
854 lines
33 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2014
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\LanguageTestSupport.psm1
try {
# CrossGen'ed assemblies cause a hang to happen intermittently when running this test suite in Linux and OSX.
# The issue has been reported to CoreCLR team. We need to work around it for now with the following approach:
# 1. For pull request and push commit, build without '-CrossGen' and run the parsing tests
# 2. For nightly build, build with '-CrossGen' but don't run the parsing tests
# In this way, we will continue to exercise these parsing tests for each CI build, and skip them for nightly
# build to avoid a hang.
# Note: this change should be reverted once the 'CrossGen' issue is fixed by CoreCLR.
$isFullBuild = $env:TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE -eq 'cron' -or $env:TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE -eq 'api'
$defaultParamValues = $PSdefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = (!$IsWindows -and $isFullBuild)
Describe 'Positive Parse Properties Tests' -Tags "CI" {
It 'PositiveParsePropertiesTest' {
# Just a bunch of random basic things here
# This test doesn't need to check anything, if there are
# any parse errors, the entire suite will fail because the
# script will fail to parse.
# No members
class C1 {}
# Simple field
class C2 { $x; }
# Simple typed field
class C3 { [int] $x; }
# Multiple fields, one line, last w/o semicolon
class C4 { $x; $y }
# Multiple fields, multiple lines
class C5
# Static field
class C6 { static $x; }
# Static field w/ type - order doesn't matter
class C7a { static [hashtable] $x; }
class C7b { [hashtable] static $x; }
# Field using type defined in this scope
class C8a { [C1] $c1; }
class C8b { [c1] $c1; }
# Field referring to self type
class C9 { [C9] $c9; }
# Hidden fields
class C10a { hidden $x }
class C10b { hidden [int] $x }
class C10c { hidden static $x; static hidden $y }
class C10d { hidden static [int] $x; static hidden [int] $y }
It 'Positive Parse Methods Tests' {
# Just a bunch of random basic things here
# This test doesn't need to check anything, if there are
# any parse errors, the entire suite will fail because the
# script will fail to parse.
# No members
class C1 {}
# Simple method
class C2 { f() {} }
# Simple method with return type
class C3 { [int] f() { return 1 } }
# Multiple methods, one line
class C4 { f() {} f1() {} }
# Multiple methods w/ overloads
class C5
f1() {}
f1($a) {}
# Static method
class C6 { static f() {} }
# Static method w/ return type
class C7 { static [hashtable] f1() { return @{} } }
# Method using return type defined in this scope
class C8a { [C1] f1() { return [C1]::new() } }
class C8b { [c1] f1() { return [c1]::new() } }
# Hidden methods
class C10a { hidden F() { } }
class C10b { hidden [void] F() { } }
class C10c { hidden static F() { } static hidden G() { } }
class C10d { hidden static [void] F() { } static hidden [void] G() { } }
# return analysis
class C11a { [int]foo() { try {throw "foo"} catch {throw $_} } }
class C11b { [int]foo() { try {throw "foo"} finally {}; try {} catch {} } }
class C11c { [int]foo() { try {throw "foo"} catch [ArgumentException] {throw $_} catch {throw $_} } }
class C11d { [int]foo() { try {if (1 -eq 2) { throw "1"} else {throw "2"}} finally {} } }
class C11e { [int]foo() { try {throw "foo"} catch [ArgumentException] {throw $_} catch {return 1} } }
class C11f { [int]foo() { try {} finally {throw "bar"} } }
class C11g { [int]foo() { do { return 1 } while ($false) } }
class C11h { [int]foo() { try {throw "foo"} finally {} } }
# local variables
class C12a { static f() { [bigint]$foo = 42 } }
class C12b { [void] f() { [bigint]$foo = 42 } }
class C12c { [void] f() { [System.Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle]$foo = [System.Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle]::new(0, 0, 0, 0) } }
context "Positive ParseMethods return type Test" {
# Method with return type of self
class C9 { [C9] f() { return [C9]::new() } }
$c9 = [C9]::new().f()
It "Expected a C9 returned" { $c9.GetType().Name | should be C9 }
class C9a { [C9a[]] f() { return [C9a]::new() } }
$c9a = [C9a]::new().f()
It "Expected a C9a[] returned" { $c9a.GetType().Name | should be C9a[] }
class C9b { [System.Collections.Generic.List[C9b]] f() { return [C9b]::new() } }
$c9b = [C9b]::new().f()
It "Expected a System.Collections.Generic.List[C9b] returned" { $c9b -is [System.Collections.Generic.List[C9b]] | should be $true }
It 'Positive ParseProperty Attributes Test' {
class C1a { [ValidateNotNull()][int]$x; }
