xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

3535 lines
151 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation.Host;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format;
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
namespace System.Management.Automation
internal static class PipelineOps
private static CommandProcessorBase AddCommand(PipelineProcessor pipe,
CommandParameterInternal[] commandElements,
CommandBaseAst commandBaseAst,
CommandRedirection[] redirections,
ExecutionContext context)
var commandAst = commandBaseAst as CommandAst;
var invocationToken = commandAst != null ? commandAst.InvocationOperator : TokenKind.Unknown;
bool dotSource = invocationToken == TokenKind.Dot;
SessionStateInternal commandSessionState = null;
int commandIndex = 0;
Diagnostics.Assert(commandElements[0].ArgumentSpecified && !commandElements[0].ParameterNameSpecified,
"Compiler will pass first parameter as an argument.");
var mi = PSObject.Base(commandElements[0].ArgumentValue) as PSModuleInfo;
if (mi != null)
if (mi.ModuleType == ModuleType.Binary && mi.SessionState == null)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "CantInvokeInBinaryModule", ParserStrings.CantInvokeInBinaryModule, mi.Name);
else if (mi.SessionState == null)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "CantInvokeInNonImportedModule", ParserStrings.CantInvokeInNonImportedModule, mi.Name);
else if (((invocationToken == TokenKind.Ampersand) || (invocationToken == TokenKind.Dot)) && (mi.LanguageMode != context.LanguageMode))
// Disallow FullLanguage "& (Get-Module MyModule) MyPrivateFn" from ConstrainedLanguage because it always
// runs "internal" origin and so has access to all functions, including non-exported functions.
// Otherwise we end up leaking non-exported functions that run in FullLanguage.
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException), null,
"CantInvokeCallOperatorAcrossLanguageBoundaries", ParserStrings.CantInvokeCallOperatorAcrossLanguageBoundaries);
commandSessionState = mi.SessionState.Internal;
commandIndex += 1;
object command;
IScriptExtent commandExtent;
var cpiCommand = commandElements[commandIndex];
if (cpiCommand.ParameterNameSpecified)
command = cpiCommand.ParameterText;
commandExtent = cpiCommand.ParameterExtent;
if (cpiCommand.ArgumentSpecified)
// BUG: we've seen something like:
// & (gmo Module) -foo: bar
// The command is -foo:, and bar is an argument, but both are in commandElements[commandIndex],
// so we won't add 'bar' as an argument.
command = PSObject.Base(cpiCommand.ArgumentValue);
commandExtent = cpiCommand.ArgumentExtent;
string invocationName = (dotSource) ? "." : invocationToken == TokenKind.Ampersand ? "&" : null;
CommandProcessorBase commandProcessor;
var scriptBlock = command as ScriptBlock;
if (scriptBlock != null)
commandProcessor = CommandDiscovery.CreateCommandProcessorForScript(scriptBlock, context, !dotSource, commandSessionState);
var commandInfo = command as CommandInfo;
if (commandInfo != null)
commandProcessor = context.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandProcessor(commandInfo, context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin, !dotSource, commandSessionState);
var commandName = command as string ?? PSObject.ToStringParser(context, command);
invocationName ??= commandName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandName))
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(
dotSource ? "." : "&");
// See if we need to resolve the command in a different session state
// as will be the case with modules...
// BUGBUG - this can be cleaned up by fixing the overload on execution context (but not easily.)
if (commandSessionState != null)
SessionStateInternal oldSessionState = context.EngineSessionState;
context.EngineSessionState = commandSessionState;
commandProcessor = context.CreateCommand(commandName, dotSource);
context.EngineSessionState = oldSessionState;
commandProcessor = context.CreateCommand(commandName, dotSource);
catch (RuntimeException rte)
// CreateCommand doesn't have the context to set InvocationInfo properly
// so we'll do it here instead...
if (rte.ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo == null)
InvocationInfo invocationInfo = new InvocationInfo(null, commandExtent, context)
{ InvocationName = invocationName };
InternalCommand cmd = commandProcessor.Command;
commandProcessor.UseLocalScope = !dotSource &&
(cmd is ScriptCommand || cmd is PSScriptCmdlet);
bool isNativeCommand = commandProcessor is NativeCommandProcessor;
for (int i = commandIndex + 1; i < commandElements.Length; ++i)
var cpi = commandElements[i];
if (cpi.ParameterNameSpecified)
// Skip adding the special -- parameter unless we're invoking a native command.
if (cpi.ParameterName.Equals("-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !isNativeCommand)
if (cpi.ArgumentToBeSplatted)
foreach (var splattedCpi in Splat(cpi.ArgumentValue, cpi.ArgumentAst))
string helpTarget;
HelpCategory helpCategory;
if (commandProcessor.IsHelpRequested(out helpTarget, out helpCategory))
commandProcessor = CommandProcessorBase.CreateGetHelpCommandProcessor(context, helpTarget, helpCategory);
commandProcessor.Command.InvocationExtent = commandBaseAst.Extent;
commandProcessor.Command.MyInvocation.ScriptPosition = commandBaseAst.Extent;
commandProcessor.Command.MyInvocation.InvocationName = invocationName;
bool redirectedError = false;
bool redirectedWarning = false;
bool redirectedVerbose = false;
bool redirectedDebug = false;
bool redirectedInformation = false;
if (redirections != null)
foreach (var redirection in redirections)
redirection.Bind(pipe, commandProcessor, context);
switch (redirection.FromStream)
case RedirectionStream.Error:
redirectedError = true;
case RedirectionStream.Warning:
redirectedWarning = true;
case RedirectionStream.Verbose:
redirectedVerbose = true;
case RedirectionStream.Debug:
redirectedDebug = true;
case RedirectionStream.Information:
redirectedInformation = true;
case RedirectionStream.All:
redirectedError = true;
redirectedWarning = true;
redirectedVerbose = true;
redirectedDebug = true;
redirectedInformation = true;
// Pipe redirection can also be specified via the ExecutionContext pipes.
if (!redirectedError)
if (context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe != null)
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.ErrorOutputPipe = context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.ErrorOutputPipe.ExternalWriter = context.ExternalErrorOutput;
if (!redirectedWarning && (context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe != null))
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe = context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe;
redirectedWarning = true;
if (!redirectedVerbose && (context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe != null))
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe = context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe;
redirectedVerbose = true;
if (!redirectedDebug && (context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe != null))
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe = context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe;
redirectedDebug = true;
if (!redirectedInformation && (context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe != null))
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe = context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe;
redirectedInformation = true;
// Warning, Verbose, Debug should pick up any redirection information from its parent command runtime object.
if (context.CurrentCommandProcessor != null && context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime != null)
if (!redirectedWarning &&
context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe != null)
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe = context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe;
if (!redirectedVerbose &&
context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe != null)
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe = context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe;
if (!redirectedDebug &&
context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe != null)
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe = context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe;
if (!redirectedInformation &&
context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe != null)
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe = context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe;
return commandProcessor;
internal static IEnumerable<CommandParameterInternal> Splat(object splattedValue, Ast splatAst)
splattedValue = PSObject.Base(splattedValue);
var markUntrustedData = false;
if (ExecutionContext.HasEverUsedConstrainedLanguage)
// If the value to be splatted is untrusted, then make sure sub-values held by it are
// also marked as untrusted.
markUntrustedData = ExecutionContext.IsMarkedAsUntrusted(splattedValue);
IDictionary splattedTable = splattedValue as IDictionary;
if (splattedTable != null)
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in splattedTable)
string parameterName = de.Key.ToString();
object parameterValue = de.Value;
string parameterText = GetParameterText(parameterName);
if (markUntrustedData)
yield return CommandParameterInternal.CreateParameterWithArgument(
parameterAst: splatAst,
parameterName: parameterName,
parameterText: parameterText,
argumentAst: splatAst,
value: parameterValue,
spaceAfterParameter: false,
fromSplatting: true);
IEnumerable enumerableValue = splattedValue as IEnumerable;
if (enumerableValue != null)
foreach (object obj in enumerableValue)
if (markUntrustedData)
yield return SplatEnumerableElement(obj, splatAst);
yield return SplatEnumerableElement(splattedValue, splatAst);
private static CommandParameterInternal SplatEnumerableElement(object splattedArgument, Ast splatAst)
var psObject = splattedArgument as PSObject;
if (psObject != null)
var prop = psObject.Properties[ScriptParameterBinderController.NotePropertyNameForSplattingParametersInArgs];
var baseObj = psObject.BaseObject;
if (prop != null && prop.Value is string && baseObj is string)
return CommandParameterInternal.CreateParameter((string)prop.Value, (string)baseObj, splatAst);
return CommandParameterInternal.CreateArgument(splattedArgument, splatAst);
private static string GetParameterText(string parameterName)
Diagnostics.Assert(parameterName != null, "caller makes sure the parameterName is not null");
int endPosition = parameterName.Length;
while ((endPosition > 0) && char.IsWhiteSpace(parameterName[endPosition - 1]))
if (endPosition == 0 || parameterName[endPosition - 1] == ':')
return "-" + parameterName;
string parameterText;
if (endPosition == parameterName.Length)
parameterText = "-" + parameterName + ":";
string whitespaces = parameterName.Substring(endPosition);
parameterText = string.Concat("-", parameterName.AsSpan(0, endPosition), ":", whitespaces);
return parameterText;
internal static void InvokePipeline(object input,
bool ignoreInput,
CommandParameterInternal[][] pipeElements,
CommandBaseAst[] pipeElementAsts,
CommandRedirection[][] commandRedirections,
FunctionContext funcContext)
PipelineProcessor pipelineProcessor = new PipelineProcessor();
ExecutionContext context = funcContext._executionContext;
Pipe outputPipe = funcContext._outputPipe;
if (context.Events != null)
if (input == AutomationNull.Value && !ignoreInput)
// We have seen something like:
// $e | measure-object
// And $e is AutomationNull.Value. We want to ensure
// measure-object runs w/o sending anything through the pipe,
// so we'll turn the pipe into Out-Null | ...
// This cleanly avoids any problems with the pipeline processing
// code dealing with null/AutomationNull input going directly to
// the first command (e.g. Measure-Object).
