropertyInfo.IsSettable)
return GeneratePropertyAssignmentException(restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var psProperty = psPropertyInfo as PSProperty;
if (psProperty != null)
var data = psProperty.adapterData as DotNetAdapter.PropertyCacheEntry;
if (data != null)
Expression expr;
if (data.member.DeclaringType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
Expression innerException = Expression.New(
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), Expression.Constant(data.member.DeclaringType.FullName)));
expr = Compiler.ThrowRuntimeErrorWithInnerException(
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (data.propertyType.IsByRefLike)
// In theory, it's possible to call the setter with a value that can be implicitly/explicitly casted to the target ByRef-like type.
// However, the set-property/set-indexer semantics in PowerShell requires returning the value after the setting operation. We cannot
// return a ByRef-like value back, so we just disallow setting a member that takes a ByRef-like type value.
expr = Expression.Throw(
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.Constant(data.propertyType, typeof(Type)))),
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var propertyInfo = data.member as PropertyInfo;
Expression lhs;
Type lhsType;
// Populate transformation attributes.
// Order of attributes is the same as order provided by user in the code
// We assume that GetCustomAttributes implemented that way.
IEnumerable<ArgumentTransformationAttribute> argumentTransformationAttributes =
bool transformationNeeded = argumentTransformationAttributes.Any();
// For static property access, the target expr must be null. For non-static, we must convert
// because target.Expression is typeof(object) because this is a dynamic site.
var targetExpr = _static ? null : PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, data.member.DeclaringType);
if (propertyInfo != null)
if (propertyInfo.SetMethod.IsFamily &&
(_classScope == null || !_classScope.IsSubclassOf(propertyInfo.DeclaringType)))
return GeneratePropertyAssignmentException(restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
lhsType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
lhs = Expression.Property(targetExpr, propertyInfo);
Diagnostics.Assert(data.member is FieldInfo,
"A DotNetAdapter.PropertyCacheEntry has something other than PropertyInfo or FieldInfo.");
var fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)data.member;
lhsType = fieldInfo.FieldType;
lhs = Expression.Field(targetExpr, fieldInfo);
var nullableUnderlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(lhsType);
if (nullableUnderlyingType != null)
if (value.Value == null)
expr = Expression.Block(
Expression.Assign(lhs, GetTransformedExpression(argumentTransformationAttributes, Expression.Constant(null, lhsType))),
var tmp = Expression.Variable(nullableUnderlyingType);
Expression assignmentExpression;
if (transformationNeeded)
var transformedExpr = GetTransformedExpression(argumentTransformationAttributes, value.Expression);
assignmentExpression = DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSConvertBinder.Get(nullableUnderlyingType), nullableUnderlyingType, transformedExpr);
assignmentExpression = value.CastOrConvert(nullableUnderlyingType);
expr = Expression.Block(
new[] { tmp },
Expression.Assign(tmp, assignmentExpression),
Expression.Assign(lhs, Expression.New(lhsType.GetConstructor(new[] { nullableUnderlyingType }), tmp)),
var tmp = Expression.Variable(lhsType);
Expression assignedValue;
if (transformationNeeded)
assignedValue = DynamicExpression.Dynamic(PSConvertBinder.Get(lhsType), lhsType,
GetTransformedExpression(argumentTransformationAttributes, value.Expression));
assignedValue = (lhsType == typeof(object) && value.LimitType == typeof(PSObject))
? Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, value.Expression.Cast(typeof(PSObject)))
: value.CastOrConvert(lhsType);
expr = Expression.Block(
new[] { tmp },
Expression.Assign(tmp, assignedValue),
Expression.Assign(lhs, tmp),
var e = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception));
expr = Expression.TryCatch(expr.Cast(typeof(object)),
Expression.Constant(typeof(SetValueInvocationException), typeof(Type)),
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(MemberInfo))),
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var codeProperty = psPropertyInfo as PSCodeProperty;
if (codeProperty != null)
var setterMethod = codeProperty.SetterCodeReference;
var parameters = setterMethod.GetParameters();
var propertyType = parameters[parameters.Length - 1].ParameterType;
if (propertyType.IsByRefLike)
var expr = Expression.Throw(
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.Constant(propertyType, typeof(Type)))),
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var temp = Expression.Variable(typeof(object));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
new[] { temp },
Expression.Assign(temp, value.CastOrConvert(temp.Type)),
target: null,
new[] { target, value },
expandParameters: false,
var scriptProperty = psPropertyInfo as PSScriptProperty;
if (scriptProperty != null)
// Invoke Setter
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(scriptProperty, typeof(PSScriptProperty)),
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target), value.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))),
Diagnostics.Assert(false, "The property we're trying to set was unexpected.");
if (errorSuggestion != null)
return errorSuggestion.WriteToDebugLog(this);
// If we get here, the property isn't settable. Call SetAdaptedValue, which will eventually call the setter and raise an exception
// with a suitable error message.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, typeof(object)), Expression.Constant(Name),
private DynamicMetaObject GeneratePropertyAssignmentException(BindingRestrictions restrictions)
Expression innerException = Expression.New(CachedReflectionInfo.SetValueException_ctor,