class C1b
class C1c
class C1d
It 'PositiveParseMethodAttributesTest' {
class C1a { [Obsolete()][int] f() { return 0 } }
class C1b
f() { return 1 }
class C1c
[int] f() { return 0 }
class C1d
f(){ return -1 }
It 'Class Method Reference ConstantVars' {
class C1
[bool] f1() { return $true }
[bool] f2() { return $false }
[object] f3() { return $null }
It 'Positive Parsing Of DscResource' {
class C1
[bool] Test() { return $false }
[C1] Get() { return $this }
Set() {}
class C2
[DscProperty(Key)][int]$Key = 1
[bool] Test() { return $false }
[C2] Get() { return $this }
Set() {}
class C4
C4() { }
C4($a) { }
[bool] Test() { return $false }
[C4] Get() { return $this }
Set() {}
class C5
[DscProperty(Key)][int]$Key = 1
C5() { }
static C5() { }
C5($a) { }
[bool] Test() { return $false }
[C5] Get() { return $this }
Set() {}
It 'allows some useful implicit variables inside methods' {
class C {
[void] m()
'111' -match '1'
foreach ($i in 1..10) {$foreach}
switch ($i)
'1' {
It 'allowes [ordered] attribute inside methods' {
class A
$this.h = [ordered] @{}
[A]::new().h.GetType().Name | Should Be 'OrderedDictionary'
Describe 'Negative Parsing Tests' -Tags "CI" {
ShouldBeParseError 'class' MissingNameAfterKeyword 5
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo' MissingTypeBody 9
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo {' MissingEndCurlyBrace 11
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [int] }' IncompleteMemberDefinition 17
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { $private: }' InvalidVariableReference 12
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [int]$global: }' InvalidVariableReference 17
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [Attr()] }' IncompleteMemberDefinition 20
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo {} class foo {}' MemberAlreadyDefined 13
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { $x; $x; }' MemberAlreadyDefined 16 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [int][string]$x; }' TooManyTypes 17
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [int][string]$x; }' TooManyTypes 17
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { static static $x; }' DuplicateQualifier 19
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [zz]$x; }' TypeNotFound 13
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [zz]f() { return 0 } }' TypeNotFound 13
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { f([zz]$x) {} }' TypeNotFound 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C {} class C {}' MemberAlreadyDefined 11
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { f(){} f(){} }' MemberAlreadyDefined 16 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { F(){} F($o){} [int] F($o) {return 1} }' MemberAlreadyDefined 24 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { f(){} f($a){} f(){} }' MemberAlreadyDefined 24 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { f([int]$a){} f([int]$b){} }' MemberAlreadyDefined 23 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { $x; [int]$x; }' MemberAlreadyDefined 14 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { static C($x) {} }' StaticConstructorCantHaveParameters 19 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { static C([int]$x = 100) {} }' StaticConstructorCantHaveParameters 19 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'class C {f(){ return 1} }' VoidMethodHasReturn 14
ShouldBeParseError 'class C {[int] f(){ return } }' NonVoidMethodMissingReturnValue 20
ShouldBeParseError 'class C {[int] f(){} }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C {f(){ $x=1; if($x -lt 2){ return } elseif($x -gt 0 ) {return 1} else{return 2} return 3 } }' @("VoidMethodHasReturn", "VoidMethodHasReturn", "VoidMethodHasReturn") @(62,77,87)
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [int] bar() { $y = $z; return $y} }' VariableNotLocal 31
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { bar() { foreach ($zz in $yy) { } } }' VariableNotLocal 36
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { bar() { foreach ($zz in $global:yy) { $abc = $zzzzz } } }' VariableNotLocal 57
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { bar() { try { $zz = 42 } finally { } $zz } }' VariableNotLocal 49
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { bar() { try { $zz = 42 } catch { } $zz } }' VariableNotLocal 47
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { bar() { switch (@()) { default { $aa = 42 } } $aa } }' VariableNotLocal 58
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { $x; static bar() { $this.x = 1 } }' NonStaticMemberAccessInStaticMember 29