AddNoopCommandProcessor(pipelineProcessor, context);
CommandProcessorBase commandProcessor = null;
CommandRedirection[] commandRedirection = null;
for (int i = 0; i < pipeElements.Length; i++)
commandRedirection = commandRedirections?[i];
commandProcessor = AddCommand(pipelineProcessor, pipeElements[i], pipeElementAsts[i],
commandRedirection, context);
var cmdletInfo = commandProcessor?.CommandInfo as CmdletInfo;
if (cmdletInfo?.ImplementingType == typeof(OutNullCommand))
var commandsCount = pipelineProcessor.Commands.Count;
if (commandsCount == 1)
// Out-Null is the only command, bail without running anything
// Out-Null is the last command, rewrite command before Out-Null to a null pipe, but
// only if it didn't redirect anything, e.g. `Get-Stuff > o.txt | Out-Null`
var nextToLastCommand = pipelineProcessor.Commands[commandsCount - 2];
if (!nextToLastCommand.CommandRuntime.OutputPipe.IsRedirected)
pipelineProcessor.Commands.RemoveAt(commandsCount - 1);
commandProcessor = nextToLastCommand;
nextToLastCommand.CommandRuntime.OutputPipe = new Pipe { NullPipe = true };
if (commandProcessor != null && !commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.OutputPipe.IsRedirected)
pipelineProcessor.LinkPipelineSuccessOutput(outputPipe ?? new Pipe(new List<object>()));
// Fix up merge redirection bindings on last command processor.
if (commandRedirection != null)
foreach (CommandRedirection redirection in commandRedirection)
if (redirection is MergingRedirection)
redirection.Bind(pipelineProcessor, commandProcessor, context);
context.QuestionMarkVariableValue = !pipelineProcessor.ExecutionFailed;
internal static void InvokePipelineInBackground(
PipelineBaseAst pipelineAst,
FunctionContext funcContext)
PipelineProcessor pipelineProcessor = new PipelineProcessor();
ExecutionContext context = funcContext._executionContext;
Pipe outputPipe = funcContext._outputPipe;
if (context.Events != null)
CommandProcessorBase commandProcessor = null;
// For background jobs rewrite the pipeline as a Start-Job command
var scriptblockBodyString = pipelineAst.Extent.Text;
var pipelineOffset = pipelineAst.Extent.StartOffset;
var variables = pipelineAst.FindAll(static x => x is VariableExpressionAst, true);
// Used to make sure that the job runs in the current directory
const string cmdPrefix = @"Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Set-Location -LiteralPath $using:pwd ; ";
// Minimize allocations by initializing the stringbuilder to the size of the source string + prefix + space for ${using:} * 2
System.Text.StringBuilder updatedScriptblock = new System.Text.StringBuilder(cmdPrefix.Length + scriptblockBodyString.Length + 18);
int position = 0;
// Prefix variables in the scriptblock with $using:
foreach (var v in variables)
var variableName = ((VariableExpressionAst)v).VariablePath.UserPath;
// Skip variables that don't exist
if (funcContext._executionContext.EngineSessionState.GetVariable(variableName) == null)
// Skip PowerShell magic variables
if (!Regex.Match(
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant).Success)
updatedScriptblock.Append(scriptblockBodyString.AsSpan(position, v.Extent.StartOffset - pipelineOffset - position));
position = v.Extent.EndOffset - pipelineOffset;
var sb = ScriptBlock.Create(updatedScriptblock.ToString());
var commandInfo = new CmdletInfo("Start-Job", typeof(StartJobCommand));
commandProcessor = context.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandProcessor(commandInfo, CommandOrigin.Internal, false, context.EngineSessionState);
var parameter = CommandParameterInternal.CreateParameterWithArgument(
parameterAst: pipelineAst,
argumentAst: pipelineAst,
pipelineProcessor.LinkPipelineSuccessOutput(outputPipe ?? new Pipe(new List<object>()));
context.QuestionMarkVariableValue = !pipelineProcessor.ExecutionFailed;
private static void AddNoopCommandProcessor(PipelineProcessor pipelineProcessor, ExecutionContext context)
var commandInfo = new CmdletInfo("Out-Null", typeof(OutNullCommand));
var commandProcessor = context.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandProcessor(commandInfo,
useLocalScope: false,
sessionState: null);
internal static object CheckAutomationNullInCommandArgument(object obj)
if (obj == AutomationNull.Value)
return null;
var objAsArray = obj as object[];
return objAsArray != null ? CheckAutomationNullInCommandArgumentArray(objAsArray) : obj;
internal static object[] CheckAutomationNullInCommandArgumentArray(object[] objArray)
if (objArray != null)
for (int i = 0; i < objArray.Length; ++i)
if (objArray[i] == AutomationNull.Value)
objArray[i] = null;
return objArray;
internal static SteppablePipeline GetSteppablePipeline(PipelineAst pipelineAst, CommandOrigin commandOrigin, ScriptBlock scriptBlock, object[] args)
var pipelineProcessor = new PipelineProcessor();
var commandTuples = new List<Tuple<CommandAst, List<CommandParameterInternal>, List<CommandRedirection>>>();
ExecutionContext context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
if (context == null)
// If ExecutionContext from TLS is null then we are not in powershell engine thread.
string scriptText = scriptBlock.ToString();
scriptText = ErrorCategoryInfo.Ellipsize(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, scriptText);
PSInvalidOperationException e = PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(
throw e;
// We try binding the parameter when following conditions are satisfied:
// * Arguments are provided
// * The ScriptBlock has parameters
// If the script block has no parameter, RuntimeDefinedParameters.Data will be set to RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary.EmptyParameterArray
bool useParameter = (args != null && args.Length > 0) &&
scriptBlock.RuntimeDefinedParameters.Data !=
if (useParameter)
// If any parameters are used, we create a new scope and bind the parameters.
var newScope = context.EngineSessionState.NewScope(false);
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope = newScope;
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin = CommandOrigin.Internal;
var locals = MutableTuple.MakeTuple(Compiler.DottedLocalsTupleType,
object[] remainingArgs =
args, context, false, null, locals);
locals.SetAutomaticVariable(AutomaticVariable.Args, remainingArgs, context);
newScope.LocalsTuple = locals;
// GetSteppablePipeline() is called on an arbitrary script block with the intention
// of invoking it. So the trustworthiness is defined by the trustworthiness of the
// script block's language mode.
bool isTrusted = scriptBlock.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
foreach (var commandAst in pipelineAst.PipelineElements.Cast<CommandAst>())
var commandParameters = new List<CommandParameterInternal>();
foreach (var commandElement in commandAst.CommandElements)
var commandParameterAst = commandElement as CommandParameterAst;
if (commandParameterAst != null)
commandParameters.Add(GetCommandParameter(commandParameterAst, isTrusted, context));
var exprAst = (ExpressionAst)commandElement;
var argument = Compiler.GetExpressionValue(exprAst, isTrusted, context);
var splatting = (exprAst is VariableExpressionAst && ((VariableExpressionAst)exprAst).Splatted);
commandParameters.Add(CommandParameterInternal.CreateArgument(argument, exprAst, splatting));
var redirections = new List<CommandRedirection>();
foreach (var redirection in commandAst.Redirections)
redirections.Add(GetCommandRedirection(redirection, isTrusted, context));
commandTuples.Add(Tuple.Create(commandAst, commandParameters, redirections));
if (useParameter)
foreach (var commandTuple in commandTuples)
var commandProcessor = AddCommand(pipelineProcessor, commandTuple.Item2.ToArray(), commandTuple.Item1, commandTuple.Item3.ToArray(), context);
commandProcessor.Command.CommandOriginInternal = commandOrigin;
commandProcessor.CommandScope.ScopeOrigin = commandOrigin;
commandProcessor.Command.MyInvocation.CommandOrigin = commandOrigin;
// For nicer error reporting, we want to make it look like errors in the steppable pipeline point back to
// the caller of the proxy. We don't want errors pointing to the script block created in the proxy.
// Here we assume (in a safe way) that GetSteppablePipeline is called from script. If that isn't the case,
// we won't crash, but the error reporting might be a little misleading.
var callStack = context.Debugger.GetCallStack().ToArray();
if (callStack.Length > 0 && Regex.IsMatch(callStack[0].Position.Text, "GetSteppablePipeline", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
var myInvocation = commandProcessor.Command.MyInvocation;
myInvocation.InvocationName = callStack[0].InvocationInfo.InvocationName;
if (callStack.Length > 1)
var displayPosition = callStack[1].Position;
if (displayPosition != null && displayPosition != PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent)
myInvocation.DisplayScriptPosition = displayPosition;
// Set the data stream merge properties based on ExecutionContext.
if (context.CurrentCommandProcessor != null && context.CurrentCommandProcessor.CommandRuntime != null)
return new SteppablePipeline(context, pipelineProcessor);
private static CommandParameterInternal GetCommandParameter(CommandParameterAst commandParameterAst, bool isTrusted, ExecutionContext context)
var argumentAst = commandParameterAst.Argument;
var errorPos = commandParameterAst.ErrorPosition;
if (argumentAst == null)
return CommandParameterInternal.CreateParameter(commandParameterAst.ParameterName, errorPos.Text, commandParameterAst);
object argumentValue = Compiler.GetExpressionValue(argumentAst, isTrusted, context);
bool spaceAfterParameter = (errorPos.EndLineNumber != argumentAst.Extent.StartLineNumber ||
errorPos.EndColumnNumber != argumentAst.Extent.StartColumnNumber);
return CommandParameterInternal.CreateParameterWithArgument(commandParameterAst, commandParameterAst.ParameterName,
errorPos.Text, argumentAst, argumentValue,
private static CommandRedirection GetCommandRedirection(RedirectionAst redirectionAst, bool isTrusted, ExecutionContext context)
var fileRedirection = redirectionAst as FileRedirectionAst;
if (fileRedirection != null)
object fileName = Compiler.GetExpressionValue(fileRedirection.Location, isTrusted, context);
return new FileRedirection(fileRedirection.FromStream, fileRedirection.Append, fileName.ToString());
var mergingRedirectionAst = (MergingRedirectionAst)redirectionAst;
return new MergingRedirection(mergingRedirectionAst.FromStream, mergingRedirectionAst.ToStream);
internal static object PipelineResult(List<object> resultList)
var resultCount = resultList.Count;
if (resultCount == 0)
return AutomationNull.Value;
var result = resultCount == 1 ? resultList[0] : resultList.ToArray();
// Clear the array list so that we don't write the results of the pipe when flushing the pipe.