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), Expression.Constant(Name)));
var expr = Compiler.ThrowRuntimeErrorWithInnerException("PropertyAssignmentException",
Expression.Constant(ParserStrings.PropertyIsReadOnly), innerException,
this.ReturnType, Expression.Constant(Name));
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions);
internal static object SetAdaptedValue(object obj, string member, object value)
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
PSMemberInfo memberInfo = null;
if ((context != null) && (context.TypeTable != null))
ConsolidatedString typenames = PSObject.GetTypeNames(obj);
memberInfo = context.TypeTable.GetMembers<PSMemberInfo>(typenames)[member];
if (memberInfo != null)
memberInfo = PSGetMemberBinder.CloneMemberInfo(memberInfo, obj);
var adapterSet = PSObject.GetMappedAdapter(obj, context?.TypeTable);
if (memberInfo == null)
memberInfo = adapterSet.OriginalAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(obj, member);
if (memberInfo == null && adapterSet.DotNetAdapter != null)
memberInfo = adapterSet.DotNetAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(obj, member);
if (memberInfo != null)
memberInfo.Value = value;
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "PropertyAssignmentException", ParserStrings.PropertyNotFound, member);
return value;
catch (SetValueException)
catch (Exception e)
ExceptionHandlingOps.ConvertToMethodInvocationException(e, typeof(SetValueInvocationException), member, 0);
internal static void InvalidateCache()
// Invalidate regular binders
lock (s_binderCache)
foreach (PSSetMemberBinder binder in s_binderCache.Values)
binder._getMemberBinder._version += 1;
internal class PSInvokeBinder : InvokeBinder
internal PSInvokeBinder(CallInfo callInfo) : base(callInfo)
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackInvoke(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return errorSuggestion ?? target.ThrowRuntimeError(args, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "CannotInvoke", ParserStrings.CannotInvoke);
internal sealed class PSInvokeMemberBinder : InvokeMemberBinder
internal enum MethodInvocationType
private sealed class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<PSInvokeMemberBinderKeyType>
public bool Equals(PSInvokeMemberBinderKeyType x, PSInvokeMemberBinderKeyType y)
return x.Item1.Equals(y.Item1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& x.Item2.Equals(y.Item2)
&& x.Item3 == y.Item3
&& x.Item4 == y.Item4
&& ((x.Item5 == null) ? (y.Item5 == null) : x.Item5.Equals(y.Item5))
&& x.Item6 == y.Item6
&& x.Item7 == y.Item7;
public int GetHashCode(PSInvokeMemberBinderKeyType obj)
return Utils.CombineHashCodes(
obj.Item5 == null ? 0 : obj.Item5.GetHashCode(),
obj.Item7 == null ? 0 : obj.Item7.GetHashCode());
private static readonly
Dictionary<PSInvokeMemberBinderKeyType, PSInvokeMemberBinder> s_binderCache = new Dictionary<PSInvokeMemberBinderKeyType, PSInvokeMemberBinder>(new KeyComparer());
internal readonly PSMethodInvocationConstraints _invocationConstraints;
internal readonly PSGetMemberBinder _getMemberBinder;
private PSInvokeMemberBinder GetNonEnumeratingBinder()
return Get(Name, _classScope, CallInfo, @static: false, propertySetter: _propertySetter, nonEnumerating: true, constraints: _invocationConstraints);
public static PSInvokeMemberBinder Get(string memberName, CallInfo callInfo, bool @static, bool propertySetter,
PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints, Type classScope)
return Get(memberName, classScope, callInfo, @static, propertySetter, nonEnumerating: false, constraints: constraints);
private static PSInvokeMemberBinder Get(string memberName, Type classScope, CallInfo callInfo, bool @static, bool propertySetter,
bool nonEnumerating, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints)
PSInvokeMemberBinder result;
lock (s_binderCache)
var key = Tuple.Create(memberName, callInfo, propertySetter, nonEnumerating, constraints, @static, classScope);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(key, out result))
result = new PSInvokeMemberBinder(memberName, true, @static, propertySetter, nonEnumerating, callInfo, constraints, classScope);
s_binderCache.Add(key, result);
return result;
private readonly bool _static;
private readonly bool _propertySetter;
private readonly bool _nonEnumerating;
private readonly Type _classScope;
private PSInvokeMemberBinder(string name,
bool ignoreCase,
bool @static,
bool propertySetter,
bool nonEnumerating,
CallInfo callInfo,
PSMethodInvocationConstraints invocationConstraints,
Type classScope)
: base(name, ignoreCase, callInfo)
_static = @static;
_propertySetter = propertySetter;
_nonEnumerating = nonEnumerating;
this._invocationConstraints = invocationConstraints;
_classScope = classScope;
this._getMemberBinder = PSGetMemberBinder.Get(name, classScope, @static);
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"PSInvokeMember: {0}{1}{2} ver:{3} args:{4} constraints:<{5}>", _static ? "static " : string.Empty, _propertySetter ? "propset " : string.Empty,
Name, _getMemberBinder._version, CallInfo.ArgumentCount, _invocationConstraints != null ? _invocationConstraints.ToString() : string.Empty);
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackInvokeMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue || args.Any(static arg => !arg.HasValue))
return Defer(args.Prepend(target).ToArray());
// Defer COM objects or arguments wrapped in PSObjects
if ((target.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(target.Value) != target.Value)) ||
args.Any(static mo => mo.Value is PSObject && (PSObject.Base(mo.Value) != mo.Value)))
object baseObject = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (baseObject != null && Marshal.IsComObject(baseObject))
// We unwrap only if the 'base' of 'target' is a COM object. It's unnecessary to unwrap in other cases,
// especially in the case that 'target' is a string, we would lose instance members on the PSObject.
