Ilya a16fead0a5 Fix error position reporting on classes (#3103)
Interactive hosts expect an `IncompleteParseException` to signal that more input is expected.

When detecting errors, the parser can report 2 positions:
* where the error should be reported
* where the error was detected

Typically these are the same, so most error reporting methods have a single parameter.
For missing braces, the pattern is supposed to be to report the error after the opening brace, but the error is typically detected at the end of the file.

There were a few places where we were not consistent in reporting such errors, this PR corrects those places.
2017-02-13 16:45:00 -08:00

98 lines
3.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2015
Describe 'enums' -Tags "CI" {
Context 'basic enums' {
enum E1
It "has correct value 0" { [E1]::e0 | Should Be ([E1]0) }
It "has correct value 1" { [E1]::e1 | Should Be ([E1]1) }
It "has correct value 2" { [E1]::e2 | Should Be ([E1]2) }
It "cast from string" { [E1]::e1 | Should Be 'e1' }
It "cast to string" { 'e2' | Should Be ([E1]::e2) }
Context 'Basic enum with initial value' {
enum E2
e1 = 5
It "has correct value 0" { [E2]::e0 | Should Be ([E2]0) }
It "has correct value 5" { [E2]::e1 | Should Be ([E2]5) }
It "has correct value 6" { [E2]::e2 | Should Be ([E2]6) }
It "cast from string" { [E2]::e1 | Should Be 'e1' }
It "cast to string" { 'e2' | Should Be ([E2]::e2) }
Context 'Basic enum with initial value expression' {
enum E3
e1 = 5
e2 = [int]::MaxValue
e3 = 1 # This shouldn't be an error even though previous member was max int
It "has correct value 0" { [E3]::e0 | Should Be ([E3]0) }
It "has correct value 5" { [E3]::e1 | Should Be ([E3]5) }
It "has correct value [int]::MaxValue" { [E3]::e2 | Should Be ([E3]([int]::MaxValue)) }
It "has correct value 1" { [E3]::e3 | Should Be ([E3]1) }
It "cast from string" { [E3]::e2 | Should Be 'e2' }
It "cast to string" { 'e3' | Should Be ([E3]::e3) }
Context 'Enum with complicated initial value' {
enum E4
e0 = [E5]::e0 + 2
enum E5
e0 = [E6]::e0 + 2
# Don't add space after 'e0 ='! Fix #2543
enum E6
e0 =38
It 'E4 has correct value' { [E4]::e0 | Should Be ([E4]42) }
It 'E5 has correct value' { [E5]::e0 | Should Be ([E5]40) }
It 'E6 has correct value' { [E6]::e0 | Should Be ([E6]38) }
Describe 'Basic enum errors' -Tags "CI" {
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\LanguageTestSupport.psm1
AfterAll {
Remove-Module LanguageTestSupport
ShouldBeParseError 'enum' MissingNameAfterKeyword 4
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo' MissingTypeBody 8
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo {' MissingEndCurlyBrace 10
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { x = }' ExpectedValueExpression 14
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { x =' ExpectedValueExpression,MissingEndCurlyBrace 14,10
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo {} enum foo {}' MemberAlreadyDefined 12
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { x; x }' MemberAlreadyDefined 14 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { X; x }' MemberAlreadyDefined 14 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo1 { x = [foo2]::x } enum foo2 { x = [foo1]::x }' CycleInEnumInitializers,CycleInEnumInitializers 0,28 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = [int]::MaxValue; e2 }' EnumeratorValueTooLarge 33 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = [int]::MaxValue + 1 }' EnumeratorValueTooLarge 15 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = $foo }' EnumeratorValueMustBeConstant 15 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = "hello" }' CannotConvertValue 15 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError
ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { a;b;c;' MissingEndCurlyBrace 10