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { $x; static $y = $this.x }' NonStaticMemberAccessInStaticMember 26
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { $x; static bar() { $this.x = 1 } }' NonStaticMemberAccessInStaticMember 29
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { $x; static $y = $this.x }' NonStaticMemberAccessInStaticMember 26
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { $x; static bar() { $This.x = 1 } }' NonStaticMemberAccessInStaticMember 29
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { $x; static $y = $This.x }' NonStaticMemberAccessInStaticMember 26
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [void]foo() { try { throw "foo"} finally { return } } }' ControlLeavingFinally 53
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]foo() { return; return 1 } }' NonVoidMethodMissingReturnValue 23
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]foo() { try { throw "foo"} catch { } } }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]foo() { try { throw "foo"} catch [ArgumentException] {} catch {throw $_} } }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]foo() { try { throw "foo"} catch [ArgumentException] {return 1} catch {} } }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]foo() { while ($false) { return 1 } } }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]foo() { try { mkdir foo } finally { rm -rec foo } } }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]foo() { try { mkdir foo; return 1 } catch { } } }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 15
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [bool] Test() { if ($false) { return $true; } } }' MethodHasCodePathNotReturn 17
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [int]$i; [void] foo() {$i = 10} }' MissingThis 33
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { static [int]$i; [void] foo() {$i = 10} }' MissingTypeInStaticPropertyAssignment 40
ShouldBeParseError 'class C : B' MissingTypeBody 11
ShouldBeParseError 'Class foo { q(){} w(){}' MissingEndCurlyBrace 11
Describe 'Negative methods Tests' -Tags "CI" {
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { f() { param($x) } }' ParamBlockNotAllowedInMethod 18
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { f() { dynamicparam {} } }' NamedBlockNotAllowedInMethod 18
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { f() { begin {} } }' NamedBlockNotAllowedInMethod 18
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { f() { process {} } }' NamedBlockNotAllowedInMethod 18
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { f() { end {} } }' NamedBlockNotAllowedInMethod 18
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { f([Parameter()]$a) {} }' AttributeNotAllowedOnDeclaration 14
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [int] foo() { return 1 }}' ConstructorCantHaveReturnType 12
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [void] bar($a, [string][int]$b, $c) {} }' MultipleTypeConstraintsOnMethodParam 35
Describe 'Negative Assignment Tests' -Tags "CI" {
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [string ]$path; f() { $path="" } }' MissingThis 34
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [string ]$path; f() { [string] $path="" } }' MissingThis 43
ShouldBeParseError 'class foo { [string ]$path; f() { [int] [string] $path="" } }' MissingThis 49
Describe 'Negative Assignment Tests' -Tags "CI" {
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [bool] Test() { return $false } [C] Get() { return $this } Set() {} }' DscResourceMissingKeyProperty 0
# Test method
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [C] Get() { return $this } Set() {} }' DscResourceMissingTestMethod 0
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [C] Get() { return $this } Set() {} Test() { } }' DscResourceMissingTestMethod 0
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [C] Get() { return $this } Set() {} [int] Test() { return 1 } }' DscResourceMissingTestMethod 0
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [C] Get() { return $this } Set() {} [bool] Test($a) { return $false } }' DscResourceMissingTestMethod 0
# Get method
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } Set() {} }' DscResourceMissingGetMethod 0
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } Set() {} Get() { } }' DscResourceInvalidGetMethod 98
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } Set() {} [int] Get() { return 1 } }' DscResourceInvalidGetMethod 98