// Therefore, we need to use a stricter restriction to make sure other type of PSObject 'target'
// doesn't get unwrapped.
return this.DeferForPSObject(args.Prepend(target).ToArray(), targetIsComObject: true).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// Check if this is a COM Object
DynamicMetaObject result;
if (ComInterop.ComBinder.TryBindInvokeMember(this, _propertySetter, target, args, out result))
return result.UpdateComRestrictionsForPsObject(args).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var targetValue = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (targetValue == null)
if (!_static && !_nonEnumerating)
// As discussed with Bruce, the Where/ForEach operators should work on $null and return an empty collection.
// e.g. $null.Where{"I didn't run"} should return an empty collection
DynamicMetaObject emptyEnumerator = new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Call(Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object)), CachedReflectionInfo.IEnumerable_GetEnumerator),
BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, target.Expression), null))
BindingRestrictions argRestrictions = args.Aggregate(BindingRestrictions.Empty, static (current, arg) => current.Merge(arg.PSGetMethodArgumentRestriction()));
if (string.Equals(Name, "Where", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return InvokeWhereOnCollection(emptyEnumerator, args, argRestrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (string.Equals(Name, "ForEach", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return InvokeForEachOnCollection(emptyEnumerator, args, argRestrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(args, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "InvokeMethodOnNull", ParserStrings.InvokeMethodOnNull).WriteToDebugLog(this);
PSMemberInfo memberInfo;
if (_getMemberBinder.HasInstanceMember && PSGetMemberBinder.TryGetInstanceMember(target.Value, Name, out memberInfo))
// If there is an instance member, we generate (roughly) the following:
// PSMethodInfo methodInfo;
// if (PSInvokeMemberBinder.TryGetInstanceMethod(target.Value, Name, out methodInfoInfo))
// return methodInfo.Invoke(target, args);
// else
// update the site
// We use a generic method like this because:
// * If one object has an instance property with a given name, it's like many others do as well
// * We want to avoid generating new sites for every object with an instance member
// As an alternative, would could generate the following psuedo-code:
// if (target.Value == previousInstance)
// return optimized value (depending on the exact PSMemberInfo subclass)
// else update the site
// But the assumption here is that many sites probably performs worse than the dictionary lookup
// and unoptimized virtual call to PSMemberInfo.Value.
// The binding restrictions could avoid a version check because it's never wrong to look for an instance member,
// but we add the check because the DLR requires a non-empty check when the target implements IDynamicMetaObjectProvider,
// which PSObject does. The version check is also marginally useful if we knew we'd never see another
// instance member with this member name, but we're not tracking things to make that a useful test.
var methodInfoVar = Expression.Variable(typeof(PSMethodInfo));
var expr = Expression.Condition(
target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)), Expression.Constant(Name), methodInfoVar),
Expression.Call(methodInfoVar, CachedReflectionInfo.PSMethodInfo_Invoke,
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), args.Select(static dmo => dmo.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))))),
return (new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.Block(new[] { methodInfoVar }, expr),
BinderUtils.GetVersionCheck(_getMemberBinder, _getMemberBinder._version))).WriteToDebugLog(this);
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
bool canOptimize;
Type aliasConversionType;
var methodInfo = _getMemberBinder.GetPSMemberInfo(target, out restrictions, out canOptimize, out aliasConversionType, MemberTypes.Method) as PSMethodInfo;
restrictions = args.Aggregate(restrictions, static (current, arg) => current.Merge(arg.PSGetMethodArgumentRestriction()));
// If the process has ever used ConstrainedLanguage, then we need to add the language mode
// to the binding restrictions, and check whether it is allowed. We can't limit
// the language check to unsafe types, as a safe type might have an unsafe method.
if (ExecutionContext.HasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage)
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetLanguageModeCheckIfHasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage());
// Validate that this is allowed in the current language mode
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
DynamicMetaObject runtimeError = PSGetMemberBinder.EnsureAllowedInLanguageMode(
context, target, targetValue, Name, _static, args, restrictions,
"MethodInvocationNotSupportedInConstrainedLanguage", ParserStrings.InvokeMethodConstrainedLanguage);
if (runtimeError != null)
return runtimeError.WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (!canOptimize)
Diagnostics.Assert(methodInfo == null, "We don't bother returning members if we can't optimize.");
Expression call;
if (_propertySetter)
call = Expression.Call(
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, typeof(object)),
args.Take(args.Length - 1).Select(static arg => arg.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)))),
call = Expression.Call(
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, typeof(object)),
args.Select(static arg => arg.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)))));
return new DynamicMetaObject(call, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
// If the target value is a PSObject and its base object happens to be a Hashtable or ArrayList,
// we might have three interesting cases here:
// (1) the target value could be a regular PSObject that wraps the Hashtable/ArrayList, i.e. $target = [PSObject]::AsPSObject($hash)
// (2) the target value could be a deserialized object (PSObject) with the 'IsDeserialized' property to be false, i.e. deserialized Hashtable/ArrayList/Dictionary[string, string]
// (3) the target value could be a deserialized object (PSObject) with the 'IsDeserialized' property to be true, i.e. deserialized XmlElement
// For the first two cases, it's OK to call a .NET method from the base object, such as $target.Add().
// For the third case, calling a .NET method from the base object is incorrect, because the original type of the deserialized object doesn't have the method.
