xtqqczze 883ca98dd7
Seal private classes (#15725)
* Seal private classes

* Fix CS0509

* Fix CS0628
2021-07-19 14:09:12 +05:00

321 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local
namespace System.Management.Automation
using Dbg = Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
internal static class VariableOps
internal static object SetVariableValue(VariablePath variablePath, object value, ExecutionContext executionContext, AttributeBaseAst[] attributeAsts)
SessionStateInternal sessionState = executionContext.EngineSessionState;
CommandOrigin origin = sessionState.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin;
if (!variablePath.IsVariable)
sessionState.SetVariable(variablePath, value, true, origin);
return value;
// Variable assignment is traced only if trace level 2 is specified.
if (executionContext.PSDebugTraceLevel > 1)
executionContext.Debugger.TraceVariableSet(variablePath.UnqualifiedPath, value);
if (variablePath.IsUnscopedVariable)
variablePath = variablePath.CloneAndSetLocal();
SessionStateScope scope;
PSVariable var = sessionState.GetVariableItem(variablePath, out scope, origin);
if (var == null)
var attributes = attributeAsts == null
? new Collection<Attribute>()
: GetAttributeCollection(attributeAsts);
var = new PSVariable(variablePath.UnqualifiedPath, value, ScopedItemOptions.None, attributes);
// Marking untrusted values for assignments in 'ConstrainedLanguage' mode is done in
// SessionStateScope.SetVariable.
sessionState.SetVariable(variablePath, var, false, origin);
if (executionContext._debuggingMode > 0)
if (attributeAsts != null)
// Use bytewise operation directly instead of 'var.IsReadOnly || var.IsConstant' on
// a hot path (setting variable with type constraint) to get better performance.
if ((var.Options & (ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.Constant)) != ScopedItemOptions.None)
SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException e =
new SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException(
throw e;
var attributes = GetAttributeCollection(attributeAsts);
value = PSVariable.TransformValue(attributes, value);
if (!PSVariable.IsValidValue(attributes, value))
ValidationMetadataException e = new ValidationMetadataException(
((value != null) ? value.ToString() : "$null"));
throw e;
var.SetValueRaw(value, true);
// Don't update the PSVariable's attributes until we successfully set the value
if (executionContext._debuggingMode > 0)
// The setter will handle checking for variable writes.
var.Value = value;
if (executionContext.LanguageMode == PSLanguageMode.ConstrainedLanguage)
// Mark untrusted values for assignments to 'Global:' variables, and 'Script:' variables in
// a module scope, if it's necessary.
ExecutionContext.MarkObjectAsUntrustedForVariableAssignment(var, scope, sessionState);
return value;
private static bool ThrowStrictModeUndefinedVariable(ExecutionContext executionContext, VariableExpressionAst varAst)
// In some limited cases, the compiler knows we don't want an error, like when we're backing up
// $foreach and $switch, which might not be set. In that case, the ast passed is null.
if (varAst == null)
return false;
if (executionContext.IsStrictVersion(2))
return true;
if (executionContext.IsStrictVersion(1))
var parent = varAst.Parent;
while (parent != null)
if (parent is ExpandableStringExpressionAst)
return false;
parent = parent.Parent;
return true;
return false;
internal static object GetAutomaticVariableValue(int tupleIndex, ExecutionContext executionContext, VariableExpressionAst varAst)
Diagnostics.Assert(tupleIndex < SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariableTypes.Length, "caller to verify a valid tuple index is used");
if (executionContext._debuggingMode > 0)
object result = executionContext.EngineSessionState.GetAutomaticVariableValue((AutomaticVariable)tupleIndex);
if (result == AutomationNull.Value)
if (ThrowStrictModeUndefinedVariable(executionContext, varAst))
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariables[tupleIndex], typeof(RuntimeException),
