2016-05-16 19:40:31 -07:00

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2.6 KiB

Describe "ConvertTo-Csv DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
$inputObject = [pscustomobject]@{ First = 1; Second = 2 }
It "Test convertto-csv with psobject pipelined" {
$returnObject = $inputObject | ConvertTo-Csv
$returnObject.Count | Should Be 3
$returnObject[0] | Should Be "#TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject"
$returnObject[1] | Should Be "`"First`",`"Second`""
$returnObject[2] | Should Be "`"1`",`"2`""
It "Test convertto-csv with NoTypeInformation and psobject pipelined" {
$returnObject = $inputObject | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
$returnObject.Count | Should Be 2
$returnObject[0] | Should Be "`"First`",`"Second`""
$returnObject[1] | Should Be "`"1`",`"2`""
It "Test convertto-csv with a useculture flag" {
#The default value is ','
$returnObject = $inputObject | ConvertTo-Csv -UseCulture
$returnObject.Count | Should Be 3
$returnObject[0] | Should Be "#TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject"
$returnObject[1] | Should Be "`"First`",`"Second`""
$returnObject[2] | Should Be "`"1`",`"2`""
It "Test convertto-csv with Delimiter" {
#The default value is ','
$returnObject = $inputObject | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";"
$returnObject.Count | Should Be 3
$returnObject[0] | Should Be "#TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject"
$returnObject[1] | Should Be "`"First`";`"Second`""
$returnObject[2] | Should Be "`"1`";`"2`""
Describe "ConvertTo-Csv" {
$Name = "Hello"; $Data = "World";
$testObject = New-Object psobject -Property @{ FirstColumn = $Name; SecondColumn = $Data }
It "Should Be able to be called without error" {
{ $testObject | ConvertTo-Csv } | Should Not Throw
It "Should output an array of objects" {
$result = $testObject | ConvertTo-Csv
$result.GetType().BaseType.Name | Should Be "Array"
It "Should return the type of data in the first element of the output array" {
$result = $testObject | ConvertTo-Csv
$result[0] | Should Be "#TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject"
It "Should return the column info in the second element of the output array" {
$result = $testObject | ConvertTo-Csv
$result[1] | Should Match "`"FirstColumn`""
$result[1] | Should Match "`"SecondColumn`""
It "Should return the data as a comma-separated list in the third element of the output array" {
$result = $testObject | ConvertTo-Csv
$result[2] | Should Match "`"Hello`""
$result[2] | Should Match "`"World`""