// example: XmlElement derives from IEnumerable, so it's treated as a container object when powershell does the serialization -- using an ArrayList to hold
// its elements -- but we cannot call Add() on it.
// We add restriction to do this check only if the methodInfo is a .NET method/parameterizedProperty, otherwise it's not affected by the above cases, for example, a PSScriptMethod
// defined in the TypeTable will only get affected by the PSTypeNames.
if (methodInfo is PSMethod || methodInfo is PSParameterizedProperty)
var psObj = target.Value as PSObject;
if (psObj != null && (targetValue.GetType() == typeof(Hashtable) || targetValue.GetType() == typeof(ArrayList)))
// If we get here, then the target value should have 'isDeserialized == false', otherwise we cannot get a .NET methodInfo
// from _getMemberBinder.GetPSMemberInfo(). This is because when 'isDeserialized' is true, we use the PSObject to find the
// corresponding Adapter -- PSObjectAdapter, which cannot be optimized.
"isDeserialized should be false, because if not, we cannot get a .NET method/parameterizedProperty from GetPSMemberInfo");
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Not(Expression.Property(target.Expression.Cast(typeof(PSObject)), CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_IsDeserialized))));
var psMethod = methodInfo as PSMethod;
if (psMethod != null)
var data = (DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry)psMethod.adapterData;
return InvokeDotNetMethod(CallInfo, Name, _invocationConstraints, _propertySetter ? MethodInvocationType.Setter : MethodInvocationType.Ordinary, target, args, restrictions,
data.methodInformationStructures, typeof(MethodException)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var scriptMethod = methodInfo as PSScriptMethod;
if (scriptMethod != null)
return new DynamicMetaObject(
args.Select(static e => e.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))))),
var codeMethod = methodInfo as PSCodeMethod;
if (codeMethod != null)
Expression expr = InvokeMethod(codeMethod.CodeReference, null, args.Prepend(target).ToArray(), false, MethodInvocationType.Ordinary);
if (codeMethod.CodeReference.ReturnType == typeof(void))
expr = Expression.Block(expr, ExpressionCache.AutomationNullConstant);
expr = expr.Cast(typeof(object));
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var parameterizedProperty = methodInfo as PSParameterizedProperty;
if (parameterizedProperty != null)
var p = (DotNetAdapter.ParameterizedPropertyCacheEntry)parameterizedProperty.adapterData;
return InvokeDotNetMethod(CallInfo, Name, _invocationConstraints, _propertySetter ? MethodInvocationType.Setter : MethodInvocationType.Ordinary, target, args, restrictions,
_propertySetter ? p.setterInformation : p.getterInformation,
_propertySetter ? typeof(SetValueInvocationException) : typeof(GetValueInvocationException)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (errorSuggestion != null)
return errorSuggestion.WriteToDebugLog(this);
// See comment on PSGetMemberBinder.PropertyDoesntExistCheckSpecialCases - the same applies here for method calls.
if (!_static && !_nonEnumerating && target.Value != AutomationNull.Value)
// Invoking Where and ForEach operators on collections.
if (string.Equals(Name, "Where", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return InvokeWhereOnCollection(target, args, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
if (string.Equals(Name, "ForEach", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return InvokeForEachOnCollection(target, args, restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var enumerableTarget = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerableTarget != null)
// Try calling the method on each member of the collection.
return InvokeMemberOnCollection(enumerableTarget, args, targetValue.GetType(), restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var typeForMessage = _static && targetValue is Type ? (Type)targetValue : targetValue.GetType();
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Compiler.ThrowRuntimeError(ParserOps.MethodNotFoundErrorId, ParserStrings.MethodNotFound,
Expression.Constant(typeForMessage.FullName), Expression.Constant(Name)),
internal static DynamicMetaObject InvokeDotNetMethod(
CallInfo callInfo,
string name,
PSMethodInvocationConstraints psMethodInvocationConstraints,
MethodInvocationType methodInvocationType,
DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] args,
BindingRestrictions restrictions,
MethodInformation[] mi,
Type errorExceptionType)
bool expandParamsOnBest;
bool callNonVirtually;
string errorId = null;
string errorMsg = null;
int numArgs = args.Length;
if (methodInvocationType == MethodInvocationType.Setter)
numArgs -= 1;
object[] argValues = new object[numArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i)
object arg = args[i].Value;
argValues[i] = arg == AutomationNull.Value ? null : arg;
var result = Adapter.FindBestMethod(
allowCastingToByRefLikeType: true,
ref errorId,
ref errorMsg,
out expandParamsOnBest,
out callNonVirtually);
if (callNonVirtually && methodInvocationType != MethodInvocationType.BaseCtor)
methodInvocationType = MethodInvocationType.NonVirtual;
if (result != null)
var methodInfo = result.method;
var expr = InvokeMethod(methodInfo, target, args, expandParamsOnBest, methodInvocationType);
if (expr.Type == typeof(void))
expr = Expression.Block(expr, ExpressionCache.AutomationNullConstant);
// If we're calling SteppablePipeline.{Begin|Process|End}, we don't want
// to wrap exceptions - this is very much a special case to help error
// propagation and ensure errors are attributed to the correct code (the
// cmdlet invoked, not the method call from some proxy.)
if (methodInfo.DeclaringType == typeof(SteppablePipeline)
&& (methodInfo.Name.Equals("Begin", StringComparison.Ordinal))
|| methodInfo.Name.Equals("Process", StringComparison.Ordinal)
|| methodInfo.Name.Equals("End", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions);
expr = expr.Cast(typeof(object));
// Likewise, when calling methods in types defined by PowerShell, we don't
// want to wrap the exception.