varAst.Extent, "VariableIsUndefined", ParserStrings.VariableIsUndefined, SpecialVariables.AutomaticVariables[tupleIndex]);
result = null;
return result;
internal static object GetVariableValue(VariablePath variablePath, ExecutionContext executionContext, VariableExpressionAst varAst)
if (!variablePath.IsVariable)
CmdletProviderContext contextOut;
SessionStateScope scopeOut;
SessionStateInternal ss = executionContext.EngineSessionState;
return ss.GetVariableValueFromProvider(variablePath, out contextOut, out scopeOut, ss.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin);
SessionStateInternal sessionState = executionContext.EngineSessionState;
CommandOrigin origin = sessionState.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin;
SessionStateScope scope;
PSVariable var = sessionState.GetVariableItem(variablePath, out scope, origin);
if (var != null)
return var.Value;
if (sessionState.ExecutionContext._debuggingMode > 0)
if (ThrowStrictModeUndefinedVariable(executionContext, varAst))
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(variablePath.UserPath, typeof(RuntimeException),
varAst.Extent, "VariableIsUndefined", ParserStrings.VariableIsUndefined, variablePath.UserPath);
return null;
internal static PSReference GetVariableAsRef(VariablePath variablePath, ExecutionContext executionContext, Type staticType)
Diagnostics.Assert(variablePath.IsVariable, "calller to verify varpath is a variable.");
SessionStateInternal sessionState = executionContext.EngineSessionState;
CommandOrigin origin = sessionState.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin;
SessionStateScope scope;
PSVariable var = sessionState.GetVariableItem(variablePath, out scope, origin);
if (var == null)
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(variablePath, typeof(RuntimeException), null,
object value = var.Value;
if (staticType == null && value != null)
value = PSObject.Base(value);
if (value != null)
staticType = value.GetType();
if (staticType == null)
var declaredType = var.Attributes.OfType<ArgumentTypeConverterAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
staticType = declaredType != null ? declaredType.TargetType : typeof(LanguagePrimitives.Null);
return PSReference.CreateInstance(var, staticType);
private static Collection<Attribute> GetAttributeCollection(AttributeBaseAst[] attributeAsts)
var result = new Collection<Attribute>();
foreach (var attributeAst in attributeAsts)
return result;
private static UsingResult GetUsingValueFromTuple(MutableTuple tuple, string usingExpressionKey, int index)
var boundParameters =
tuple.GetAutomaticVariable(AutomaticVariable.PSBoundParameters) as PSBoundParametersDictionary;
if (boundParameters != null)
var implicitUsingParameters = boundParameters.ImplicitUsingParameters;
if (implicitUsingParameters != null)
if (implicitUsingParameters.Contains(usingExpressionKey))
return new UsingResult { Value = implicitUsingParameters[usingExpressionKey] };
else if (implicitUsingParameters.Contains(index))
// Handle downlevel (V4) using variables by using index to look up using value.
return new UsingResult { Value = implicitUsingParameters[index] };
return null;
private sealed class UsingResult
public object Value { get; set; }
internal static object GetUsingValue(MutableTuple tuple, string usingExpressionKey, int index, ExecutionContext context)
UsingResult result = GetUsingValueFromTuple(tuple, usingExpressionKey, index);
if (result != null)
return result.Value;
var scope = context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope;
while (scope != null)
result = GetUsingValueFromTuple(scope.LocalsTuple, usingExpressionKey, index);
if (result != null)
return result.Value;
foreach (var dottedScope in scope.DottedScopes)
result = GetUsingValueFromTuple(dottedScope, usingExpressionKey, index);
if (result != null)
return result.Value;
scope = scope.Parent;
// $PSBoundParameters is null or not the expected type (because someone may have assigned to it), so
// we can't even guess if they were mis-using $using:foo
throw InterpreterError.NewInterpreterException(null, typeof(RuntimeException),
null, "UsingWithoutInvokeCommand", ParserStrings.UsingWithoutInvokeCommand);