return result;
internal static void FlushPipe(Pipe oldPipe, List<object> resultList)
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.Count; i++)
internal static void ClearPipe(List<object> resultList)
internal static ExitException GetExitException(object exitCodeObj)
int exitCode = 0;
if (!LanguagePrimitives.IsNull(exitCodeObj))
exitCode = ParserOps.ConvertTo<int>(exitCodeObj, PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent);
catch (Exception) // ignore non-severe exceptions
return new ExitException(exitCode);
internal static void CheckForInterrupts(ExecutionContext context)
if (context.Events != null)
if (context.CurrentPipelineStopping)
throw new PipelineStoppedException();
// This is to work around a DLR problem with gotos in try/catch to the end of a lambda.
internal static void Nop() { }
#region Redirections
internal abstract class CommandRedirection
protected CommandRedirection(RedirectionStream from)
this.FromStream = from;
internal RedirectionStream FromStream { get; }
internal abstract void Bind(PipelineProcessor pipelineProcessor, CommandProcessorBase commandProcessor, ExecutionContext context);
internal void UnbindForExpression(FunctionContext funcContext, Pipe[] pipes)
if (pipes == null)
// The pipes can be null if there was an exception (ideally we'd just call unbind
// from a fault, but that isn't supported in a clr dynamic method.
var context = funcContext._executionContext;
switch (FromStream)
case RedirectionStream.All:
funcContext._outputPipe = pipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Output];
context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe = pipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Error];
context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe = pipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Warning];
context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe = pipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Verbose];
context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe = pipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Debug];
context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe = pipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Information];
case RedirectionStream.Output:
funcContext._outputPipe = pipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Output];
case RedirectionStream.Error:
context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe = pipes[(int)FromStream];
case RedirectionStream.Warning:
context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe = pipes[(int)FromStream];
case RedirectionStream.Verbose:
context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe = pipes[(int)FromStream];
case RedirectionStream.Debug:
context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe = pipes[(int)FromStream];
case RedirectionStream.Information:
context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe = pipes[(int)FromStream];
internal class MergingRedirection : CommandRedirection
internal MergingRedirection(RedirectionStream from, RedirectionStream to)
: base(from)
if (to != RedirectionStream.Output)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(to, typeof(ArgumentException),
null, "RedirectionStreamCanOnlyMergeToOutputStream",
// this.ToStream = to;
public override string ToString()
return FromStream == RedirectionStream.All
? "*>&1"
: string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}>&1", (int)FromStream);
// private RedirectionStream ToStream { get; set; }
// Handle merging redirections for commands, like:
// dir 2>&1
// A more realistic example:
// dir 2>&1 > out
internal override void Bind(PipelineProcessor pipelineProcessor, CommandProcessorBase commandProcessor, ExecutionContext context)
Pipe pipe = commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.OutputPipe;
switch (FromStream)
case RedirectionStream.All:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.ErrorMergeTo = MshCommandRuntime.MergeDataStream.Output;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Output:
case RedirectionStream.Error:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.ErrorMergeTo = MshCommandRuntime.MergeDataStream.Output;
case RedirectionStream.Warning:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Verbose:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Debug:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Information:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe = pipe;
// Handle merging redirections for expressions, like:
// $(write-error) 2>&1
// A more realistic example:
// $(write-error) 2>&1 > out
internal Pipe[] BindForExpression(ExecutionContext context, FunctionContext funcContext)
Pipe[] oldPipes = new Pipe[(int)RedirectionStream.Information + 1];
Pipe pipe = funcContext._outputPipe;
// We set the redirection pipe directly in Context because there is no command processor
// (which indirectly does the same thing as this code.)
switch (FromStream)
case RedirectionStream.All:
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Output] = funcContext._outputPipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Error] = context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe;
context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe = pipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Warning] = context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe = pipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Verbose] = context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Debug] = context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe = pipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Information] = context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Output:
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Output] = funcContext._outputPipe;
case RedirectionStream.Error:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe;
context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Warning:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Verbose:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Debug:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Information:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe = pipe;
return oldPipes;
internal class FileRedirection : CommandRedirection, IDisposable
internal FileRedirection(RedirectionStream from, bool appending, string file)
: base(from)
this.File = file;
this.Appending = appending;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}> {1}",
FromStream == RedirectionStream.All
? "*"
: ((int)FromStream).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
internal string File { get; }
internal bool Appending { get; }
private PipelineProcessor PipelineProcessor { get; set; }
// Handle binding file redirection for commands, like:
// dir > out
internal override void Bind(PipelineProcessor pipelineProcessor, CommandProcessorBase commandProcessor, ExecutionContext context)
Pipe pipe = GetRedirectionPipe(context, pipelineProcessor);
switch (FromStream)
case RedirectionStream.All:
// Since a temp output pipe is going to be used, we should pass along the error and warning variable list.
// Normally, context.CurrentCommandProcessor will not be null. But in legacy DRTs from ParserTest.cs,
// a scriptblock may be invoked through 'DoInvokeReturnAsIs' using .NET reflection. In that case,
// context.CurrentCommandProcessor will be null. We don't try passing along variable lists in such case.
if (context.CurrentCommandProcessor != null)
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.OutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.ErrorOutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe = pipe;
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Output:
// Since a temp output pipe is going to be used, we should pass along the error and warning variable list.
if (context.CurrentCommandProcessor != null)
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.OutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Error:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.ErrorOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Warning:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.WarningOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Verbose:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.VerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Debug:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.DebugOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Information:
commandProcessor.CommandRuntime.InformationOutputPipe = pipe;
// Handle binding file redirections for expressions, like:
// $(write-error blah) 2> out
internal Pipe[] BindForExpression(FunctionContext funcContext)
var context = funcContext._executionContext;
// GetRedirectionPipe can throw if the filename specified can't be written to. In that case,
// oldPipes is null, and when unbinding, there is nothing to do.
Pipe pipe = GetRedirectionPipe(context, null);
var oldPipes = new Pipe[(int)RedirectionStream.Information + 1];
switch (FromStream)
case RedirectionStream.All:
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Output] = funcContext._outputPipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Error] = context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Warning] = context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Verbose] = context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Debug] = context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe;
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Information] = context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe;
// Since a temp output pipe is going to be used, we should pass along the error and warning variable list.
funcContext._outputPipe = pipe;
context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe = pipe;
context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe = pipe;
context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe = pipe;
context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Output:
oldPipes[(int)RedirectionStream.Output] = funcContext._outputPipe;
// Since a temp output pipe is going to be used, we should pass along the error and warning variable list.
funcContext._outputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Error:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe;
context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Warning:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionWarningOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Verbose:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionVerboseOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Debug:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionDebugOutputPipe = pipe;
case RedirectionStream.Information:
oldPipes[(int)FromStream] = context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe;
context.ExpressionInformationOutputPipe = pipe;
return oldPipes;
internal Pipe GetRedirectionPipe(ExecutionContext context, PipelineProcessor parentPipelineProcessor)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(File))
return new Pipe { NullPipe = true };
CommandProcessorBase commandProcessor = context.CreateCommand("out-file", false);
Diagnostics.Assert(commandProcessor != null, "CreateCommand returned null");
// Previously, we mandated Unicode encoding here
// Now, We can take what ever has been set if PSDefaultParameterValues
// Unicode is still the default, but now may be overridden
var cpi = CommandParameterInternal.CreateParameterWithArgument(
/*parameterAst*/null, "Filepath", "-Filepath:",
/*argumentAst*/null, File,
if (this.Appending)
cpi = CommandParameterInternal.CreateParameterWithArgument(
/*parameterAst*/null, "Append", "-Append:",
/*argumentAst*/null, true,
PipelineProcessor = new PipelineProcessor();
catch (RuntimeException rte)
// If it's just wrapping an argument exception, build a new exception that
// is more specific tp the redirection operation...
if (rte.ErrorRecord.Exception is System.ArgumentException)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterExceptionWithInnerException(null,
typeof(RuntimeException), null, "RedirectionFailed", ParserStrings.RedirectionFailed,
rte.ErrorRecord.Exception, File, rte.ErrorRecord.Exception.Message);
if (parentPipelineProcessor != null)
// I think this is only necessary for calling Dispose on the commands in the redirection pipe.
return new Pipe(context, PipelineProcessor);
/// <summary>
/// After file redirection is done, we need to call 'DoComplete' on the pipeline processor,
/// so that 'EndProcessing' of Out-File can be called to wrap up the file write operation.
/// </summary>
/// <remark>
/// 'StartStepping' is called after creating the pipeline processor.
/// 'Step' is called when an object is added to the pipe created with the pipeline processor.
/// </remark>
internal void CallDoCompleteForExpression()
// The pipe returned from 'GetRedirectionPipe' could be a NullPipe
if (PipelineProcessor != null)
private bool _disposed;
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
if (disposing)
if (PipelineProcessor != null)
_disposed = true;
#endregion Redirections
internal static class FunctionOps
internal static void DefineFunction(ExecutionContext context,
FunctionDefinitionAst functionDefinitionAst,
ScriptBlockExpressionWrapper scriptBlockExpressionWrapper)
ScriptBlock scriptBlock = scriptBlockExpressionWrapper.GetScriptBlock(
context, functionDefinitionAst.IsFilter);
var expAttribute = scriptBlock.ExperimentalAttribute;
if (expAttribute == null || expAttribute.ToShow)
scriptBlock, context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin);
catch (Exception exception)
if (!(exception is RuntimeException rte))
throw ExceptionHandlingOps.ConvertToRuntimeException(exception, functionDefinitionAst.Extent);
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(rte, functionDefinitionAst.Extent);
internal class ScriptBlockExpressionWrapper
private ScriptBlock _scriptBlock;
private readonly IParameterMetadataProvider _ast;
internal ScriptBlockExpressionWrapper(IParameterMetadataProvider ast)
_ast = ast;
internal ScriptBlock GetScriptBlock(ExecutionContext context, bool isFilter)
// We always clone the result, even when creating a new script block, so that the cached
// value doesn't hold on to any session state.
Diagnostics.Assert(_scriptBlock == null || _scriptBlock.SessionStateInternal == null,
"Cached script block should not hold on to session state");
var result = (_scriptBlock ??= new ScriptBlock(_ast, isFilter)).Clone();
result.SessionStateInternal = context.EngineSessionState;
return result;
internal static class HashtableOps
internal static void AddKeyValuePair(IDictionary hashtable, object key, object value, IScriptExtent errorExtent)
key = PSObject.Base(key);
if (key == null)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(hashtable, typeof(RuntimeException), errorExtent,
"InvalidNullKey", ParserStrings.InvalidNullKey);
if (hashtable.Contains(key))
// convert the key to a string for the error message, trimming if it's to long...