if (methodInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DynamicClassImplementationAssemblyAttribute)).Any())
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions);
var e = Expression.Variable(typeof(Exception));
expr = Expression.TryCatch(expr,
Expression.Constant(errorExceptionType, typeof(Type)),
Expression.Constant(methodInfo, typeof(MethodBase))),
return new DynamicMetaObject(expr, restrictions);
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Compiler.CreateThrow(typeof(object), errorExceptionType,
new[] { typeof(string), typeof(Exception), typeof(string), typeof(object[]) },
errorId, null, errorMsg, new object[] { name, callInfo.ArgumentCount }),
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackInvoke(DynamicMetaObject target,
DynamicMetaObject[] args,
DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return (errorSuggestion ?? new DynamicMetaObject(
new PSInvokeBinder(CallInfo),
args.Prepend(target).Select(static dmo => dmo.Expression)
internal static MethodInfo FindBestMethod(DynamicMetaObject target,
IEnumerable<DynamicMetaObject> args,
string methodName,
bool @static,
PSMethodInvocationConstraints invocationConstraints)
MethodInfo result = null;
var psMethod = PSObject.DotNetInstanceAdapter.GetDotNetMethod<PSMethod>(PSObject.Base(target.Value), methodName);
if (psMethod != null)
var data = (DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry)psMethod.adapterData;
string errorId = null;
string errorMsg = null;
bool expandParameters;
bool callNonVirtually;
var mi = Adapter.FindBestMethod(
allowCastingToByRefLikeType: true,
args.Select(static arg => arg.Value == AutomationNull.Value ? null : arg.Value).ToArray(),
ref errorId,
ref errorMsg,
out expandParameters,
out callNonVirtually);
if (mi != null)
result = (MethodInfo)mi.method;
return result;
internal static Expression InvokeMethod(MethodBase mi, DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, bool expandParameters, MethodInvocationType invocationType)
List<ParameterExpression> temps = new List<ParameterExpression>();
List<Expression> initTemps = new List<Expression>();
List<Expression> copyOutTemps = new List<Expression>();
ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = null;
MethodInfo methodInfo = mi as MethodInfo;
if (methodInfo != null)
Type returnType = methodInfo.ReturnType;
if (returnType.IsByRefLike)
ConstructorInfo exceptionCtorInfo;
switch (invocationType)
case MethodInvocationType.Getter:
exceptionCtorInfo = CachedReflectionInfo.GetValueException_ctor;
case MethodInvocationType.Setter:
exceptionCtorInfo = CachedReflectionInfo.SetValueException_ctor;
exceptionCtorInfo = CachedReflectionInfo.MethodException_ctor;
return Expression.Throw(
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.Constant(returnType, typeof(Type)))),
constructorInfo = (ConstructorInfo)mi;
Type declaringType = constructorInfo.DeclaringType;
if (declaringType.IsByRefLike)
return Expression.Throw(
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.Constant(declaringType, typeof(Type)))),
// Invoking a base constructor or a base method (non-virtual call) depends reflection invocation
// via helper methods, and thus all arguments need to be casted to 'object'. The ByRef-like types
// cannot be boxed and won't work with reflection.
bool allowCastingToByRefLikeType =
invocationType != MethodInvocationType.BaseCtor &&
invocationType != MethodInvocationType.NonVirtual;
var parameters = mi.GetParameters();
var argExprs = new Expression[parameters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; ++i)
Type parameterType = parameters[i].ParameterType;
string paramName = parameters[i].Name;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramName))
paramName = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// The extension method 'CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Type, Boolean)' has inconsistent
// behavior on its return value in both FullCLR and CoreCLR. According to MSDN, if the attribute cannot be found, it
// should return an empty collection. However, it returns null in some rare cases [when the parameter isn't backed by
// actual metadata].
// This inconsistent behavior affects OneCore powershell because we are using the extension method here when compiling
// against CoreCLR. So we need to add a null check until this is fixed in CLR.
var paramArrayAttrs = parameters[i].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false);
if (paramArrayAttrs != null && paramArrayAttrs.Length > 0)
Diagnostics.Assert(i == parameters.Length - 1, "vararg parameter is not the last");
var paramElementType = parameterType.GetElementType();
if (expandParameters)
argExprs[i] = Expression.NewArrayInit(
a => a.CastOrConvertMethodArgument(
allowCastingToByRefLikeType: false,
var arg = args[i].CastOrConvertMethodArgument(
allowCastingToByRefLikeType: false,
argExprs[i] = arg;
else if (i >= args.Length)
"if there are too few arguments, FindBestMethod should only succeed if parameters are optional");
var argValue = parameters[i].DefaultValue;
if (argValue == null)
argExprs[i] = Expression.Default(parameterType);
// We don't specify the parameter type in the constant expression. Normally the default
// argument's type should match the parameter type, but sometimes it won't, e.g. with COM,
// the default can be System.Reflection.Missing.Value and this value is handled specially.