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } Set() {} [C] Get($a) { return $this } }' DscResourceMissingGetMethod 0
# Set method
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } [C] Get() { return $this } }' DscResourceMissingSetMethod 0
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } [C] Get() { return $this } [int] Set() { return 1 } }' DscResourceMissingSetMethod 0
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } [C] Get() { return $this } Set($a) { } }' DscResourceMissingSetMethod 0
# Default ctor
ShouldBeParseError '[DscResource()]class C { [DscProperty(Key)][string]$Key; [bool] Test() { return $false } [C] Get() { return $this } Set() {} C($a) { } }' DscResourceMissingDefaultConstructor 0
Describe 'Negative DscResources Tests' -Tags "CI" {
# Usage errors
ShouldBeParseError '[Flags()]class C{}' AttributeNotAllowedOnDeclaration 0
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [Flags()]$field; }' AttributeNotAllowedOnDeclaration 10
ShouldBeParseError 'class C { [Flags()]foo(){} }' AttributeNotAllowedOnDeclaration 10
# Errors related to construction of the attribute
ShouldBeParseError '[UnknownAttr()]class C{}' CustomAttributeTypeNotFound 1
ShouldBeParseError '[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet()]class C{}' MethodCountCouldNotFindBest 0 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError '[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("zz")]class C{}' MethodCountCouldNotFindBest 0 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError '[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Thing", Prop=1)]class C{}' PropertyNotFoundForAttribute 53
ShouldBeParseError '[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Thing", ConfirmImpact="foo")]class C{}' CannotConvertValue 67 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError '[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Thing", NounName="foo")]class C{}' ReadOnlyProperty 53
ShouldBeParseError '[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Thing", ConfirmImpact=$zed)]class C{}' ParameterAttributeArgumentNeedsToBeConstant 67
ShouldBeParseError 'class C{ [ValidateScript({})]$p; }' ParameterAttributeArgumentNeedsToBeConstant 25
Describe 'Negative ClassAttributes Tests' -Tags "CI" {
[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Thing")]class C{}
$t = [C].GetCustomAttributes($false)
It "Should have one attribute" {$t.Count | should be 1}
It "Should have instance of CmdletAttribute" {$t[0].GetType().FullName | should be System.Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute }
[System.Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute]$c = $t[0]
It "Verb should be Get" {$c.VerbName | should be 'Get'}
It "Noun should be Thing" {$c.NounName | should be 'Thing'}
[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Thing", SupportsShouldProcess = $true, SupportsPaging = $true)]class C2{}
$t = [C2].GetCustomAttributes($false)
It "Should have one attribute" { $t.Count | should be 1 }
It "Should have instance of CmdletAttribute" { $t[0].GetType().FullName | should be System.Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute }
[System.Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute]$c = $t[0]
It "Verb should be Get" {$c.VerbName | should be 'Get'}
It "Noun should be Thing" {$c.NounName | should be 'Thing'}
It "SupportsShouldProcess should be $true" { $c.ConfirmImpact | should be $true }
It "SupportsPaging should be `$true" { $c.SupportsPaging | should be $true }
Context "Support ConfirmImpact as an attribute" {
It "ConfirmImpact should be high" -pending {
[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "Thing", ConfirmImpact = 'High', SupportsPaging = $true)]class C3{}
$t = [C3].GetCustomAttributes($false)
It "Should have one attribute" { $t.Count | should be 1 }
It "Should have instance of CmdletAttribute" { $t[0].GetType().FullName | should be System.Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute }
[System.Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute]$c = $t[0]
$c.ConfirmImpact | should be 'High'
Describe 'Property Attributes Test' -Tags "CI" {
class C { [ValidateSet('a', 'b')]$p; }
$t = [C].GetProperty('p').GetCustomAttributes($false)
It "Should have one attribute" { $t.Count | should be 1 }
[ValidateSet]$v = $t[0]
It "Should have 2 valid values" { $v.ValidValues.Count | should be 2 }
It "first value should be a" { $v.ValidValues[0] | should be 'a' }
It "second value should be b" { $v.ValidValues[1] -eq 'b' }
Describe 'Method Attributes Test' -Tags "CI" {
class C { [Obsolete("aaa")][int]f() { return 1 } }