// we pass a null context here because we're not too interested in $OFS.
string errorKeyString = PSObject.ToStringParser(null, key);
if (errorKeyString.Length > 40)
errorKeyString = errorKeyString.Substring(0, 40) + PSObjectHelper.Ellipsis;
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(hashtable, typeof(RuntimeException), errorExtent,
"DuplicateKeyInHashLiteral", ParserStrings.DuplicateKeyInHashLiteral, errorKeyString);
hashtable.Add(key, value);
internal static object Add(IDictionary lvalDict, IDictionary rvalDict)
IDictionary newDictionary;
if (lvalDict is OrderedDictionary)
// If the left is ordered, assume they want orderedness preserved.
newDictionary = new OrderedDictionary(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
newDictionary = new Hashtable(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
// Add key and values from left hand side...
foreach (object key in lvalDict.Keys)
newDictionary.Add(key, lvalDict[key]);
// and the right-hand side
foreach (object key in rvalDict.Keys)
newDictionary.Add(key, rvalDict[key]);
return newDictionary;
internal static class ExceptionHandlingOps
internal class CatchAll { }
/// <summary>
/// Represent a handler search result.
/// </summary>
private sealed class HandlerSearchResult
internal HandlerSearchResult()
Handler = -1;
Rank = int.MaxValue;
ExceptionToPass = null;
ErrorRecordToPass = null;
internal int Handler;
internal int Rank;
internal Exception ExceptionToPass;
internal ErrorRecord ErrorRecordToPass;
/// <summary>
/// Rank the exception types based on how specific they are.
/// Smaller ranking number indicates more specific exception type.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The ranking number for each type represent how many other
/// types from the array derive from it.
/// For example, 0 means no other types in the array derive from
/// the corresponding type, while 3 means there are 3 other types
/// in the array actually derive from the corresponding type.
/// 'CatchAll' is considered to be derived by all exception types.
/// </remarks>
private static int[] RankExceptionTypes(Type[] types)
int[] ranks = new int[types.Length];
int length = types.Length;
// If 'CatchAll' is specified, it must be the last catch block.
// Handle it specially. This can save a few iterations in the
// 'for' loop below, and also avoid some type comparisons.
if (types[length - 1].Equals(typeof(CatchAll)))
ranks[length - 1] = length - 1;
length -= 1;
// For each type check if it's a sub-class of any types after it.
// The ordering of the type array guarantees the more specific type comes first.
for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++)
if (types[i].IsSubclassOf(types[j]))
return ranks;
/// <summary>
/// Search for handler by the exception type and process the found result.
/// </summary>
private static void FindAndProcessHandler(Type[] types, int[] ranks,
HandlerSearchResult current,
Exception exception,
ErrorRecord errorRecord)
Diagnostics.Assert(current != null, "Caller makes sure 'current' is not null.");
int handler = FindMatchingHandlerByType(exception.GetType(), types);
// If no handler was found, return without changing the current result.
if (handler == -1) { return; }
// New handler was found.
// - If new-rank is less than current-rank -- meaning the new handler is more specific,
// then we update the current result with it.
// - If new-rank is more than current-rank -- meaning the new handler is less specific,
// then we do NOT change the current result.
// - If new-rank is equal to current-rank, we do NOT change the current result UNLESS the
// current handler is catch-all. (This is to keep the original behavior -- prefer to use
// the later found exception as the exception-to-pass-in if all exceptions result in the
// catch-all handler.
int rank = ranks[handler];
if (rank < current.Rank ||
(rank == current.Rank && types[current.Handler].Equals(typeof(CatchAll)))
current.Handler = handler;
current.Rank = rank;
current.ExceptionToPass = exception;
current.ErrorRecordToPass = errorRecord;
/// <summary>
/// Find the matching handler for the caught exception.
/// </summary>
internal static int FindMatchingHandler(MutableTuple tuple, RuntimeException rte, Type[] types, ExecutionContext context)
bool continueToSearch = false;
int[] ranks = RankExceptionTypes(types);
var current = new HandlerSearchResult();
// Always assume no need to repeat the search for another interation
continueToSearch = false;
// The 'ErrorRecord' of the current RuntimeException would be passed to $_
ErrorRecord errorRecordToPass = rte.ErrorRecord;
Exception inner = rte.InnerException;
if (inner != null)
FindAndProcessHandler(types, ranks, current, inner, errorRecordToPass);
// If no handler was found (rank = int.MaxValue), or if the handler we found was not
// the most specific one, then look again, this time using the outer exception.
// If we found a handler, but not one of the most specific ones (rank != 0), there may
// be a more specific handler that catches outer but not inner exception.
if (current.Rank > 0)
FindAndProcessHandler(types, ranks, current, rte, errorRecordToPass);
// If we still didn't find one of the most specific handlers (rank != 0), we'll try unwrapping a few other of our exceptions:
// ActionPreferenceStopException - to cover '-ea stop'
// try { gci nosuchfile -ea stop } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] { 'caught' }
// CmdletInvocationException - to cover cmdlets like Invoke-Expression
if (current.Rank > 0)
var apse = rte as ActionPreferenceStopException;
if (apse != null)
var exceptionToPass = apse.ErrorRecord.Exception;
// If it's again a RuntimeException, we repeat the search using it
rte = exceptionToPass as RuntimeException;
if (rte != null)
continueToSearch = true;
else if (exceptionToPass != null)
FindAndProcessHandler(types, ranks, current, exceptionToPass, errorRecordToPass);
else if (rte is CmdletInvocationException && inner != null)
if (inner.InnerException != null)
FindAndProcessHandler(types, ranks, current, inner.InnerException, errorRecordToPass);
} while (continueToSearch);
if (current.Handler != -1)
var errorRecord = new ErrorRecord(current.ErrorRecordToPass, current.ExceptionToPass);
tuple.SetAutomaticVariable(AutomaticVariable.Underbar, errorRecord, context);
return current.Handler;
/// <summary>
/// Find the matching handler by the exception type.
/// </summary>
private static int FindMatchingHandlerByType(Type exceptionType, Type[] types)
int i;
// pass 1 - exact match (this pass isn't needed for catch handlers because the ordering
// guarantees more specific handlers come first.)
for (i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
if (exceptionType.Equals(types[i]))
return i;
// pass 2 - subclass
for (i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
if (exceptionType.IsSubclassOf(types[i]))
return i;
// pass 3 - untyped catchall handler...
// if there is more than one (can only happen with traps), return the first.
// it might be nice to enforce a single default in strict mode.
for (i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i)
if (types[i].Equals(typeof(CatchAll)))
return i;
return -1;
internal static bool SuspendStoppingPipeline(ExecutionContext context)
LocalPipeline lpl = (LocalPipeline)context.CurrentRunspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
if (lpl != null)
bool oldIsStopping = lpl.Stopper.IsStopping;
lpl.Stopper.IsStopping = false;
return oldIsStopping;
return false;
internal static void RestoreStoppingPipeline(ExecutionContext context, bool oldIsStopping)
LocalPipeline lpl = (LocalPipeline)context.CurrentRunspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline();
if (lpl != null)
lpl.Stopper.IsStopping = oldIsStopping;
internal static void CheckActionPreference(FunctionContext funcContext, Exception exception)
if (exception is TargetInvocationException)
// Always unwrap TargetInvocationException.
exception = exception.InnerException;
var rte = exception as RuntimeException;
if (rte == null)
rte = ConvertToRuntimeException(exception, funcContext.CurrentPosition);
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(rte, funcContext.CurrentPosition);
var context = funcContext._executionContext;
var outputPipe = funcContext._outputPipe;
var extent = rte.ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptPosition;
SetErrorVariables(extent, rte, context, outputPipe);
// set $? to false indicating an error
context.QuestionMarkVariableValue = false;
ActionPreference preference = GetErrorActionPreference(context);
// If the exception was not rethrown and we are not currently
// handling an exception, then the exception is new, and we
// can break on it if requested.
if (!rte.WasRethrown &&
context.CurrentExceptionBeingHandled == null &&
preference == ActionPreference.Break)
// Item2 in the trap tuples is the action (script) for the trap.
// A null action script is only used to indicate when exceptions
// should be thrown up to a higher level, and doesn't count as an
// actual trap handler in the function context.
bool anyTrapHandlers = funcContext._traps.Count > 0 && funcContext._traps[funcContext._traps.Count - 1].Item2 != null;
if (anyTrapHandlers)
// update the action preference according to how the exception is
// handled in the trap statement(s).
preference = ProcessTraps(funcContext, rte);
else if (ExceptionCannotBeStoppedContinuedOrIgnored(rte, context))
throw rte;
else if (preference == ActionPreference.Inquire && !rte.SuppressPromptInInterpreter)
preference = InquireForActionPreference(rte.Message, context);
if ((preference == ActionPreference.SilentlyContinue) ||
(preference == ActionPreference.Ignore))
if (preference == ActionPreference.Stop)
// The interpreter prompt CommandBaseStrings:InquireHalt
// should be suppressed when this flag is set. This will be set
// when this prompt has already occurred and Break was chosen,
// or for ActionPreferenceStopException in all cases.
rte.SuppressPromptInInterpreter = true;
throw rte;
if (!anyTrapHandlers && rte.WasThrownFromThrowStatement)
throw rte;
if (!ReportErrorRecord(extent, rte, context))
throw rte;
private static ActionPreference ProcessTraps(FunctionContext funcContext,
RuntimeException rte)
int handler = -1;
Exception exception = null;
Exception inner = rte.InnerException;
var types = funcContext._traps.Last().Item1;
var handlers = funcContext._traps.Last().Item2;
if (inner != null)
handler = FindMatchingHandlerByType(inner.GetType(), types);
exception = inner;
// If no handler was found, or if the handler we found was the catch all handler,
// then look again, this time using the outer exception. If, when looking with the inner,
// we found the catch all, there may be a handler that catches outer but not inner.
if (handler == -1 || types[handler].Equals(typeof(CatchAll)))
int outerHandler = FindMatchingHandlerByType(rte.GetType(), types);
if (outerHandler != handler)
handler = outerHandler;
exception = rte;
if (handler != -1)
Diagnostics.Assert(exception != null, "Exception object can't be null.");
var context = funcContext._executionContext;
ErrorRecord err = rte.ErrorRecord;
// CurrentCommandProcessor is normally not null, but it is null
// when executing some unit tests through reflection.
if (context.CurrentCommandProcessor != null)
// Invoke the trap statement body, passing in the exception...
var locals = MutableTuple.MakeTuple(funcContext._traps.Last().Item3[handler], Compiler.DottedLocalsNameIndexMap);
// Copy automatic variables into the new scope (not necessarily required because dynamic scoping
// would find them in the parent scope, but internal code might avoid dynamic lookup so copy
// to be safe.