argExprs[i] = Expression.Constant(argValue);
if (parameterType.IsByRef)
if (args[i].Value is not PSReference)
return Compiler.CreateThrow(typeof(object), typeof(MethodException),
new[] { typeof(string), typeof(Exception), typeof(string), typeof(object[]) },
"NonRefArgumentToRefParameterMsg", null, ExtendedTypeSystem.NonRefArgumentToRefParameter,
new object[] { i + 1, typeof(PSReference).FullName, "[ref]" });
var temp = Expression.Variable(parameterType.GetElementType());
var psRefValue = Expression.Property(args[i].Expression.Cast(typeof(PSReference)), CachedReflectionInfo.PSReference_Value);
initTemps.Add(Expression.Assign(temp, psRefValue.Convert(temp.Type)));
copyOutTemps.Add(Expression.Assign(psRefValue, temp.Cast(typeof(object))));
argExprs[i] = temp;
argExprs[i] = args[i].CastOrConvertMethodArgument(
Expression call;
if (constructorInfo != null)
if (invocationType == MethodInvocationType.BaseCtor)
var targetExpr = target.Value is PSObject
? target.Expression.Cast(constructorInfo.DeclaringType)
: PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, constructorInfo.DeclaringType);
call = Expression.Call(
Expression.Constant(constructorInfo, typeof(ConstructorInfo)),
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), argExprs.Select(static x => x.Cast(typeof(object)))));
call = Expression.New(constructorInfo, argExprs);
if (invocationType == MethodInvocationType.NonVirtual && !methodInfo.IsStatic)
call = Expression.Call(
methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void)
? CachedReflectionInfo.ClassOps_CallVoidMethodNonVirtually
: CachedReflectionInfo.ClassOps_CallMethodNonVirtually,
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, methodInfo.DeclaringType),
Expression.Constant(methodInfo, typeof(MethodInfo)),
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), argExprs.Select(static x => x.Cast(typeof(object)))));
call = methodInfo.IsStatic
? Expression.Call(methodInfo, argExprs)
: Expression.Call(
PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(target, methodInfo.DeclaringType),
methodInfo, argExprs);
if (temps.Count > 0)
if (call.Type != typeof(void) && copyOutTemps.Count > 0)
var retValue = Expression.Variable(call.Type);
call = Expression.Assign(retValue, call);
call = Expression.Block(call.Type, temps, initTemps.Append(call).Concat(copyOutTemps));
return call;
private DynamicMetaObject InvokeMemberOnCollection(DynamicMetaObject targetEnumerator, DynamicMetaObject[] args, Type typeForMessage, BindingRestrictions restrictions)
var d = DynamicExpression.Dynamic(this, this.ReturnType, args.Select(static a => a.Expression).Prepend(ExpressionCache.NullConstant));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Constant(d.DelegateType, typeof(Type)),
args.Select(static a => a.Expression.Cast(typeof(object)))),
Expression.Constant(typeForMessage, typeof(Type))
private static DynamicMetaObject GetTargetAsEnumerable(DynamicMetaObject target)
var enumerableTarget = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(target);
if (enumerableTarget == null)
// Wrap the target in an array.
enumerableTarget = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(
new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object), target.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))),
return enumerableTarget;
/// <param name="target">The target to operate against.</param>
/// <param name="args">
/// Arguments to the operator. The first argument must be either a scriptblock
/// or a string representing a 'simple where' expression. The second is an enum that controls
/// the matching behaviour returning the first, last or all matching elements.
/// </param>
/// <param name="argRestrictions">The binding restrictions for the arguments.</param>
private DynamicMetaObject InvokeWhereOnCollection(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, BindingRestrictions argRestrictions)
var lhsEnumerator = GetTargetAsEnumerable(target);
switch (args.Length)
case 1:
return new DynamicMetaObject(
case 2:
return new DynamicMetaObject(
case 3:
return new DynamicMetaObject(
// If the arity is wrong, throw the extended type system exception.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.Constant(".Where({ expression } [, mode [, numberToReturn]])").Cast(typeof(object)),
private DynamicMetaObject InvokeForEachOnCollection(DynamicMetaObject targetEnumerator, DynamicMetaObject[] args, BindingRestrictions restrictions)
targetEnumerator = GetTargetAsEnumerable(targetEnumerator);
if (args.Length < 1)
// If the arity is wrong, throw the extended type system exception.
return new DynamicMetaObject(
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(Exception)),
Expression.Constant(".ForEach(expression [, arguments...])").Cast(typeof(object)),
var lhsEnumerator = PSEnumerableBinder.IsEnumerable(targetEnumerator).Expression;
Expression argsToPass;
if (args.Length > 1)
argsToPass = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object),
args.Skip(1).Select(static a => a.Expression.Cast(typeof(object))));
argsToPass = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(object));
return new DynamicMetaObject(
lhsEnumerator, PSGetMemberBinder.GetTargetExpr(args[0], typeof(object)), argsToPass),
#region Runtime helpers
internal static bool IsHomogenousArray<T>(object[] args)
if (args.Length == 0)
return false;
return args.All(element =>
var obj = PSObject.Base(element);
return obj != null && obj.GetType().Equals(typeof(T));
internal static bool IsHeterogeneousArray(object[] args)
if (args.Length == 0)
return true;
var firstElement = PSObject.Base(args[0]);
if (firstElement == null)
return true;
var firstType = firstElement.GetType();
if (firstType.Equals(typeof(object)))
// When the effective argument type is object[], it's for one of 2 reasons
// * the array contains elements with different types
// * the array contains elements that are all object
// Arrays of all object is rare, which is why this method is called IsHeterogeneousArray,
// but we still want to correctly handle object[] full of objects, so we return true
// for that case as well.
return true;
return args.Skip(1).Any(element =>
var obj = PSObject.Base(element);
return obj == null || !firstType.Equals(obj.GetType());
internal static object InvokeAdaptedMember(object obj, string methodName, object[] args)
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
var adapterSet = PSObject.GetMappedAdapter(obj, context?.TypeTable);
var methodInfo = adapterSet.OriginalAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(obj, methodName) as PSMethodInfo;
if (methodInfo == null && adapterSet.DotNetAdapter != null)
methodInfo = adapterSet.DotNetAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSMemberInfo>(obj, methodName) as PSMethodInfo;
if (methodInfo != null)
return methodInfo.Invoke(args);
// The object doesn't have 'Where' and 'ForEach' methods.
