
292 lines
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Describe "Measure-Object" {
$testObject = 1,3,4
It "Should be able to be called without error" {
{ Measure-Object | Out-Null } | Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to call on piped input" {
{ $testObject | Measure-Object } | Should Not Throw
It "Should be able to count the number of objects input to it" {
$($testObject | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be $testObject.Length
It "Should be able to count using the Property switch" {
$expected = $(Get-ChildItem $TestDrive).Length
$actual = $(Get-ChildItem $TestDrive | Measure-Object -Property Length).Count
$actual | Should Be $expected
Context "Numeric tests" {
It "Should be able to sum" {
$actual = $testObject | Measure-Object -Sum
$expected = 0
foreach ( $obj in $testObject )
$expected += $obj
$actual.Sum | Should Be $expected
It "Should be able to average" {
$actual = $testObject | Measure-Object -Average
$expected = 0
foreach ( $obj in $testObject )
$expected += $obj
$expected /= $testObject.length
$actual.Average | Should Be $expected
It "Should be able to return a minimum" {
$actual = $testObject | Measure-Object -Minimum
$expected = $testObject[0]
for ($i=0; $i -lt $testObject.length; $i++)
if ( $testObject[$i] -lt $expected )
$expected = $testObject[$i]
$actual.Minimum | Should Be $expected
It "Should be able to return a minimum when multiple objects are the minimum" {
$testMinimum = 1,1,2,4
$actual = $testMinimum | Measure-Object -Minimum
$expected = $testMinimum[0]
for ($i=1; $i -lt $testMinimum.length; $i++)
if ( $testMinimum[$i] -lt $expected )
$expected = $testMinimum[$i]
$actual.Minimum | Should Be $expected
It "Should be able to return a maximum" {
$actual = $testObject | Measure-Object -Maximum
$expected = $testObject[0]
for ($i=1; $i -lt $testObject.length; $i++)
if ( $testObject[$i] -gt $expected )
$expected = $testObject[$i]
$actual.Maximum | Should Be $expected
It "Should be able to return a maximum when multiple objects are the maximum" {
$testMaximum = 1,3,5,5
$actual = $testMaximum | Measure-Object -Maximum
$expected = $testMaximum[0]
for ($i=1; $i -lt $testMaximum.length; $i++)
if ( $testMaximum[$i] -gt $expected )
$expected = $testMaximum[$i]
$actual.Maximum | Should Be $expected
Context "String tests" {
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
$testString = "HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths,$nl Enwrought with golden and silver light,$nl The blue and the dim and the dark cloths$nl Of night and light and the half light,$nl I would spread the cloths under your feet:$nl But I, being poor, have only my dreams;$nl I have spread my dreams under your feet;$nl Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
It "Should be able to count the number of words in a string" {
$expectedLength = $testString.Replace($nl,"").Split().length
$actualLength = $testString | Measure-Object -Word
$actualLength.Words | Should Be $expectedLength
It "Should be able to count the number of characters in a string" {
$expectedLength = $testString.length
$actualLength = $testString | Measure-Object -Character
$actualLength.Characters | Should Be $expectedLength
It "Should be able to count the number of lines in a string" {
$expectedLength = $testString.Split($nl, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries).length
$actualLength = $testString | Measure-Object -Line
$actualLength.Lines | Should Be $expectedLength
Describe "Measure-Object DRT basic functionality" -Tags DRT{
BeforeAll {
if(-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'TestMeasureGeneric').Type)
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TestMeasureGeneric : uint
TestSum = 1,
TestAverage = 2,
TestMax = 4,
TestMin = 8
if(-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'TestMeasureText').Type)
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TestMeasureText : uint
TestIgnoreWS = 1,
TestCharacter = 2,
TestWord = 4,
TestLine = 8
$employees = [pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="joseph"; "LastName"="smith"; "YearsInMS"=15},
[pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="paul"; "LastName"="smith"; "YearsInMS"=15},
[pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="mary jo"; "LastName"="soe"; "YearsInMS"=5},
[pscustomobject]@{"FirstName"="edmund`todd `n"; "LastName"="bush"; "YearsInMS"=9}
It "Measure-Object with Generic enum value options combination should work"{
$flags = [TestMeasureGeneric]0
$property = "FirstName"
$testSum = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestSum) -gt 0
$testAverage = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestAverage) -gt 0
$testMax = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestMax) -gt 0
$testMin = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestMin) -gt 0
$result = $employees | Measure-Object -Sum:$testSum -Average:$testAverage -Max:$testMax -Min:$testMin -Prop $property
$result.Count | Should Be 4
$result.Sum | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Average | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Max | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Min | Should BeNullOrEmpty
for ($i = 1; $i -lt 8 * 2; $i++)
$flags = [TestMeasureGeneric]$i
$property = "YearsInMS"
$testSum = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestSum) -gt 0
$testAverage = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestAverage) -gt 0
$testMax = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestMax) -gt 0
$testMin = ($flags -band [TestMeasureGeneric]::TestMin) -gt 0
$result = $employees | Measure-Object -Sum:$testSum -Average:$testAverage -Max:$testMax -Min:$testMin -Prop $property
$result.Count | Should Be 4
$result.Sum | Should Be 44
$result.Sum | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Average | Should Be 11
$result.Average | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Maximum | Should Be 15
$result.Maximum | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Minimum | Should Be 5
$result.Minimum | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Measure-Object with Text combination should work"{
for ($i = 1; $i -lt 8 * 2; $i++)
$flags = [TestMeasureText]$i
$property = "FirstName"
$testIgnoreWS = ($flags -band [TestMeasureText]::TestIgnoreWS) -gt 0
$testCharacter = ($flags -band [TestMeasureText]::TestCharacter) -gt 0
$testWord = ($flags -band [TestMeasureText]::TestWord) -gt 0
$testLine = ($flags -band [TestMeasureText]::TestLine) -gt 0
$result = $employees | Measure-Object -IgnoreWhiteSpace:$testIgnoreWS -Character:$testCharacter -Word:$testWord -Line:$testLine -Prop $property
$result.Characters | Should Be 25
$result.Characters | Should Be 29
$result.Characters | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Words | Should Be 6
$result.Words | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$result.Lines | Should Be 4
$result.Lines | Should BeNullOrEmpty
It "Measure-Object with multiple lines should work"{
$result = "123`n4"|measure-object -line
$result.Lines | Should Be 2