Diagnostics.Assert(AutomaticVariable.Underbar == 0, "Code below relies on this assertion being true.");
locals.SetAutomaticVariable(AutomaticVariable.Underbar, new ErrorRecord(err, exception), context);
for (int i = 1; i < (int)AutomaticVariable.NumberOfAutomaticVariables; ++i)
locals.SetValue(i, funcContext._localsTuple.GetValue(i));
var newScope = context.EngineSessionState.NewScope(false);
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope = newScope;
newScope.LocalsTuple = locals;
var trapFuncContext = new FunctionContext
_file = funcContext._file,
_scriptBlock = funcContext._scriptBlock,
_sequencePoints = funcContext._sequencePoints,
_debuggerHidden = funcContext._debuggerHidden,
_debuggerStepThrough = funcContext._debuggerStepThrough,
_executionContext = funcContext._executionContext,
_boundBreakpoints = funcContext._boundBreakpoints,
_outputPipe = funcContext._outputPipe,
_breakPoints = funcContext._breakPoints,
_localsTuple = locals,
catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
throw tie.InnerException;
return ExceptionHandlingOps.QueryForAction(rte, exception.Message, context);
catch (ContinueException)
// Just continue on to the next statement.
return ActionPreference.SilentlyContinue;
catch (BreakException)
// Terminate this block of statements.
return ActionPreference.Stop;
// The questionmark variable will always be false when we process a trap, so
// set it to false to ensure it didn't change as a result of anything done
// inside the trap
context.QuestionMarkVariableValue = false;
return ActionPreference.Stop;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current error action preference value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The execution context.</param>
/// <returns>The preference the user selected.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Error action is decided by error action preference. If preference is inquire, we will
/// prompt user for their preference.
/// </remarks>
internal static ActionPreference GetErrorActionPreference(ExecutionContext context)
return context.GetEnumPreference(
out _);
/// <summary>
/// Determine if we should continue or not after an error or exception.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rte">The RuntimeException which was reported.</param>
/// <param name="message">The message to display.</param>
/// <param name="context">The execution context.</param>
/// <returns>The preference the user selected.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Error action is decided by error action preference. If preference is inquire, we will
/// prompt user for their preference.
/// </remarks>
internal static ActionPreference QueryForAction(RuntimeException rte, string message, ExecutionContext context)
// 906264 "$ErrorActionPreference="Inquire" prevents original non-terminating error from being reported to $error"
ActionPreference preference =
out _);
if (preference != ActionPreference.Inquire || rte.SuppressPromptInInterpreter)
return preference;
return InquireForActionPreference(message, context);
/// <summary>
/// This is a helper function for prompting for user preference.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"></param>
/// <param name="context">The execution context.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method will allow user to enter suspend mode.
/// </remarks>
internal static ActionPreference InquireForActionPreference(string message, ExecutionContext context)
InternalHostUserInterface ui = (InternalHostUserInterface)context.EngineHostInterface.UI;
Collection<ChoiceDescription> choices = new Collection<ChoiceDescription>();
string continueLabel = ParserStrings.ContinueLabel;
string continueHelpMsg = ParserStrings.ContinueHelpMessage;
string silentlyContinueLabel = ParserStrings.SilentlyContinueLabel;
string silentlyContinueHelpMsg = ParserStrings.SilentlyContinueHelpMessage;
string breakLabel = ParserStrings.BreakLabel;
string breakHelpMsg = ParserStrings.BreakHelpMessage;
string suspendLabel = ParserStrings.SuspendLabel;
string suspendHelpMsg = StringUtil.Format(ParserStrings.SuspendHelpMessage);
choices.Add(new ChoiceDescription(continueLabel, continueHelpMsg));
choices.Add(new ChoiceDescription(silentlyContinueLabel, silentlyContinueHelpMsg));
choices.Add(new ChoiceDescription(breakLabel, breakHelpMsg));
choices.Add(new ChoiceDescription(suspendLabel, suspendHelpMsg));
string caption = ParserStrings.ExceptionActionPromptCaption;
bool oldQuestionMarkVariableValue = context.QuestionMarkVariableValue;
int choice;
while ((choice = ui.PromptForChoice(caption, message, choices, 0)) == 3)
context.QuestionMarkVariableValue = oldQuestionMarkVariableValue;
if (choice == 0)
return ActionPreference.Continue;
if (choice == 1)
return ActionPreference.SilentlyContinue;
return ActionPreference.Stop;
/// <summary>
/// Set error variables like $error and $stacktrace.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="extent"></param>
/// <param name="rte"></param>
/// <param name="context">The execution context.</param>
/// <param name="outputPipe">The output pipe of the statement.</param>
internal static void SetErrorVariables(IScriptExtent extent, RuntimeException rte, ExecutionContext context, Pipe outputPipe)
string stack = null;
Exception e = rte;
int i = 0;
while (e != null && i++ < 10)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.StackTrace))
stack = e.StackTrace;
e = e.InnerException;
context.SetVariable(SpecialVariables.StackTraceVarPath, stack);
Diagnostics.Assert(rte.ErrorRecord != null, "The runtime exception's error record was null");
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(rte, extent);
ErrorRecord errRec = rte.ErrorRecord.WrapException(rte);
if (rte is not PipelineStoppedException)
if (outputPipe != null)
outputPipe.AppendVariableList(VariableStreamKind.Error, errRec);
internal static bool ExceptionCannotBeStoppedContinuedOrIgnored(RuntimeException rte, ExecutionContext context)
return context.PropagateExceptionsToEnclosingStatementBlock
|| context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe == null
|| context.CurrentPipelineStopping
|| rte.SuppressPromptInInterpreter
|| rte is PipelineStoppedException;
/// <summary>
/// Report error into error pipe.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="extent"></param>
/// <param name="rte">The runtime error to report.</param>
/// <param name="context">The execution context.</param>
/// <returns>True if it was able to report the error.</returns>
internal static bool ReportErrorRecord(IScriptExtent extent, RuntimeException rte, ExecutionContext context)
if (context.ShellFunctionErrorOutputPipe == null)
return false;
Diagnostics.Assert(rte.ErrorRecord != null, "The runtime exception's error record was null");
if (rte.ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo == null && extent != null && extent != PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent)
rte.ErrorRecord.SetInvocationInfo(new InvocationInfo(null, extent, context));
PSObject errorWrap = PSObject.AsPSObject(new ErrorRecord(rte.ErrorRecord, rte));
errorWrap.WriteStream = WriteStreamType.Error;
// If this is an error pipe for a hosting application (i.e.: no downstream cmdlet),
// and we are logging, then create a temporary PowerShell to log the error.
if (context.InternalHost.UI.IsTranscribing)
context.InternalHost.UI.TranscribeError(context, rte.ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo, errorWrap);
// set the value of $? here in case it is reset in error reporting.
context.QuestionMarkVariableValue = false;
return true;
internal static RuntimeException ConvertToException(object result, IScriptExtent extent, bool rethrow)
result = PSObject.Base(result);
RuntimeException runtimeException = result as RuntimeException;
if (runtimeException != null)
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(runtimeException, extent);
runtimeException.WasThrownFromThrowStatement = true;
runtimeException.WasRethrown = rethrow;
return runtimeException;
ErrorRecord er = result as ErrorRecord;
if (er != null)
runtimeException = new RuntimeException(er.ToString(), er.Exception, er) { WasThrownFromThrowStatement = true, WasRethrown = rethrow };
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(runtimeException, extent);
return runtimeException;
Exception exception = result as Exception;
if (exception != null)
er = new ErrorRecord(exception, exception.Message, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null);
runtimeException = new RuntimeException(exception.Message, exception, er) { WasThrownFromThrowStatement = true, WasRethrown = rethrow };
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(runtimeException, extent);
return runtimeException;
string message = LanguagePrimitives.IsNull(result)
? "ScriptHalted"
: ParserOps.ConvertTo<string>(result, PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent);
exception = new RuntimeException(message, null);
er = new ErrorRecord(exception, message, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null);
runtimeException = new RuntimeException(message, exception, er) { WasThrownFromThrowStatement = true, WasRethrown = rethrow };
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(runtimeException, extent);
return runtimeException;
internal static RuntimeException ConvertToRuntimeException(Exception exception, IScriptExtent extent)
RuntimeException runtimeException = exception as RuntimeException;
if (runtimeException == null)
var icer = exception as IContainsErrorRecord;
var er = icer != null
? icer.ErrorRecord
: new ErrorRecord(exception, exception.GetType().FullName, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, null);
runtimeException = new RuntimeException(exception.Message, exception, er);
InterpreterError.UpdateExceptionErrorRecordPosition(runtimeException, extent);
return runtimeException;
internal static void ConvertToArgumentConversionException(Exception exception, string parameterName, object argument, string method, Type toType)
throw new MethodException(
"MethodArgumentConversionInvalidCastArgument", exception,
ExtendedTypeSystem.MethodArgumentConversionException, parameterName, argument, method, toType, exception.Message);
internal static void ConvertToMethodInvocationException(Exception exception, Type typeToThrow, string methodName, int numArgs, MemberInfo memberInfo = null)
if (exception is TargetInvocationException)
exception = exception.InnerException;
// Win8: 178063. Allow flow control related exceptions for PowerShell hosting API
if ((exception is FlowControlException ||
exception is ScriptCallDepthException ||
exception is PipelineStoppedException) &&
((memberInfo == null) || ((memberInfo.DeclaringType != typeof(PowerShell)) && (memberInfo.DeclaringType != typeof(Pipeline)))))
if (typeToThrow == typeof(MethodException))
if (exception is MethodException)
throw new MethodInvocationException(
methodName, numArgs, exception.Message);
if (methodName.StartsWith("set_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || methodName.StartsWith("get_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
methodName = methodName.Substring(4);
if (typeToThrow == typeof(GetValueInvocationException))
if (exception is GetValueException)
throw new GetValueInvocationException(
methodName, exception.Message);
Diagnostics.Assert(typeToThrow == typeof(SetValueInvocationException),
"caller to verify exception is expected type");
if (exception is SetValueException)
throw new SetValueInvocationException(
methodName, exception.Message);
internal static class TypeOps
internal static Type ResolveTypeName(ITypeName typeName, IScriptExtent errorPos)
Exception exception;
var result = TypeResolver.ResolveITypeName(typeName, out exception);
if (result == null)
if (exception != null)
if (exception is InvalidCastException &&
exception.InnerException != null &&
exception.InnerException is TypeResolver.AmbiguousTypeException)
throw exception;
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(typeName, typeof(RuntimeException), errorPos,
typeName.FullName, exception.Message);
// For better error messages, figure out exactly which type we couldn't resolve.