// As a last resort, we invoke 'Where' and 'ForEach' operators on singletons like
// ([pscustomobject]@{ foo = 'bar' }).Foreach({$_})
// ([pscustomobject]@{ foo = 'bar' }).Where({1})
if (string.Equals(methodName, "Where", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var enumerator = (new object[] { obj }).GetEnumerator();
switch (args.Length)
case 1:
return EnumerableOps.Where(enumerator, args[0] as ScriptBlock, WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Default, 0);
case 2:
return EnumerableOps.Where(enumerator, args[0] as ScriptBlock,
LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo<WhereOperatorSelectionMode>(args[1]), 0);
case 3:
return EnumerableOps.Where(enumerator, args[0] as ScriptBlock,
LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo<WhereOperatorSelectionMode>(args[1]), LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo<int>(args[2]));
if (string.Equals(methodName, "Foreach", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var enumerator = (new object[] { obj }).GetEnumerator();
return EnumerableOps.ForEach(enumerator, args[0], Array.Empty<object>());
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(methodName, typeof(RuntimeException), null,
"MethodNotFound", ParserStrings.MethodNotFound, ParserOps.GetTypeFullName(obj), methodName);
internal static object InvokeAdaptedSetMember(object obj, string methodName, object[] args, object valueToSet)
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
var adapterSet = PSObject.GetMappedAdapter(obj, context?.TypeTable);
var methodInfo = adapterSet.OriginalAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSParameterizedProperty>(obj, methodName);
if (methodInfo == null && adapterSet.DotNetAdapter != null)
methodInfo = adapterSet.DotNetAdapter.BaseGetMember<PSParameterizedProperty>(obj, methodName);
if (methodInfo != null)
methodInfo.InvokeSet(valueToSet, args);
return valueToSet;
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(methodName, typeof(RuntimeException), null,
"MethodNotFound", ParserStrings.MethodNotFound, ParserOps.GetTypeFullName(obj), methodName);
internal static bool TryGetInstanceMethod(object value, string memberName, out PSMethodInfo methodInfo)
PSMemberInfoInternalCollection<PSMemberInfo> instanceMembers;
var memberInfo = PSObject.HasInstanceMembers(value, out instanceMembers) ? instanceMembers[memberName] : null;
methodInfo = memberInfo as PSMethodInfo;
if (memberInfo == null)
// No member, just return false
return false;
if (methodInfo == null)
// Found a member, but it wasn't a method, throw an exception because we can't call it.
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(memberName, typeof(RuntimeException), null,
"MethodNotFound", ParserStrings.MethodNotFound, ParserOps.GetTypeFullName(value), memberName);
return true;
internal static void InvalidateCache()
// Invalidate regular binders
lock (s_binderCache)
foreach (PSInvokeMemberBinder binder in s_binderCache.Values)
binder._getMemberBinder._version += 1;
internal class PSCreateInstanceBinder : CreateInstanceBinder
private readonly CallInfo _callInfo;
private readonly PSMethodInvocationConstraints _constraints;
private readonly bool _publicTypeOnly;
private int _version;
private sealed class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool>>
public bool Equals(Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool> x,
Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool> y)
return x.Item1.Equals(y.Item1)
&& ((x.Item2 == null) ? (y.Item2 == null) : x.Item2.Equals(y.Item2))
&& x.Item3 == y.Item3;
public int GetHashCode(Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool> obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
private static readonly
Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool>, PSCreateInstanceBinder>
s_binderCache =
new Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints, bool>, PSCreateInstanceBinder>(new KeyComparer());
public static PSCreateInstanceBinder Get(CallInfo callInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints, bool publicTypeOnly = false)
PSCreateInstanceBinder result;
lock (s_binderCache)
var key = Tuple.Create(callInfo, constraints, publicTypeOnly);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(key, out result))
result = new PSCreateInstanceBinder(callInfo, constraints, publicTypeOnly);
s_binderCache.Add(key, result);
return result;
internal static void InvalidateCache()
// Invalidate binders
lock (s_binderCache)
foreach (var binder in s_binderCache.Values)
binder._version += 1;
internal PSCreateInstanceBinder(CallInfo callInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints, bool publicTypeOnly)
: base(callInfo)
_publicTypeOnly = publicTypeOnly;
_callInfo = callInfo;
_constraints = constraints;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"PSCreateInstanceBinder: ver:{0} args:{1} constraints:<{2}>", _version, _callInfo.ArgumentCount, _constraints != null ? _constraints.ToString() : string.Empty);
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackCreateInstance(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue || args.Any(static arg => !arg.HasValue))
return Defer(args.Prepend(target).ToArray());
var targetValue = PSObject.Base(target.Value);
if (targetValue == null)
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(args, BindingRestrictions.Empty, "InvokeMethodOnNull", ParserStrings.InvokeMethodOnNull).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var instanceType = targetValue as Type ?? targetValue.GetType();
BindingRestrictions restrictions;
if (instanceType.IsByRefLike)
// ByRef-like types are not boxable and should be used only on stack
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSCreateInstanceBinder_IsTargetTypeByRefLike, target.Expression));
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(
if (_publicTypeOnly && !TypeResolver.IsPublic(instanceType))
// If 'publicTypeOnly' specified, we only support creating instance for public types.