$t = [C].GetMethod('f').GetCustomAttributes($false)
It "Should have one attribute" {$t.Count | should be 1 }
It "Attribute type should be ObsoleteAttribute" { $t[0].GetType().FullName | should be System.ObsoleteAttribute }
Describe 'Positive SelfClass Type As Parameter Test' -Tags "CI" {
class Point
Point($x, $y) { $this.x = $x; $this.y = $y }
Point() {}
[int] $x = 0
[int] $y = 0
Add([Point] $val) { $this.x += $val.x; $this.y += $val.y; }
Print() { Write-Host "[`$x=$($this.x) `$y=$($this.y)]" }
Set($x, $y) { $this.x = $x; $this.y = $y }
It "[Point]::Add works" {
$point = [Point]::new(100,200)
$point2 = [Point]::new(1,2)
$point.x | should be 101
$point.y | should be 202
It "[Point]::Add works" {
$point = New-Object Point 100,200
$point2 = New-Object Point 1,2
$point.x | should be 101
$point.y | should be 202
Describe 'PositiveReturnSelfClassTypeFromMemberFunction Test' -Tags "CI" {
class ReturnObjectFromMemberFunctionTest
[ReturnObjectFromMemberFunctionTest] CreateInstance()
return [ReturnObjectFromMemberFunctionTest]::new()
[string] SayHello()
return "Hello1"
$f = [ReturnObjectFromMemberFunctionTest]::new()
$z = $f.CreateInstance() # Line 13
It "CreateInstance works" { $z.SayHello() | should be 'Hello1' }
Describe 'TestMultipleArguments Test' -Tags "CI" {
if ( $IsCoreCLR ) { $maxCount = 14 } else { $maxCount = 16 }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $maxCount; $i++)
$properties = $(for ($j = 0; $j -le $i; $j++) {
" [int]`$Prop$j"
}) -join "`n"
$methodParameters = $(for ($j = 0; $j -le $i; $j++) {
}) -join ", "
$ctorAssignments = $(for ($j = 0; $j -le $i; $j++) {
" `$this.Prop$j = `$arg$j"
}) -join "`n"
$methodReturnValue = $(for ($j = 0; $j -le $i; $j++) {
}) -join " + "
$methodArguments = $(for ($j = 0; $j -le $i; $j++) {
}) -join ", "
$addUpProperties = $(for ($j = 0; $j -le $i; $j++) {
}) -join " + "
$expectedTotal = (0..$i | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
$class = @"
class Foo
[int] DoSomething($methodParameters)
return $methodReturnValue
`$inst = [Foo]::new($methodArguments)
`$sum = $addUpProperties
It "ExpectedTotal" { `$sum | should be $expectedTotal }
It "ExpectedTotal"{ `$inst.DoSomething($methodArguments) | should be $expectedTotal }
Invoke-Expression $class
Describe 'Scopes Test' -Tags "CI" {
class C1
static C1() {
$global:foo = $script:foo
C1() {
$script:bar = $global:foo
static [int] f1() {
return $script:bar + $global:bar
[int] f2() {
return $script:bar + $global:bar
Describe 'Check PS Class Assembly Test' -Tags "CI" {
class C1 {}
$assem = [C1].Assembly
$attrs = @($assem.GetCustomAttributes($true))
$expectedAttr = @($attrs | ? { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.DynamicClassImplementationAssemblyAttribute] })
It "Expected a DynamicClassImplementationAssembly attribute" { $expectedAttr.Length | should be 1}
Describe 'ScriptScopeAccessFromClassMethod' -Tags "CI" {
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\MSFT_778492.psm1"
$c = Get-MSFT_778492
It "Method should have found variable in module scope" { $c.F() | should be 'MSFT_778492 script scope'}
Remove-Module MSFT_778492
Describe 'Hidden Members Test ' -Tags "CI" {
class C1
hidden [int]$hiddenZ
# Create an instance
$instance = [C1]@{ visibleX = 10; visibleY = 12; hiddenZ = 42 }
It "Access hidden property should still work" { $instance.hiddenZ | should be 42 }
# Formatting should not include hidden members by default
$tableOutput = $instance | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize | Out-String
It "Table formatting should not have included hidden member hiddenZ - should contain 10" { $tableOutput.Contains(10) | should be $true}
It "Table formatting should not have included hidden member hiddenZ- should contain 12" { $tableOutput.Contains(12) | should be $true}
It "Table formatting should not have included hidden member hiddenZ - should not contain 42" { $tableOutput.Contains(42) | should be $false}
# Get-Member should not include hidden members by default
$member = $instance | Get-Member hiddenZ
it "Get-Member should not find hidden member w/o -Force" { $member | should be $null }
# Get-Member should include hidden members with -Force
$member = $instance | Get-Member hiddenZ -Force
It "Get-Member should find hidden member w/ -Force" { $member | should not be $null }
# Tab completion should not return a hidden member
$line = 'class C2 { hidden [int]$hiddenZ } [C2]::new().h'
$completions = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($line, $line.Length, $null)
It "Tab completion should not return a hidden member" { $completions.CompletionMatches.Count | should be 0 }