// We recurse and relying on one of the recursive calls to throw, or if none do,
// then we just throw on the top level typeName.
var genericTypeName = typeName as GenericTypeName;
if (genericTypeName != null)
var generic = genericTypeName.GetGenericType(ResolveTypeName(genericTypeName.TypeName, errorPos));
var typeArgs = (from arg in genericTypeName.GenericArguments select ResolveTypeName(arg, errorPos)).ToArray();
if (generic != null && generic.ContainsGenericParameters)
catch (Exception e)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(typeName, typeof(RuntimeException), errorPos,
typeName.FullName, e.Message);
var arrayTypeName = typeName as ArrayTypeName;
if (arrayTypeName != null)
ResolveTypeName(arrayTypeName.ElementType, errorPos);
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(typeName, typeof(RuntimeException), errorPos,
"TypeNotFound", ParserStrings.TypeNotFound,
return result;
internal static bool IsInstance(object left, object right)
object lval = PSObject.Base(left);
object rval = PSObject.Base(right);
Type rType = rval as Type;
if (rType == null)
rType = ParserOps.ConvertTo<Type>(rval, null);
if (rType == null)
// "the right operand of '-is' must be a type"
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(rval, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "IsOperatorRequiresType", ParserStrings.IsOperatorRequiresType);
if (rType == typeof(PSCustomObject) && lval is PSObject)
Diagnostics.Assert(rType.IsInstanceOfType(((PSObject)lval).ImmediateBaseObject), "Unexpect PSObject");
return true;
if (rType.Equals(typeof(PSObject)) && left is PSObject)
return true;
return rType.IsInstanceOfType(lval);
internal static object AsOperator(object left, Type type)
if (type == null)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException), null,
"AsOperatorRequiresType", ParserStrings.AsOperatorRequiresType);
// We figure out the exception instead of just executing a conversion because we can avoid an exception which is quite expensive,
// and people using -as don't expect it to be expensive.
bool debase;
// ConstrainedLanguage note - Calls to this conversion are done at runtime, so conversions are not cached.
var conversion = LanguagePrimitives.FigureConversion(left, type, out debase);
if (conversion.Rank == ConversionRank.None)
return null;
if (debase)
return conversion.Invoke(PSObject.Base(left), type, false, (PSObject)left,
NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, null);
return conversion.Invoke(left, type, false, null, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, null);
catch (PSInvalidCastException)
return null;
internal static string[] GetNamespacesForTypeResolutionState(IEnumerable<UsingStatementAst> usingAsts)
var usedSystem = false;
var namespaces = new List<string>();
foreach (var usingStmt in usingAsts)
if (usingStmt.UsingStatementKind == UsingStatementKind.Namespace)
if (!usedSystem && usingStmt.Name.Value.Equals("System", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
usedSystem = true;
if (!usedSystem)
namespaces.Insert(0, "System");
return namespaces.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Add types to the current scope.
/// This method called at runtime after types are created at compile time.
/// This method should be called for every ScriptBlockAst that defines types.
/// I.e.
/// class C1 {}
/// function foo { class C2 {} }
/// 1..10 | ForEach-Object { foo }
/// DefinePowerShellTypes() would be called for two TypeDefinitionAsts at the same time and Types for C1 and C2 would be created at the same assembly.
/// AddPowerShellTypesToTheScope() would be called for root script first and then for foo\C2, once we call function foo.
/// Note that AddPowerShellTypesToTheScope() would be call on every foo call, 10 times.
/// This method also should be called for 'using module' statements. Then added types would have a different name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="types"></param>
/// <param name="context"></param>
internal static void AddPowerShellTypesToTheScope(Dictionary<string, TypeDefinitionAst> types, ExecutionContext context)
var trs = context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.TypeResolutionState;
foreach (var t in types)
Diagnostics.Assert(t.Value.Type != null, "TypeDefinitionAst.Type cannot be null");
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.AddType(t.Key, t.Value.Type);
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.TypeResolutionState = trs.CloneWithAddTypesDefined(types.Keys);
/// <summary>
/// Capture session state for methods defined in PowerShell types, so they know what context to use.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="types"></param>
internal static void InitPowerShellTypesAtRuntime(TypeDefinitionAst[] types)
foreach (var t in types)
Diagnostics.Assert(t.Type != null, "TypeDefinitionAst.Type cannot be null");
if (t.IsClass)
var helperType =
t.Type.Assembly.GetType(t.Type.FullName + "_<staticHelpers>");
Diagnostics.Assert(helperType != null, "no corresponding " + t.Type.FullName + "_<staticHelpers> type found");
foreach (var p in helperType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
var field = p.GetValue(null);
// field can be one of two types: SessionStateKeeper or ScriptBlockMemberMethodWrapper
var methodWrapper = field as ScriptBlockMemberMethodWrapper;
if (methodWrapper != null)
internal static void SetCurrentTypeResolutionState(TypeResolutionState trs, ExecutionContext context)
context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.TypeResolutionState = trs;
internal static void SetAssemblyDefiningPSTypes(FunctionContext functionContext, Assembly assembly)
functionContext._scriptBlock.AssemblyDefiningPSTypes = assembly;
internal static class SwitchOps
internal static bool ConditionSatisfiedWildcard(bool caseSensitive,
object condition,
string str,
ExecutionContext context)
WildcardPattern wildcard = condition as WildcardPattern;
if (wildcard != null)
// If case sensitivity doesn't agree between the existing wildcard pattern and the switch mode,
// make a new wildcard pattern that agrees with the switch.
if (((wildcard.Options & WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0) != caseSensitive)
WildcardOptions options = caseSensitive ? WildcardOptions.None : WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase;
wildcard = WildcardPattern.Get(wildcard.Pattern, options);
WildcardOptions options = caseSensitive ? WildcardOptions.None : WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase;
wildcard = WildcardPattern.Get(PSObject.ToStringParser(context, condition), options);
return wildcard.IsMatch(str);
internal static bool ConditionSatisfiedRegex(bool caseSensitive,
object condition,
IScriptExtent errorPosition,
string str,
ExecutionContext context)
string pattern;
RegexOptions options = caseSensitive ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
Match m;
Regex regex = condition as Regex;
// Check if the regex agrees with the switch w.r.t. case sensitivity, if not,
// we must build a new regex.
if (regex != null && (((regex.Options & RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0) != caseSensitive))
m = regex.Match(str);
pattern = PSObject.ToStringParser(context, condition);
m = Regex.Match(str, pattern, options);
if (m.Success && m.Groups.Count > 0)
// We used the static regex method for it's caching ability, but
// we need the group names now. Fortunately constructing another regex
// isn't slow because it should be in the cache still.
regex = new Regex(pattern, options);
if (m.Success)
GroupCollection groups = m.Groups;
if (groups.Count > 0)
Diagnostics.Assert(regex != null, "Logic above ensures regex is not null.");
Hashtable h = new Hashtable(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
foreach (string groupName in regex.GetGroupNames())
Group g = groups[groupName];
if (g.Success)
int keyInt;
if (Int32.TryParse(groupName, out keyInt))
h.Add(keyInt, g.ToString());
h.Add(groupName, g.ToString());
context.SetVariable(SpecialVariables.MatchesVarPath, h);
return m.Success;
catch (ArgumentException ae)
// ErrorSkipping: Add this error to parser
pattern = PSObject.ToStringParser(context, condition);
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterExceptionWithInnerException(pattern, typeof(RuntimeException),
errorPosition, "InvalidRegularExpression", ParserStrings.InvalidRegularExpression, ae, pattern);
internal static string ResolveFilePath(IScriptExtent errorExtent, object obj, ExecutionContext context)
FileInfo file = obj as FileInfo;
string filePath = file != null ? file.FullName : PSObject.ToStringParser(context, obj);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(filePath,
typeof(RuntimeException), errorExtent, "InvalidFilenameOption", ParserStrings.InvalidFilenameOption);
ProviderInfo provider;
SessionState sessionState = new SessionState(context.EngineSessionState);
Collection<string> filePaths =
sessionState.Path.GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(filePath, out provider);
// Make sure that the path is in the file system - that's all we can handle currently...
if (!provider.NameEquals(context.ProviderNames.FileSystem))
// "The current provider ({0}) cannot open a file"
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(filePath, typeof(RuntimeException), errorExtent,
"FileOpenError", ParserStrings.FileOpenError,
// Make sure at least one file was found...
if (filePaths == null || filePaths.Count < 1)
// "No files matching '{0}' were found.."
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(filePath, typeof(RuntimeException), errorExtent,
"FileNotFound", ParserStrings.FileNotFound, filePath);
if (filePaths.Count > 1)
// "The path resolved to more than one file; can only process one file at a time."
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(filePaths, typeof(RuntimeException), errorExtent,
"AmbiguousPath", ParserStrings.AmbiguousPath);
return filePaths[0];
catch (RuntimeException rte)
// Add the invocation info to this command...
if (rte.ErrorRecord != null && rte.ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo == null)
rte.ErrorRecord.SetInvocationInfo(new InvocationInfo(null, errorExtent, context));
/// <summary>
/// Controls the matching behaviour of the Where() operator.
/// </summary>
public enum WhereOperatorSelectionMode
/// <summary>
/// Return all matches.
/// </summary>
Default = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Stop processing after the first match.
/// </summary>
First = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Return the last matching element.
/// </summary>
Last = 2, // return last match
/// <summary>
/// Skip until the condition is true, then return the rest.
/// </summary>
SkipUntil = 3,
/// <summary>
/// Return elements until the condition is true then skip the rest.
/// </summary>
Until = 4,
/// <summary>
/// Return an array of two elements, first index is matched elements, second index is the remaining elements.