restrictions = BindingRestrictions.GetExpressionRestriction(
Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSCreateInstanceBinder_IsTargetTypeNonPublic, target.Expression));
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(
var ctors = instanceType.GetConstructors();
restrictions = ReferenceEquals(instanceType, targetValue)
? (target.Value is PSObject)
? BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(Expression.Call(CachedReflectionInfo.PSObject_Base, target.Expression), instanceType)
: BindingRestrictions.GetInstanceRestriction(target.Expression, instanceType)
: target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
restrictions = restrictions.Merge(BinderUtils.GetOptionalVersionAndLanguageCheckForType(this, instanceType, _version));
if (ctors.Length == 0 && _callInfo.ArgumentCount == 0 && instanceType.IsValueType)
// No ctors, just call the default ctor
return new DynamicMetaObject(Expression.New(instanceType).Cast(this.ReturnType), restrictions).WriteToDebugLog(this);
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
if (context != null && context.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage && !CoreTypes.Contains(instanceType))
return target.ThrowRuntimeError(restrictions, "CannotCreateTypeConstrainedLanguage", ParserStrings.CannotCreateTypeConstrainedLanguage).WriteToDebugLog(this);
restrictions = args.Aggregate(restrictions, static (current, arg) => current.Merge(arg.PSGetMethodArgumentRestriction()));
var newConstructors = DotNetAdapter.GetMethodInformationArray(ctors);
return PSInvokeMemberBinder.InvokeDotNetMethod(_callInfo, "new", _constraints, PSInvokeMemberBinder.MethodInvocationType.Ordinary,
target, args, restrictions, newConstructors, typeof(MethodException)).WriteToDebugLog(this);
/// <summary>
/// Check if the target type is ByRef-like.
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsTargetTypeByRefLike(object target)
var targetValue = PSObject.Base(target);
if (targetValue == null) { return false; }
var instanceType = targetValue as Type ?? targetValue.GetType();
return instanceType.IsByRefLike;
/// <summary>
/// Check if the target type is not public.
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsTargetTypeNonPublic(object target)
var targetValue = PSObject.Base(target);
if (targetValue == null) { return false; }
var instanceType = targetValue as Type ?? targetValue.GetType();
return !TypeResolver.IsPublic(instanceType);
/// <summary>
/// Return the full name of the target type.
/// </summary>
internal static string GetTargetTypeName(object target)
var targetValue = PSObject.Base(target);
Diagnostics.Assert(targetValue != null, "caller makes sure target is not null");
var instanceType = targetValue as Type ?? targetValue.GetType();
return instanceType.FullName;
internal class PSInvokeBaseCtorBinder : InvokeMemberBinder
private readonly CallInfo _callInfo;
private readonly PSMethodInvocationConstraints _constraints;
private sealed class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints>>
public bool Equals(Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints> x,
Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints> y)
return x.Item1.Equals(y.Item1)
&& ((x.Item2 == null) ? (y.Item2 == null) : x.Item2.Equals(y.Item2));
public int GetHashCode(Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints> obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
private static readonly
Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints>, PSInvokeBaseCtorBinder>
s_binderCache =
new Dictionary<Tuple<CallInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints>, PSInvokeBaseCtorBinder>(new KeyComparer());
public static PSInvokeBaseCtorBinder Get(CallInfo callInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints)
PSInvokeBaseCtorBinder result;
lock (s_binderCache)
var key = Tuple.Create(callInfo, constraints);
if (!s_binderCache.TryGetValue(key, out result))
result = new PSInvokeBaseCtorBinder(callInfo, constraints);
s_binderCache.Add(key, result);
return result;
internal PSInvokeBaseCtorBinder(CallInfo callInfo, PSMethodInvocationConstraints constraints)
: base(".ctor", false, callInfo)
_callInfo = callInfo;
_constraints = constraints;
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackInvokeMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
if (!target.HasValue || args.Any(static arg => !arg.HasValue))
return Defer(args.Prepend(target).ToArray());
var ctors = _constraints.MethodTargetType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var restrictions = target.Value is PSObject
? BindingRestrictions.GetTypeRestriction(target.Expression, target.Value.GetType())
: target.PSGetTypeRestriction();
restrictions = args.Aggregate(restrictions, static (current, arg) => current.Merge(arg.PSGetMethodArgumentRestriction()));
var newConstructors = DotNetAdapter.GetMethodInformationArray(ctors.Where(static c => c.IsPublic || c.IsFamily).ToArray());
return PSInvokeMemberBinder.InvokeDotNetMethod(_callInfo, "new", _constraints, PSInvokeMemberBinder.MethodInvocationType.BaseCtor,
target, args, restrictions, newConstructors, typeof(MethodException));
public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackInvoke(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
return (errorSuggestion ?? new DynamicMetaObject(
new PSInvokeBinder(CallInfo),
args.Prepend(target).Select(static dmo => dmo.Expression)
#endregion Standard binders