Describe 'BaseMethodCall Test ' -Tags "CI" {
It "Derived class method call" {"abc".ToString() | should be "abc" }
# call [object] ToString() method as a base class method.
It "Base class method call" {([object]"abc").ToString() | should be "System.String" }
Describe 'Scoped Types Test' -Tags "CI" {
class C1 { [string] GetContext() { return "Test scope" } }
filter f1
class C1 { [string] GetContext() { return "f1 scope" } }
return [C1]::new().GetContext()
filter f2
class C1 { [string] GetContext() { return "f2 scope" } }
return (new-object C1).GetContext()
It "New-Object at test scope" { (new-object C1).GetContext() | should be "Test scope" }
It "[C1]::new() at test scope" { [C1]::new().GetContext() | should be "Test scope" }
It "[C1]::new() in nested scope" { (f1) | should be "f1 scope" }
It "'new-object C1' in nested scope" { (f2) | should be "f2 scope" }
It "[C1]::new() in nested scope (in pipeline)" { (1 | f1 | f2 | f1) | should be "f1 scope" }
It "'new-object C1' in nested scope (in pipeline)" { (1 | f2 | f1 | f2) | should be "f2 scope" }
Describe 'ParameterOfClassTypeInModule Test' -Tags "CI" {
$sb = [scriptblock]::Create(@'
enum EE {one = 1}
function test-it([EE]$ee){$ee}
$mod = New-Module $sb -Name MSFT_2081529 | Import-Module
$result = test-it -ee one
It "Parameter of class/enum type defined in module should work" { $result | should be 1 }
Remove-Module -ea ignore MSFT_2081529
Describe 'Type building' -Tags "CI" {
It 'should build the type only once for scriptblock' {
$a = $null
1..10 | % {
class C {}
if ($a) {
$a -eq [C] | Should Be $true
$a = [C]
It 'should create a new type every time scriptblock executed?' -Pending {
$sb = [scriptblock]::Create('class A {static [int] $a }; [A]::new()')
1..2 | % {
$a = $sb.Invoke()[0]
++$a::a | Should Be 1
++$a::a | Should Be 2
Describe 'RuntimeType created for TypeDefinitionAst' -Tags "CI" {
It 'can make cast to the right RuntimeType in two different contexts' -pending {
$ssfe = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry]::new("foo", @'
class Base
[int] foo() { return 100 }
class Derived : Base
[int] foo() { return 2 * ([Base]$this).foo() }
$iss = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault2()
$ps = [powershell]::Create($iss)
$ps.AddCommand("foo").Invoke() | Should be 200
$ps.Streams.Error | Should Be $null
$ps1 = [powershell]::Create($iss)
$ps1.AddCommand("foo").Invoke() | Should be 200
$ps1.Streams.Error | Should Be $null
$ps.AddScript(". foo").Invoke() | Should be 200
$ps.Streams.Error | Should Be $null
Describe 'TypeTable lookups' -Tags "CI" {
Context 'Call methods from a different thread' {
$b = [powershell]::Create().AddScript(
class A {}
class B
[object] getA1() { return New-Object A }
[object] getA2() { return [A]::new() }
It 'can do type lookup by name' {
$b.getA1() | Should Be 'A'
It 'can do type lookup by [type]' {
$b.getA2() | Should Be 'A'
Describe 'Protected method access' -Tags "CI" {
Add-Type @'
namespace Foo
public class Bar
protected int x {get; set;}
It 'doesn''t allow protected methods access outside of inheritance chain' -pending {
$a = [scriptblock]::Create(@'
class A
SetX([Foo.Bar]$bar, [int]$x)
$bar.x = $x
[int] GetX([Foo.Bar]$bar)
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
return $bar.x
$bar = [Foo.Bar]::new()
$throwCount = 0
try {
$a.SetX($bar, 42)
} catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be PropertyAssignmentException
try {
} catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be PropertyNotFoundStrict
$throwCount | Should Be 2
It 'can call protected methods sequentially from two different contexts' {
$ssfe = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry]::new("foo", @'
class A : Foo.Bar
$this.x = $x
[int] GetX()
return $this.x
return [A]::new()
$iss = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
$ps = [powershell]::Create($iss)
$a = $ps.AddCommand("foo").Invoke()[0]
$ps.Streams.Error | Should Be $null
$ps1 = [powershell]::Create($iss)
$a1 = $ps1.AddCommand("foo").Invoke()[0]
$ps1.Streams.Error | Should Be $null
$a.GetX() | Should Be 101
$a1.GetX() | Should Be 103
Describe 'variable analysis' -Tags "CI" {
It 'can specify type construct on the local variables' {
class A { [string] getFoo() { return 'foo'} }
class B
static [A] getA ()
[A] $var = [A]::new()
return $var
[B]::getA().getFoo() | Should Be 'foo'
} finally {
$global:PSdefaultParameterValues = $defaultParamValues