/// </summary>
Split = 5,
internal static class EnumerableOps
/// <summary>
/// Implements the Where(expression) operation on collections.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enumerator">The enumerator over the collection to search.</param>
/// <param name="expressionSB">
/// A ScriptBlock where its result is treated as a boolean, or null to
/// return all collection objects with WhereOperatorSelectionMode.
/// </param>
/// <param name="selectionMode">
/// Sets the WhereOperatorSelectionMode for operator, defaults to All.
/// This is of type object to allow either enum values or strings to be passed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="numberToReturn">The number of elements to return.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static object Where(IEnumerator enumerator, ScriptBlock expressionSB, WhereOperatorSelectionMode selectionMode, int numberToReturn)
Diagnostics.Assert(enumerator != null, "The Where() operator should never receive a null enumerator value from the runtime.");
if (numberToReturn < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(numberToReturn), numberToReturn, ParserStrings.NumberToReturnMustBeGreaterThanZero);
var context = Runspace.DefaultRunspace.ExecutionContext;
// Optimization to speed up the case where there is no condition expression
// Useful when using selection mode and number to return to do fast list
// slicing.
if (expressionSB == null)
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Default)
throw new InvalidOperationException(ParserStrings.EmptyExpressionRequiresANonDefaultMode);
var rest = new List<object>();
object current = null;
int index = 0;
if (numberToReturn == 0)
numberToReturn = 1;
// Skip the first N elements and return the rest
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.SkipUntil)
while (index < numberToReturn && MoveNext(null, enumerator))
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
return rest.ToArray();
// Return the last N elements
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Last)
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
current = Current(enumerator);
if (numberToReturn > 1)
if (rest.Count > numberToReturn)
if (numberToReturn == 1)
return new object[] { current };
return rest.ToArray();
object[] first = new object[numberToReturn];
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
current = Current(enumerator);
first[index++] = current;
if (index >= numberToReturn)
// Return the first N elements
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.First || selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Until)
return first;
// Return a array of two elements, the first element is the first N elements,
// the second element is the remainder of the input
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Split)
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
var e = Current(enumerator);
return new object[] { first, rest.ToArray() };
return first;
Collection<PSObject> matches = new Collection<PSObject>();
Collection<PSObject> notMatched = null;
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Split)
notMatched = new Collection<PSObject>();
var resultCollection = new List<object>();
Pipe outputPipe = new Pipe(resultCollection);
bool returnTheRest = false;
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
var ie = Current(enumerator);
if (returnTheRest)
matches.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
if (numberToReturn > 0 && matches.Count >= numberToReturn)
expressionSB.InvokeWithPipeImpl(false, null, null, ScriptBlock.ErrorHandlingBehavior.WriteToCurrentErrorPipe, ie, AutomationNull.Value, AutomationNull.Value, outputPipe, null);
bool elementMatched = LanguagePrimitives.IsTrue(resultCollection);
if (elementMatched)
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Until)
else if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Last)
if (numberToReturn == 0)
numberToReturn = 1;
if (matches.Count < numberToReturn)
matches.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
if (numberToReturn == 1)
matches[0] = ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie);
// Maintains a sliding window
matches.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
else if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.SkipUntil)
matches.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
returnTheRest = true;
matches.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
if (selectionMode != WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Last)
if (numberToReturn == 0 && selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.First)
// If number to return is not 0, First and Any have identical behaviour
if (numberToReturn != 0 && numberToReturn == matches.Count)
else if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Until)
// no match so in the until case, we add the value until the count is reached
matches.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
if (numberToReturn > 0 && matches.Count >= numberToReturn)
else if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Split)
// If in split mode, record both matched and noteMatched elements.
notMatched.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
// If split was specified, return both sets of objects
if (selectionMode == WhereOperatorSelectionMode.Split)
// We may have stopped looping before processing the whole collection because
// reached the max number of matching elements to return. In that case,
// add remaining elements to the notMatched collection.
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
var ie = Current(enumerator);
notMatched.Add(ie == null ? null : PSObject.AsPSObject(ie));
return new object[] { matches, notMatched };
return matches;
/// <summary>
/// Implements the ForEach() operator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enumerator">The collection to operate over.</param>
/// <param name="expression"></param>
/// <param name="arguments">
/// </param>
/// <returns>An object array containing the results of the expression evaluation.</returns>
internal static object ForEach(IEnumerator enumerator, object expression, object[] arguments)
Diagnostics.Assert(enumerator != null, "The ForEach() operator should never receive a null enumerator value from the runtime.");
Diagnostics.Assert(arguments != null, "The ForEach() operator should never receive a null value for the 'arguments' parameter from the runtime.");
if (expression == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
var context = Runspace.DefaultRunspace.ExecutionContext;
// If expression argument is a .Net type then convert the collection to that type
// if the target type is a collection or array, then the result will be a collection of exactly
// that type. If the target type is not a collection type then return a generic collection of that type.
Type targetType = expression as Type;
if (targetType != null)
dynamic resultCollection = null;
if (targetType.GetInterface("System.Collections.ICollection") != null)
// If the target type is an array, accumulate all the elements
// then use the PowerShell type converter to turn it into an array
// of the correct type.
if (targetType.IsArray)
var list = new List<object>();
while (MoveNext(null, enumerator))
object current = Current(enumerator);
return LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(list, targetType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// If it's a generic type then make sure it only has one type argument
if (targetType.IsGenericType)
Type[] ta = targetType.GetGenericArguments();
if (ta.Length != 1)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(expression, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "ForEachBadGenericConversionTypeSpecified", ParserStrings.ForEachBadGenericConversionTypeSpecified, ParserOps.ConvertTo<string>(targetType, null));
resultCollection = PSObject.AsPSObject(Activator.CreateInstance(targetType));
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
object current = Current(enumerator);
// Let the PSObject method invocation mechanism take care of
// any required conversions, etc.
// Target is not a collection so return a Collection<targetType>
Type resultCollectionType = typeof(Collection<>).MakeGenericType(targetType);
resultCollection = PSObject.AsPSObject(Activator.CreateInstance(resultCollectionType));
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
object current = Current(enumerator);
// Let the PSObject method invocation mechanism take care of
// any required conversions, etc.
if (resultCollection == null)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(expression, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "ForEachTypeConversionFailed", ParserStrings.ForEachTypeConversionFailed, ParserOps.ConvertTo<string>(targetType, null));
return resultCollection;
// If the expression is a script block, it will be executed in the current scope
// once on each element.
var result = new Collection<PSObject>();
ScriptBlock sb = expression as ScriptBlock;
if (sb != null)
Pipe outputPipe = new Pipe(result);
if (sb.HasBeginBlock)
sb.InvokeWithPipeImpl(ScriptBlockClauseToInvoke.Begin, false, null, null, ScriptBlock.ErrorHandlingBehavior.WriteToCurrentErrorPipe, AutomationNull.Value, AutomationNull.Value, AutomationNull.Value, outputPipe, null, arguments);
ScriptBlockClauseToInvoke processClause = (sb.HasProcessBlock) ? ScriptBlockClauseToInvoke.Process : ScriptBlockClauseToInvoke.End;
object ie = null;
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
ie = Current(enumerator);
if (ie != AutomationNull.Value)
sb.InvokeWithPipeImpl(processClause, false, null, null, ScriptBlock.ErrorHandlingBehavior.WriteToCurrentErrorPipe, ie, AutomationNull.Value, AutomationNull.Value, outputPipe, null, arguments);
if (processClause == ScriptBlockClauseToInvoke.Process && sb.HasEndBlock)
// $_ has the same value as it did in the last iteration of the process loop
sb.InvokeWithPipeImpl(ScriptBlockClauseToInvoke.End, false, null, null, ScriptBlock.ErrorHandlingBehavior.WriteToCurrentErrorPipe, ie, AutomationNull.Value, AutomationNull.Value, outputPipe, null, arguments);
// Deal with member gets, sets and invokes
string name = ParserOps.ConvertTo<string>(expression, null);
var numArgs = arguments.Length;
var languageMode = context.LanguageMode;
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
object current = Current(enumerator);
object basedCurrent = PSObject.Base(current);
Hashtable ht = basedCurrent as Hashtable;
if (ht != null)
// special case hashtables since we don't want to hit a method name
switch (numArgs)
case 0:
// No args so do a set
object element = ht[name];
result.Add(element != null ? PSObject.AsPSObject(element) : null);
case 1:
// 1 args so set as a scalar
ht[name] = arguments[0];
// more than one arg, just assign as is
ht[name] = arguments;
// handle the null case with PowerShell semantics:
// - retrieving a property on null adds a null to the result set
// - setting a property on null or trying to invoke a method is an error
if (current == null)
if (arguments.Length == 0)
var nullRefException = new NullReferenceException();
throw new MethodInvocationException(
name, arguments.Length, nullRefException.Message);
var ie = PSObject.AsPSObject(current);
if (ie != AutomationNull.Value)
PSMemberInfo member = ie.Members[name];
// If the property was not found, check strict mode...
if (member == null)
if (context.IsStrictVersion(2))
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "PropertyNotFoundStrict", ParserStrings.PropertyNotFoundStrict, name);
if (numArgs == 0)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(ie, typeof(NullReferenceException), null, "ForEachNonexistentMemberReference",
ParserStrings.ForEachNonexistentMemberReference, name);
var method = member as PSMethodInfo;
if (method != null)
// It's a method so check language modes to see if it's allowed.
// Cannot invoke a method in RestrictedLanguage mode
if (languageMode == PSLanguageMode.RestrictedLanguage)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(current, typeof(PSInvalidOperationException),
null, "NoMethodInvocationInRestrictedLanguageMode", InternalCommandStrings.NoMethodInvocationInRestrictedLanguageMode);
// In constrained language mode, can only execute methods on certain types.
if (languageMode == PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage)
if (!CoreTypes.Contains(basedCurrent.GetType()))
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(current, typeof(PSInvalidOperationException),
null, "MethodInvocationNotSupportedInConstrainedLanguage", ParserStrings.InvokeMethodConstrainedLanguage);
var property = member as PSPropertyInfo;
switch (numArgs)
case 0:
// No args: do a get
case 1:
// 1 arg: set as a scalar
property.Value = arguments[0];
// more than one arg, just assign as is
property.Value = arguments;
return result;
internal static object SlicingIndex(object target, IEnumerator indexes, Func<object, object, object> indexer)
var fakeEnumerator = indexes as NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator;
if (fakeEnumerator != null)
// We have a non-enumerable object, we're trying to slice index with it. It really should have
// been a single index, so we don't want to return an array, we just want to return the indexed value.
return indexer(target, fakeEnumerator.GetNonEnumerableObject());
var result = new List<object>();
while (MoveNext(null, indexes))
var value = indexer(target, Current(indexes));
if (value != AutomationNull.Value)
return result.ToArray();
private static void FlattenResults(object o, List<object> result)
var e = LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerator(o);
if (e != null)
while (e.MoveNext())
o = e.Current;
if (o != AutomationNull.Value)
private static void PropertyGetterWorker(CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>> getMemberBinderSite,
IEnumerator enumerator,
ExecutionContext context,
List<object> result)
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
var current = Current(enumerator);
var o = getMemberBinderSite.Target.Invoke(getMemberBinderSite, current);
if (o != AutomationNull.Value)
FlattenResults(o, result);
// Recurse through collections if current didn't have the property.
var nestedEnumerator = LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerator(current);
if (nestedEnumerator != null)
PropertyGetterWorker(getMemberBinderSite, nestedEnumerator, context, result);
internal static object PropertyGetter(PSGetMemberBinder binder, IEnumerator enumerator)
var getMemberBinderSite = CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object>>.Create(binder);
var result = new List<object>();
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
PropertyGetterWorker(getMemberBinderSite, enumerator, context, result);
if (result.Count == 1)
return result[0];
if (result.Count == 0)
if (context.IsStrictVersion(2))
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "PropertyNotFoundStrict", ParserStrings.PropertyNotFoundStrict, binder.Name);
return null;
return result.ToArray();
private static void MethodInvokerWorker(CallSite invokeMemberSite,
IEnumerator enumerator,
object[] args,
ExecutionContext context,
List<object> result,
ref bool foundMethod)
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
var current = Current(enumerator);
// The following 2 lines contain quite a bit of magic. We know that invokeMemberSite is a CallSite,
// but we don't know the exact delegate type so we can't use the usual code site.Target.Invoke.
// The Target could be an unbounded number of different types - but we do know is that it will have
// a delegate member named Target and we want to invoke that delegate.
// We do know it will have a signature like:
// Func<CallSite, object, <unknown number of argument types>, object>
// Because we don't know the number of arguments, we can use DynamicInvoke to call the delegate.
dynamic site = invokeMemberSite;
object o = site.Target.DynamicInvoke(args.Prepend(current).Prepend(invokeMemberSite).ToArray());
// If we get here, we successfully called one method, so set the flag so we don't report a MissingMethodException.
// If there was a method, but it raised an exception, it doesn't matter that we aren't setting this flag, we'll
// be reporting the method's exception anyway, not a MissingMethodException.
foundMethod = true;
// void methods return AutomationNull.Value, so don't add it
if (o != AutomationNull.Value)
FlattenResults(o, result);
catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
// If we tried to invoke a method that didn't exist, then we'll try enumerating the object and call the method on it's members.
RuntimeException rte = tie.InnerException as RuntimeException;
if (rte != null && rte.ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId.Equals(ParserOps.MethodNotFoundErrorId, StringComparison.Ordinal))
var nestedEnumerator = LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerator(current);
if (nestedEnumerator != null)
MethodInvokerWorker(invokeMemberSite, nestedEnumerator, args, context, result, ref foundMethod);
// Always unwrap the TargetInvocationException - we are called via a delegate already and anything we throw
// will get wrapped in a new TargetInvocationException.
throw tie.InnerException;
// Call some method(s) named by binder on all objects from enumerator - applied recursively if an object is itself enumerable
// and doesn't have the method.
// We don't necessarily call the same method on each object, just the same named method.
internal static object MethodInvoker(PSInvokeMemberBinder binder,
Type delegateType,
IEnumerator enumerator,
object[] args,
Type typeForMessage)
var invokeMemberSite = CallSite.Create(delegateType, binder);
var result = new List<object>();
var context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS();
bool foundMethod = false;
MethodInvokerWorker(invokeMemberSite, enumerator, args, context, result, ref foundMethod);
if (result.Count == 1)
return result[0];
if (!foundMethod)
// We must have had an empty collection - throw an error.
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException), null,
ParserStrings.MethodNotFound, typeForMessage.FullName,
if (result.Count == 0)
// All void methods - don't return a value.
return AutomationNull.Value;
return result.ToArray();
internal static object Multiply(IEnumerator enumerator, uint times)
var fakeEnumerator = enumerator as NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator;
if (fakeEnumerator != null)
// We have a non-enumerable object, we're trying to multiply something to it. Generate an error
// (or on the off chance that there is an implicit op, call that).
return ParserOps.ImplicitOp(fakeEnumerator.GetNonEnumerableObject(),
"op_Multiply", null, "*");
var originalList = new List<object>();
while (MoveNext(null, enumerator))
if (originalList.Count == 0)
#pragma warning disable CA1825 // Avoid zero-length array allocations
// Don't use Array.Empty<object>(); always return a new instance.
return new object[0];
#pragma warning restore CA1825 // Avoid zero-length array allocations
return ArrayOps.Multiply(originalList.ToArray(), times);
internal static IEnumerator GetEnumerator(IEnumerable enumerable)
return enumerable.GetEnumerator();
catch (RuntimeException)
// Just rethrow runtime exceptions...
catch (Exception e)
throw new ExtendedTypeSystemException(
// Sometimes we need to pretend something is enumerable when it isn't. So we wrap the object in a collection and enumerate that.
// But sometimes we need to behave differently when an object is enumerable or not. For example:
// $o -eq $o
// If $o is enumerable, this expression will always return $null because we search for values in the LHS that match the RHS.
// If $o is not enumerable, this expression returns $true.
// The solution is to pretend the object is enumerable, return a real but custom enumerator. In places that don't care
// about semantics (e.g. when writing to the pipe), the enumerator will work just fine. In places where we care about
// language semantics, we can check the type of the enumerator and use the non-enumerable semantics instead.
internal class NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator : IEnumerator
internal static IEnumerator Create(object obj)
return new NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator
_obj = obj,
_realEnumerator = (new[] { obj }).GetEnumerator()
private object _obj;
private IEnumerator _realEnumerator;
bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
return _realEnumerator.MoveNext();
void IEnumerator.Reset()
object IEnumerator.Current
get { return _realEnumerator.Current; }
internal object GetNonEnumerableObject()
return _obj;
internal static IEnumerator GetCOMEnumerator(object obj)
object targetValue = PSObject.Base(obj);
var enumerator = (targetValue as IEnumerable)?.GetEnumerator();
if (enumerator != null)
return enumerator;
catch (Exception)
return targetValue as IEnumerator ?? NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator.Create(obj);
internal static IEnumerator GetGenericEnumerator<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
return enumerable.GetEnumerator();
catch (RuntimeException)
// Just rethrow runtime exceptions...
catch (Exception e)
throw new ExtendedTypeSystemException(
/// <summary>
/// A routine used to advance an enumerator and catch errors that might occur
/// performing the operation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The execution context used to see if the pipeline is stopping.</param>
/// <param name="enumerator">THe enumerator to advance.</param>
/// <exception cref="RuntimeException">An error occurred moving to the next element in the enumeration.</exception>
/// <returns>True if the move succeeded.</returns>
internal static bool MoveNext(ExecutionContext context, IEnumerator enumerator)
// Check to see if we're stopping...
if (context != null && context.CurrentPipelineStopping)
throw new PipelineStoppedException();
return enumerator.MoveNext();
catch (RuntimeException)
catch (FlowControlException)
catch (ScriptCallDepthException)
catch (Exception e)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterExceptionWithInnerException(enumerator, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "BadEnumeration", ParserStrings.BadEnumeration, e, e.Message);
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper caller for enumerator.Current - handles and republishes errors...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enumerator">The enumerator to read from.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static object Current(IEnumerator enumerator)
return enumerator.Current;
catch (RuntimeException)
catch (ScriptCallDepthException)
catch (FlowControlException)
catch (Exception e)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterExceptionWithInnerException(enumerator, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "BadEnumeration", ParserStrings.BadEnumeration, e, e.Message);
internal static object AddFakeEnumerable(NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator fakeEnumerator, object rhs)
// We have a non-enumerable object, we're trying to add something to it. Generate an error
// (or on the off chance that there is an implicit op, call that).
var fakeEnumerator2 = rhs as NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator;
return ParserOps.ImplicitOp(fakeEnumerator.GetNonEnumerableObject(),
fakeEnumerator2 != null ? fakeEnumerator2.GetNonEnumerableObject() : rhs,
"op_Addition", null, "+");
internal static object AddEnumerable(ExecutionContext context, IEnumerator lhs, IEnumerator rhs)
var fakeEnumerator = lhs as NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator;
if (fakeEnumerator != null)
return AddFakeEnumerable(fakeEnumerator, rhs);
var result = new List<object>();
while (MoveNext(context, lhs))
while (MoveNext(context, rhs))
return result.ToArray();
internal static object AddObject(ExecutionContext context, IEnumerator lhs, object rhs)
var fakeEnumerator = lhs as NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator;
if (fakeEnumerator != null)
return AddFakeEnumerable(fakeEnumerator, rhs);
var result = new List<object>();
while (MoveNext(context, lhs))
return result.ToArray();
internal static object Compare(IEnumerator enumerator, object valueToCompareTo, Func<object, object, bool> compareDelegate)
var fakeEnumerator = enumerator as NonEnumerableObjectEnumerator;
if (fakeEnumerator != null)
return compareDelegate(fakeEnumerator.GetNonEnumerableObject(), valueToCompareTo) ? Boxed.True : Boxed.False;
var resultArray = new List<object>();
while (MoveNext(null, enumerator))
object val = Current(enumerator);
if (compareDelegate(val, valueToCompareTo))
return resultArray.ToArray();
internal static void WriteEnumerableToPipe(IEnumerator enumerator, Pipe pipe, ExecutionContext context, bool dispose)
while (MoveNext(context, enumerator))
if (dispose)
var disposable = enumerator as IDisposable;
if (disposable != null)
internal static object[] ToArray(IEnumerator enumerator)
var result = new List<object>();
while (MoveNext(null, enumerator))
return result.ToArray();
internal static object[] GetSlice(IList list, int startIndex)
int countElements = list.Count - startIndex;
object[] result = new object[countElements];
int i = startIndex;
int j = 0;
while (j < countElements)
result[j++] = list[i++];
return result;